Happy Friday!
How did you spend Father’s Day? We went to Lane’s End to celebrate with Zenyatta, and that was just the start of an exciting week…

12Z is getting so big, and we just had a blast hanging out with him and his mom.
Our next stop was California, where we stopped in to see Z’s little sister Eblouissante. We brought along Baby Z’s first halter, and Auntie Eblouissante got a kick out of it!
And then the most exciting news of all came this morning: Zenyatta is officially 60 days in foal to Tapit!
We also debuted our new column, Ask The Experts, earlier this week. Recently we invited all of you to submit questions about Zenyatta, her colt, and life at Lane’s End. Our inbox was flooded with hundreds of questions from all over the world.

We are so touched by the number of people Zenyatta has reached–-we love hearing from you! We also want to thank the ever generous people at Lane’s End Farm for agreeing to participate in this column, and for regularly providing photos for us to share with all of you.

If you missed your chance to send in a question, we will inviting another round of submissions in the future. Keep your eyes open!
Have a great weekend!
-Team Z
Prince is such a pretty boy, I can’t stand it! His chest and legs look fantastic, and he seems to be very intelligent. Zenny, your baby boy is really growing up and is going to be a real “hunk!”
Kudos to everyone for keeping us up to date with our Queen and her family! This family is definitely the royal family of the USA!
Mary in Boone, NC
Dear Team Z,
You did it again: brightened my day with pictures of our healthy and regal Queen. High hooves all around for the 60 days. All the godparents have been holding our breath, counting the days, waiting for our next godchild. Z12 certainly looks like the Prince he is. What precious times you must have shared with him. Seems like just yesterday he was wearing that halter.
I also want to add that the Mosses look well and happy too. Thank you again for taking such good care of your horses.
The reason I needed to be cheered up is I just read in The Bloodhorse that I’ll Have Another has been sold to stand stud in Japan. This might not be fair, but my first reaction was he could end up like Ferdinand.
Take care all,
Mary in Boone
Ingrid in MA
Mary, that was MY first thought about I’ll Have Another going to Japan, also. How sad is it when something like that is automatically the first thing we think of? Thanks to Team Z for bringing a lilttle sunshine into our day!
Terry Crow GP
Pretty stark comparison between the Mosses and the owner of IHA.
Ingrid Arnone
Nice post, I agree with you. You are so right regarding I’ll have another can you see that money always come first…
Hopefully there’s a “buy back” clause which is being used frequently now(so some say).
Ingrid in MA
Saw on Bloodhorse.com that Reddam was sorry to see him go to Japan – wasn’t his idea- but the stallion $$ here in the States was too light, that here they breed for speed, in Japan they want horses that can go 1 1/4 mi. – Well, maybe his stud fees would be higher here if you’d raced him a little longer before retiring him. Let him get the rest he needed for his leg to heal, then run him in next year’s races. I mean, was the initial idea to retire him after the Triple Crown run anyway? I doubt it. They could have raced him next year, gone to the 2013 BC, and if he’d done well there,he would have bigger stud fees. I know they said they didn’t want to miss the breeding season, but what was the rush? Like I said, I don’t think the original idea was to retire him after the Triple Crown. If IHA had raced more, he would have gotten bigger stud fees here. Very sad that a horse with such potential like IHA was put out to stud before we saw what he was really capable of.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Yes, I believe it is called (appropriately enough) the Ferdinand Clause.
Carol Evanetz
shouldn’t she get at least a years rest before being bred yet again……
No. She’s a broodmare and very valuable at that. She has a new job now called being a Mommy.
I was wondering when the first posts roll in about “it’s too soon for her to be in foal again”. People seem to confuse human desires and tendencies with that of equines. As was already said, it happens this way in nature. ( I always get a funny picture in my head of imaginary crazy people laying in the grasses watching the wild herds and “shooing” the stallions off of the mares bc “its too soon”. Ya, I’d like to see that! ) Anyway, if it happens in the natural state, then it is obviously how they were designed and is not harmful, but rather best suited for their bodies. Additionally, in the wild the mares don’t get the 5-star pre and post-natal care that Z gets!!!
Denise in AZ
Horses aren’t humans, they respond better being bred right back. Happens in the wild, happens in all aspects of raising horses- all breeds, all disciplines. Often the best time is the ‘foal heat’
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Denise, we have missed you!
