Happy Friday!
How did you spend Father’s Day? We went to Lane’s End to celebrate with Zenyatta, and that was just the start of an exciting week…

12Z is getting so big, and we just had a blast hanging out with him and his mom.
Our next stop was California, where we stopped in to see Z’s little sister Eblouissante. We brought along Baby Z’s first halter, and Auntie Eblouissante got a kick out of it!
And then the most exciting news of all came this morning: Zenyatta is officially 60 days in foal to Tapit!
We also debuted our new column, Ask The Experts, earlier this week. Recently we invited all of you to submit questions about Zenyatta, her colt, and life at Lane’s End. Our inbox was flooded with hundreds of questions from all over the world.

We are so touched by the number of people Zenyatta has reached–-we love hearing from you! We also want to thank the ever generous people at Lane’s End Farm for agreeing to participate in this column, and for regularly providing photos for us to share with all of you.

If you missed your chance to send in a question, we will inviting another round of submissions in the future. Keep your eyes open!
Have a great weekend!
-Team Z
Jeanne Sutton
I really appreciate the links that you all share! Ingrid, thanks so much for your gorgeous link!
Thanks for sharing pictures of Baby Z. He sure is growing fast. He’s a joy to look at. Happy to hear that Mama Z is pregnant again. I wish her good health and a safe pregnancy.
It’s just sad to hear that IHA was sold to Japanese interests for stud duty. I hope and pray that he doesn’t end up in the slaughterhouse after his stud duties are over. These horses are our national treasure as far as I am concerned.
carol in utah
Article in bloodhorse…I think…stated all stallions sold to Japan have what is now a standard buy back clause….also …Three Chimneys maintains in office in Japan and have contacted Mr reddam ..an arrangement has been worked out for them to check on IHA while they make their periodic visits..
carol in utah
Hope Nelly and Nehro both recover ….and come back better than ever ..
Hope all affected by storms are ok and drying out….we will gladly take all extra water and rain out here to put out these awful fires…
Have always heard the old adage about breeding….breed the best to the best and hope for the best…..that’s why they flocked to EG and basically ignored SS…I can see EG after all Alydar was his daddy…but SS won 3 out of 4 meetings..surely they could have kept them both occupied …
The problem with the adage is…..no new blood or diversity…also what about cases like Saggy and Joppy..basically nobodies who gave us Carryback….you just can not predict where the next superstars will come from….no one could have predicted Assault who had a hoof injury as a youngster..called him The Clubfooted Comet and bred in Texas..
Seabiscuit was dismissed as knockkneed…Native Dancer was deemed too small…
SS flourished in Japan. I hope IHA does the same. Three Chimneys will check on him and they do follow up….I am just sorry that he will not be standing next to his daddy where we all could visit him.
Oh well Zenny …its late and I an rambling…kiss the big boy for me….and please could we have lovely gray princess next year…that would be perfect
Nite Nite
ps-thanks to all for kind thoughts about my mom…she escaped from hospital custody and is home ….knew she would not miss that gala 90th birthday event next month
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Carol in Utah,
Thanks for this post. I agree wholeheartedly. “Even when you know, you never know”!
So happy to hear good news of your mother. Happy Birthday to Carol’s Mother!!
All the very Best!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Yes, and War Admiral wasn’t even wanted by his owner. No one gave MTB a chance at 50-1 to win the Derby, and he came in in the money in all three TC races.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
All you posted is so true. Even Northern Dancer was thought to be too small with poor confirmation and at one point, they were considering gelding him because of his “fiery nature”.
It works in reverse too. The most royally bred horses do not always live up to the pedigree. Even when you know, you never know as Marshal said. Hugs, JB
Prince is looking like a Royal GAZELLE, look at those legs and his neck, everything Zenyatta!!!. How I love that kid.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Anne–thanks again for the stories and the heads up about Garrett G.’s book. Will have to look into that, as well as IHA’s pedigree.
