Happy Friday!
How did you spend Father’s Day? We went to Lane’s End to celebrate with Zenyatta, and that was just the start of an exciting week…

12Z is getting so big, and we just had a blast hanging out with him and his mom.
Our next stop was California, where we stopped in to see Z’s little sister Eblouissante. We brought along Baby Z’s first halter, and Auntie Eblouissante got a kick out of it!
And then the most exciting news of all came this morning: Zenyatta is officially 60 days in foal to Tapit!
We also debuted our new column, Ask The Experts, earlier this week. Recently we invited all of you to submit questions about Zenyatta, her colt, and life at Lane’s End. Our inbox was flooded with hundreds of questions from all over the world.

We are so touched by the number of people Zenyatta has reached–-we love hearing from you! We also want to thank the ever generous people at Lane’s End Farm for agreeing to participate in this column, and for regularly providing photos for us to share with all of you.

If you missed your chance to send in a question, we will inviting another round of submissions in the future. Keep your eyes open!
Have a great weekend!
-Team Z
Even my DH agrees that Baby Z12’s ears looked (and still look) just like Mama’s – right after he was born. They are simply unmistakeable.
Congrats to Queen Z, the Mosses and all of Lane’s End. So happy to hear she’s hit the 60 day mark.
Leslie – yay….I’ve got hooves crossed for a filly too – but as always, I’ll be in love either way. As long as Mom and baby are safe and healthy – that’s all that matters.
BIG Thank You’s to everyone who keeps us posted on what Z and Z12 are up to! We TRULY appreciate the info. We do love our gal!♥♥♥
The foal should be named Zensberation from Zenyatta/Bernardini/”Inspiration”.
Connie Stephens
I agree, his ears are beautiful. Thank you for posting the photo’s.
Sandra Bennington
CONGRATULATIONS to Zenyatta!! in foal to #2!! Lil Prince is getting so big, he is beautiful!! I love seeing pictures of Jerry & Ann with their babies!!! Blessing to ALL of you!!!
Lovely photos & lovely news!
Thank you Ann & Jerry Moss for your generosity in sharing Zenyatta with us.
Thank you to all on the Lane’s End team who do extra work to provide us with photos, information & their wonderful fund of knowledge about horses.
When will Baby Z get his grown-up name?
Now the wait begins for 13 Z
New beginnings. New adventures.
Happy Friday!
Both baby Z and Z look amazing! The best of everything always to them and their wonderful “family” and that includes all of their team. Will baby Z have to leave Z when the new foal is born? Hugs ‘n kisses!
He will have been weaned by the time the new baby is born and starting his race training!
carol in utah
Way “too cute”…..Z is perfect….glad soon-to-be z13 is coming along well…
but I-Aint-Wee-Anymore-Zee is a hoot…personality leaps out of the pictures at you…
This is a very good thing…so many of the very greats had individuality to spare…
Just had to add Ebby to my just-figured-it-out virtual stable…have no clue how I could have missed adding her in the first place …
…..kisses carrots and peppermints for all
…..birthday wishes for anyone I missed
….get well wishes to those that are ill …including my mom in hot springs …she will be
90 next month but is hanging in there and determined to make the gala event we
have planned for her
save racing for all equines and humans…GO BLACK CAVIAR……GIRL POWER
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
God Bless your Mom. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
Add me to the list of well-wishers.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
My prayers and good wishes too!
Margaret I'm ECSTATIC!!!!!
Holy wow and a half! That is a big colt! Z and Lane’s End you done good! He will be soon be weaned and looks ready and fit. He’s shedding out to a marvelous dark brown like momma.
Not knowing the precise date of her date with Tapit etc. I’m guessing we’ll see next years foal around the same time as 12Z.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Margaret:
You’re so right. He’s only three and one half months old. Think he may be 17 hands plus? Hugs, JB
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
I think he will be smaller, but that only means (theoretically) that he will grow into himself that much faster.
carol in utah
Just saw note in forum ….IHA is going to Japan …..he better have a come home clause
…said there is article on drf..going to check it out
Terry Crow GP
I have not read anything about this, but why Japan? Maybe the Japanese gave Paul Reddam a cash call.
Diana Stuart - Big Grins!
TCGP This would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
diastu in tempe
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
I m sure they gave him a cash call.
Very sad !!!
Terri Z
What is going to do next? Open I’ll Have Another horse burger fast food chain. It surely is sad.
I am very proud of Mrs. Chapin, for not sending Smarty Jones over to Japan to even breed. Now, that is an owner with integrity. And she moved back to PA from Ky where he wasn’t too popular and where it was too far from his loyal PA fans to visit. You go girl!!!