Conny Leitz
What a beautiful little horse. Good luck for both!
Many greetings from Germany
Perky Green
How Handsome is this guy? Our QueenZ looks Fab as always.I’am always glad for the updates, and photos. Thank you Lanes End
Pam Homeier
Z12 is very handsome! Hope all goes well with his future training! Does anyone know when Ebby has her first race? Anxious to see her run.
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
IHA sold to Japan!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Wow! What great pictures! would never have seen this, if I had not had an e-mail from a fellow Dumpling. I assume the 101 responses are added to the previous post? I don’t see that many here.
Thank you Team Z and LE.
I am TOTALLY bummed about IHA. DOn’t even know what to say.
On another note, I’ve been meaning to report that I learned that the MTB movie scheduled for this year will be released in 2013.
Happy Friday, everyone!
Terry Crow GP
Barbara-I am still trying to work out this system. Guess I will have to start making notes of where the interesting posts are.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear GP TC:
I’m getting used to this new system too. Have to read all the pages. Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Yes me too, I miss many of them, I have to start writing the ones I like, hugs to both of you Ingrid.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid:
Hugs to you. JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Barbara, I believe the site always opens to the last (current) page rather than the first, and to see the earlier comments you have to click on the lower page numbers that appear just above the comment box at the bottom.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Right–the problem comes when we “refresh” and might miss comments that were being posted at the same time as our last ones. I think that happens frequesntly. I like the new system of “pages”, though. Hugs.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
“frequently”–I must remember to proofread!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and Z Fans:
Here is Frankel winning the Queen Ann Stakes on June 19th. What a horse! Hugs, JB
Judy B. Thank you for this. I cannot get enough of Frankel. He is superb.
Here is a link to Noble Mission’s race today at Ascot which was won by his stablemate, Thomas Chippendale. TC has the great Danzig in his sire line. The horse who was a near third is Thought Worthy, American owned and bred and a son of Dynaformer. I was cheering for Thought Worthy who is likely to go on to the St. Leger. Click on the King Edward VII Stakes video to see a real battle for the win.
Judy B and Z fans. This stamina race at Ascot called the Queen’s Vase is really something. The Queen Elizabeth won it today with her filly, Estimate. Estimate not only beat the boys, but she won the race in really fine style. This race is 2 miles long. Real girl power like Z.
Diana Stuart - Big Grins!
Max that was quite a thrilling video. As for Estimate – man could we use some of those great stayer genes over here!
diastu in tempe
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Wow, high hoof to Estimate! Girls rule! Thanks, Max.
The interesting thing about Estimate is that this was the first time that she had ever raced at 2 miles. Her usual race preference is a mile and a half, unbelievable as this sounds. By the look of her, she might be able go a lot farther than 2 miles as she was picking up at the end. She was the only filly in that race. The rest were colts. She is beautiful too. Z power!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thank you for the links of Estimate and Thomas Chippendale’s races. WOW talk about stamina. To go two miles, and against the boys, for the first time; that’s incredible. Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
What great photos! Thank you Ann, Jerry and Lane’s End! I’m lovin’ it!! My heart :)’s ♥
Terry Crow GP
I, too, wish to thank Lane’s End for the photos of Z and the prince. I am not sure who is responsible for the picture of E, but whoever it is, kudos. Today’s redneck jokes. You might be a redneck if you ever lost a dog to a bush hog. You might be a redneck if you share your beer with the dog. You might be a redneck if you have ever given rat traps as a gift. You might be a redneck if you plan a trip based on the amount of beer you can drink. You might be a redneck if you were expelled from summer school. You might be a redneck if you are driving a vehicle with no original body parts. You might be a redneck if you have ever had to siphon gas from your lawn mower to put in your truck. You might be a redneck if you take your car to the repair shop to have your doughnut tire rotated. And, a golden oldie-You might be a redneck if your primary income involves manure.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
You also might be a redneck if you love hunting but dissecting a rat in science class makes you sick. (This is how I tortured my wanna-be bully too. ;-) teeheehee)
Terry Crow GP
You are already qualified. No reason to embellish your resume.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Well, I felt like I had to put that out there. :-) LOL
Denise in AZ
Good ones!!
