VERSAILLES, KY — (April 11, 2016) Zenyatta delivered her fourth foal last night, April 10. She broke water at approximately 9:00 pm and foaled at 9:24 pm, delivering a handsome bay colt by War Front. We are just enamored with him, and so is Zenyatta.
For the most part Zenyatta’s foaling was uneventful and by the book, however the foal was born meconium stained. Meconium staining is an occasional event at foaling in which aspiration can occur, irritating the lungs. As a precaution and on the recommendation of the attending veterinarians, both mare and foal were taken to the clinic for close observation and treatment.
Zenyatta is bright and alert and is in excellent health following the foaling. She and her foal are in good spirits and developing a strong bond. As always, she is a great mother. Currently the foal can stand and move around the stall with minimal assistance. The pair will stay at the clinic where they will get the best possible care and attention. The foal will be watched closely for 48 hours for any changes. If he continues to do well, both Zenyatta and her foal will be able to return to the farm shortly.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Lane’s End staff, veterinarians and everyone who provided such excellent care for Zenyatta and her new colt.
Team Z

Oh wonderful!! He looks similar to the Queen. Glad all is well. Thank you for the updates!
Delores Baker
He is beautiful. Great job Mommy Zenyatta. My prayers are with you and Team Z. Thank you for sharing this wonderful occasion. Love you lots precious Zenyatta and your adorable boy.
Worth every min. of the wait. Got to love those ears, and the blaze a good combo of both Z and War Front. Welcome to your new world pretty boy. Thank you Lanes End and team Z for making us a part of there life’s.
What a beautiful boy. Congrats!!!
Congratulations Zenyatta and Team Z! What a lovely new prince we have, he is just gorgeous. Praying for an uneventful next few days so mom and baby can go back home quickly. Thank you so much for the updates.
He looks just like Zenny, he was worth the wait. Prayers for Zenny and her Little Prince that the next 48 hours are uneventful. Thank You Team Z for always putting Zenny and her boys, health and well being before everything else.
Catherine Wells
Thank you, team Zenyatta and the Mosses, for remembering Zenyatta’s many fans! The new colt is beautiful, congratulations!
susie cartwright
Oh my goodness I’m so happy!! I have another nephew! Love to all of you!
Brenda Springer
Much love to Zenny and her new colt, they are bonding well by the looks of things from the pictures. Mom’s ears are very evident. Looking forward to them going home soon.
Cindy Thomas
What a gorgeous colt! So relieved that he finally made it into the world safely! I hope that all is uneventful at the clinic so Z and her colt can go back to the farm! Looking forward to watching him grow! Thank you for sharing the details of his birth and the photos Team Z! <3
Lynn Meier
Congratulations Zenny and Team Z and Lane’s End. I’m thrilled to finally see him.
In 2014 I had my photo taken with War Front in my travels to KY. It was such a special moment on my vacation.
Thank you all for all the updates on this journey with beautiful Zenny.
.. California near Santa Anita … Lynn
The Kennedys in San Diego
BRAVISSIMA, ZENYATTA! He is simply beautiful! And he has your gorgeous blaze and ears. Congratulations Zenyatta, War Front, the Mosses, and all The Queen’s connections.
Teresa in So. CA
HOORAY!!! Pour the Guinness!!! Thank you so very much Kyle Acebo and Team Z for all the great pictures. Anticipating your arrival back to the farm.
Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Moss for your generosity for us fans!!! We love them!
OK, back to my life…. I’d rather be in yours! LOL GREAT NEWS ZENYATTA!!!
Carole Milby
Great news! Another beautiful colt!
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Good job Zenny he’s just beautiful and has the famiies ears!! So glad all precautions were taken and both of you are doing great. Thank you to the Mosses and the team for sharing him with us and so much of her life. Looking forward to the updates. Kisses on your nose and Z16’s.
Janis Grimaldi
Gorgeous boy looks just like his Mom.
Congratulations Zenyatta!!! He is a beauty and born on my late dad’s birthday!! :)
lin volk
Have been on foal watch; So happy to hear all’s well; Congratulations to all; Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures and happy news. What a handsome little guy. Look forward to watching him grow.
Deloris Donahoo
We’ll have been watching every day for two weeks. She is very beautiful and now her colt is just as beautiful, will be happy to see them running together in their pasture. Thanks for sharing with us.
Ellen R
Thank you to Team Z for the news and photos.
Hoping for all the best for mama and baby and looking forward to seeing more pictures of the little guy on his feet and running with his mom soon…
(I always enjoy seeing the photos of Ann right there in the straw with the new foals: I appreciate how “hands on” she is :))
He is
a beauty and the spittin’ image of his Queen Mom! Congrats to all!
He’s beautiful…oh wait, make that handsome…
Wendy Treadaway
He’s beautiful! Looks a lot like Mom, esp. the ears! Hope all progresses well. As always thank you to Team Z, the Mosses, and Lane’s End for keeping us in the loop We all appreciate it so much. :)
Wendy O
It doesn’t feel quite complete until we see a picture of Ann and the little one imprinting on one another. :D As always, I am absolutely delighted by seeing the love in the royal family.
Dear Team Z.It was certainly worth the long wait to see this beautiful colt the image of his mother.I will be keeping them in my prayers until they are both back home safe.Thank you at Lane’s End for your loving care of Zenyatta.Sending my love and best wishes to Ann and Jerry Moss for always keeping us up to date with everything Zenyatta.Something very rare in the thoroughbred world.Come home soon sweetheart with your precious little one.Love and hugs SheenaX
Amy Samonds
What wonderful news! Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful moment with us!
He’s beautiful, just like his mommy ???
Kim Noble
Congratulations everyone! So relieved Zenny is OK and hope our baby will be fine soon. Love him so much already!
So happy she has delivered. I will pray for Z and her colt that all will be okay. It is wonderful she and colt having such wonderful care. Thank you again Ann and Jerry and the team for sharing Z and her babies with us. I always love the pictures of Z with Ann and Jerry….and love seeing the bond between Ann and Z….it is heartwarming.
Thank you Team Z and the Mosses for sharing this wonderful event with the Queen’s fans. Looking forward to Z and her baby’s return in short order. He is beautiful !!