VERSAILLES, KY — (May 17, 2020) Zenyatta gave birth to a chestnut filly by Candy Ride this morning at Lane’s End Farm. The foal, Zenyatta’s sixth, arrived at 5:40 a.m. ET, weighing 148 lbs. She has one hind sock and a star.
Zenyatta and her filly are both in excellent health following an easy delivery. It brings us such joy to see them bonding in their paddock on this beautiful day.
We would like to express a sincere thank you to Zenyatta’s veterinary team and staff at Lane’s End for their dedication to the wellbeing of Zenyatta and her new foal.

Dear Judy and Z fans,
Congratulations Tiz the Law and ALL your connections. You are one handsome horse! Yes, he made it look easy!
judith berube
Dear Kathy:
Hoping they all came back well. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Oh yes! AMEN!
Hugs, Kathy
Ann NC
Congrats to Tiz and his connections.
Nice win!
If he and Honor meet….yikes. Can you imagine!
This could be shaping up to be a very exciting Tripe Crown series.
It has been a beautiful racing week.
Stay safe.
judith berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Have a lovely evening and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Martha Fosdick
While being thrilled about Tiz The Law and his win in the Belmont, I was also very impressed with Gamine and her win in the Acorn Stakes. Look out boys she’s a winner and also history making. This is shaping up to be quite a year. As some of the verbiage I heard said, this will be a Triple Crown just not THE Triple Crown. May you have a pleasant evening and dream BIG.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Martha,
Yes, Gamine was very impressive in the Acorn Stakes! What was it, 15 lengths? Wow!
It was her world and all others were just “bit” players! Congrats to her and her connections!!
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Gamine won by 18 3/4 lengths AND established a new track record — she bettered the old record by a full second! Way to go Girl!!
Hugs and Cheers
Dear Martha, Marshall, and Z nation,
Gamine’s performance was absolutely jaw-dropping! A superstar!
judy berube
Dear Martha, Marshall, Kathy and Z Fans:
Really impressive win by Gamine. Congrats.
Also congrats to Oleksandra; she beat the boys in the Jaipur Stakes. Love and Hugs, JB
Patricia Probert Gott
Thanks for posting the pics of Zenyatta and her new foal. I am a huge fan of Zenyatta’s–and even wrote a book about her– https://www.amazon.com/Zenyatta-Queen-Z-Legend-ebook/dp/B07567W58M/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=Patricia+Probert+Gott&qid=1592699497&s=books&sr=1-2
Therefore I’m very interested in her life and new motherhood. I also keep up with the progress of Zellda and her race training career. Best of luck to Z20 and congratulations to the “Queen” for another beautiful foal.
Ann NC
trainer Barclay Tagg could be heard asking those in charge of the trophy presentation to hurry things up—he had to get back to his horses.
This makes the win even sweeter. Too funny! Honest and humble….thanks goodness.
Luv ya, Zenny.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ann,
I enjoyed this article SO much! Thanks for posting the link. I have always had a soft spot for Barclay Tagg and for Sackatoga Stables, too. Love that he told them to hurry up so he could get back to his horses!! Also, love that he is so “hands-on” with his horses. He is incredibly nice in crediting his assistant trainer, Robin. Such great praise — he must be a real gem to work with.
Wishing them all the best of luck and health, and success in the Travers, if that’s the plan.
Hugs and Love
P.S. I was a big Funny Cide fan so I am doubly glad to see this team win the Belmont! I was also, a big Smarty Jones fan, and I was disappointed in both 2003 with FC and in 2004 with SJ. Sincerely hope that this one goes all the way.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Forgot to mention that I love Mr. Tagg’s description of Robin Smullen: “the heart of a lion, the wisdom of Solomon and the patience of Job.” What a great tribute to his assistant, Ms. Smullen!!!
judy berube
Dear Ann, Marshall and Z Fans:
So happy for TIZ, BT and all connections. Brilliant win; wonderful team. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. love You. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Hugs, JB
Em Matachick
4 more months to be with your mama sweet filly, just four more short months…
judy berube
Dear Ann and Z Fans:
Cafe Pharoah, a gorgeous son of American Pharoah, just won an invitation to the Kentucky Derby. Connections are still deciding if he will be entered.
Ann, as you said, it’s shaping up to be an outstanding talented group of contenders for the Derby; Honor, TIZ and Cafe among them. Stay healthy beauties. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Have a wonderful day. Love and Hugs, JBJ
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Just found this wonderful photos of TIZ THE LAW and his groom Juan Barajas Saldana. Love and Hugs, JB
Martha Fosdick
I know everyone is still over the moon about Zandy, Z20, but has anyone heard anything about her big sister Zellda? Good Night Everyone! Sweet Dreams to all.
Tiz The Law is THE MAN. I was on the Nadal bandwagon until he was injured but TTL was my second pick. His team is full of such interesting and just plain nice people. So happy for Mr. Tagg. He gives hope to we seniors that there is indeed more good things to come.
Hope to see Tiz, Honor AP and Cafe in future races. This late timing of the TC races does showcase horses we had not even heard of. Just hope they all stay healthy.