Terry Crow GP
Denise-Our long-lost redneck has returned.
carol in utah
Good grief…our dogs do not like beer but the cats sure do….go figure
Terry Crow GP
I may have to change some of the jokes to fit cats rather than dogs, but Utah may be the only place where this might apply.
Diana Stuart - Big Grins!
TCGP: I am a redneck because I’ve given rat traps as gifts – they’re called cats. I have a couple of redneck cats who like beer, and one snooty non-redneck cat who laps wine off my finger. (See, I’m a redneck because I stick my finger in the wine.) And I think I’m a redneck because I may not have all of my original parts. Let me think on that – – – .
Hi Denise!
diastu-she’s-baaacck!-in tempe
Trina Nagele in So Cal
“Rat traps as gifts” = “cats” Good one, Diana!
Terry Crow GP
I will include Arizona as well as Utah when reconsidering my jokes. To be honest, though, cats instead of hunting dogs for rednecks?
Karen Gogue / my heart :)’s ♥
Missed ya Miz Big Grin diastu in Tempe. It has been way too looong GF! Humm, is this the one and same diastu who is Arizona’s own loveable (well, ummm) beer drinking redneck rep who IS missing her front teeth and jus gums ya with that dazzlin’ grin of a redneck smile???
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
Great jokes. Thanks. Hugs, JB
Stella Bagwell South Texas
The photos are wonderful! I so enjoy each and every one that is posted on this site. Thank you so much for allowing us fans to still be a part of Zenyatta’s life!
Love to her, Baby Z and all the Zenyatta team!
janie from Massachusetts
They both look beautiful and healthy …… and one can see they are loved to pieces. That all horses and animals should be so loved and cared for …… janie
What a fantastic looking colt! And he has such a presence – just like his mama. I am so happy that you continue to post pictures and keep us up to date – THANK YOU!
Thank you for all that you share with us. You don’t have to do this and it is greatly appreciated by so very many of us. Z and her baby look fabulous and how fun is it to see Z’s little sis!! Thank you again.
Thanks so much for the pix and update! Congrats. I spoke with Mike Smith at Pimlico and he said when he visited Z in May she was standing back a bit and observing her colt get all the human attention and interaction. What a mom! Best wishes for an uneventful gestation and foaling!
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
To my Z family.
The shelter made a commitment to two mares that were so skinny, they could barely stand. We made the commitment to take them in. You wot believe the piece of information I just learned. Both were pregnant. One gave birth at 5:54 in the morning last week, and the other is expecting as well. Baby and mom are healthy and are joining our family soon. So those who jump all over the Mosses about breeding back, think of my post. Z really has it well.
Also, I am trying to coordinate a gift basket for the new arrivals, as babies are important additions to families always, and the director of the shelter doesn’t know about this. I have gotten some presents mailed in like carrots from the members closer to my location, but we still need a few more things like non-perishable treas and such. Nothing expensive. Even a bag of peppermints goes a log way here and I myself have bought three and a bag of butterscotch hard candy. If you would like to donate anything at all, I will be happy to give you an email so I can disclose of the address in private, as I don’t think something like that should be shared.
As always, thanks for the unending support! What would I do without my Z family?
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
*treats, curse autocorrect
Rosemary McCauley - Pres/AZ/New Mexico RNC
Pati – send me an address to mail a donation to my email, which is cujofrib@juno.com.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
I forgot to add. I am giving the basket to her the second weekend in July. It gives everyone time to send and plan.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
bakablonde@aol.com is my address.
shirlee in Indy
Thank God for people like Ann and Jerry Moss. They have kept the faith with Zenyatta. Treasured and honored her and made sure she has a safe and happy retirement.
Just read the news that IHA has been sold to Japan. Just sick about it.
Thank you again to Ann and Jerry, Dottie and the team at Lanes End who have allowed us the joy of being part of this great mare and her little (now big) boy.
Also, a high hoof to Stonestreet for their love and care of Rachel.
Roberta Smith
Eblouissante has such a long neck like her half sissy Zenyatta!
The Prince is getting so big so quickly!
Zenyatta sure loves Mr. Moss!
Patricia Emery
I think I love “The Mosses” as much as Zenyatta! If one of my dreams could come true…it would be that all of the race horses have such loving owners as Ann & Jerry. They really do represent the true spirit of the industry & as fans of Zenyatta, we are so blessed to have them. Zen & baby look absolutely amazing…thanks also, to the LE staff for their gentle hands!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Amen on all points!
shirlee in Indy
The Prince looks as if he is asking Mr. Moss if he wants to dance. He still has those wonderful big ears.
