Happy Friday!
How did you spend Father’s Day? We went to Lane’s End to celebrate with Zenyatta, and that was just the start of an exciting week…

12Z is getting so big, and we just had a blast hanging out with him and his mom.
Our next stop was California, where we stopped in to see Z’s little sister Eblouissante. We brought along Baby Z’s first halter, and Auntie Eblouissante got a kick out of it!
And then the most exciting news of all came this morning: Zenyatta is officially 60 days in foal to Tapit!
We also debuted our new column, Ask The Experts, earlier this week. Recently we invited all of you to submit questions about Zenyatta, her colt, and life at Lane’s End. Our inbox was flooded with hundreds of questions from all over the world.

We are so touched by the number of people Zenyatta has reached–-we love hearing from you! We also want to thank the ever generous people at Lane’s End Farm for agreeing to participate in this column, and for regularly providing photos for us to share with all of you.

If you missed your chance to send in a question, we will inviting another round of submissions in the future. Keep your eyes open!
Have a great weekend!
-Team Z
Lisag In Texas
Good Morning, all, I keep expecting Queen Zenyatta to say….How about that Black Caviar?
Anyway, thanks, JAG, I figured out the page by page, and at least it is going faster than when I posted before. I am caught up on this Post..
Have a great day
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lisag:
Black Caviar is very special. Just kept on running in the Jubilee in spite of her injuries. Hugs, JB
Lisag In Texas
That was incredible, wasn’t it. She is so beautiful. If she does retire, the studs will be lining up across the pond. The boys here are still hoping for a date with Our Queen…Lisag
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
And they were repeat injuries, amazing.
Terry Crow GP
Good to have you back posting, Lisag
Lisag In Texas
Thank you, Terry, I think I can have breathing time again. I so miss you all.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
So very good to have you back Lisa G.
Hope everything at home has come together.
And another storm is coming, hopefully not to Texas.
Lisag. This sounds just like what Z would say.
Lisag In Texas
She would, huh!! Miss her ‘voice’
Great news. Neville Bardos has made the US team for the Olympics. Love this horse and his story of courage and good luck.
Thanks Max,
This is fantastic news. I can’t wait. Go Neville and Boyd. I am very happy for them.
Terry Crow GP
I went to the equestrian events in 1984 at Santa Anita. Hope they give this sport a little more TV time this year.
Me too! i will be glued to it. I just love the spirit of this horse.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
WHOO !!!!! HOOOO !!!!! Max
So glad they made the cut.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max, Sign and Z Fans:
Excellent news. Thanks. Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
How great is that!!?
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Sue Fredrick Co-P WI Chapt.
Wonderful news, this horse has the heart of a champion, can’t wait to watch the story unfold.
Sue. Nev is also a tough customer and very lucky. Tough, talented and lucky is a good foundation for the Olympics. I am hoping for gold!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and Sue:
Rooting for Nev. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
We all hope for that, but my wish is that the team is able to produce its top performance. That way, if no medal results from that, they will have no regrets.
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks for this article! I am so excited for Neville Bardos and Boyd Martin! Hope they all do well. I am definitely a Neville fan!
I agree with you about the TV coverage of equestrian competition. I do hope there is more coverage of these events. I am sure the Brits will give these events full value! Our coverage here may not be as extensive, however. We can always hope, though!
Isn’t it exciting!!! i wish them the best.
Terry Crow GP
Marshall-You make some good points. The Brits will probably give the local TV viewers (in England) much more than what is usual, But, will the network which has the US rights follow suit?
Maybe Rolex can help us! I really want to see them. Neville is my hero. Fate put those two together. I admire Boyd w/ his training of Neville. Two peas in a pod w/ this team.
Is it NBC that has the coverage rights? Seeing as how their Belmont coverage was and horses in general..well? never know,Boyd and Neville were on 60 mins.,so they may deem it worthy of their schedule.
This is a great Love story!!!! OK,I’m crying now.
Terry Crow GP
It is a great story. TV usually likes this sort of stuff. I hope so in this case.
