Happy Friday!
How did you spend Father’s Day? We went to Lane’s End to celebrate with Zenyatta, and that was just the start of an exciting week…

12Z is getting so big, and we just had a blast hanging out with him and his mom.
Our next stop was California, where we stopped in to see Z’s little sister Eblouissante. We brought along Baby Z’s first halter, and Auntie Eblouissante got a kick out of it!
And then the most exciting news of all came this morning: Zenyatta is officially 60 days in foal to Tapit!
We also debuted our new column, Ask The Experts, earlier this week. Recently we invited all of you to submit questions about Zenyatta, her colt, and life at Lane’s End. Our inbox was flooded with hundreds of questions from all over the world.

We are so touched by the number of people Zenyatta has reached–-we love hearing from you! We also want to thank the ever generous people at Lane’s End Farm for agreeing to participate in this column, and for regularly providing photos for us to share with all of you.

If you missed your chance to send in a question, we will inviting another round of submissions in the future. Keep your eyes open!
Have a great weekend!
-Team Z
Sue Fredrick Co-P WI Chapt.
Peggy N,
Great news, Indys kid Take Control out of Azeri had his second work at Santa Anita and went 4 furlongs in 49.60. This horse won his first start handily and has been plagued with injuries since. I know you like Indy too so if you put him in your virtual stable you will get updates, and hopefully soon entries.
I didn’t get to congratulate BC on her win yesterday and now am hearing she has an injury as a result. Hope she heals and all is fine. Great mare! Hope they don’t run her to death.
Patti, cute pics of Gus and friends, is it my imagination or does he already look like he’s added a few pounds?
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Great news, Peggy N and Sue Fredrick !!!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Judy Berube, I left you a message on page 6. Blessings, Peggy
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy N.:
Left you a post on Page 6 too. Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Sue, Thank you for the message I will keep up with him. You know how I love all of Indy’s family. If you want to see a great race too . Go to the page 6 and see Judy’s link to Orfevre winning his race last night. He is the Japan triple Crown Winner and Horse of the year. That was such a great race and he is such a beautiful Colt. Just love him too. see my post over on that page too.I just wish so that he would come to America.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Keta, Thank you for that post.
To all in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas I hope for you all that Debby does no damage. Debby is trying to drown us in Florida. We do need the rain. I pray she picks up no speed and maybe you need some rain too. Be safe my Gulf Coast RN family.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Best wishes to all in the path of Hurricane Debby.
Yes, be safe.
Louise Castello
Good luck to you Sue! Just saw some horrible pictures on Wunderground of Florida flooding! I am in Pass Christian, MS and went through Camille and Katrina so as you can imagine, not my favorite time of year AT ALL!!! Good luck in Florida and all the Gulf Coast today and throughout this LONG hurricane season!
Jan S. / Houston, TX
Be safe too Sue.
Terry this one is for you. I am not sure you would use this in CA maybe you could adjust it for earthquakes.
Redneck Hurricane Survival Kit:
Toilet Paper………………………………….check
Bud Light…………………………………….check
Keystone Ice………………………………….check
Red Dog………………………………………check
Misc. other bottles of alcohol………………….check
Sheet of plywood or door on which to float your
booze (and chick)
Debbie G/Kentucky
Don’t forget the duct tape!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Very cute Sue, will add to my Hurricaine box
In Texas.
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
Terry Crow GP
I like it a lot better than those earthquake survival kits the local governments are pushing. Duct tape would also be helpfull-Thanks Debbie.
Nice photo of Black Caviar meeting The Queen Elizabeth II. Apparently, BC bowed to receive a royal pat on her head after her win at Ascot.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Thank You Max for that link. You can see the love on Queen Elizabeth’s face for the horses can’t you. Black Caviar is just beautiful.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thank you. Wonderful photo of BC and Queen E. Hugs, JB
Sweet. Thanks Max.
Louise Castello
Aww! You can see the Queen really loves the horses!
Marilu V
Thank you Max for the link. What an adorable picture of the Queen and Black Caviar.
It is royaty personified. “Nelly” seemed to know who was saying hello to her!!
Wish I could go to the stables at Buckingham Palace. They featured the stables, horses and uniforms before the wedding of Prince William. It was a treat!
