VERSAILLES, KY — (April 11, 2016) Zenyatta delivered her fourth foal last night, April 10. She broke water at approximately 9:00 pm and foaled at 9:24 pm, delivering a handsome bay colt by War Front. We are just enamored with him, and so is Zenyatta.
For the most part Zenyatta’s foaling was uneventful and by the book, however the foal was born meconium stained. Meconium staining is an occasional event at foaling in which aspiration can occur, irritating the lungs. As a precaution and on the recommendation of the attending veterinarians, both mare and foal were taken to the clinic for close observation and treatment.
Zenyatta is bright and alert and is in excellent health following the foaling. She and her foal are in good spirits and developing a strong bond. As always, she is a great mother. Currently the foal can stand and move around the stall with minimal assistance. The pair will stay at the clinic where they will get the best possible care and attention. The foal will be watched closely for 48 hours for any changes. If he continues to do well, both Zenyatta and her foal will be able to return to the farm shortly.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Lane’s End staff, veterinarians and everyone who provided such excellent care for Zenyatta and her new colt.
Team Z

Vicki B. (near the old Hollywood Park)
Delia Lee
Do we know what the weight was at birth?
Her and those baby boys!! Ahaha he’s beautiful Zenny! Congrats to the new, 4th time, mama and everyone at Lanes End!!
Jeniffer Harrison
Finally, and a handsome fellow he is
Wtg Zenyatta
Janet Newman
So happy and grateful that the foal is here and both are being well taken care of, first by the Lane’s End crew and now at the clinic. May there be many healthy and wonderful days ahead for Zenyatta, her handsome colt and Team Z.
Aimee Gegg
Call of Z?
War Zone?
Beautiful , beautiful colt!
Who is Zenyatta breeding to next, Galileo/ Sea the Stars would bring some international blood which could work well with Z’s bloodlines…?
Sophia Gates
Oh he’s absolutely gorgeous! Look at those ears!
Darlene Daniels
Thank God Zenny is ok and this handsome little guy will be fine. He is in the best of hands. Thank you Team Z for keeping us all informed. Congratulations again!
Debbie Gamble
Congratulations on the new arrival! (Was *hoping* for another filly — making it 2 and 2 — but, as long as it’s healthy, that’s the main thing.)
Next up — an appropriate name.
Liza G. Fly
He is beautiful. Congratulations to all!
Sandra Frey
Congratulations! I am so thrilled to hear this news and that all is well! He looks like Zenyatta! The blaze and he has her ears!!! So in love with this sweet boy! Sending my love to all connections!
Blessings, joy and love,
Aunt Sandy
He’s such a handsome little man! You can see what a great momma Z is to her babies. And I love the picture of Ann with him…so much love there all around. I’m sure little Z man will be fine and home in a few days.
janet luzell
CONGRATULATIONS ZENYATTA!!!! He is beautiful. Hope all goes well at the clinic for Zenny and baby. He looks just like momma. We’ll be praying for you both. THANK YOU MR. AND MR MOSS AND TEAM Z. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU.
Congrat’s Zenyatta,good job big mama! Best wish’s to you and your lil colt! :-)) <3 (((warm big hUggg'ss for you both)))??
Yvonne Splichal
Congratulations to everyone!!! What a cute son you have, sweet Zenny! A new addition to the family! I love you!
Sally Blank
I am so happy and relieved for Zenyatta and thrilled for the good news that both are doing well. I knew I’d see a picture of Ann with this Z16prince! It is her love she gives.
He does have Z’s ears for sure and he is so sweet and gorgeous. Thank you every one at Lane’s End!
love you with kisses and all your sons
Auntie Sally B
So much Joy for all of you and all of us out here who love her too!
Mary in Boone
A Queen gives birth when She feels the time is correct. Zenny, that new boy looks so much like You, especially those kissable ears!!!! You and your baby are in the right place, for it is advisable to be safe. Don’t worry, You will soon return to the farm so all can adore You and the babe.
Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Moss for sharing these photos and words with us. Mrs. Moss, I see you are providing your excellent nursing skills you have used with Zenny and each of her foals. Kyle, I love these photos. Thank you Team Z and Team Lane’s End for all you do!!
Love to ALL,
Mary in Boone
Thank you Team Z for telling us the wonderful news and even the bobble. Kudos to the ever alert staff at LE’s for all they do. And knowing what to do to help babe and mom. Z looks as enamored as ever! So grateful for the news.
Baby stats please! How much did Princesses brother weigh? And I guess he really is a Prince since his FULL sister was a Princess.
Standing by for news as you feel pertinent to share.
Laurie in Oregon
Yea!! What a handsome dude :) Praying that all continues well for Z and baby boy.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks so much for the update and the wonderful pictures. I think we all live to see Ann in the stall with the new baby and somehow imagine ourselves there! So sorry that there were some anxious moments, but we know that Zenny and baby boy are getting the best of care. Sending prayers and good wishes that the time at the clinic is uneventful and they will be back at the farm and running around the paddock soon!
sue and tony
Praise be God for this little miracle who was so loved before he was born! We are thankful that he is getting the best of care and that our Queen is in excellent health.
To the Mosses, you are so kind and generous with Zenny’s fans. Here we are…6 years after her retirement and still madly in love with her and her family.
SO true, Sue and Tony!
Congratulations Zenyatta! You’re handsome boy looks just like you. Happy to hear that all is going well with the both of you!
Goodness! What a handsome boy and he looks alot like his mama. Congratulations to all on the new addition to the family!
Macario Carrillo
I think that a good name for him that would incorporate both parents would be “Zen Of War”. I realize this is a little early to make a suggestion.
Zenny, I hope you have a more restful evening tonight so you will be ready to run after your new baby boy. He just looks like he will be full of energy and ready to get up and go. LOVE you Zenny
Laurie in Oregon
Do we know what this little gentleman weights? Just curious Z appears to have big babies.
What a beauty! Wow, he’s still wet from birth! Thanks so much for the photos. We love them!
He is stunning-please leave Z be now. No more babies for her, she looked so tired after this handsome love. Let her be the beatifiul mare she is and live her life out. Gold bless her and this handsome babe.
She is a young, healthy mare who from every report given about her, adores foals. Not just her own but any foal she shares a paddock with, which is rare in a mare.
May she she blessed with more healthy foals and the chance to stamp her greatness into the breed.
Deb E.
Awwwww, you see how much Zenyatta loves him.