HeidiK (Vallejo,Ca)
That is fabulous news about Neville and Boyd. I will definitely keep my eye out for them. I hope they have a fabulous run! Such a great story as well.
Terry Crow GP
Here are today’s redneck jokes. You might be a redneck if you wear a dress on Sunday with a flannel shirt over it. You might be a redneck if your husband left you for last year’s winner of the hog calling contest. You might be a redneck if your toilet is a five gallon bucket. You might be a redneck if your parents met at a family reunion. You might be a redneck if you have ever flipped your riding mower. You might be a redneck if you think wind sprints are something you do after someone passes gas.
Lisag In Texas
Oh my, I have seen the ‘Sunday” dress with a flannel shirt over it…LOL, Terry.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Why last years winner? If you’re leaving her, go for this years winner!
Terry Crow GP
This year’s contest is yet to be held. Hog Calling is a summer sport. Should be in the Olympics.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Lisa G,
An owner sells breeding rights alone when they want to control
the horses racing. Essentially, if IHA is a bust as a stallion, one of the major
causes of infertility in TB is drugs, they can run him as his tendonitis
may have healed.
Three Chimneys is being very political, they set up the deal. No one knows what is in the contract and going over to see him is fine, but the owner is the only one with say so as to what is to be done with the horse.
Three Chimneys has a good relationship with this farm, but who knows
of IHA breeding potential, quality of runners, etc…. Only time will tell
and his fate will be determined by that. Who will take him back in the US ??? is that written in the contract.
I really hate to be a pessimist and am not usually one but this whole situation is very very very sad and came full circle to a CASH CALL.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Hog Callin ‘, can’t hardley beat that one.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Heck – I wear my flannel shirt over lots of stuff!! LOL Good jokes GP!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear GP TC:
Too funny. Thanks. Hugs, JB
SUE EEEEEE!!! Thanks TC.
Brenda in TX
Reddam – the bottom line is – it’s all about the $$$$$ – I just found out today & was so shocked ! We can still say “RUN LIKE A GIRL” in honor of another winning lady – BC
Love the Redneck jokes – being from TX they are near & dear to my heart especially since I’ve witnessed some them – Keep ’em coming ….
Lisag In Texas
Have you seen the Sunday dress and flannel shirt…I read that and I could not stop laughing, picturing what I have seen. Too Cute.
Terry Crow GP
Brenda and Lisag-Have you considered joining the redneck club?
Lisag In Texas
I reckon, I could consider it, yep.
Terry Crow GP
You would join signofthetimes, president of the chapter, and Barbra Wood, charter member. The only requirement is that you celebrate with us on January 27. All other perks are included in the cost of your membership, which is free.
Lisag In Texas
I am in , GP, I am guessing…Grand PooPa.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Good afternoon loving Z Family!
Gus this morning was chilling with the miniatures and his other neighbors the emus and he decided he would zoom around the tree and into the run in a few times! Feeling perky! It was cool this morning, and it was a blessing. The black and white miniature named Bubba reared and bucked a few times from shock, as Gus hadn’t done much of anything since he got here.
Waiting for the scattered remains of Debby to hit already so we can get it over with. Horrible humidity makes you want to die.
I am going to see Cazenovia at the end of July. Since we will be traveling into Canada to visit friends, may as well see Woodbine too. Heard it’s beautiful and I’ve wanted to see the last track that was graced with Seretariat’s presence.
Terry Crow GP
Bubba? Could we have another member of the redneck club?
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Haha I don’t know. I would have to ask him.
Gus is really starting to kick up his heels. great Pati.
Did you ask Bubba?
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
I will later this week when I go down there. I promise. :-)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Thanks for sharing photos and updates on Gus. Sounds like he happy. Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Since we’re bringing up rednecks, I almost hate to confess this. However, it may solidify my standing, which I’m sure has to be renewed periodically. Last night we went to see the movie “Bernie”. Oh, my goodness. Carthage, TX is chock full of rednecks. Those of you who live in the Northeast or other faraway parts would think it is hopelessly corny, I’m sure. But it is a true story, the acting is great (by well-known Hollywood names), and so many of us down here know people that sound just like them.
There– I’ve ‘fessed up.
