Happy Friday!
How did you spend Father’s Day? We went to Lane’s End to celebrate with Zenyatta, and that was just the start of an exciting week…

12Z is getting so big, and we just had a blast hanging out with him and his mom.
Our next stop was California, where we stopped in to see Z’s little sister Eblouissante. We brought along Baby Z’s first halter, and Auntie Eblouissante got a kick out of it!
And then the most exciting news of all came this morning: Zenyatta is officially 60 days in foal to Tapit!
We also debuted our new column, Ask The Experts, earlier this week. Recently we invited all of you to submit questions about Zenyatta, her colt, and life at Lane’s End. Our inbox was flooded with hundreds of questions from all over the world.

We are so touched by the number of people Zenyatta has reached–-we love hearing from you! We also want to thank the ever generous people at Lane’s End Farm for agreeing to participate in this column, and for regularly providing photos for us to share with all of you.

If you missed your chance to send in a question, we will inviting another round of submissions in the future. Keep your eyes open!
Have a great weekend!
-Team Z
Two words: Thank you!!!!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Can’t believe how big Baby Z is, almost no longer
A baby in size. He grew so fast.
Thanks to the Mosses and Lanes End for all
Of the photo’s, videos and information on Zenny
12 Z and embryo 13 Z. So very excited about
He Tapit foal.
Kim Calabrese
Baby Z you are so cute. Z you give kisses you are so precious! Miss u bunches from so cal. Hugs and Carrots to both of U!
Karen in Indiana
Zennie looked very happy to see you two – that is just so good to see, thank you for sharing it with us! And Zbaby doesn’t look so much like a baby – more like a small horse. He’s growing up so fast.
Jan Allison
Excitement never ends!
Meredith Gibbs
So happy for news from Z.
Pat Fragassi
Interesting that she still has cotton in her ears in that last picture? Or at least it looks like cotton?
Baby Z looks super as does Mama…
The last picture is Ebby, not Z. As Ebby is in John’s barn at Hollywood park it makes sense that she has cotton in her ears.
Donna Heim
Thanks so much for the pictures and news. When there’s nothing new I look at the old news. I have to have my daily fix. Love Zenny and Baby Z.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Wow! We really hit the jackpot today! Great news, great pictures, great comments and links . . . ! Thanks to Team Z, the LE crew, and everyone in the Z community. I just can’t believe how BIG Prince has gotten (nice to have some humans in the shot for perspective). Do those of you who actually know something about this think that his coat will continue to get darker and darker? Such a change from when he was born!
Loved seeing Grandma Anne and Grandpa Jerry as well as Aunt Ebby. Wonder what she thought when she sniffed that halter?? This was a great way to end the week – just hope none of us get lost between these posts and the new “Ask the Expert” thread.
Terry Crow – yes, I was referring to the fine Redneck stemware! It generally got rave reviews but none from the GP?
Terry Crow GP
Sorry. I did respond to you in an email.
Ann Pollard
IF they don’t name that baby “Zapit” there is something wrong!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
GREAT name!
The Little Bit Ranch (all of us!)
That is a great name!
Louise Castello
Hello everybody! I don’t know where to go to ask this, but does anyone know if Black Caviar’s race at Ascot will be televised here in U.S.? And if so, where and when? I looked on the forum but can’t find it there. Thanks so much if anyone knows.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
I get TVG and I know they will carry it. Post time is Saturday morning at 10:45 EDT / 7:45 PDT. GO, Nelly, GO!
Terry Crow GP
TVG has been advertising the fact that it will carry the telecast.
Doug Bear
I miss watching Zenyatta run! I’m from Langley in Bc in Canada and we have a small track Hasings Park. I’ve watched racing since I was a kid and finally at 38 I’ll be at Santa Anita in November for the Breeders Cup. I wish it was 3 years ago when Zenyatta won the Classic. Either way I do miss watching Z race as I seen all here races except for her maiden triumph. Only one other horse kept my complete attention and she was Delta Coleen. She raced here under the John Franke silks and she had the same running style but she really loaped along and made one insane run. Either way it will be nice to see if any of her foals turn out as nice as she was. Not just a good racehorse but a ham in public.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
The Z-sters all look forward to meeting you at BC in Santa Anita! Have you e-mailed Diana Stuart to get your official Dumpling (Z-ster) name tag? diastu46@gmail.com
Diana Stuart - Big Grins!
Doug Bear, Also your seat numbers and where you’ll be staying. I’m keeping a spreadsheet of all the Z Dumplings and Zsters who are coming to BC 2012.
diastu in tempe
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
I am going! :-D and psyched!!!!!!