@Judy B.–thanks for the report on Nehro.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
It’s been so long since I posted, but better late than never I guess. Lovely photos of Zenny, 12Z and Ann and Jerry. Zenny must have been delighted to see them.
Vic and I had a great day at Woodbine for the Plate, we both came home with more money than we went with and I even spent $9.75 on the Blue Diamond Cocktail – the Grey Goose drink of the day. Between us we picked the first three horses, I had Strait of Dover and Vic had the two fillies. We also had the pleasure of sitting with Rob Landry, his wife and parents in law. Rob rode the Plate winner Niigon in 2004. Unfortunately we got soaked leaving the track, the heavens opened as we were walking to the car, rain and hail, and so we drove the 90 minutes home literally soaked to skin.
Today we are going to our home track, Fort Erie. They are having a special day to promote the upcoming Prince of Wales on July 15th. Jockeys who have ridden a POW winner will be there signing autographs so we are off to the track for an evening of racing and autograph collecting.
Needless to say, we are devastated by the recent announcements about the slots and track closures. In Fort Erie it means the loss of the biggest employer in town, but we thought that the horses and races would move up to Woodbine. After the announcement last Thursday, it’s pretty apparent that will not be the case. All of this affects Victoria in a very personal way – where will she have to go to find work a year from now when she finishes college. We are very concerned about all the horses and people, as well as the future of the thoroughbred industry overall. This could be the last year of the Canadian Triple Crown.
Terry Crow GP
Hard to believe that a tradition such as this will be allowed to just go away. Canadian racing has been a big part of the lore and history of some fine horses. Hope something happens and at least a semblance can be saved.
Lisag In Texas
It just has to be saved.
We could be next.
News on Woodbine.
Terry Crow GP
Well said.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Great link, Max
Sue Fredrick Co-P WI Chapt.
This is just so sad! You Canadian fans must be just heartbroken, to say the least. Isn’t anyone fighting for these tracks? What about all the breeding farms, don’t they have anyone official to speak for them? I pray there is a chance this can be resolved and these tracks remain open! Hugs
Marshall (NC broad)
We will certainly keep our fingers crossed and prayers for your wonderful Fort Erie, and Woodbine. I sincerely hope that something positive comes about. Surely, there has to be some form of salvation for the programs and those beautiful horses.
Please enjoy the Prince of Wales and the promotion today.
Best wishes and hopes for a happy resolution. Horse racing in Canada simply has to continue!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Brenda, it’s good to hear from you. I certainly hope the billboard campaign mentioned in Max’s link will straighten Dalton McGuinty out about the economic sense of keeping Fort Erie and Woodbine. We are with you!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Brenda S. and Vic:
So sad to hear about the closing plans for Fort Erie and the consequences for Woodbine and its employees. Do hope the Canadian Legislature reconsiders. Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
OH BY GOLLY!! I have missed so MUCH. For starters, the picture of colt z with Ann is amazing. He has grown so and is a stunning likeness of beautiful Z!! I was thrilled to see Ann and Jerry and to hear from them. They are such special people to me.
When I scrolled and saw Zenyatta’s picture, WOW, she still takes my breath away!!!!
Z is so beautiful inside and out.
Yippee, Z will be a mom again; I’ll always pray for good health for both, of course, for our colt z too!
love with kisses on your soft noses, Auntie Sally
I was very disappointed to see IHA sold and now going to Japan. Something was said in Bloodhorse that there was not enough interest in IHA expressed if he would stand here. It must have been all about Bigger money!! Won’t he miss his buddy Lava Man! I do hope he comes back in U.S.A some day.
What is going on here? We have a drought in Southern Wi., and elsewhere alot of rain and the hurricane / flooding rain in Fl., I think out east too in areas. I just hope everyone will be alright; that includes the horses!!