Liz Gooch
Thank you, Team Z for the continuing updates of this wonderful mare and now her FAMILY! Seeing her in person was such an amazing experience. She has such a presence. I have only had that feeling once before, with Secretariat.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
There is an article. IHA is indeed going to Japan for stud.
Debra Turcott
Thank You very much for sharing these great pictures and giving us an update. Always love to see pictures and hear about Z and Prince Z (he appears to have lots of personality- seems like he knows when the camera’s are around. Not shy at all. Bold Boy and we have to love it. I hope he really truly KNOWS he is something SPECIAL like he is the boy right now but he knows he is going to grow up to be The Man). Love hearing about Ebby too. Follow Ebby, Zenny, and Prince Z (and others) on Facebook too.
Happy to know that Z is confirmed to be bred by Tapit.
Marion Ambler
What a great surprise…..those photos are amazing! All I have is superlatives to describe them, that growing like a weed baby, Zenyatta, those Mosses, and Eblouissante.. all BEAUTIFUL!!
Seems like a really quick turn around to me! Welcome to your new life, spitting out foals one after the other….
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
She still has 10 months to enjoy her freedom before she gives birth. She is healthy and strong. When she needs a break, she will miscarriage. Nature will give her a break. Plus, she looks happy. If she wasn’t, the Mosses would pull the plug on breeding her in an instant. No worries. :-)
Terry Crow GP
Agree. The Mosses are not about to put Z in any kind of a bad position.
Rosemary McCauley - Pres/AZ/New Mexico RNC
I agree – Zenyatta is in the best possible hands. Like someone else said, horses are not humans, Zenyatta is living in the lap of luxury. She doesn’t worry about a thing and she is waited on hand and foot and given the best medical care available, in addition to one on one handling and grooming on a daily basis. If Zenyatta’s dam had not been bred to Street Cry we wouldn’t have Zenyatta now. There are a lot of people who should never own a horse or have anything to do with them, but the Mosses are not in that category. Soap box is closed now.
New lighter subject: Are the people referenced below possible rednecks? These are true quotations from the courtroom.
Lawyer: Was that the same nose you broke as a child?
Witness: I only have one, you know.
Accused, Defending his own case: “Did you get a good look at my face with I took your purse?
(The defendant was found guilty and sentenced to ten years in jail) – Duh!!
lawyer: “What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?”
Witness: “Gucci sweats and Reeboks.””
Being pregnant is not a “break.” The Mosses would be well-advised to breed on alternate years to ensure the health and longevity of the mother and the quality of the foals.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
I’m sure they have the best advice in the business. However I would agree with you that she needs to be bred every other year if Z was 13 or so, but she is in her prime health wise and energy wise. Lanes End does not breed to endanger. Z is given better care then most of the US. Her health will never be put under any jeopardy as she is always watched and monitored to ensure optimal comfort. Her foals will always be the best quality wise. If we are going to scrutinize breeding rituals we should do so with the mares who are not “high quality”, or are bred until they are in their late 20s, in the vague hope that they will produce a champion or a stakes winner, even though the owner knows it probably won’t happen. Z’s foals will always be treated like they are the highest of class runners. It’s not these foals that are in jeopardy if they don’t turn out to be runners. Z has the best possible chance to produce champions in the most comfortable place possible between LE and the Mosses to love her and take care of her. We the Z community are too nosy about our Queen to ever let anything bad be forced on her, and many will be quick to voice the disapproval of the masses should Z show any signs of pain or discomfort.
This post just made my entire day! Thank you for the wonderful pictures! Love mama Z and her strapping boy!
L♥VE Auntie Judy aka JAG / Southern CA
Big Brown’s first starter proves a winner — in Russia!
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Hello Z family!
Here is our Reacue Gus being a redneck!
This Gus trying to mow!!
I am getting more and more anxious for BC!!!
I am very sad that IHA will stand in Japan, but maybe he will stand here in the 2014 season.
It is so unbareably hot here in the Traid of NC! Why can’t it rain already?!?!
I’m going to ride Red today. Lots of flat work and patterns for shows. Going to the shelter to visit rescue Gus, and maybe go meet the new horses! Update later!
Pati. Rescue Gus is a sweet one. Please tell him again to eat up and pack on a few more pounds.
I just knew rescue Gus would be a fine addition to the NCRNC. Thanks Pati.
If you did not see my post to you….I will take a Dunn Holsteiner! and you are sitting high in the saddle on Gus.
Yes, rain already, it is brutal.
Thanks team z. Everyone looks fantastic. Young z showing Mr. Jerry Moss the dance moves Mom taught him,cute. Every young man should learn those from his Mom!!!
