VERSAILLES, KY — (April 11, 2016) Zenyatta delivered her fourth foal last night, April 10. She broke water at approximately 9:00 pm and foaled at 9:24 pm, delivering a handsome bay colt by War Front. We are just enamored with him, and so is Zenyatta.
For the most part Zenyatta’s foaling was uneventful and by the book, however the foal was born meconium stained. Meconium staining is an occasional event at foaling in which aspiration can occur, irritating the lungs. As a precaution and on the recommendation of the attending veterinarians, both mare and foal were taken to the clinic for close observation and treatment.
Zenyatta is bright and alert and is in excellent health following the foaling. She and her foal are in good spirits and developing a strong bond. As always, she is a great mother. Currently the foal can stand and move around the stall with minimal assistance. The pair will stay at the clinic where they will get the best possible care and attention. The foal will be watched closely for 48 hours for any changes. If he continues to do well, both Zenyatta and her foal will be able to return to the farm shortly.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Lane’s End staff, veterinarians and everyone who provided such excellent care for Zenyatta and her new colt.
Team Z

SO glad to hear this wonderful news! What a handsome boy!
Lynn Martin
My thoughts and prayers are with you, Zenyatta, and your handsome baby! Thank you, Team Z, for all your generous information. I will eagerly wait for updates.
Zenyattafornia Chrome 185
OH MY GOODNESS ZENNY! Hes is just as beautiful as you are. I know all our hearts are aching because he looks soo muck like Z Princess did. Waiting for her site to crash!
Well, he was worth the wait! What a sweet face! I’m glad every precaution was taken to protect these two priceless souls.
Barbara Wood
You all know how much we would all love to be there and wish that were possible. Prayers of thanks for safety and continued healing for mom and baby. Thank you so much, LE and Team Z for reporting so promptly.
Karen in Ohio
Congratulations Zenyatta and Team. He is absolutely beautiful!!
Patricia Diers
Awwww….another beautiful foal….Hope both are back to health and back to the farm soon!
Doreen in CT
It is good to hear that Zenny and baby are doing fine. Hopefully the next 48 hours are uneventful. Once again, congratulations to Zenny and the Mosses, and to Team Z and the vets and their staff for taking great care of the Queen and her handsome prince.
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
Welcome little one! Will say a little prayer for you. Hope you and Mom Z are home to LE soon.
I just checked the DRF and it had the news about the birth! Hurray!
Congratulations to Zenyatta on the birth of her new son. She takes to motherhood like the champ she was.
Hope Mom and baby stay well so they can go back home and enjoy the new baby’s first turn out. What a handsome little guy-looks like he will take strongly after Zenyatta with her ears and an almost identical blaze.
Especially Horses/ So Cal
He’s beautiful. So glad for all the care Lane’s End provided for Zeny and 16Z. Can’t wait for them both to return home.
Donna H
Oh, I love him already!!! He has the sweetest face just like his precious mom. It’s obvious she is pleased with him. Praying that all goes well and they are back at the farm in no time. Thanks so much for keeping us in the loop. Congrats to TeamZ and Lane’s End Staff on a terrific job.
Mary Jane
Grateful for the quick response of the team on hand. Hopefully the little guy continues to improve without incident. Thank you to Team Z for keeping us informed and learning along with the Zenyatta journey. Welcome to the world you handsome guy! We can all stop pacing now!
LOVE the photos! Oh man, Zenyatta is such a good mama. The baby was born on Brian Setzer’s birthday (of the Stray Cats) and he is one of my favorite singers/guitar players. I hope the baby is okay. Glad to hear Zenyatta is fine. Best of luck and congratulations to everyone there. ENJOY! And more than anything, thank you for the update.
Judith Ochs
Beautiful beautiful boy. Probably a long night for the humans – but Z ad her foal deserve and got the best care.
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
Sooo relieved to get this news! My prayers are with the little guy. I know Zenyatta and her team will take great care of him and he’ll be kicking up his heels in no time at all! :)
Thank you for the precious photos and the update.
All my love to Zenyatta and new baby boy!
Oh Zenny, he is absolutely handsome. Thanks to Team Z for the photos and update. Congratulations!
Jane Wade
Another Prince! Congratulations! He’s marked very much like his Mom!

Susan in Fl
So adorable! Thank you for the wonderful pictures and the update! Good thoughts!
Peace & Happiness
Bev Winters
Thank you for the news. They will get the best care and hopefully be running in the pastures soon. Love those ears!
Absolutely beautiful baby!! So happy they are doing well. Will keep praying that all continues to go.well and that they will be back home soon. Congratulations to Zenyatta and her great team.
Shema Satya
thank you so much for letting us know the details, happy to know all are doing well and under great care, precious
Linda R. Moss
Wonderful Monday News!! Sending Congratulations, Love, Hugs, and Blessings!!!! George, Linda, and Milyone
He is a little Xerox copy. Prayers for an uneventful 48hr. He’s so pretty!
tyler baker
Praying for you both queen Z and baby
To Team Z + Team LE:
Thank you for sharing the news of our new baby boy despite the long days you’ve all had.
It sounds as though Zenny and her baby boy are doing fine, although I’m glad they’re in the right place.
You are amazing people and so generous in sharing Zenny’s life and family with fans like me. I send my love to each of you and peppermint kisses galore to Zenny and our newest baby. As someone wrote on FB today: “Let the love story begin!”
Virginia Mach Hagler
Oh, goody. He was born yesterday. That means he shares my birthday. So cool. Very happy to learn that they are doing well and all precautions are being taken. Love and best wishes to them both, and to Team Z as well. Thank you for keeping us in the loop.
Lilli Sutton
Yesterday was my 19th birthday, and I couldn’t ask for a better present than to share a birthday with the offspring of one of my favorite racehorses. I can’t wait to watch him grow up!
He is GORGEOUS and they are GORGEOUS together! Many thanks, Team Z, and congratulations to you all.
Nancy Hall-Reese
i was so happy to hear Zenyatta and her colt were OK. He is the picture of his mother, you should call him Yetta Two.
Sally Blank
Nancy, how about Zetta Two?.