There is a Horse Sanctuary called Cedar Valley 20 minutes from here. I just discovered this and attended a Meet and Greet as they are looking for extra volunteers. They will train each one of us. Cedar Valley has only three horses at this time. It made it special to get to meet the horses. Of course, I brought carrots and with permission, they enjoyed treats. I believe they began just three years ago and as they get additional volunteers and funds, they can and will take more. I was told they are considering taking a horse that is blind in one eye. The grounds and pasture land are awesome with 97 acres. I should be getting a call soon and then I’ll go from there. My age is a factor to me not to the Sanctuary. This just could be what I have been looking for!!!
I will probably continue to miss alot on the post this summer. Just know that I enjoy everyone and hope all are healthy and happy.
I have missed Terry’s Redneck jokes too and all the interesting topics you present including the links etc.
hugs to all, Sally B
Terry Crow GP
Sally-We hope your participation with us will not be reduced by a lot but it is a noble task that you are undertaking. Bless you.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Terry, Marshall, Trina; It is something I never had a chance to do before and with loving the horse, well I’m giving it a try. It is only once a week. I’ll be on here; I’d miss it too much! Spoke to a gal yesterday afternoon. I will be setting up some training days with a very experienced women. My hubby thinks I’m going to be kicked in the head right away! ha
Thanks for your support, hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B.:
I’m adding another Horse Helper Hero to my list. God Bless and Good Luck. Please give us updates on your work at the rescue. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Sally B.,
Good luck to you and to Cedar Valley! You are simply wonderful!
Go for it Sally! I agree w/ the Pres. of my RN chapter!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Oh, Sally, this is wonderful news that you may be volunteering at the Cedar Valley Horse Sanctuary! High hoof! Try to keep a little diary, and when you have time, fill us in on what’s happening. I am very happy for you and for the rescue!
Terry Crow GP
Anne from Paramount and Lisag-You are on the cusp of being accepted for the ultimate honor-membership in the Redneck Club. Just let us know of your willingness to join and you are in. Nobody gets inducted unless they agree to it. Here are today’s redneck jokes. You might be a redneck if you have any relatives named Elmer or Jed. You might be a redneck if the crack in your windshield is longer than your arm and has been there for more than a year. You might be a redneck if you ever wore a cowboy hat to church. You might be a redneck if the bumper of your car is tied on with zippie strips. You might be a redneck if the only stores in your town open on Sunday are the liquor stores. Especially for Sally B and Sue F-You might be a Wisconsin redneck if you believe the state bird is the mosquito. You might be a Wisconsin redneck if your favorite fragrances are wet dogs, WP-40 and Old Milwaukee.
carol in utah
Got me again on the windshield thing….
How about bungie cords instead of zippie strips…do they count?
Belated Happy Day to Sue Colvin…hope your day was extra special
Have a great day Z
Terry Crow GP
carol-With every post you prove to be a worthy president of the Utah chapter.
HAAAHAAAA! TC, thanks.
WD 40, a cure all for what ever is ailing ya. All I hear,Ma,where’s the WD? I say, where you placed it last little Darlings!
Speaking of cowboy hats in church. You can’t much closer to God than sitting on the back of a horse!
Terry Crow GP
Ann-Can’t argue with that.
Marshall (NC broad)
AMEN, Ann!
Lisag In Texas
I am in, asked with a humble heart on page two. I think I lived in Texas enough to put that on the resume. Thanks, Grand PooPa.
Lisag In Texas
Oop, page 8
Terry Crow GP
Let me be the first to welcome you to the Redneck Club. You are a charter member of the Texas chapter, joining president signofthetimes and other charter members Barbara Wood and her husband. Four members is just about the biggest chapter that we have. Says a lot about Texas?
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Welcome Lisa G, to the Texas Redneck Club.
Lisag In Texas
Thank you, thank you everyone, mighty be proud to be a part of this. Terry, you know everything is bigger in Texas, 4 folks, that is wonderful.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Great jokes, Terry! I don’t have anyone in my family named Elmer or Jed, but I do work with a guy named Jed. (It’s short for Jedrick.) Does that count?