These are sweet photos,thanks a bunch.
Zenny, glad you are fine…..13Z,that has a good ring to it!
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Well now that it is thundering up a storm LOL I thought the members would like to see Gus’s stormy weather friend! She’s a mini!! Take a look!
Eveline / Maryland.
He is so skinny, it makes me want to cry. I’m glad he has someone to take good care of him now.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
He actually came to us thinner. He looks much better now!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Thank you for the photo of Rescue Gus. What beautiful markings he has. Please send us photos of his progress. Wishing him a happy, healthy life. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
Gus is obviously a worthy honorary member of the redneck club. Glad he is in such good hands.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
I have an update!
Gus’s tests came back, and aside from a swollen eye (which we are taking care of) and his edema, Gussy has gotten a clean bill of health! YAY!!
I was looking at how many farms are going on auction lately. Some are so beautiful! Especially in California! You guys might be broke as a state, but you know class and style like no-one else!
Pati. Great news about Rescue Gus. I was at the grocery store today and saw a counter full of big bags of giant carrots. I thought of Rescue Gus and hoped that he was eating well. Keep those updates coming.
Terry Crow GP
Thanks for the update, Pati. Speaking for myself, California is only a shell of what it used to be.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thanks for the great update on Gus.
Diana Stuart - Big Grins!
This Gus has such incredibly beautiful markings I can’t wait to see a picture of him all fat and sassy. Thank you for rescueing this boy and the other one.
Could someone please explain why mares are bred every year and why stallions “cover” mares hundreds of times a year? I love Jerry and Ann and all of team Z but there are so many horses of great quality that need homes and so many lower level horses cruelly slaughtered… I just don’t understand the need to keep making so many more horses… I’m really not trying to be rude, I’d like to hear, maybe from someone at Lane’s End. Money is involved of course… but I’d like to see everyone who breeds horses keep track of every progeny they create so that an Exceller or a Ferdinand or a No Day Off and many others.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Leslie:
This is one of the problems with the Industry. Many of our beloved TB’s are slaughtered every year. Breeders and Owners should be made responsible for the life of the horses they breed from birth, through racing to retirement. Mandatory funding for horses retirement by Breeders and Owners of all registered TB foals would make a huge difference. So far, the Jockey Club and NTRA have not acted on this issue. Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
It is actually better for a broodmare to be in foal every year. I don’t know the exact science behind it but it lessens the chance of complications. It can also be very difficult to get the mare back in foal after being given a year or two off. We saw just how iffy the process is last year when Z didn’t keep the first time around and again this year seeing how excited they are that she made it to 60 days.
Obviously money plays a big role. Especially in the racing industry. The number of foals born each year and the number who actually “make it” in racing has quite a shocking difference. In takes quite a bit in purse money to be profitable for the owners over the course of the horse’s life.
Also, the bloodlines these horses have the potential to pass on. This goes back to very foals who go on to be successful in racing. There is no garauntee Z12 or any of her future foals will have a run like she did but they have to try or they’ll never find out.
Terry Crow GP
Some good points being made here. It is important to remember that the problems mentioned in the previous posts probably do not apply to owners like the Mosses. In general terms, however, these are important issues.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Not everyone is as considerate as the Mosses and LE. There are farms that are true “baby factories” and just throw out foals in the hopes that one will make it and make the farm famous. Not everyone is in the business for the pure love and joy it brings. Many are solely here for this–> $$$$$
Sad it is, but changeable if a little ambition on those farms’ behalf is put forth to change.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
In addition to what everyone else said, most stallions do not cover hundreds of mares. A few do, but they are the most popular and most successful, with the best genes to pass on. There are many more stallions standing in regional or state markets that have much smaller books.
Jan S. / Houston, TX
Aww… Congratulations Jerry & Ann Moss, and Lane’s End.
The pictures are marvelous. All look good. And a special treat seeing our Ebby. :)
Wonderful photos of the Queen and her Team. Zenyatta looks as amazing as ever, so serene for all of the responsibility that she has with 12Z. He is huge! And a really handsome colt.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and Z Fans:
Posted a link of Frankel winning the Queen Ann on Page 3 of Z’s Blog. He’s just magnificent. Hugs, JB
He looks just like mamma in that picture! When are we going to be able to visit them???
Ray Paulick DRF tweeted
Sayonara. KyDerby and Preakness winner I’ll Have Another sold for stud duty
at Big Red Farm in Japan, owner Paul Reddam tells DRF.
Keta Note: So if you want to visit I’ll Have Another, it will be a very very long trip.
