Happy Friday!
How did you spend Father’s Day? We went to Lane’s End to celebrate with Zenyatta, and that was just the start of an exciting week…

12Z is getting so big, and we just had a blast hanging out with him and his mom.
Our next stop was California, where we stopped in to see Z’s little sister Eblouissante. We brought along Baby Z’s first halter, and Auntie Eblouissante got a kick out of it!
And then the most exciting news of all came this morning: Zenyatta is officially 60 days in foal to Tapit!
We also debuted our new column, Ask The Experts, earlier this week. Recently we invited all of you to submit questions about Zenyatta, her colt, and life at Lane’s End. Our inbox was flooded with hundreds of questions from all over the world.

We are so touched by the number of people Zenyatta has reached–-we love hearing from you! We also want to thank the ever generous people at Lane’s End Farm for agreeing to participate in this column, and for regularly providing photos for us to share with all of you.

If you missed your chance to send in a question, we will inviting another round of submissions in the future. Keep your eyes open!
Have a great weekend!
-Team Z
Trisha from VA
The humans get a chance to recover the horses are put down. Sad, sad and sad. I watched a special on horses and there is a vet in Europe (England, Ireland ?) who operated on a yearling that had snaped a bone in his leg. The vet went in and inserted a a piece of metal about 10 inches long with screws and after the surgery the horse could hobble around and the bone healed and when the metal plate was removed the horse got up and was fine. Goes to show that there is an alternative . Just takes a little time and TLC.
Love to all
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
No, Trisha, it DOESN’T just take time and TLC. Horse’s legs are not like human legs. Their anatomy is different. You can’t put on a cast and sit the horse in a wheel chair for a month. Horses have to be able to stand up.
Many factors determine whether or not a horse’s broken leg can be repaired. These include, but are not limited to: the age of the horse, the temperament of the horse, the location of the break, whether it is displaced or not, whether there are multiple breaks, whether the skin is torn, and how much damage has been done to the surrounding ligaments and tendons. The bone has to be supplied with blood. Also, the horse has to be able to put its weight on the repaired bone, or laminitis will result. And where the horse happens to be when the break occurs matters, too. If it can’t get to the hospital, or if there is no hospital, then the horse has to be euthanized.
In many cases, the decision to euthanize is a no-brainer–compound fracture, more than one leg involved, significant damage to the suspensory apparatus, horse is out in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes fixing a break is simple and involves sticking the horse in a stall for a few weeks. Those are the easy decisions. For everything else, it’s on a case-by-case basis. The owner has to decide whether to proceed with an expensive surgery with uncertain outcome. She has to consider whether or not the horse can tolerate confinement during recovery, the chances that the horse will be able to avoid laminitis, and how sound and pain-free it will be going forward. She also has to be able to afford the surgery and follow-on care. This can go well into five, even six, figures. Most horse owners, including race horse owners, aren’t rich. It’s unfortunate, but not heartless, to euthanize an animal that requires expensive, extensive medical treatment–especially when the outcome is in doubt. (I’ve had to make this decision for a couple of my dogs.)
Well said!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Laura J.:
So admire your knowledge of all things horses and so appreciate your taking the time to explain all that you know. Thank you. Always learn something from you. Hugs, JB
nancy applegate, cincinnati
thank you for explaining. you did that very well. euthanizing is very hard to do but i agree that sometimes it’s better than subjecting a loved animal to a difficult recovery.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trisha:
What you say is true in this respect, sometimes the owners do not even try to save their horses and they are sold to kill buyers because they are injured or can no longer earn their keep. But even valiant efforts like those made to try to save Barbaro, sadly don’t always work in the end. Every situation is different, as Laura J. has so wisely said in her post. The sad part is that relatively sound, young, former racers are sold to slaughter every year. Hugs, JB
Judy B. This is too true, and it makes the story of Neville Bardos all the more amazing. He escaped slaughter and fire. He may not be Frankel or Nelly, but I count him in the category of a wonder horse.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Oh yes, he certainly is. Hugs, JB
Trisha from VA
Don’t forget Zenyatta’s face book page. It is still at 109k. Need more, more and more
Lisag In Texas
This was cute.