Terry Crow GP
Doug-You couldn’t have picked a better equine to follow. Hope you will join us here often.
Shannon From Cool, CA
…and the wonderful story continues to unfold. Thank you Team Z.
Diana Stuart - Big Grins!
These are TOOOO CUTE! Thank you, Lane’s End and Mr. & Mrs. Moss!
Having Ann and Jerry in the pictures is precious! 12Z looks like he’s getting ready to romp on Jerry, little rascal. And the one of Ann and Ebby is adorable. Like Zenny, I think Ebby has that “hair stylist” and nuzzling thing going on. Baby Z is – well – really getting big! He is one handsome little boy. Look at those sturdy legs. Of course I love the serene and always beautiful Zenyatta, even when she is focused on a carrot.
Haven’t been able to break away to post much lately, but will do so over the weekend.
Hugs to all my Z Dumpling and Redneck friends.
diastu in tempe
Terry Crow GP
We have missed you here on the blog.
Jane D
CONGRATS! You are still my favorite!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Thank you for sharing her life with us. We are all so lucky. I love you Zenyatta and Baby Z. XXXOOO
Thank you for posting news about Zenyatta and Z12. Congratulations! You are going to be grandparents again!
I miss my Zenyatta fix and am so happy to hear anything about her.
Kisses and hugs to Z and Z12.
Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Moss and Lane’s End.
Darlene Daniels
What a day! Whew.
Started out excited about Frankel, then the special surprise of this new blog. I love the photos of Zenyatta, 12Z and Eblouissante. Cant wait to see her run. Ann Moss just looks amazing as usual. She is all class and never seems to age.
But the news about IHA has broken my heart. I have decided to just enjoy Zenny and 12Z for now and do the Scarlett Ohara about IHA. I will worry about that tomorrow.
It is so good to be in this peaceful and relaxing place…junior is so big, and the photos are all great, especially the one with Ann and Z12. I wish all horseland could be like this–but it isn’t. I sent this following comment to TDN’s forum today and I knew it would be rejected. Anyone who believed they were seeing genuine grief on the part of I’ll Have Another’s owner and trainer after the horse’s scratch from the Belmont should go back and see the footage of one of the greatest acts in racing history by two fakers. Here’s my comment, which some of you will be for and some of you will be against…i’ll stick with my story…
So much for all the loving care the owner of IHA demonstrated to the press and public. Load of baloney, including the ruse about taking him out of the Belmont because of tendonitis. He and O’Neill put on the biggest act in racing–Academy Award calibre performances, particularly the photos of their arms around each other, supposedly consoling each other. They love this horse so much that they ship him off, with his allegedly injured leg, to Japan for a sweet deal. They stop him from running so if he lost, his value wouldn’t drop. The owner gave DiTech to the world and has a heart made of money. Did this fine horse deserve to be sent to Japan, where non-producers could be sent to slaughter? Anyone remember Ferdinand? Have they even determined if he can breed? This is a classic example of how horses mean nothing to racing profiteers. They are just property with no rights.
Terry Crow GP
Don’t forget Cash Call in addition to DiTech
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Oh yes, TC and Barbara
Cash Call definately and very very very sad.
Because if he is unable to produce, will anyone
The owner did not want to rehab him and let him
Run at the end of the year.
Obviously only for money !!!
Darlene Daniels
Well said and sadly I am agreeing with you. I am just sick to death about this. And what a blight this is going to put on horse racing just when some ground was being made with the possible triple crown and all the excitement that made. Anyone who was maybe becoming interested and fell in love with IHA is now going to think, what? This is just sickening in my opinion.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
I am just sick about this also. Just makes me so sad. I was looking so forward to maybe seeing him. After all the money this horse has already earned for them. Just sickening. It’s just money money money. Terrible news What in the bloody blazes is wrong with people. Just Heartless, so many people had grown to love this horse. I know there’s only one thing I can do about this is give it to God for him to take care of I’ll Have Another. There’s nothing anyone could say that would make me feel good about this.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
I had just read this on Bloodhorse just before I came here. I guess I’m still in shock. Just Heartbroken. We Love You I’ll Have Another.. Sure sound like your owners don’t. Of course we don’t want you to know that. But, We Love You very much. Wish I had a hot line to someone that had the money to buy you to leave you here. Its not going to be a good weekend now. Love you
The Little Bit Ranch (all of us!)