Terry Crow GP
You are already a chapter president. Ni need to embellish your resume. Do you think Jed might want to join?
Sue Fredrick Co-P WI Chapt.
Quite honored for the special mention. Yes everyone knows about the state bird Ornithius Moss-qui-to, ha, ha. I’m in with all the fragrances except Old Milw beer. Never was a beer girl I prefer a sniff of a Brandy Old Fashion myself. You are too cute! Hugs
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Terry C., Yep, I reckon I am that Wisconsin Redneck! Those Mos-quito birds love me; unfortunately my love for them is not reciprocated. ha I still like a really cold beer, only once in a while, but Old Milwaukee!! Guess I am only part redneck. ha I think a whiskey oldfashion is better than the brandy even though brandy is big in Wi.
Terry Crow GP
Sue and Sally-I am proud to say that you are co=presidents of the Wisconsin chapter of the Redneck Club. We could not have two more appropriate members.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear GP TC:
Very funny jokes today. Thanks. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
Thank you, dear lady.
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
Ray Paulick and radio interview with Three Chimneys Farm about IHA. Be sure to read all the comments at the end.
Lisag In Texas
Still not happy about this, still have concerns. What if IHA leaves the farm? What if Three Chimney’s lose sight of him after a few years, and he is moved? There is just too much bothering me with this.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Agree wholeheartedly with you Lisa G !!!!
Terry Crow GP
Three Chimneys seems to have a vested interest here. That having been said, what else would you expect a rep of that outfit to say?
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
It is just so very sad that this wonderful young vibrant, talented 3 year old,
who gave us so much joy with his young rider is being sent away for
no one to hear from again.
And his future is questionable, there is no guarantee he can breed and
make winners ???
Lisag In Texas
It is sad, Sign. My heart is broken over this.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Lisag agree with you l00% I’l just add one more thing. It’s all about the money. So Sad.
Lisag In Texas
Yes, it is about the money. I have read that it is US Farms that did not bid high enough is responsible, no they are not….it is the greed of Reddam that is responsible, so he takes a few thousand or 1 million less to keep I’ll Have Another home. Yep, it is the money, perfect Peggy N, perfect.
Terry Crow GP
Agree completely.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Lisag, you hit the nail right on the head. Yes, Greed. I just think about Sunday Silence, I don’t think he ever came back home.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen G.:
Thanks for this link. Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
Next year 2013 Breeders’ Cup location, maybe.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Yay, it means I can go next year too!!
Terry Crow GP
Monmouth did a great job as host the last time the BC was held there. The only problem then is one that may crop up again–The weather was horrendous and it rained the whole time.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Being the GP of this and that, we’re counting on you to arrange for MUCH better weather in California this year!!
Terry Crow GP
It is practically a guarantee that the weather in California for the BC will be better than that experienced by Monmouth when it hosted. Any eastern track is subject to that problem.
Ah, Monmouth Park, the inspiration for the best paper I ever wrote….Slang.
Loved meeting my Jersey Girls and watching the ponies!
Anyone going to the Haskell?
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Sally B.–thanks for the mention of Cedar Valley. Will check it out. God bless you for your work.
@Terry Crow, G.P.– love the jokes as usual. Left you a message yesterday about hubby.
BTW, does drying one’s swimsuit on the outside mirrors of one’s car make one a redneck? I have a friend who does this. Maybe she could be honorary TX member. For extra points, her ex and her current husbands are both descended from the McCoys……
Terry Crow GP
Barbara-Your husband is now an official charter member of the Texas chapter. We also picked up a new member in Lisag, making Texas the chapter with the most members. Your friend sounds like a natural. Pretty impressive qualifications. She is welcome to come on here anytime and accept her appointment.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
He accepts with glee! Looking forward BC 2012 and meeting you.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Barbara Wood; Congratulations to your hubby on becoming an official charter member!! Question, If the swimsuit is hung on the car mirror to dry, what is he/she then wearing? ha ha (Just kidding)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb W.:
Welcoming your hubby to the Redneck Club. Hugs, JB, President of the New England Chapter
Terry Crow GP
In Wisconsin, it would be a snow parka.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Tomorrow (Wednesday, June 27th) as part of their Nature series, PBS is airing
Cloud: Challenge of the Stallions
“The continuing saga of Cloud, the wild, white stallion, who is now a confident stallion in his prime. As he rules the mountains, gathering mares and expanding his reign, the story turns to his two sons. Bolder is his by birth – beautiful and golden. Flint, sired by another stallion, is the colt Cloud raised. Who will rise to challenge the mighty Cloud?”
