Zenyatta delivered a healthy filly by Medaglia d’Oro. Photo by Alys Emson/Lane’s End Farm
It’s a girl!
We couldn’t be more excited to announce that Zenyatta delivered a filly by Medaglia d’Oro tonight at 8:50 pm. Both mare and filly are in excellent health.
Check back soon for more photos of Zenyatta and her little girl.
Cherie D. Arnold
relieved to hear the news….blessings to Zenyatta and new baby girl !!!
They both are beautiful!! I see a great filly on the race track winning!
Best news. Congrats to Z and her people. Wonderful looking filly.
13, you called it correctly.
Thank you, Max.
Kathryn Gregory
Congratulations and blessings ?
Annette Kirby, Texas
Fantastic! Thanks for the news!
Pat Beck
How happy I and I’m sure all of us are! Love you always, My Queen, and all your beautiful babies!
Beautiful filly! Looks like her mom! Congrats Queen Z!
Wow, what a surprise! Congratulations Zenyatta!! She is adorable!
Jennifer Brown
Aww the new princess Z finally arrive. She so cute. I wonder what cosmic one and ziconic been up to
LouAnn Miller
Congratulations Zenny! A beautiful little filly!

Linda Anding
Congratulations!! Too sweet! Zenyatta is amazing and so loving!
Much happiness, love and good health to both!
Joanie Murray
Congratulations to all! How exciting!
Hooray!!! So excited and happy for her!!
M Jo Lung
What a blessing. Congratulations to Zenyatta and team Z……very well done.
Sharon DeGroat
Janet Newman
Welcome little girl!
Barb Longphee
Congratulations, Z! A beautiful filly! I love her and she was born on my birthday, a precious gift!
Congrats Zenny! I knew it that she will deliver this week i just had a hunch…
Donna Alsabrook
OH HAPPY DAY! What a beautiful little girl. Our prayers were answered. Can’t wait for more pics.
So happy for all, especially Anne, Zenny and the little princess.
The best news ever. They are both healthy.
Lorraine Fitzpatrick
Congratulations Zenyatta and Madaglia d’oro! A beautiful filly!! So happy for everyone…
BJ Buchanan
She is beautiful. Best of luck to all.
Happy Birthday little princess and welcome to the world! We send you all our love and kisses, precious Zenyatta and babe!!
Jo Anne Yuhnke
Julie from Kokomo
Joyful news!
Meaghan Edwards
Congrats! What a little angel she is.
How wonderful! So glad both Mom and Daughter are doing well. We have another Princess! Blessed Be!
Cindi Garringer
What wonderful welcome news!! Thank you!!
Ken Hamilton
Congratulations all around!
Diana Hanson
Wow cannot wait for the photos! I bet she is a looker! Congrats Queen Z….