So much for investing in the fans. Maybe the 2014 season we will have him back?
His new owners are Japanese connections. I can not think of a single stallion in Japan who shuttles back to the US the way some US stallions shuttle to other countries for the “Southern Hemisphere season.”
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Japan is in the Northern hemisphere. The breeding season is the same as in Europe and the U.S.
If he proves popular, he might shuttle to Australia or New Zealand.
Terry Crow GP
Keta-Your note is quite correct. Other than money, what is the reason for this? Kinda takes the shine off the horse’s racing accomplishments.
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
I always enjoy pics of the Z Family. Baby Z is growing so fast and he is TOO HANDSOME!
Zenny, Stay Happy & Healthy. Looking forward nine months from now when baby ZTap will make her appearance. Yes, I said HER. Let the guessing game begin…
Thanks for keeping us posted Team Z.
Love YOU all.
Awesome, awesome, awesome!!! Junior is getting so big, Zenyatta is perfect as always with a baby T in the oven, and the Mosses look great! Thanks for the pictures and the new column with Q&A’s about Zenyatta! That’s fantastic. This post made my day!! Love to all of Zenyatta connections and fans!
Sue Fredrick Co-P WI Chapt.
Oh thank you, thank you, thank you to the Mosses and LE staff for these new pictures. WOW, is EARnie a stunner! He has that Z presence and is going to be another people horse. Momma Z you look like a zillion bucks…….being pg sure agrees with you. Congratulations to Z and the Mosses on the new baby and you sure picked a good stud for the first one……..what a beauty he is!!
Congrats to Big Brown on his first winner…….always liked him but not his trainer.
And thanks for the picture of the beautiful Ebby, I just think she is a stunner too. Can’t wait for her first race.
Sending IHA to Japan!! What’s going on here? Why couldn’t he stand in the States first? Must have been tempted with big bucks! He better come back…..hope they aren’t thinking of selling him.
Patti, cute picture of dear Gus. He is a really neat color……..gotta love those paints. Hope he continues to put on weight and thrive.
Nose kisses for Momma Z and EARnie, love you so much, Auntie Sue
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Fredricks:
Didn’t know IHA was being sent to Japan. So sad. Hope it’s only temporary too. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
Sue-Agree with all your comments.
HeidiK (Vallejo, Ca)
sorry to burst your bubble but, I’ll Have Another was Sold to Japan interests and we will never see him again. I made my statement about this on the forum.
Lisag In Texas
Thought that it was for 2013 Breeding season only. This is devasting.
Maryp (New York)
I get a thrill every time I see a new post from Team Z. Love the photos and the news that confirms Zenny in foal to Tapit. Thanks always to Ann & Jerry and all of Team Z and Lane’s End for keeping us up on the lives of our Z and PrinceZ. Love any news about Ebby as well….will there be more soon?
Mikaela Oustayan
It looks like baby Z is doing his momma’s dance in the photo :D
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear LE Team and Z Fans:
OMG, Prince just gets more and more handsome as he grows. He even has that red highlight in his mane and forelock just like Mama. Thank you for these wonderful photos and updates. So appreciated. Z looks wonderful, content and healthy. Maybe we’ll be welcoming a beautiful gray filly next year. Whatever, boy or girl, sure to be another gorgeous foal. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Team:
Thanks for the photo of Eblouissante too. Hugs, JB
Judi (Sparks, NV)
Congratulations to team Zenyatta on the new pregnancy. Z12 is sure looking awesome!!! Hope the new one is a filly, but as long as it’s healthy is what’s important.
We truly hope that Lane’s end as well as the Mosses breed Zenyatta to Tiznow. We have followed several of Tiznow’s offspring, and almost all have been successful. When you factor in Zenyatta’s come from behind style with Tiznow’s stalking ability, and most importantly, their fierce determination to win, we believe you have the perfect horse, and perhaps a Triple Crown champion.
Best of luck with your second foal! We love you Zenny!
Ben and Donna
Lisag In Texas
Tiznow is too tall, with the Queen so tall, it would not be healthy. I too would love to see a colt or filly that they would produce…beautiful, and more breautiful. I love me some Tizzy.
All your fans really appreciate the up dates on Zenyatta and the baby. Also congrats goes out to Zenyatta and Tapit on your foil. Blessings to you and your new family. Send love and prayers to you, Baby Z and all the connections. <3
Rosemary McCauley - Pres/AZ/New Mexico RNC
Wow and double Wow!!! Is Baby Z ever beautiful and to say he is getting big is an understatement. Very impressive even at this age and the Queen looks amazing. She has a very calm relaxed look about her. Love seeing photos of her visits with her family.