VERSAILLES, KY — (April 11, 2016) Zenyatta delivered her fourth foal last night, April 10. She broke water at approximately 9:00 pm and foaled at 9:24 pm, delivering a handsome bay colt by War Front. We are just enamored with him, and so is Zenyatta.
For the most part Zenyatta’s foaling was uneventful and by the book, however the foal was born meconium stained. Meconium staining is an occasional event at foaling in which aspiration can occur, irritating the lungs. As a precaution and on the recommendation of the attending veterinarians, both mare and foal were taken to the clinic for close observation and treatment.
Zenyatta is bright and alert and is in excellent health following the foaling. She and her foal are in good spirits and developing a strong bond. As always, she is a great mother. Currently the foal can stand and move around the stall with minimal assistance. The pair will stay at the clinic where they will get the best possible care and attention. The foal will be watched closely for 48 hours for any changes. If he continues to do well, both Zenyatta and her foal will be able to return to the farm shortly.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Lane’s End staff, veterinarians and everyone who provided such excellent care for Zenyatta and her new colt.
Team Z

Jo in CO
Beautiful! So thrilled for all. Hope everything goes well the next couple of days and Zenyatta and the foal prince will be back at Lane’s End soon.
Thank you for sharing. How kind you are to Camp Z fans!
Pamela Manzer
Congratulations to the new mommy and the connections of Zenyatta !!! What a beautiful colt. Love and Kisses
Wonderful! I checked the blog earlier this morning and felt this sad. . . no news. Now here he is! Thanks so much for the pictures, the updates, and making us fans feel like we’re a part of Z’s life. We love her so much. And who couldn’t love a foal? Kisses, little guy.
Congratulations!!! Love & Joy is what I feel, thank you for sharing it all with us!!!xoxoxoZ,CoZ,Ziconic,ZPrincessAngel&Zbabe16
Rose McCutcheon
Wow, much love directed at Zenyatta and baby foal. This brought tears of joy for her and her great family. Love is such a wonderful thing…
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, Team Z, Lanes End and Kyle:
Thank you for the beautiful photos and for letting us know how Z and her beautiful new Prince are doing. Will look forward to them returning home to Lane’s End soon. Thank you for always making us fans a part of Z and her babies lives. He is just gorgeous. Love and Hugs, JB
Marilu Villanueva
Thank you for the beautiful picture of mom and baby. I am happy and relieved they are both doing well.
Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Moss for sharing the news with us. Thank you team Z.
Love and hugs to Mom and baby.
Marilu Villanueva
Thank you Lord for prayers answered.
We have been praying for her safe delivery and for her baby.
Love and Hugs to Mom and Baby Z.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
love the pics. Z16 is just too cute.
cont prayers for them. hugZ
Jane Cabrinha
Oh, what a beautiful little guy he is. That FACE!!! Tears came. Praying everything will go just fine. Zenyatta is so fantastic with her foals. Love and wishing the best for you both.
Suzanne Hooper
Congratulations!! Gorgeous colt and glad to hear he is doing well. Sending best wishes to Zenyatta, her new son and everyone connected to this wonderful mare.
Lori Stein
Praying all goes well for baby Z and so happy the big mare is well!!
No one has prettier foals than Z. Absolutely adorable! Be happy, be strong, be fast sweet boy.
Jan Mitchell
Congratulations! He’s a big handsome boy!
Gail Allensworth
It is great to see Zenyatta and her new colt. I am glad that precautionary measures were taken to assure the safety of the new boy. Prayers that they are returned to Lane’s End soon.
Linda Hoke
This colt has some length of neck on him and a sweet face and soft eye. I’m totally envious of Ann being there to bond with him but love the photo of her with Zenyatta’s little prince. Thank you to team Z for the updates and photos.
So excited for you all — what a precious colt!! Love to Mom, baby and you all!!
beauty! congratulations!
Congratulations to Zenatta, her handsome new baby, and all their connections. Wishes for a healthy start to life for both.
Thanks to all of Team Z for the photos and information. What a blessing that Ann was able to stay until the little boy was born. Such a sweet picture of her and him together. Not familiar with the condition that sent them to the clinic but hope they are both feeling good and will be back at the farm to run in the blue grass soon.
Ricka Smith
This is a beautiful foal – good to hear that you’re treating him and Zenny with an abundance of caution and hope that everything goes well … We know you will keep us posted with up-dates, and we’ll be lighting candles for this baby boy and Zenny as well.
Shannon From Cool
Another day to celebrate. Congratulations. I am thrilled. Hope the little feller rallies quickly and storms the pastures has his siblings did.
Kim Shields
Congratulations to our Favorite Mare!!!
We are praying for strong health for both of you .
Taylor Embs sends her love and excitement !!!
As do the rest of Sterling Shields Stables in Westfield IN .
stephanie bentley
Just breathtaking!
Kathryn Dube
Hooray! Congrats to all!
Faithful Zenyatta Supporter
Aww, loved seeing Ann with her new grandbaby. Should warm up in a couple of days here in KY for Zenny and cutie pie to go outside. Love to Team Z as usual.
JJ the TV Watcher
So happy to hear that Zenyatta is doing well. A little worried for the foal though – praying that he thrives. He sure is a cutie!
Judy Wucherer
Tear of Joy!!! He is as Beautiful as his proud mother! ♡♡♡ BLESSINGS ☆
So cute!! I wonder how much he weighed?
Janie in L.A.
What a precious cutie pie!! I am so happy for Zenyatta that she has a new baby to nuzzle. Congratulations to everyone!