Above description from my local PBS guide. The show airs at 8:00 P.M. in the east. If there was an earlier chapter, I missed it.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Sounds very interesting, will see if I get PBS
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thanks, Sandy, for the reminder!
Terry Crow GP
Sounds good.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Hey Sandy, I have seen I believe all of the previous series of Cloud on PBS and they were great. I was wondering if there would be another. Thanks for telling me the time. OMG and the new Dallas at 9.00 I will be going back and forth.
Thanks for the heads up. Will see if it is showing on my PBS station. Love all the shows they have.
Peggy…cute,Dallas! Enjoy it. You need PIP,picture in picture.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
Look forward to seeing this Episode again. Hugs, JB
Lisag In Texas
Prince Z sure has a lot of dapples, good Lane’s End.
Lisag In Texas
I really think Ann is a horse magnet; this pic, Princess Ebby is giving Auntie Ann kisses and hugs.
Terry Crow GP
I would say that she is more than a horse magnet. Jerry Moss is a lucky man.
Jan S. / Houston, TX
@signofthetimes: I use to live in West U., now I’m in Cypress, not far from
SHRP. I work @ Ben Taub.. My friend Joyce who I met on this site lives in Missouri City. :):)
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Oh yes, I remember you speaking of someone
You go to the track with. I live in Galleria area centrally
Located and within walking distance to Big Woodrow’s
Home of the Redneck Games.
Jan S. in Houston
My son who just moved back home, lived in the Creole of Yorktown Apartments off of San Felipe, near Westheimer & Post Oak He and his buddies have been to Big Woodrows. When I’m in that area a must for me is Kenny & Ziggy’s, and Niko Niko’s. My son went to St. Thomas on Shepherd & Memorial. My friend Joyce who is eighty one works at Shell on Yorktown..
Small world. We should get together. Do you go to SHRP?
Terry Crow GP
I hope you two can get together. Sam Houston is a nice little track.
Jan S. / Houston, TX
It really is Terry. Too bad our racing season is so short. I’m hoping we can get more big name TB’s there. Steve Asmussen runs a lot of his horses there.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Oh yes Jan Creole of Yorktown, I know that area, used to get my hair
coiffured (not by Zenny though) right across the street. Absolutely
love Kenny and Ziggy’s, have not been to Niko Niko’s, but love
Jenny’s Noodle House, for reasonable asian food. Oh yes, I almost applied for a faculty position at St. Thomas (new nursing program), but
found something else before it opened
Have not been the SHRP, but would be interested in going some time
of course not in the heat of the summer. Doubt they even run then
do they???
WOW Steve Assmusen runs horses at SHRP??? That would be fun.
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
Lisag In Texas
O, JAG, just checked out all the new pics, and yeah, Princess Ebby is just about as tall as Our Queen. Wow. Two Big Beautiful Girls.
Barbara Brayton
There are three Cloud programs, all were on PBS and all are available on dvd from the Cloud Foundation. Check out their website if you are interested in helping our wild horses.
HAY THERE! Guess what! Our four-legged friends at Valley View Ranch Equine Rescue need our help. Marlene’s hay fundraiser hasn’t even hit 10 percent of her goal. Can we help her more? I hope so. Please go to http://www.valleyviewranchequinerescue.webs.com to donate. Thank you so much.