Terry Crow GP
I must admit I am not familiar with this film. However, of all people, you do not have to worry about your redneck status. By the way, is your husband still interested in joining?
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
Everyone click over to new photos! 2012 celebration photos of the Mosses and our girl and her guy!!
Thanks Karen for the heads up. I just love Ann and baby Z rubbing noses. That is so darn cute. The one with Ann by the fence holding Z’s halter is captivating. I am getting my Kleenex. That one says it all. What love they have for each other.
Terry Crow GP
Is it true that rednecks consider the Florida Panhandle to be their Riviera?
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Thanks for the reminder, KG.
Love the photo’s, Baby Z is a kisser just like mom.
Showered with kisses, both human and equine !!
Rosemary McCauley - Pres/AZ/New Mexico RNC
I clicked on Photos at the top and then Watching Baby Z Grow, but I didn’t see the photos you’re talking about. How do I get to them? Thanks.
Marty R / Colorado
Rosemary, Click on the 2012 Celebrations. I think it was the first box (or album).
Rosemary McCauley - Pres/AZ/New Mexico RNC
Thank you. i’ll try that now.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your radar is always “on” and finding great stuff for us. The pictures are absolutely terrific!!! No question that a great deal of love is being shared both in the shots and with us.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen G.:
Thank you for your post. I didn’t realize there were new photos of Z and Prince. Love how Prince is so affectionate like his Mamma. Hugs, JB
Karen, thanks for the heads-up. These photos are gorgeous. Ann is such a luck lady to get kisses from Z and 12Z. There is so much love and happiness in all of them.
Thank God for Jerry and Ann letting us be a part of it all.
The photos are great. I remain amazed how generous the Mosses are with us.
Now, if only I could get a job at LE taking care of Z and 12Z.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
A Birthday Poem for Sue Colvin
(June 25, 2012)
Dearest Sue Colvin,
As you a new year
Do begin,
We hope you are of good cheer,
And that you’ll
On new adventures embark
Even as you back may hark
To your days on the backside
Midst all the stalls
At Delaware—and Philadelphia—Park.
I hope you those times will recall
As a great ride.
And, dearest Sue Colvin,
May your ships—and horses— all
For you come in!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Wonderful, Trina.
Terry Crow GP
Happy Birthday, Sue!
Lisag In Texas
Happy Birthday, Sue
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Colvin:
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. Hugs, JB
Dear Trina:
Wonderful poem. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks for yet another wonderful poetic tribute!
Sue Colvin,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! All the best for many birthdays to come, too.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
To all Redneck’s:
The photos from the 2012 Redneck Games in Houston, Tx on Saturday, June 16, 2012 are not posted yet, but here are the ones from 2011.
Enjoy !!!!!
Terry Crow GP
These pictures are priceless. Sign-Do you know any of these good ole boys? The toilet seat toss appears to be the main game.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Don’t know these guys yet, but Big Woodrow’s is within walking distance
to my home. Only one can guess, what will come when my friends and
I start frequenting the place.
Terry Crow GP
Do they have a mechanical bull?
Jan S. / Houston, TX
Hey Sign, is that Big Woodrows in Midtown!! There is a Little Woodrows in the Village.
Terry Crow GP
This gets better all the time. Big Woodrow’s and Little Woodrow’s.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Hey Jan,
Big Woodrow’s is on Chimney Rock between Westheimer and Richmond.
Oh yes, I know Little Woodrow’s in the village, too.
Rosemary McCauley - Pres/AZ/New Mexico RNC
I love those photos! Thanks for posting them.
Sign. Does this come with a translation? LOL!
Thanks Sign. The seat toss.Great. say hi to Big Woodrow!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Is IHA another Sunday Silence, from Boodhorse ???
Terry Crow GP
I have mixed feelings about this. Sunday Silence was a very accomplished sire for the Japanese.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Wonder what he would have accomplished in the US breeding market ???
Really love this horse, that just was never appreciated and gave more than
100 %.
Sign. Dynaformer started out small in stud fees and ended up as a stellar sire at the very top of the game. Love you always, Big D.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Guess, all the guys, start out small, until they prove their worth with
winners and talent. Same seems to be true for the mares.