All of you sweet people here on the Blog stay safe and WEAR YOUR MASKS! I cannot tell you all how much the Blog and your posts have meant to me during this stressful time. Bless all of Our Queen’s team for starting this and all who are carrying it on.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Agree that TIZ looked tremendous, but my heart will be with Honor A.P. My horse racing life doesn’t go back far enough to have known Funny Cide, but it’s clear that Mr. Tagg is a true horseman and a real warrior. Hope everyone here is heeding the “stay safe” advice. Very concerning to see the spikes in cases in MANY states?
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Have a restful night and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
News on Honor AP with gorgeous photo. Wow, is he ever a Beauty. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for the photo. He is one handsome dude. Just wish him the best.
Ann NC
Oh my, Judy B.
These big horses with their big white blazes are makin’ my heart skip a beat!
He is magnificent. Love him!
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Maxi’s new half brother. He was born about one month before CandeeZ Kisses (Z20). Cutie Patootie! Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
A photo of Tiz The Law as a baby. Gorgeous baby. Love and Hugs, JB
Kentucky Derby (@KentuckyDerby) Tweeted:
Baby Tiz the Law gives us all the feels ?
Read his Tales from the Crib at https://t.co/GYxJOikGuR! https://t.co/7mKA4SpNAK
judy berube
Dear Ann and Z Fans:
The beautiful Midnight Bisou. Real Men aren’t the only ones kissing horses! ?? Love and Hugs, JB
Breeders’ Cup (@BreedersCup) Tweeted:
? ? = Happy Midnight Bisou
Catch her Saturday in the #WAYI Fleur de Lis at 5 PM ET on NBC! #WinAndYoureIN https://t.co/MJgqPWJ3lj
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy:
Love the photo.
Love and hugs Ingrid.
Ann NC
MB is such a Lady! Such a sweet face.
Looks like she enjoys those kisses.
Thanks for the foal pics! Precious!
Those ears on half bro. I laughed when baby Tiz appeared. Such a powerful stance for the wee one, even then.
Hope all is well and stay safe everyone.
judith berube
Dear Z Fans:
Another masterpiece by Steve Haskin. This one more personal and partly about the racetrack I love dearly, Saratoga. Enjoy. Love and Hugs, JB
Coz had a young rider today while doing some flat work! How gentle and calm and forward are they! Ziconic had some news also had news to share yesterday. Lindal
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s COZ and his little rider
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
ZI’s surprise. More kisses. Love and Hugs, JB
What I saw posted was a short video made by Isabela of Coz and the young girl. Facebook has it. On Fridays Lanes End has a shot of the day, it has in the past been of “you know who”. (this is also on fb) Lindal
Wishing luck to both Mike and Midnight Bisou tomorrow in the 9th race.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Stay cool and comfy and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Friday everyone. Our boy Hovey is once again at odds with his Mum (as easily noted in the title), but this time he’s including dear mini Mum whose allegiance and expertise seems to be drifting toward dressage rather than her feathered friend! ?
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Lots of good races going on both at Churchill and at Belmont. The virus news seems to get worse by the minute so please stay safe!
judith berube
Dear Sandy:
Thanks for our Friday Hovis update. Oh, poor boy, now he has two Mums to contend with. He’s just a victim of circumstance! That’s a very manly photo of our manly man! Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
As ever, thanks for our Hovis visit! Poor Hovis, what a life he has with these crazy women in it! Now even mini-mum has defected — oh what a world.
Yes, the virus news is not encouraging at all. Stay safe!
Hugs and Love
Dear Sandy,
I think of Sheena every day, but especially on Fridays when we get news from Hovis!
Perhaps the video from Isabella was picked up by El Vino and he posted it for her because I saw it again this AM. Does everyone know that Bisou in French means kisses?? She is very elegant and refined especially when they braid her mane. Coolmore America is having a talk about AP and Justify before they go into quarantine and head to Aust. This is scheduled for this Monday at 2:00.(I do not know if this is EST or PST) Lindal
judith berube
Dear Lindal:
Thanks for that info; I didn’t know, Midnight Kisses! Very cute. Love and Hugs, JB
judith berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Have a lovely, peaceful evening and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
judith berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Have a wonderful day. Love You. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Congrats to Midnight Bisou and Mike on their win today in the Fleur de Lis; they made it look easy! Here’s the replay if you missed it. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Easy win by Tom’s d’Etat and jockey Miguel Mena in the Stephen Foster today too. Congrats to them. Here’s that replay. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Congrats to all the wonderful winners today and to all who finished in the money, too!
What a great day of racing!
Congrats to Dean Martini on the Ohio Derby win, also! Surprise long-shot at Thistledown!
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Forgot to say that Dean Martini is trained by Tom Amoss who is the trainer of Serengeti Empress. At least Dean brought home a win for Mr. Amoss!
Here is the link for the Ohio Derby article:
Marshall (NC Broad)
The above link does work — don’t know why it ran off the right margin though.
If anyone wants to know, after Ohio_Derby is _123
Goodnight and sweet dreams!
Enjoy the replay of the race, too!
Congrats to Mike and Midnight Bisou! She looked fabulous with her ears pricked as she won!!! Mike had a longshot winner earlier in the day! He has said that he is in his best riding shape ever. Even BB has agreed.
Exciting news from El Vino; the red prince is participating in his first show this weekend in Paso Robles. More news to follow. Lindal
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Stay comfy and cool and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB