Happy Friday!
How did you spend Father’s Day? We went to Lane’s End to celebrate with Zenyatta, and that was just the start of an exciting week…

12Z is getting so big, and we just had a blast hanging out with him and his mom.
Our next stop was California, where we stopped in to see Z’s little sister Eblouissante. We brought along Baby Z’s first halter, and Auntie Eblouissante got a kick out of it!
And then the most exciting news of all came this morning: Zenyatta is officially 60 days in foal to Tapit!
We also debuted our new column, Ask The Experts, earlier this week. Recently we invited all of you to submit questions about Zenyatta, her colt, and life at Lane’s End. Our inbox was flooded with hundreds of questions from all over the world.

We are so touched by the number of people Zenyatta has reached–-we love hearing from you! We also want to thank the ever generous people at Lane’s End Farm for agreeing to participate in this column, and for regularly providing photos for us to share with all of you.

If you missed your chance to send in a question, we will inviting another round of submissions in the future. Keep your eyes open!
Have a great weekend!
-Team Z
Trisha VA
RIP Sweet Hootie. You will be missed. Hope you are running and romping and bossing all your companions in the great green pasture in the sky. No more pain.
Love, hugs and kisses
Hi Everyone!
For any who may be interested Rachel Alexandra’s colt will be named Friday July 27th at Saratoga after the race named after the colt’s daddy Curlin! This is very exciting news for anyone who follows these new mom’s and former stable mates! It appears it will be a combo of Rachel’s and Curlin’s name and not so much about Jess Jackson? I hope they put Jess’s name in there somewhere in his honor and remembrance. He loved Rachel, and with out any doubt she loved him. By any chance does anyone know what our Z-Girl is having? I’m hoping for a little lady!
Maryp (New York)
Thanks for the news about naming Taco his formal name. That’s a nice way to do it.
The Moss’ didn’t want to know prior to princeZ’s birth so to my knowledge nothing has been said of the upcoming foal.
Lisag In Texas
I hope I win the contest. Two more days.
I hope you win too! How exciting that would be for you to visit Rachel and Taco! I know i didn’t win because i put Jess Jackson’s name in the mix and it sounds like it will be a combo of Rachel and Curlin! Oh well….care to share what name you chose? Keepin my fingers and toes crossed for you! Good Luck!
Lisag In Texas
No news, no new pics, Zenyatta, I hope you can feel me. I love you and I miss you so much…Your #1 Servant…Lisag
Maryp and Lisag:
Thanks for the info about baby Z! I didn’t think the Moss’s would sell him, i was pretty sure i read that their plans were to keep the prince! Does anyone have any idea when the prince will get his official name? It should be soon, because Rachel’s Taco was born shortly before baby Z and he is being named Friday! So I’m thinking an announcement will be made soon? If anyone is interested Big Brown is injured and has been relieved of his “stud” duties for a year to heal. :-( Would love to see Z-Girl and Big Brown have a baby,! What a cutie pie he or she would be! Sorry to hear about Sweet Hootie, what an important job he had. Sweet dreams Hootie! XOXO
Marshall (NC broad)
Just checking in! Hope everyone has a nice night and a good Wednesday.
Thanks, Terry, for the jokes — very funny!
Sorry to hear about Big Brown’s injury; hope he has an uncomplicated, speedy and complete recovery.
Kisses to Zenny and 12Z (and to all their friends, too!).
Goodnight and sweet dreams!
Cooler today,yeah!!!
Hope you did not loose power last night. Had a friend drive from Sanford and the gas pumps were not working…no power. She barely made it over and had to be at NC State for orientation,yikes.
Stay cool.
Left you a “Big Thank You” on ask the experts for your link to Dick G a.k.a. Teddy, please keep sharing these heart warming stories! If anyone is interested check it out, your heart will melt.
Glad you enjoyed it GirlSaratoga.
Zenyatta Web Team,
thank you for clearing up the Forum and Blog questions. I don’t know about the others but I want to hear only Zenyatta and her Teams news in her Blog. The forum (I thought) as was originally stated when it was started was for Zenyatta’s fans to communicate with each other.
Thanks for all you do to keep us connected to one another.
Love hugs and kisses
joyce lam
i ambaby z is getting so big. iwould like to see them. if they have open house.