Sign. Northern Dancer was a horse that no one would buy at the yearling sale. His trainer wanted to have the horse gelded. He ended up with a stud fee of $1 million and no guarantee. You just never know what will happen.
Northern Dancer, I can still remember him winning the Fla. Derby. He was a great horse. I met him when he was in MD,before he left for Canada. He had two massive dogs guarding his barn,that’s all. He was a love,very sweet the day we saw him.
Terry Crow GP
Loved him when he was running at SA. Always gave his best.
Terry C. A great deal of his will to win came fom his American mother, Natalma, who was a daughter of Native Dancer. She hated the whip, and would refuse to run if it was used. E.P. Taylor told his jockeys never to use the whip on Northern Dancer either. And like his mother, the Dancer disliked Belmont Park. The period which a mare spends with her foal is very important and should never be underestimated. No doubt Z is teaching 12Z many things. I have also noticed that Z has perfected her sprint to control her baby. Watch out, Nelly.
By all accounts, the 90th Kentucky Derby in 1964 was the first to include a competitor running on the drug furosemide, then known as Lasix. The initial dose was given surreptitiously by Alex Harthill, known as the Derby Doc, to the winner, Northern Dancer.
carol in utah
always thought US breeders really blew it with SS….not only was he top sire for ever in japan….and “reproduced himself”…see Deep Impact…and sire of sires….check some of his boys….ie…Hat Trick (i love him) also, top broodmare sire…his progeny have earned way over 800 milllion…and that keeps going up…i know ..purses there are bigger…but still…credit where due…
is IHA going to do the same thing ?…doubt its possible to repeat, but he will sure have every opportunity to try……
Terry Crow GP
Breeding is an inexact science. Some big mistakes have been made.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Amazing how reasonable first crop colts/filly’s are. These two of Curlin’s were less than
$20,000 each. One is out of a Sadler’s Wells mare with good racing record.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Very cute photo gallery, for “TACO”, Rachel Alexandra’s colt.
Thank you, Sign. Love his woolly coat.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign, Max and Z Fans:
Sign, thanks for the photo of Taco.
On Black Caviar; that race is a testament to her grit, talent and determination. Didn’t give up, even most likely in pain, and won. Hope Saloon is close by. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
Contrast that race and performance with what we now know about IHA and the decision not to run him in the Belmont.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Black Cavier will be back in the Spring !!!!!
Muscle tear is of her quadrceps and she has torn and healed this area
as a 3 year old. Do these Aussies, know how to train and heal their horses ????
How many times have human athletes had muscle tears and gone onto play ???
Many times
Look forward to the Spring meet in Austrailia !!!
Sign. Glad to hear that Nelly will be okay, and may be back to some more racing in the Australian spring.
When all is said and done, and all of the endless analysis of the race finally dries up, she won that race and nothing can take that away from her.
The more important and big question is – what is going on with Saloon? Will love conquer all?
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Dear Max,
I definately agree. Who really cares whether she was at her best, she won and
that is what counts. A very fantastic mare. Really do appreciate her more
for her traveling to Royal Ascot.
Saloon is pining away for Nelly, maybe she will have a photo of him in her stall.
So funny how some horses really need a horse friend. Jethro was like that,
if you took his friend away and left him alone in the paddock, he was beside himself, very worried and unridable.
Sign. BC may not have been at her best, but she was the best of the day. Any one of those horses would trade places with her if they could.
I am not exactly certain how the Brits handle quarantine. I like to think that Saloon is there in Newmarket holding her hoof while Nelly waits out the time. The story is that she sang out to him as he went by her stall and friendship blossomed with the help of her groom and his owner. They are very good pals.
Terry Crow GP
Dare I say it? Z had some close calls too. Winning is the bottom line. Nothing but kudos for BC.
sue and tony
Hi All…have you checked the photo gallery and found the wealth of treasures under 2012 celebrations. They are “too cute”. The Mosses and LE are very generous with us.