Janie (in L.A.)
As a non-Facebook member, I can no longer get on Zenyatta’s Facebook page like I used to be able to do… phooey.
Terry Crow GP
Trisha-You have not yet accepted your appointment as president of the Virginia chapter of the Redneck Club. No one gets inducted without their permission.
Trisha from VA
Check out the winner of the TB beauty contest at Colonial Downs in VA
Congrats to Skittles. I voted for Driver, but at least she was third. They are all beautiful horses.
carol in utah
I voted for the grey…but thought they all were beautiful
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trisha, Max and Carol:
They really are all beautiful. Hugs, JB
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Your check came in the mail today. It will be delivered this Saturday!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Thank you. Hugs, JB
Lisag In Texas
Hoping for more pics today, and videos…need so many videos. Zenyatta is a hunger that no amount of pictures and videos can satisfy…but sure would like to try.
I miss you, Zenyatta, you have no idea how much I miss you.
Love forever and ever, all my love to Your (Our) Prince….Lisag
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lisag:
So, so true. Can’t get enough photos and videos. Hugs, JB
Trisha from VA
Yes I have had to make that decision also, however the horse was able to walk with the steel plate in its leg and the bone was completely healed when the plate was removed.
Churchill cancels Thursday card because of heat
The Associated Press – 14 hours ago June 27th 2012
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — Churchill Downs has canceled Thursday’s race card because the temperature is expected to be around 100 degrees.
Track President Kevin Flanery said in a statement on Tuesday that Churchill consulted with the National Weather Service before deciding to cancel racing, and would continue to do so for the three remaining race days – Friday through Sunday – of the spring meet. The weather service expects highs around 100 all three days.
Thursday’s post time was set for 12:45 p.m. EDT. Friday’s races begin at 2:45 p.m., and Saturday features an evening card, starting at 6 p.m. The first post on Sunday is set for 12:45 p.m., and the $150,000 Grade II Firecracker Handicap is scheduled that day
Interesting article about Nelly’s dam sire who sadly has just died. Desert Sun raced in the US and was trained by Bobby Frankel.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thanks for this article on Nelly’s Grandsire. He raced at Belmont in 1993 for the great Bobby Frankel and also in California. RIP beautiful Desert Sun. Hugs, JB
Lisag In Texas
Has anyone read the article from Johnycomelately.hubpages.com? RA: Is She The Best Filly Ever?
This has nothing to do Rachel, I love the girl. The article does comparisons as far back as Ruffian, my first love.
The thing is toward the end of the Article, he got paid to write this? And then there is Zenyatta, that never left the comfort of Southern California or never faced the boys.
I could not believe what I was reading, had to read twice to make sure I was really reading this.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Some people are just cranky that we still talk about Z, plaster her on billboards, use her races in commercials, that she ends up in every major news outlet and magazine and we still compare EVERYONE to Z and we barely hear about RA anymore… It’s sad that we don’t hear more of RA, but Z was the Queen for a reason. Plus, some people are so desperate to just disagree and put down west coast racing that they would type till their fingers fell off just to make the other horse “look bad”. It’s just a cry-baby temper tantrum. Half of this information is biased and the other half is found on Wikipedia. Don’t worry too much about it. By the looks of the comment page, not many people read the blog or remotely care about what this person has to say.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
*is, not was the Queen.
shirlee in Indy
Pati, Stonestreet posts on their facebook stories and photos of Rachael and Taco very often. True, she does not have the following Queen Z does but there is plenty of info about her. Also, she has a heading on the Zenyatta Forum.