Queen Elizabeth has great pictures on horeback too! Marilu
Z fans. I heard that the Queen reads the racing newspapers first at breakfast. She is very knowledgeable about breeding and racing and attends races whenever she can. Her mother also loved horses. Although she does not ride in public any more, when she did, her favorite horse was Burmese, a black mare given to her by the RCMP. Most of the RCMP horses have Man o’ War in their bloodlines. The RCMP breeds their own horses who have to be black to qualify for the musical ride.
Jan S. / Houston, TX
Thanks for the pics Max. It did look like Nelly bowed to the Queen. And the Queen looked pleased. I read the Queen breds her own TB’s, and knows all of the names of 30 horses that are kept in the stables at the Royal Mews. And
her biggest passion are her horses and her corgis. They say she still rides at her Sandringham Estate & Balmoral.
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks bunches for the photo of Queen Elizabeth and Black Caviar! Love it!
The Queen loves horses and dogs — both are indicative of good character!
God save the Queen!
Cheers for “Nelly”, too! She can get some R&R now.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Dear Max,
I was hoping someone would find a photo of
Nelly in the winners circle with Queen Elizabeth.
That pat on the forehead notes a great horse lover.
Nelly is so gracious.
Thanks so much for posting this.
Rosemary McCauley - Pres/AZ/New Mexico RNC
The Queen and Black Caviar – beautiful photo. Photographer got it right at the exact time.
Justin Zayat tweeted
Unfortunately Nehro came out of the Stephen Foster with a chip in his ankle.
Will miss 3 months.
Gear up for a 5 year old campaign
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Didn’t know Nehro was injured. Hope he recovers soon. Hugs, JB
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Yea, I wondered why he did so poorly. I was looking for him to come up with a big race. He looked great in the post parade..
Sue Fredrick Co-P WI Chapt.
Peggy N,
Oh yes, I just love Orfevre, always loved Sunday Silence and felt he was unappreciated here. Sure helped Japans bloodlines though. I love that deep chestnut coloring with all the chrome…….so stunning! Hugs
I pray all you in Debbys path stay safe with no loss of life and little damage
And all you in Colorado with those terrible fires, prayers for you also.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
How exciting To have the Japanese Horse of the
Year enter the Breeder’s Cup Turf
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
Wow, just love the new pictures and the official news of being 60 days in foal to Tapit, super wonderful! Zenyatta, you are truly a very special lady and hope that all is going well for you and that you are happy-you look absolutely fabulous!
There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you and enjoy the memories that you have given me-makes my difficult and trying times much easier to get through.
Wishing you, and big babyZ, as well as the little one in the oven the best. Watching you all is so exciting and interesting.
Sending my love and blessings-keep on sparkling and shining-you are the brightest star ever!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Always nice to see you posting, LouAnn!
Check out the Black Caviar half sister. Beautiful!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Thanks for the article on BC half sister. Beautiful family like someone else we know. Hugs, JB
Pati-Queen and Prince Z Fan
I got a video when I went out to see him earlier. He’s been having problems with his skin and his sunburns, so he’s been in the run in. He and his minis have been hanging out there, and basking in the attention that being unique brings. Here he is, making his movie debut for his loving public!
carol in utah
Great video…keep feeding him…you are doing a super job…
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Nice to see Rescue Gus! Cute little mini, too!
Pati. Rescue Gus looks like he enjoys wearing that fly mask. If it were black, he could be Zorro Gus. I agree with carol, keep feeding him. You are doing a good job.
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks for the video of Gus! He is improving. You are definitely making a difference!
Continue to keep us updated, please.
Take care!
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
How adorable!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans in Storm Areas:
Wishing all of you safe through the storms. Hugs, J
Thanks it seems to be getting a bit worse here in Florida. I have loads of down tree crap. My dog is so afraid of thunder and it has really started banging. I need to take a look at my laptop for tornado warnings. Pray for us tonight.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Praying for you all.
Sue. Stay safe. We will think of you and pray for the best.
Be safe,hope you get all of this Debby behind you. It is only June and we are in the D of names? Please, I hope we don’t go thru more.
Keeping you in our prayers!!!!
