VERSAILLES, KY — (May 17, 2020) Zenyatta gave birth to a chestnut filly by Candy Ride this morning at Lane’s End Farm. The foal, Zenyatta’s sixth, arrived at 5:40 a.m. ET, weighing 148 lbs. She has one hind sock and a star.
Zenyatta and her filly are both in excellent health following an easy delivery. It brings us such joy to see them bonding in their paddock on this beautiful day.
We would like to express a sincere thank you to Zenyatta’s veterinary team and staff at Lane’s End for their dedication to the wellbeing of Zenyatta and her new foal.

Roberta Walter Goodman
Congratulations to Mama Zenyatta on this beautiful not-so-little filly! She knows who She is, She is the daughter of the greatest racing mare in history and She is an Old Soul. May she have a long, happy, healthy life surrounded by as much love as her mama.
She is beautiful! and a big girl! Zenyatta looks lovely❤️Thank you for sharing them with us
Kim Bower
Congratulations and thank you so much for sharing this special time with us. They both look gorgeous as can be.. xoxoxoxo! ?
judy berube
Dear Team Z:
OMG, what a gorgeous face and head and all over beautiful baby. God Bless her and Mama Z. Congrats to Z, Candy and all of you. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
PS: Great photos and video Alys. Thank you. Love and Hugs, JB
Oh thank you for sharing the photos and video!
Diane Martin
Oh Happy Day!!! I am so excited to see this little lady and her gorgeous mom doing so well. Pure Joy❤️ Thank you for the wonderful photos. Congratulations to our Queen Z and her connections!
Suzanne Metzinger
I anxiously awaited Zenyatta’s first colt born many years ago and have been on every journey each spring. With all the joys and pain this is the best news. ALYSSA has taken such loving pictures. Thankyou Lane’s End for your expert care of the Queen
I agree, the photos are beautiful. Zenyatta looks marvelous and seems to be so attentive to her babies. Have been checking every day (more than once a day) for the announcement of Zenny’s filly. How happy to know both are doing well. Will be looking forward to all the updates. So happy!!!
Congratulations Z , your daugther is ver beautiful .
How wonderful. Zenyatta loves being a momma….. Can’t wait to watch the baby grow and learn good things from her mom………….
Lori Whorff
She’s incredible! They both look fabulous. Congratulations Team Zenyatta!
Wow a GINORMOUS baby. Inquiring minds want to know…did Z foal outside this morning or in her stall? She’s beautiful. I REALLY needed this right now. I’m wanting to break lockdown but it isn’t worth the consequences. This gives me a reason to STAY HOME. What a joyous Sunday this has been. Z has the prettiest babies!
Jane W
She’s beautiful and so special! It will be so much fun watching her grow! She’s a big, flashy girl! Congratulations Zenyatta! ?????
Incredible conformation – her shoulders are tremendous and so will that hip become! She’s going to do Great Things! Congratulations Zenyatta and Family!
Dominique Daynes
Félicitations et tous mes voeux de bonheurs et d’amour pour cette adorable petite fille si jolie comme sa si belle maman, je leur souhaite une très bonne santé et beaucoup d’amour et de tendresse. Merci pour ces superbes photos.
Brenda Royse
I think this is her best looking foal so far. Very alert and strong.
deana dameron
She is a beautiful filly for sure. Z’s War Front filly, her very first filly, I believe looked just like her. We affectionately called her ZPrincess. She was very special. I think her CR filly is also very special, time will tell. I am certainly very excited about Zellda her daughter who is with John Shirreffs and of course her foal by CR. These are exciting times! So happy for Zenyatta and Team Z.
She says, “That’s my Mom!” in the video!
Sue in Indiana
She looks so brand new and she’s got the “ears”. Glad all went well for such a big girl. Excited to watch her grow. Z is so proud.
Wendy O
It gives all of us joy as well! Wishing many happy, healthy, and well-loved years for the newest member of the team. Thank you for all the beautiful pictures (Alys is wonderful!) and keeping this blog up all these years so we can continue following Zenyatta.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, Z 20 and DC:
Goodnight all and and Happy Dreams.
Z, you and your baby are gorgeous and I’m so happy for you. Love and Hugs, JB
Janet Squire
Love the pic of Z with her leg up…dancing for joy over her fresh, new baby!
❤Auntie Judy (So California)❤
Dear Queen Zenyatta,
You make the most beautiful babies! I started pacing last night (kept checking the internet for news). I finally dragged myself to bed around 2:40 a.m. PDT. You must have been in labor, sweetheart.
Your Princess Z2020 is a beautiful chestnut. She looks so tall. Maybe she will grow to your size ?
So thankful that Team Z and Lane’s End share these special moments with Z fans ❤ around the world.
Kisses ? and HugZ baby ZZZZ. All my love, Zenny.
P.S. I was hoping mom’s Ann was with you.
❤Auntie Judy (So California)❤
* that should be “momma” Ann!
Carrie Sudweeks
Congratulations on such a big beautiful filly! She’s gorgeous and I can’t wait to see her grow up! Queen Z looks marvelous as usual!! I’m so happy things went well, and she had her baby on my twins 34th birthday!! A special day for sure!!
Mary Darden McLeod
What a stunning filly!!!! I am so happy she has Our Queen’s ears!!! Zenny, are you already teaching her to dance?!??! What happy news: Thank you Team Zenyatta and Team Lane’s End for sharing this with us!!!
Mary in Boone
Mary Kaye Vavasour
This one looks special. Congratulations to Zenyatta and her stunning baby girl! Wishing her a long, healthy and safe life…
Lisa B
Congratulations Zenny! She is a beautiful filly.? Thank you for sharing this special moment with lovely photos taken by Alys. It is going to be so exciting watching her grow. ?♥️?
KJ Bailey
Thanks for these beautiful pictures of Queen Z and her new daughter. Alys, special thanks to you, and thanks to Team Z for taking care of Z and baby – as well as all the others. It’s magical to get a chance to see them.
Lynda King
She is just adorable! Zenyatta looks wonderful. Know you are all so proud of this sweet filly. Those little ears and that face and her shoulder! Continued good health for Zenyatta and Z20.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
What absolutely wonderful pictures of Zenny and her baby girl!! ????Congratulations to all and many thanks for sharing this very happy day with all of us. She looked big and 148 lbs confirms that. Ziconic has already noticed that she’s a chestnut like him?. Very best wishes to mom and baby for good health and much happiness ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Kathleen Mulcahy
Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl! Thank you for sharing Zenyatta and her 2020 filly with us.
Lori Stein
Oh my word I’m in love! She’s so precious ❤️ Mama Z showing those dance moves to her. What a wonderful mom Z is. I’ve been waiting just to see another baby by her side. So happy ❣️ Congratulations!!!
Jeanie from CA
What sweet photos! Thank you so much!!! She reminds me a lot of Ziconic when he was a baby. Now we have the joy of watching her grow up. So glad Zenny and baby are doing so well!
Janet Newman
Such precious photos of the proud mama Zenyatta with her adorable filly.
Many thanks for sharing this wonderful event with us and congratulations to all!