Pati-Queen and Prince Z Fan
True. That is true. But it usually is a very large break before we get anything new. (I.E. Usually longer than 2 weeks)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Love Rachel Alexandra and Taco. Can’t wait to see her little filly by Bernardini. Hugs, JB
Lisag In Texas
Yes, but I would expect a professional journalist to check the facts before print, and have a proofreader. Zenyatta, never faced the boys, I wonder what planet he lives on!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lisag:
Seems it’s the norm for what is non factual to be touted today as “truth”, be it on the internet, on the printed page or on TV. We know our Queen; we know what is true. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lisag and Z Fans:
Just found the article by Johnnycomelately that you referenced. Although it is not dated, I think it was written before the 2009 BCC in which Zenyatta “beat the boys” at Santa Anita and before her stunning effort against the boys in the 2010 BCC at Churchill Downs. This gentlemen writes that “Zenyatta has to prove her class”. I think even he realizes now that indeed she has.
Would have been nice if he had written a follow up on Z’s wonderful Breeder’s Cup Classic races. Oh, and BTW, this gentlemen is from California so pretty sure he knows who Zenyatta is.
Hugs, JB
Lisag In Texas
Thank goodness, JB, and thank you. I just could not believe a journalist could make such an error. Rachel is posting old stuff then, it’s okay…she’s Preggie.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
All–have received word that Front Range Equine Rescue in Colorado is having to evacuate, due to the fires. Also, it appears that rescues in FL have taken a heavy hit from the storm. Please pray and donate if you can. I wish I could right now, but just can’t.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
judy b, Barb W., Terry Crow, & Eveline — I read your discussion about “I’m My Own Grandpa” on page 6 of this Post, and enjoyed it. I noticed you mentioned me, Terry, re: “if there was a Hollywood Park chapter”, although I think JAG or Karen better qualify, as they actually get to the track so much. Thanks.
I also read Sue’s “Redneck Hurricane Survival Kit”, and the responses. I haven’t caught up on the blog since then, but will try in the next couple of days.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Dear Vicki,
Thanks for pointing out this hilarious discussion. I missed it. So love the lyrics
and song of “I’m my own Grandpa”. VERY VERY VERY FUNNY. So true of
TB breeding, everyone is everyones relative in some way.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
Too funny. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
Vicki-We missed you here. Isn’t it about time for a relatives of rednecks post?
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Terry, I will try to get to one in the next couple of days. But two friends arrived last night from England, and we will all go up the coast on Sunday for a week — (yes!), I will get a week’s vacation, hopefully to forget about my job, completely! So I may not get to create another story until after I get back on July 9. I’ll keep you posted.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki:
So funny. Glad you enjoyed it too. Good to see a post from you. Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Judy, I have missed not being here, too.
Vicki, I have missed you. Hope all is better at work.
I have had a huge flock of kitchen buzzards flying in,late nite. I told them your pancake, roommate story. Evidently,it has inspired the making of disc size pancakes and the summer games have begun. Help!!!
Take care,stay cool.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Ann. The new gal is working out well, she is sharp, and learning quickly. But it’s still a lot to learn.
I had no idea that my pancake-roommate story has been making the rounds! i love that! It was maybe strange to have a pancake on the wall for so long, but certainly a conversation-starter, everybody loved it. And it was impressive just how well a dried pancake holds up, after months. Could probably be used for skeet shooting! What a Redneck thing that would be, huh?
As I mentioned above to Terry, I will enjoy my week away next week, forgetting all about my job, but will miss not being able to come here, and see what’s up with everyone. Take care, and stay cool, too.
Churchill Downs Update
Churchill Downs officials will adjust their post times and race exclusively in the evening for the final three days of its 138th Spring Meet due to looming near-record triple-digit heat in the forecast for Louisville. The first race on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be 6:30 p.m. (all times Eastern). On Tuesday evening it was decided that Thursday’s nine-race program would be cancelled because National Weather Service forecasters were calling for a high of 103 with a southwest wind of 5-15 mph and gusts up to 26 mph.
Revised Closing Week Schedule at Churchill Downs (June 28-July 1)
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
: Baby Riata’s Hope and Momma (not named yet)
This is the first mare and foal pair we rescued! She is the one who had her baby late last week! Lots of love, food and care has improved her appearance ten-fold!! Waiting for the other pair to get here!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Wonderful news!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
So adorable. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Precious. They are so lucky to have you. Give that babe a big ole hug from me. Maybe,when it cools, I’ll drive on over and meet this cutie and bring some treats!