Terry Crow GP
To all our redneck friends, and those who are not rednecks, stay out of harm’s way while all this is going on. Bless you all.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Wishing you a safe encounter with Debbie.
Marshall (NC broad)
Same here! Also, hoping for an end to all the wildfires soon!
Good thoughts and prayers for all.
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
Yes, prayers going your way! Stay safe!
shirlee in Indy
Max, Thank you for the sweet photo of the English Queen and the Australian Queen.
An interesting article on Black Caviar’s famous suit! I posted excerpts. Link below
Horse racing-Black Caviar suited for Royal Ascot success
Thu, Jun 21 2012 By Stuart McDill
SYDNEY, June 21 (Reuters) – A win in Saturday’s Diamond Jubilee Stakes will not only strengthen Black Caviar’s claim as the world’s best sprinter but may also boost an Australian designer’s hopes of an Olympic stamp of approval for his unique equine compression suit.
The champion Australian mare sported the snug outfit on her flight to England earlier this month, with her trainer Peter Moody talking up its benefits ahead of the prestigious 1,200 metres sprint at Royal Ascot.
The garment, invented by Matt Spice, a man with no previous experience of either horses or making clothes, is designed to replicate the compression trousers now worn by all top flight human athletes.
“There’s been many different studies done in human garments from NASA to just about every sports journal in the world,” Spice told Reuters. “And no-one’s ever picked up the pieces with horses and I understand why.
“Horses are very difficult to work with. You just can’t bend their legs and put them into a suit.”
Graduated compression suits work by helping the circulation of blood. When the heart pumps blood down to the legs, the tight fitting suit increases the pressure on the muscles, easing the flow of blood back to the heart.
The effect is to increase the amount of oxygen reaching the muscles and helps to flush out lactic acid after exercise. It also helps protect the muscles from vibration — which is why Black Caviar was dressed like a super-hero before her long-haul flight from Australia.
“This mare has always been quite susceptible to soft tissue injuries, muscle tears and the like and also the fact she’s going to be standing in a horse box for some 30-odd hours en-route,” said Moody before her departure.
“It’s probably the pinnacle of thoroughbred racing,” Spice said. “So, to have her travelling, flying her 30-hour journey in the suit, arriving there safe and sound and then winning a race, even just arriving safe and sound would be good enough.”
The potential benefits have not gone unnoticed amongst Australia’s equestrian team heading to the London Olympics.
Stuart Tinney, who won Olympic gold with the Australian team in the eventing category, has been trialling the suits on all his horses for some time.
“I am actually feeling a good result from the horses, though,” he said.
“They actually feel better and they sort of warm up easier and quicker once you get on and I’m actually getting a lot less of the muscle soreness that you can actually feel in the horse … just like a massage therapist would feel in a human, you can actually feel that in horses as well.”
(Writing by Ian Ransom; Editing by Greg Stutchbury)
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks, Keta. I’m glad the suit is proving helpful.
Keta. I hope that the suit speeds up Nelly’s recovery. The love of her pal Saloon will do some good too. I heard that she is eating well. That is always a good sign. Nelly is a tough lady and a real professional like our Z. Get well soon.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Not sure she is seeing too much of Saloon in quarentine ???
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Very similar concept as used with diver’s and
Their wet suits.
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
This was post yesterday about Japan and I’ll Have Another.
“While Three Chimneys doesn’t have any ownership interest in I’ll Have Another, he is by one of our stallions, Flower Alley, and we’ve been some of his biggest fans from Day 1.
Three Chimneys has offices in Japan and we’ve been fortunate to have an extensive amount of experience with Japanese-American bloodstock and business transactions. That’s afforded us a unique and educated perspective on the Japanese Thoroughbred breeding industry. Roughly every 1-1.5 years, a representative of Three Chimneys goes to Japan to visit our clients, the farms, and to visit KY Derby winner Silver Charm. We also keep up with Charm’s farm via email and post periodic photos and updates on him for fans, thanks in large part to Japan-based photographer Kate Hunter.