AND — HAS BABY Z BEEN WEANED? He is pictured w/o Mom and Mom is pictured w/o him. What is with that?
Also, looks like just a little bit more of that red fur to shed and he will be “Zenyatta Brown”!
Love it! J
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Oh, Jeanie–I am so sorry. I’ve already done what I can. If any Dumplings are looking for a place to donate, it would be a good one.
Marshall (NC broad)
Just sent another very small donation. Please, everyone, do what you can! We can save them only if we can feed them, too. Little bits add up to big bales.
Thanks bunches!
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Hi hooves Z dumplings :)
i luv the pics that LE posted.
THX for all the bday wishes everyone. :)
THX <3
@terry crow -your jokes make me laugh :)
may god bless you all.
you're all in my thoughts & prayers.
hugs, vamp
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
So glad to hear from you again Sue Colvin
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
This is one of the True Nicks on Tapit and Zenyatta, gorgeous conformation shot of
him, he is one nice package. Comments are well thought out and interesting.
I am still looking for the one comparing Tapit and Bernie with Zenny.
sue and tony
Thanks for this link. The article was very informative…the comments very interesting, too.
Lisag In Texas
He is magnificent. Hansen will be a bro to Z’a baby, and so many more..Zapitsfly the baby’s sister. o, dear, we could go on and on. Hansen and Zapitsfly and Zazu, my favorites.
Terry Crow GP
I love Hansen. Think he is running at Prairie Meadows soon.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Cute photo of Ortensia checking out Black Cavier, looks like there is some interest in
someone with a little more money than Saloon, but may be no romance.
Sign. Might be just a rivalry here between the two mares for the attention of Saloon? My bet is on Saloon to stay with Nelly as she saw him first, sang out to him and he immediately returned her love.
carol in utah
I thought Saloon was a gelding …will have to look him up
carol in utah. Saloon is a gelding. He also makes less money than Nelly but she does not seem to care.
Jan S. / Houston, TX
Nelly is probably just teasing him. Remember Awesome Maria & Uncle Moe.
Nelly is doing what every young lady should do when traveling,flirt w/ the handsome locals. Nelly!!!! You are special Nelly.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign, Max, Carol, Jan, Ann and Z Fans:
Too Cute. Kind of like a soap opera Down Under. Hugs, JB
Judy B. No soap opers. This might be real love. Those who know Nelly and Saloon best believe it to be. The singing is the giveaway.
As the poet Robert Browning wrote: “That’s the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over, lest you should think he never could recapture the first fine careless rapture.”
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Lovely poem by Mr. B. Hope BC and Saloon get to stay together. Hugs, JB
Judy. The Brits are taking bets on whether Saloon goes to Australia with Nelly. He is famous now too. These horses do not have dull lives.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Interesting NY times article, Zenny and RA never met on the track but now both are
in a race to create a female dynasty like Personal Ensign and others.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
Very interesting article. Thanks. Hugs, JB
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Very cute titles of articles on the breeding to Zenny to Tapit.
Zenyatta is being “tapped” by Tapit
TOO CUTE !!!!!
Jan S. / Houston, TX
Nice articles. You would love SHRP. We always have a good time. Here is my email.
jantrauma1@yahoo.com We go to get together. :)
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Dear Z family,
The woman that we seized the mares and foal from has been sentenced.
Justice for the mares and baby and soon-to-be member of the SHERR family!!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thanks for the report, Pati!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
The good thing is she won’t get the horses back, and they’ll be in a good place. Thanks, Pati.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Great News. Hugs, JB
Lisag In Texas
Hansen Update
Up the Backstretch: Iowa Derby attracts champion colt
Published: June 26, 2012 Updated 7 hours ago
By Don Agriss, Sports Network
When post positions are drawn Wednesday for Saturday’s $250,000 Iowa Derby at Prairie Meadows, one name will dominate like no other in the history of the event.
The stakes race for 3-year-olds will have its first Eclipse Award-winning runner with the entry of 2011 champion 2-year-old colt Hansen.