Has anyone gotten an update on Hootie? He’s lost his sponsors and I heard Backside 55 was posting. But there’s nothing on Hootie’s Facebook page.
Thank you…
carol in utah
@TerryCrow…..probably old news, but just came across my facebook….
Redneck Divorce=”get outta the truck”
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Very cute, Carol.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
Too funny. Hugs, JB
OMG. Funny. In my parts,sometimes true….oh no.
Terry Crow GP
I like it.
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Z fans. Is this beautiful or what!!!!! Ingrid.
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
Gasp! Speechless!!
Ingrid. Incredible. These horses are stunningly graceful. Thank you for posting the video.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Gated horses are very beautiful, smooth riding for those who have back problems.
HRTV done a lot of shows on various gated breeds, they are fantastic. !!!
Thanks for the post, Ingrid.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid:
Thank you so much for this wonderful video. Majestic and magnificent. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
WOW! Thank you so much for posting this. These creatures are positively breathtaking!
What gorgeous Friesians — but then that is a redundancy. Of course, they are gorgeous, they are Friesians. What exquisite movement.
Again, thanks bunches!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Absolutely stunning black beauties! THANK YOU, INGRID!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
WOW!!!! Amazing and beautiful. Where ARE these horses???
Eveline / Maryland.
These are bred in the north of the Netherlands in the province of Friesland. They are not really gated horses, they only have a walk, trot and canter. They have the best temperaments to be around and are very comfortable to ride. They only come in black, no white markings allowed .
Thanks Ingrid. That was beautiful.
Terry Crow GP
Ingrid-Thanks for the link. Wonderful.
Jan S. / Houston, TX
They are just stunning. Thanks Ingrid.
Anne from Paramount, CA
Hello to all! Love the above photos..esp. Auntie Ebby–LOL. Now I MUST relate two experiences we had this past Saturday morning..if I get “cut off,” I will continue separately.
FIRST, Rod & I went to the HP backstretch to have breakfast..it was about 45 mns before Black Caviar’s race. As Rod was paying up, I looked around the caf and saw a few people sitting watching the pre race chatter on TVG, amongst them, MIKEY!! I did a double take, but since I was so close behind him (standing) our angle was such that I smiled hello to him and he smiled back. THEN wouldn’t you know it, the TV gabbers brought up ZENYATTA! OF course, very complimentary of her, how she did so well even in defeat, etc., …so I couldn’t resist, I said to MIKEY, “”Do you agree?” He smiled back, but did not say much and I did feel a little odd intruding on his turf, so to speak. THEN one TV guy, obviously a creep, went on and on about how terrible THAT ride was from the jockey Mike Smith. I felt even weirder–there I was hearing these terrible things with the person this creep was yammering about right there almost beside me. I think I mumbled something like, “Don’t you just want to smack him in the face and who is this guy anyway?”
Mike just said quietly, shaking his head, “He has always hated me.” The fella sitting beside Mike (don’t know him) looked up and told me the TV guy’s name was–I THINK–Tom McIntyre…some of you may remember the name better. After that we went up to eat and watch the works–saw JOHN–and Chantal, not together (among others) and later ret’d to a full house to watch the race. By then Mikey was gone. Everyone gathered around the monitors–all the comments were interesting. Mostly on BC’s jockey and his now (in)famous ride. Most could not believe he did that. All cheered for her. So, what an experience THAT was, being there with the riders etc. I think Jim Pegram was there too. BTW, Rod had not heard any of my exchange with MIKEY–he was a few feet away and not in tune with my immediate surroundings. So of course I filled him in, no embellishments needed. LOL.
I will now take a quick break and then post about our visit with IHA! :)
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Thanks so much for sharing this experience Ann,
Great fun. Difficult to be a celebrity as some like you and others
don’t .
Lisag In Texas
Jealousy, just pure and simple. Mike is the best..cares for all the horses and is one of the most humble of all the jockeys…Mario is catching up with the modesty, however.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Yea, the trash talking almost drove me nuts. That Brit that dressed like a homeless guy for BC, yea; he’s biased like it’s no one business..