Three Chimneys talked with the Reddams and O’Neills yesterday and offered to do the same for Flower Alley’s son, I’LL HAVE ANOTHER.”
nancy in nj
i have been speaking to a friend at three chimneys. reddam’s are anxious to have three chimneys check on iha in japan and have accepted the offer. also, while no one has access to the wording in the sale contract (so no one – except the seller and buyer – really knows if there is a return clause), my friend assured me that “details are in place to make sure he’s properly pensioned when the time comes.” hope that puts some minds at ease.
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
Thank you Nancy!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Defiately true, no one knows the details of
The contract. I sure hope what you are saying
Is true.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen, Nancy and Z Fans:
Thank you for this update on I’ll Have Another. Good to know he will be kept track of by Three Chimneys. They are a first class farm in being responsible for their horses. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
I’ll play devil’s advocate. If the owner is so concerned about how his horse is going to be treated in Japan, why the sale?
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
I am the second devil; agree with you TC.
No one has seen the contract, could be all lip service.
Karen Grogue. Three Chimneys is a class act. You can expect that from people who looked after the great Dynaformer.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
They don’t own IHA. I believe they purchased Dynaformer.
Big difference for a horse, who is only treated as good as
his owner treat him/her.
Sign. I always thought that Big D was owned by Paul Lynn. I could be wrong. I am impressed by the way in which Three Chimneys has taken an interest in IHA and offered to keep track of him when he is in Japan. I think that Flower Alley, IHA’s father, lives at Three Chimneys, but he is owned by yet another Canadian, Eugene Melnyk?
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thanks, Karen, for keeping up with this for us!
Lisag In Texas
Thank you, Three Chimney’s. Our Almost TC Winner will not be slaughtered.
Terry Crow GP
The top stallion in Japan is our old friend Sunday Silence.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
So very amazing, TC.
Our champion, Sunday Silence, breeding reject build and empire “like
Eclipse did in England” for the Japanese.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Hey Sign and Terry, Sunday Silence is Orfevre’s Grand Sire.. So much to like about this colt. I’ll play the 3ld Devils Advocate with you guys about I’ll Have Another. I’m still so upset about this can’t hardly stand it.
I told some of my Coworkers this morning about this that hadn’t heard. One girll said (not softly) There Sending That Horse To Japan??????????????? She was shocked, She said they ought to send that owner to Japan.
See this is what’s going to drive people away from Horse Racing. So Sad.
Marilu V
Thanks Keta for the link. Glad it helped Black Caviar.
She needs it for her trip home. Have a safe trip – Nelly! Take care, Marilu
carol in utah
Having lived in Louisiana for 7yr….long ago…hope storm does not intensify ….and that everyone along gulf coast stays safe
Congrats to MUSKETIER…..winning Singspeil today at Woodbine …he is a very talented 10yr old…think this pushed him past 1..1 mil…he is just one of my favorite gray boys..
and he just keeps on running..
Hope you are having a relaxing and wonderful day Zenny…
Kisses on all soft noses wotldwide
Trina Nagele in So Cal
WOW, he is amazing! Thanks, Carole. Here is his fb page–he deserves more “likes”: http://www.facebook.com/groups/ZennysTribe/379005188827263/#!/pages/Musketier/386711378026937
High hoof to MUSKETIER!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Oops, make that “Thanks, Carol.”
carol in utah. Musketier is a wonderful warrior and a fan favorite at Woodbine. He won today without his regular jockey, Johnny V, who is recovering from his accident. They brought in Ramon Dominguez, but that horse could probably win it on his own. Congrats Musketier.
carol in utah
His race was 1 & 1/2 miles….that’s stamina ….he is a German bred…going to have to track some of his ancestors…I do not think he is a gelding….pedigree site listed him as “horse” …remember something about his people wanting to retire him last year but he wanted to race….his stable mate Simmard at 7yr is no slouch either…
carol. An article and video of Musketier at Woodbine.
carol in utah. I found this article from last year about Musketier. He likes to have teddy bears in his stall.
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
Awww that is too cute Max!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thanks for the wonderful article and video on Musketier. Horses are amazing. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
YAY, Musketier! Congratulations on your win! How impressive. How sweet that he likes to have teddy-bears around.
All the Best!