Hansen, trained by Mike Maker, will be making his first start in the 1 1/16- mile Iowa Derby since finishing ninth in last month’s Kentucky Derby. The colt, who stands out with his almost all white coat, was 13-1 in the 20-horse field for the Run for the Roses. Ridden by Ramon Dominguez, Hansen got a good start, but then found some tough going.
“When he got smacked so bad on his back heels, he got rank and fought Ramon,” co-owner and namesake Dr. Kendall Hansen said. “Whether we could have been top three, I don’t know, but I know we could have been top five if that didn’t happen. I’m really happy with how he’s relaxed around the track now. He’s maybe changed a bit since the Derby.”
The shorter distance of the Iowa Derby should be a benefit for last year’s Breeders’ Cup Juvenile champ. Hansen won the Juvenile at 1 1/16 miles and loved the one-mile Gotham Stakes, winning by three lengths over My Adonis.
“When he ran his best race in the Gotham, he relaxed,” Hansen said.
“I’m hoping after the Travers (Aug. 25 at Saratoga) that we can say we have the best horse,” Hansen said. “That’s the goal, to get the title again. We won it last year; we’d like to win it this year.”
The Travers could be a reunion of sorts if Union Rags starts instead of going in the Haskell (July 29 at Monmouth Park). It was Union Rags who was favored in the 2011 Juvenile, when Hansen went wire-to-wire to defeat the 11-10 favorite by a head.
Read more here: http://www.bradenton.com/2012/06/26/4092669/up-the-backstretch-iowa-derby.html#storylink=cpy
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks, Keta. Good luck to both Hansen and Union Rags!
Terry Crow GP
Love both of these horses.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Would be great to see Hansen and Union Rags in the Travers. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks to all for the great posts! We have had a positively beautiful (fall-like) day here in NC after a few awful ones, but now it appears that we are in for it with predicted temps this weekend in the 100+ degrees zone with equally high humidity. YUCK!!
Do hope that the areas suffering from wildfires and those inflicted with tropical storm flooding get much needed relief quickly.
All the best!
Marty R / Colorado
Marshall, Ditto!!! Wish we could get some of that excess water in the flood areas out here. A new lightening caused fire started up today. We’re not in danger, but it feels like the state is burning up.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Prayers for Colorado.
Marshall (NC broad)
Marty R.,
Sure wish we could send the excess water to Colorado, New Mexico and all other spots experiencing fires and/or drought! Hope you can stay safe.
Take care! Hugs!
Oh Marshall,wasn’t yesterday grand. Trying to get ready for the blast furnace coming.Stay safe.
Glad our fire down east is contained.
Prayers to all in Colorado, Fla.,mother nature please help them out.Stay safe!
Marshall (NC broad)
Sorry, that should be “afflicted” and not inflicted. It’s time to sign off!
Sue Fredrick Co-P WI Chapt.
Judy Berube,
Thanks for the posts with links to BL’s pics of old Belmont winners. What a treat to see these old greats and finally put a face to the names many of us know so well.
Also hope there is good news for Nehro, he’s always been right in contention for the big races and deserves another chance.
Don’t know if any of you have been watching the Olympic trials but something suddenly hit me. We have all been trying to figure out why our TBS break down so much and I hear the stories of these athletes and how many injuries they have had to overcome on their road to success. So it’s not just the horses that break down, a lot of these young people have overcome sprains, breaks and surgeries too. I guess it’s just the nature of athletics in general. Food for thought. Hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Frederick:
You’re so welcome. Yes, wonderful to see beautiful photos of these fabulous Belmont winners. Hoping too that Nehro does well after surgery.
You make a very good point. Athletes in general are at risk for injury in all sports. Horses, in particular, have leg issues all the time. Lots of pressure on those beautiful fragile legs racing full out. Makes Z even more amazing. Hugs, JB
Wow! Z12 is going to be huge!And Ebby definitely has her sister’s beautiful neck