I guess I need to do my research on Japan… but most certainly this doesn’t sound good. What is wrong with these people? Well I know.
Thank goodness for the good people like the Moss’s. Black Caviar and her connections remind me of the same. The Australians are like those of us here about our Zenyatta.
Eblouissante is such a sweet heart. I have a great picture of her giving me a kiss when my sister and I visited her. Thank you for keeping us updated on Zenyatta and her little prince. I loved the pictures……you all look so happy!
Beautiful pics, thank you!! :)
Paula Higgins
Oh my gosh I love these pictures!!!! I am so glad Ann and Jerry went to visit Zenyatta and her adorable (and growing) boy. How cute is he?! I love the picture of Zenny nuzzling Ann. I wish all owners were like Jerry and Ann. She was a gift to them and they are a gift to her.
carol in utah
thats Aunt Ebby nuzzling Ann…but Aunt Ebby is sis to both Z and Baby Z…confusing
Terry Crow GP
Almost sounds redneck.
Tom Allen
Soon babyz will be weaned, will that be a sad day or happy?
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Zenny’s milk production started decreasing
At 3 months after foaling. It is an inevitable
Fact of nature. He needs to grow up make friends
And establish his place in the herd.
Diane C Nicholson
Mares in the wild nurse for a minimum of a year, often two or more and will tandem nurse.
As a foal grows, he starts eating other things, and just like a breastfed baby human, the milk is exactly right for them at those stages in their lives.
I left my mare and her filly to self wean (still together 18 years later) and she often still nursed at 3-4 years old– when she was scared. It settled the mare because of the oxytocin and gave the filly security.
The only reason to wean them early is because of the racing agenda. Make no mistake– it’s an extremely stressful and horrendously sad time for mare and foal, especially if it’s done suddenly. They love their babies too and he will be taken from her for the rest of her life.
The new foal will go through the same thing and the mare will grieve yet again.
Diana Stuart - Weaning
Many farms wean in stages to lessen the trauma. Many colts in a field next to their mamas, but not physically touching is a method I’ve seen used. They don’t even know they are weaned because they can see and play with their buddies just like every day and can see their moms too. Then after a week or two, all the weanlings are moved to a different pasture together and the moms are moved to a pregnant mare pasture. It would be a good question to ask Lane’s End – what method they use.
diastu in tempe
sue and tony
Wonderful pics again on our Queen and her 12Z. Both of them look amazing…as do their wonderful owners. We simply cannot thank LE and Team Z enough for keeping this blog going …life in Zenyatta land is always exciting. Congrats Zenny on updated the news of your mating with Tapit.
Thanks to LE and Team Z for giving us more info on our Queen and prince. How wonderful everyone looks in these photos.
I cannot wait to get more questions answered …everything about Zenny is exciting.
Will be in Lexington in July for Breyerfest @ KHP. Is there a shop that sells Zenyatta items? Will the festival carry items, like caps or T-shirts?
Wow, that “baby” is getting BIG! He is going to be one impressive horse before too long!
I can’t stop wondering what Queen Z’s foal by Tapit will look like -I am hoping for a grey of course, but bigger than his typical progeny. Imagine a 17 hand Hansen! :-)
Thanks for the update and photos, I love getting any news of Team Z! (and Team E too – I love Eblouissante!)
AJ from CA
Congrats Big Z! Little Z sure looks like his mom. Sure appreciate Jerry and Ann sharing these moments with us – means a lot!! In contrast IHA’s owners really lost my respect by selling him out to the highest bidder in a big hurry. I guess it was always about the money for them all along.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Thank you, thank you, thank you, once again, for keeping us updated on the whole Zenyatta experience. I will never tire of news of her, pictures, videos. Appreciate so much everyone associated with Zenyatta allowing these windows into her world. Hugs to all at Lanes End, at Barn 55, and to Ann and Jerry Moss, as well as to those behind the scenes.
Candi E. Carter
I broke my heart when I read I’ll have another sold in japan,the greedy money hungry ouner are no concience but all they think are money. Poor IHA broken legs sold in japan and have possible to end up in slaughter in the future if he is useless.But in a good side my dear Zenny is looking good as well as a handsome big boy Z12.Ebby is like identical with her half sister and she is beautiful as well,also ann and jerry moss are wonderful people they are rule model concerning ouning a champion horses.Thank you lanes end for this gorgeous and adorable photos I do appreciate it very much.
Cecilia Thompson
thank you so much for caring about Zenyatta’s fans.It was the first thing i looked up when we bought our lap top. looking forward to future news,