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
Yeah, Mutton Chops! Not his real name, but he did bash-blasted Zenny pretty much on theTVG broadcast 2009 Breeders’ Cup at Santa Anita BEFORE the race! Although I was there to see her win, I taped the broadcast and watched it at home later – what a jerk BIG TIME!!
He is full of himself,isn’t he.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Anne, I am SO glad you were there with Mikie at just the right time and you said just the right thing to smooth over that hurtful comment from the British guy! You showed grace and compassion under pressure–high hoof to you! My Ascot hat is off to you!
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
LOL adorable!
Terry Crow GP
Anne-Your posts are always thoughtful and show a lot of insight. In my encounters with Mike Smith, I have always found him to be friendly and an overall class act. Racing could use a lot more like him, and you.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Sue Colvin–Happy Birthday and thank you, Trina!! (again!)
@Ingrid A.–thank you SO much for the fabulous video. Just more reinforcement of how wholly inappropriate slaughter is for these lovely horses. Everyone, please call your Representatives tomorrow (early) and ask them to vote FOR the Moran Amendment to STOP slaughter in the U.S. It is rearing its ugly head again.
@Terry Crow, G.P.–YES, hubby wants to join. he just hasn’t thought of anything that I haven’t already said! He sends his best.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
I’ve called, and I hope everyone else does too!
Terry Crow GP
All right, he is now a charter member of the Texas chapter, signofthetimes, president. I hope he does not still expect to be named GB. Don’t forget to inform him about January 27. I am interpreting your recent posts to mean that he is feeling better. Hope this doesn’t cause a setback.
Anne from Paramount, CA
Okay, break time over! So, after that Black Caviar excitement, we made our way over to Doug’s barn to see IHA. This was the point of being backside that morning…I had said to Rod all week we gotta do this now, a two time Classic winner in our own back yard and who knows for how long ? So, there we were, along with several others with cameras at hand. Leandro brought him out for us (although for some reason at first we were led right to his stall), then waited with the others by Doug’s office for him to come to us.) Rod took pictures, but with a camera, not electronically, so if you run into me at the track I will whip out the photos, as I did all day yesterday to whomever, LOL. Rod made it look like I was the only one there petting and talking to IHA, but that really was not the case–several of us were touching him and telling him he was “The Man.” I asked him if he knew what he had accomplished and if he was now gonna brush up on his Japanese. He looks good, but a little thinner than I thought, but then I’m sure his meals have changed. Coat nice and shiny. Then Doug said that said that the girl in the photo with me (he did not really say THAT, she just happens to be in said photo–exercise type person) was going to walk him for 20 mns and if we wanted to wait we could. We had asked about Lava Man, but he was out on the track. We waved goodby to IHA, made sure to peer into Doug’s office (a busy, busy place) to say Congratulations, he replied thanks and he liked our hats. (guess which ones we had on.)
I’m trying to get Rod to go again so this time he can be in a photo-op, but not sure if we’ll do it. We saw/walked around other horses/MANY barn cats on our trek back and forth.
Then we went home and returned to the track for a full day on Sunday. That is my story and I’m sticking to it. BTW, we heard perhaps on the 15th, a parade day for IHA? Not sure at this writing.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Anne from Paramount:
Thanks for the update on IHA. Wish him the best in Japan and hope he is healthy and happy there. Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
Thank you Anne! I always love your posts! Isn’t IHA something? You are right, only once maybe in our lifetime to have a champion of the Derby and Preakness in our own backyard!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you for helping us feel that we were right there with you!
Terry Crow GP
Anne-As Paul Harvey used to say, now we know the rest of the story. Barbara Wood is right. I feel like I was there.
I really enjoyed your story. Glad you saw IHA,what a special treat.. Thanks for sharing,can’t wait for more.
Anne. I enjoyed reading this. Happy to hear that Lava Man is back at his job. I hope that we hear more about him. Any news of Mario Gutierrez?
Karen in Indiana
Thank you so much for the new photos. Zenyatta looks happy and that little boy has grown so fast.