Debbie G/Kentucky
Thanks for the pictures of the Mosses, Zenyatta and Z12. He is getting so big! I see he still hasn’t grown into his ears yet, though. I can’t think of a better way to spend Father’s Day. And congratulations to the Queen on being in foal to Tapit! I hope she has a grey, but whatever it is I’ll be happy as long as the foal and his beautiful mother are healthy. <3
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
This is video of the Big Red Farm where I’ll Have Another will be going to stud.
nancy in nj
thank you, karen!
Jan S. / Houston, TX
The farm looks nice.
Ingrid Arnone
Karen, Thanks Ingrid.
REALLY hoping it’s a girl! Two colts and two girls….Great way to start off the broodmare race of the century!
Jan S. / Houston, TX
I also hope it’s a filly. A grey..
Ebby workout info Saturday June 23
I breezed four furlongs in 48:40 handily on Saturday at Betfair Hollywood Park.
My work was the 17 fastest among 63 horses working the distance on a fast track.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thanks for the update on E’s work. Bet her first race will be soon. Hugs, JB
This has been tweeted by several people:
Sounds like Union Rags is coming to the Haskell for a showdown with Bodemeister.
Matz all but committed.
Should be great race.
Terry Crow GP
Should be. Look for Union Rags to turn the tables on Bodemeister.
Crossing my fingers,crossing my toes,come on Rags!!!!!!!
Love Matz. He gave my little darlin a nod at the track one afternoon,horseman to horsewoman,as in saying….love seeing you here
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@all coastal Dumplings in the Southeast–please stay safe and report in after the storm passes. You know we will all worry. Hugs.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Nelly suffered injuries in Diamond Jubilee,
A couple of muscle tears and hind end bruising.
She has had these issues before, they healed and
She has gone on victorious
Now does that shed an interesting light on IHA
And his tendinitis ????
Good Luck in your well deserved rest Nelly !!!
Trisha from VA
Hi all Great News from Congress
Thank you for contacting me to express your support for eliminating horse slaughter in the United States. On June, 19, 2012, the House Appropriations Committee approved the FY2013 Agriculture Appropriations bill. You will be pleased to know that the bill includes the amendment offered by Rep. Moran, which prohibits funding for any horse inspection activity necessary to transport and slaughter horses in the U.S. The FY2013 Agriculture Appropriations bill could come to the House floor for consideration as early as the week of June 25.
If the FY2013 Agriculture Appropriations bill becomes law with the Moran amendment intact, it will effectively ban the operation of any horse slaughter plant in the United States. Without the USDA being able to conduct inspections, these plants would not be allowed to operate.
Although the number of horses slaughtered in America has been on the decline in recent years, the Department of Agriculture estimates that more than 50,000 U.S. horses are slaughtered annually for human consumption. Virtually all of these are intended for export to Asian and European markets. This legislation would attempt to end this practice and prevent possible inhumane practices associated with horse slaughter from occurring.
For more information on what is happening each week in Congress, please visit http://forbes.house.gov to subscribe to my weekly e-newsletter. If I may be of assistance to you on this, or any other issue, please visit my website or feel free to contact me in my Washington DC office at (202) 225-6365. With kind personal regards, I am
Yours truly,
Member of Congress
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trisha:
Thanks for sharing. My Rhode Island Reps have answered my e-mails favorably as well. Let’s hope they vote is in favor of the horses. Hugs, JB
Marilu V
Hello Trisha – Thank you for sharing. Great news! Marilu
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you, Trisha!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
High hoof, Trisha! We all need to contact our representatives.
Barbara Brayton
We appreciate your prayers due to all our fires. Pray for rain. Lots of rain.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Yes, prayers for rain to put out the fires.
Trisha from VA
Love to see pics of Ann and Jerry visiting our gorgeous Queen and 12Z. They are everything that owners should be. They truly love and care about her. I can never say enough times how much I truly admire, love and appreciate them for allowing Zenyatta fan’s access to her.
12Z is growing leaps and bounds. He is so pretty. Congratulations Zenyatta , have a safe and uneventful pregnancy. Love you girl.
Love, hugs and kisses
Barbara Brayton
Oh, and I want to add prayers to all those affected by the hurricane. My brother in law lives in Taft,outside of Corpus Christi. It is either drought or hurricanes down there.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Black Cavier’s injury may end her career ??
