VERSAILLES, KY — (April 11, 2016) Zenyatta delivered her fourth foal last night, April 10. She broke water at approximately 9:00 pm and foaled at 9:24 pm, delivering a handsome bay colt by War Front. We are just enamored with him, and so is Zenyatta.
For the most part Zenyatta’s foaling was uneventful and by the book, however the foal was born meconium stained. Meconium staining is an occasional event at foaling in which aspiration can occur, irritating the lungs. As a precaution and on the recommendation of the attending veterinarians, both mare and foal were taken to the clinic for close observation and treatment.
Zenyatta is bright and alert and is in excellent health following the foaling. She and her foal are in good spirits and developing a strong bond. As always, she is a great mother. Currently the foal can stand and move around the stall with minimal assistance. The pair will stay at the clinic where they will get the best possible care and attention. The foal will be watched closely for 48 hours for any changes. If he continues to do well, both Zenyatta and her foal will be able to return to the farm shortly.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Lane’s End staff, veterinarians and everyone who provided such excellent care for Zenyatta and her new colt.
Team Z

What an amazing foal, he’s gorgeous.
Terry starr
What a beautiful baby! So glad Mama is OK and looking forward to watching this young man grow up at her side. Lane’s End Staff: Good job. Now get some sleep!
Amber Carlton
So beautiful!
Kalar Walters
She is such a good mama! So glad they’re both okay! May it stay that way! Blessings to all who love and care for them! ♥
What a beautiful baby boy!!!
Congratulations on the addition to the Zenyatta family!!
Janis OConnor
He is zentastic and the mirror image of Mom!
MaryAnn Donahue
To Janis ~ Zentastic is a fantastic word!
Jeanine Tubbs
To Janis, I think ‘Zentastic Command’ would be a great name as long as it meets the Racing Association naming requirements!! How can we present this possible name to the Z Team for consideration???
Maureen phil-lips
Totally agree. Zentastic sounds awesome and should be his name.!!. ‘And here comes Zentastic with his mothers famous late kick to win the race.’.. I can just hear the announcer breathlessly say!!. Yeah to Prince Zentastic! . It is well.
Bianca Demont
They should call him Treaty of Versailles.
elyse Mach
Congratulations and blessings to all !!!!! What a beautiful, beautiful boy!
Betty in Tampa
Congrats on the much anticipated arrival of Z16. So glad Zenyatta and her colt are receiving some extra care and hope to see pics of them in the paddock soon. Thanks for sharing so much with us, the pictures are so appreciated. He is such a precious and beautiful foal — looks so much like Mama Z and while his blaze is similar to Z’s, it does appear to have the “Dancer’s” curve into one side of his nose! Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Moss for your generosity in sharing Zenyatta with all of us and much thanks to Lane’s End and the entire Z Team for the love and care you give to Z and her foals.
Looking forward to the next update!
Ann NC
The Dancer is back! BlaZen Dancer.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Too cute! Love and Hugs, JB
Rose Bandura
Awwww!!! So sweet!
Giddy Up!! ??
Kaye Middler
At last was wondering since she had dropped a bit in the last photos. Hope she someday has another filly.
Joan Ewing
Congratulations to all connection’s. A beautiful colt. Much appreciated by all.
She just had her foal, and has a halter on. Why? Take it off and let her relax, people!
Given the fact that they were getting the van ready to transport her and the colt to the vet clinic they were going to need her to have a halter on.
She almost always has a halter on. Most horses at big farms do, for several reasons. In the foaling stall, a halter can be very useful if the mare has to be walked, if she is receiving antibiotics, if she’s being milked, or if she has to be held while her foal receives attention. It is useful to have a halter in case of any emergency. Also, there are lots of horses at Lane’s End or any other big farm. The staff do not have the time to take halters off and put them on. The halter is also the horse’s ID. Granted Zenyatta is famous and many people would know her without a halter, but that can’t be said of all horses, especially the ones that are some shade of brown.
Linda in NJ
Hi Zenny
So happy for you. What a beautiful, handsome boy!!!!
Continue to feel better. We love you!!
Kathy Bube
He iss beautiful!
Linda in NJ
Look at those ears!!! Don’t you love them!
Francine Iuliucci
So happy to hear the good news!! He is so handsome and I know Momma Z is happy to have him. Thanks for the update and sweet pictures!! God Bless all!
Suzanne Parent (in Maine)
Look at those beautiful eyes and lashes! He seems to have his Mother’s ears as well. Congratulations Mr. & Mrs Moss, Team Zenyatta & Lane End’s Staff on another job well done! Thanks again for sharing your pride and joy with us all!