I am going to go out on a limb here, I think IHA will be a smash in Japan. The Japanese are embracing horse racing, the Australians are getting into it, Western Europe has always loved it! Let’s face the facts, America is a Nascar Nation; Louder, Faster, Ruder! We do not always appreciate grace, beauty, finesse. Horse racing is all of those things! IHA has every chance to be a success in Japan, it is American breeders who have turned their back on him!
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
Yup, sadly!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Andrea:
You make some good points. We have to think positively and hope for the best for IHA in Japan. You’re so right; I know he won my heart as he did so many of us. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
That is true. However, I can remember when horse racing was the leading spectator sport in the country and it wasn’t that long ago. I don’t know about American breeders turning their backs on him. I don’t think we know the whole story. Several mistakes have been made in the breeding industry.
What great times those have been too TC. Just yesterday,a great uncle was telling the kids how he,friends named corn cob and firecracker, all hopped on the train and traveled north to take in a day of racing.
Growing up,many small town racers, that came from low priced mares and studs,could always blow the big boys off the track. The small town touch,with tons of horse sense,low key and lots of love proved to be a winning combo.
Terry Crow GP
It wasn’t small time by any means, and Cynthia can certainly testify to this, but the best example I can think of is when Seattle Slew came west to race at Hollywood Park and was blown away by a vastly underrated J. O. Tobin. But, I get the drift of your post, Ann. A day at the races used to be a lot more fun.
J. O. Tobin was a MD bred boy!!! Those are my roots. That’s what I’m talking about.We could breed some winners now. Flat,turf and steeplechasers to boot.
J. O. Tobin w/ the Nasrullah blood. Great story. Thanks TC.
Terry Crow GP
I did not know that J.O. Tobin was a Maryland bred. This horse was probably one of the best of all-time but never got the proper credit.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TC:
I agree. Hugs, JB
Anne from Paramount, CA
Andrea, I heard from someone knows these things (I sure don’t) that KY did not really like IHA’s pedigree…. remember this is not my quote, but it did make me think. Would have been nice to see his babies here though.
Terry Crow, don’t know if you were able to listen to Jason Levin a week ago Saturday, but while I was not on the air, my NAME (humble though I am) was! I was the second caller (of two) to call in for Garrett Gomez’s book…and Jason later mentioned that “Paul and Anne” would be receiving the book. (I spoke only to the screener, but three people told me they knew it was me.) Well, today it arrived. Heavy sucker–oh dear, that almost sounds like a redneck way of describing a book. LOL. Anyway, I look forward to reading it..sure have heard a lot about it.
Barbara Wood, Judy Berube and Karen G., thanks for your responses. That Mikey story almost literally fell into my lap. :-)
High hoof to everyone!
High hoof to one and all!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Anne from Paramount:
Always enjoy your posts and hearing from you. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
I heard that show Anne, but it did not register! LOL! I love it!!
Terry Crow GP
Anne-I have given your redneck qualifications serious consideration. You are definitely a top tier candidate for charter member of the California chapter. Are you willing to join?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s an another article on Black Caviar from the DRF. Frankel is also mentioned at the end of the page. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Nehro to have surgery for ankle chip. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
The latest Blog by Barbara Livingston. Enjoy. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thank you for these posts. Enjoyed the Black Caviar one, and sure wish Nehro the best in recovery after the ankle chip surgery. Always love to see the photos by Barbara Livingston, too.
Cheers and Hugs to you, my friend!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
Hugs to you, JB
Thanks Judy,
She is the best. Always a treat.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
You’re so welcome. BL takes the best photos. Hugs, JB
Anne from Paramount, CA
One more thing–perhaps two–I too loved the photo of the Queen and Black Caviar–quite the picture! And thanks–a big high hoof– for the Celebration photos—if anyone needs a smile, be sure to go there!
Not sure if what I posted about IHA and breeding went through…will wait and if not, may repost later. (but not tonight…getting tired.)
Hoping everyone is safe and well….
carol in utah
Tvg reported the queen still rides….without hard helment..which drives those trying to keep safe crazy
Marshall (NC broad)
Ah! Tradition! Good for Queen Elizabeth! I will allow that it is worrisome for her security detail, though; however, I applaud her expertise and her love of riding “old school”!
Thanks, Carol!