GOOD NEWS SIGN!!!!! Look. Oh, what a relief. I have been so worried about her.
Marilu V
Thanks Ann for the good news. Marilu
shirlee in Indy
Big Red Farm looks very nice, but it is not the Bluegrass of Kentucky or Three Chimneys. Again, I just cannot understand Reddam selling a Derby and Preakness winner. A Derby winner comes along just once in a lifetime for a handful of owners and to turn around and sell him???
Lisag In Texas
Did he sell him, or did he sell the breeding interests. I have heard so many different things. I heard it was the breeding interest for 2013, which would be for ONE year only. Now with the contract with Three Chimneys (saving IHA life more than likely), it seems the $$$$$$ was forever.
Reddam cried on National television the Friday before the Belmont, how fakey, phoney he is.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
He has been sold. Lock stock and barrel.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign and Z Fans:
$$$. Let’s hope IHA does well and returns home to Kentucky some time in the future. I bet he will miss Lava Man and LM will miss him. So sad. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
This is very bad. The hypocrisy of it all.
Lava Man may be very upset because horses do not like change. Being with IHA on the TC trail put Lava Man in the spotlight where he belongs. His is a fun and inspiring story of a horse who found another high profile career after racing.
If IHA were in Kentucky, there would always be a chance for his many fans to visit him at his farm. A Kentucky bred horse like IHA would probably prefer to go back to Kentucky rather than so far away. Nothing much compares to those US farms for an American hero. They are home.
Lisag In Texas
I am just so sad over this. Little Red, the (almost) TC Winner.
Lisag In Texas
I hope that they find another horse for Lava Man to pony soon. He is just too cute, and more videos of him for us. I am crazy about that horse. What they did for him was absolutely wonderful. Bless, bless and more blessing to them….Lisag
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Sign, Judy, Max, Terry, you guys are just Rignt On with your posts. I’ll Have Another is 3 years old and not a baby. He’s formed likes and dislikes. Horses get depressed and they become attached to people and other horses. Don’t know if I’ll Have Another is like that, but they can be like people and I am just worried about him. I have had horses in and out of my life since I was 6 and my Rebel and my Misty. I know they loved each other and me it was very evident. We first boarded Rebel for a friend of my Dad’s. I got very attached to him. The people that owned him moved and took him with them. I was devasted and so was Misty and my other horses. They were just torn apart. Long story short my Dad got to buy him for me. So we got him back. Praise the Good Lord. One of the worst times in my life when he was gone. This is just bringing up these old memories for me. At least mine had a happy ending.
I think Mr Redham is missing the Human Aspect of all of this.
A whole lot of people here in the U S love this horse……..
You could just see the heart wrencihing dissapointment on faces on Belmont Day.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Very much agree, Peggy N.
Horses do develop bonds with people and love things, it is so sad to
see such a young horse be shipped off never to be seen again who gave us all so much joy.
I hope Mr. Reddham enjoys his money !!!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
and all of the money IHA made.
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
Lisa, Lava Man ponies everyday for Doug’s stable. But it may be awhile until he ponies another I’ll Have Another!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
I had been thinking about Man O War the last few days. They said after Man O Wars Groom died ( I am so sorry I forgot his name, so sorry) and I stood there and read the plaque there for a long time at the Kentucky Horse Park ) Was it Hargett (last name) so sorry I forgot it. But, they said afte he died Man O War just went into a deep state of depression and only a month later he died also.
Horses have a lot of feelings…………………….Maybe he had other problem as I know some might say, But, I’m sure this didn’t help.
The reason why I brought this up is because I think the horse should be thought about and the people that love them.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
The long story about Man O War’s life I had read many times. Just loved him also.
The groom plays a huge part in a horses life. That is a true LOVE relationship right there. Look at Mario and Zenny, you could see the love.
Oh, poor Man O War. His groom loved him too. That was a very special bond.
Thanks for sharing this Peggy.
I will always have the utmost respect for these grooms. My favorite photos are the ones w/ these greats resting their heads in the arms of their grooms, or their riders. Have you seen the one of Rachel and jockey Calvin? It just melts your heart.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Ann, yes i have seen that picture, It just says it all doen’t it. It does melt your heart.