Here is the link to The Big Red Farm where I’ll Have Another is going
Info was tweeted by Three Chimneys Farm
Eveline / Maryland.
Looks like horsey paradise.
Terry Crow GP
Eveline-We have missed our Maryland redneck.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
It’s a beautiful farm. Three Chimneys will have some kind of photographer track IHA while he is at the farm in Japan per FB.
Jennifer Adelman
That baby is just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing these photo’s of Z and her new bulging frame. So great that she is fertile to bring other babies because she is one special mare.
Love the photo with Jerry for fathers day with his big smile at babyZ and his wonderful relationship with Zenyatta. Ann is a proud Mom and now a proud grandma!
Thank goodness we have owners like the Moss’s who don’t look at the dollar only and sell to Japan like Ill Have Another’s.
Celeste in TX
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You have made my day so special just by sharing this latest blog of news and the wonderful photos of our Queen Zenyatta, her adorable son and her beautiful human mom and dad. You are such very special people and it means so much that you care enough to continue to support those of us who love and admire your wondermare and you. Thanks also to Lane’s End for the fabulous care and the excellent kindness to all of us. I’m just at a loss of words so rather than keep babbling I will simply say one more time – thank you – from the bottom of my heart!!
carol in utah
I feel we are on a teeter-totter today…
The Mosses showing the world what owners should be…
New pics of Z…BigBoyZee…Ebby…
all up side…
Then bam…IHA gone….
do not know whether to laugh or cry…both I guess
Roses In May is at the farm where IHA is going ….I know he has a buy back clause ..
but then so does Silver Charm…and I think they are going to keep him forever
What a surprise to see these photos today. That little guy has so much personality, He is showing so many signs of his mama. Besides the famous ears. He makes you burst out laughing. Still watch the video that was made by that one station stating how his room is always a mess and others can’t wait to see him go…ha… It is by far the funniest piece ever. Well done and certainly shows his attitude. Love, love, love this guy. Please keep them coming. Jerry and Ann certainly have not abandoned Z as they visit as often as they can. It doesn’t get any better than that! They are in a league all of their own. Thank you, for keeping us updated and making us feel a part of Zenyatta as we did when she was racing and more in the public eye.
I wonder if baby Z still squeals when he runs. ha.
nancy in nj
carol – happiest birthday wishes to your mom! hope you all enjoy the festivities!
grand poobah – great jokes, as usual. i agree with you that the mosses are not the problem folks in the industry. owners/breeders would do well to emulate them.
team z – fabulous pictures! i especially like mr. moss and 12z dancing. too cute! congratulations on the second pregnancy. as always, thank you for keeping us connected!
pati – love the gus pics (and friend). wish gus could gain weight as easily as i can! he’d be a pudge in no time…! also, i would like to contribute to the gift for the rescued mares and babies. does the shelter accept paypal?
Terry Crow GP
Nancy-Always look forward to your posts.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
I believe it does. If it doesn’t, we can just include it in the basket.
HeidiK (Vallejo, Ca)
Wow, love the pic of Anne with Prince. He has his moms chest and shoulder. What a handsome young man he is! Thank you for the update! Zenny, the way you’re looking at Jerry is price less! And, Ebby, she just wanted to give Anne a kiss. LOL
On a serious note. To those that responded to my sisters situation, I just left a reply on the last blog. Some good news. Or at least, for now anyways.
Can’t wait to see if Black Cavier will make it 22 tomorrow. Nelly, run like the girl you are!
nancy in nj
heidi – just had to go back in the last blog to find out about your sister. sorry i missed the post. things sound a little better, right? holding a good thought for you both.
Ingrid Arnone
OH! Zenny and baby Z they are both so adorable and sweet, I love you all Ingrid.
Susan in So CAL
I’ll Have Another in Japan? I was hoping that Queen Zen would be bred with him next!
Terri Z
Susan she could never be bred to I’ll Have Another, Blame, or Arch. They are cousins through Chris S and his sire, Roberto.
I am very upset that he went to Japan.
I wish I knew someone to do a satirical cartoon for I’ll Have Another horse burgers.