Suzanne Parent in Portland, Me
How wonderful to see this adorable colt has finally made his appearance and he is a beautiful boy!! It makes me happy to know the colt and Zenyatta are receiving the very best care and I am so grateful to Team Z for continuing to share the life of our Queen and her family with all of us. Sending prayers and good wishes for the foal to be completely healthy and soon able to return to Lane’s End to frolic in the paddock with Zenyatta. Thank you, Team Z.
Jan Overman
Sigh of relief and flood of joy…..Zenny delivers in her own time a genetic gift to the world! Since both parents are especially strong, robust individuals, this colt will follow in their foot(hoof) steps. Having the top expert care in the US puts him in position for the most promising outcome. With all of us nervous aunties cheering him on, we hope to see him in the paddock soon……..Optimism in my heart, Jan from LA
April 12 Cherokee Devotional
What has the moon got to do with anything, including romantic notions? More than we can know. I was proud of my beautiful green garden with straight rows of vegetables growing-I thought I could grow anything I wished. The beautiful green rows proved to be just that-no root vegetables, no beets, potatoes, radishes-just little wisps of roots for all the work. Than an old Indian told me to plant my root vegetables in the dark of the moon. Why? No idea, but he was right.
Little things count-and sometimes wisdom is so simple that we don’t want to pay attention to it. Often we ignore the truth and wisdom of simple people; we feel truth can come only from someone famous, a great orator, or maybe someone on TV. Instead, listen to those who carefully observe the world around them, who know how the moon affects growing plants, who seek the Spirit in every little, living thing.
God made roots and berries to gather, and the Indians grew and multiplied as a people.
-Meninock, Yakima
Ms Scoprio1
So glad that both Zenyatta & her Colt are doing well !! He;s so gorgeous. Those big bright eyes really stand out. So happy for the Moss’s as well. Love from Texas.
Fran W.
I think Ann and Jerry should really consider the name Zentastic as it radiates the beautiful and wonderful mother!
Elena Erdman
Zennys colt is so beautiful. The blaze, the eyes…oh oh what a joy to see him. Mama Is so very loving. Thank you so much for sharing these pictures. Makes me smile every time I look at them and it is often. Congrats to Ann and Jerry and team Z. God bless all of you and specially Z16 who is loved by so many and he is brand new. Queen Z must feel wonderful having her colt so close by.
Marcie Loffredo
Congratulations to Zenyatta, baby and her connections. Beautiful little boy…..wishing health and happiness to all.
Joyce Hennessey
Mind “racing” all night..thinking of baby names for Z16…
Ann’s Zee
Zaftig Bay
Zane Bay
And in the spirit of fun…those ears!,, Zumbo….just kidding he is beautiful.
Also loved other suggestion: Treaty of Versailles from Bianca
Zen Master
Dear Kathy.I am one of those simple folk getting pleasure out of the little things in life.I pray Zenyatta and new colt are doing well and will be home soon.He’s a beautiful boy and she a loving mother as always.It’s a sunny day in Wales Glesni is calling for food and Monty,as usual,is taking no notice!They have raised over £13,000 now towards the camera appeal.The foreign office have employed their own Chief Mouser called Palmerston.He’s from Battersea dogs and cats home same as his neighbour in no 10 Larry.Should be fun when they get together.Lovely pic of Boo’s sister.I had to laugh someone told her she’ll even grow to be bigger than Blue.Felix has had some great fanmail and more treats.I was watching a video on Viktor’s page(who is receiving criticism lately)It was about a dog called Linda who’s fear of humans killed her in the end.She had lived on the streets for years only weighed 12 kilos and had a 14 kilo tumour removed but died on the operating table yesterday.We still have had no good news yet about Mr No Ears it’s been 7 months now.Hope Nikko was more settled last night I remember getting up at all hours to see to Katie.Hope you have a good day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Dear Sheena,
It’s true that the best things in life are free. Love the pics of Zenyatta and her new colt. Absolutely precious! I hope Glesni gets something to eat soon! Glad so much money has been raised. Chief Mouser is a very important-sounding title! We’ll want updates! Loving the pics of Boo with the baby. I’m anxious to see her face. God bless Felix. Yay for the treats! Sad news about Linda. And poor Mr No Ears. That’s terrible. Nikko had a pretty good night last night. Have a good day. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Beautiful colt and Momma! Thank you, Team Z, for keeping us updated…..what a wonderful event. Holding good thoughts for for ZBaby this morning.
Holly Noble
Absolutely adorable pair !! Thank you to all connections and thank you for the great pictures !! God bless them both !!!
what a beautiful baby, thanks to Jerry and Ann Moss for letting us in on this, they make us feel like part of the team