Thanks Pati.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
I’m sure you would be welcomed with open arms!
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Many Other people aid in the effort to help them. It’s not just me, but if I could, I would take them all.
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Zenny and Baby Z12 and all Zsters: I love the photos. Wow, Z12 has really grown!!! Do you know if Zenny and Z12 are still together or have they been separated. He is going to be a big boy!!! I love the picture of Z12 and Mr. Moss. Looks like they are having fun playing with a new dance step.
Congrats Zenny on her 60 Days in Foal. I hope it’s a filly this time around!!!
Another Wow–is Ebby. I saw her a year ago and she seems to have grown. Can’t wait until her first race.
I was hoping to make it out for Gold Cup Day, but it doesn’t look too good. I would have loved to join in for the reunion of the ZDumpling’s. Oh well, maybe something will work out, but if not, there’s November, and I am really looking forward to that trip.
Take care everyone! You too Zenny!!! Thanks for the photos!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Linda, I’m sorry you don’t seem able to make the first annual Gold Cup Day reunion! We will be looking forward to seeing you for BC.
Linda Edwards in NJ
I am so disappointed. I will miss not seeing you folks. But, there’s always next year!!! Meanwhile I will see you in November for sure.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
I have a showing question. Do you flat show with your horse? You have good advice, but I realized that I have no idea in which class you show!
Anne from Paramount, CA
First, thanks to all who posted replies about my posts of my weekend experiences with Mikey and IHA….how nice to be able to fill in “the rest of the story.” And yes, Terry Crow and others, he (Mike) does seem very humble. Fits in with Zenyatta being a camera ham, no? One compliments the other. :-)
Terry Crow, so you are giving me “serious consideration…” well, since I am already on the cusp (so sez you), why not jump into the deep end of the pool! Yes, I accept! I am right, there are no dues, right? Except to join in postings here from time to time. I humbly accept this honor…unaccustomed as I am to public speaking(except on horse racing radio shows and blogs).. Someone stop me! This honor has gone to my head! Now I feel like Garfield singing on the fence with things being thrown at him! Hmm…could Garfield be a redneck? Jon sure could. (Doesn’t any self respecting redneck read the comics?) Hee haw!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Anne from Paramount:
Too funny. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Delightful, Anne, as always!
Terry Crow GP
Anne-Let me be the first to congratulate you on finally accepting membership in the California chapter of the Redneck Club, You join Vicki B, Stephanie in San Diego and myself as charter members, bringing the total to four and, therefore, tying us with Texas for the honor of having the most members. Just remember to keep January 27 in your heart as our day of remembrance.
Yeah Ann…with an E…Anne! Welcome.
TC,don’t forget,we in NC are waiting to hear back from Bubba.
I’m going out today to purchase the cherry bombs, for the 27th. Oh wait, I can sneak in a few next week too!!!!!
Anne, I am enrolled at Garfield’s, Camp Eat-A-Watcha-Wanna this summer.
There is arts and snacks,pie eating, lasagna lodge, and my fav catnap cabin.
I think all in the RN club would enjoy!
Terry Crow GP
Sounds like something a redneck would enjoy.
Can we make it official then? Your poster will be in catnap cabin!!! Perfect!
Marshall (NC broad)
Goodnight to Zenny, 12Z , team Z, Lane’s End and to all you dear friends here in Zennyland! Sweet dreams and stay safe!
Consider yourselves hugged and tucked in for the night!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
Hugs back to you, JB
Trisha from VA
I read where Hollywood Park will be demolished and the area will be a sports complex and housing. What will happen to barn 55 and Zenyatta’s Way? Do they not understand how important it is to save her history?
I do so love progress
OK Terry, I am honored to accept the VA Redneck Presidency.
Love hugs and kisses to all
Terry Crow GP
Trisha-I would like to be the first to congratulate you on your presidency of the Virginia chapter of the Redneck Club. There are no official duties, although you may be called upon from time to time to cast an important vote. The last such vote was when we were considering making the Dead Skunk Song the official anthem for the Club. As I advised Anne, don’t forget to keep January 27 as a day of remembrance. I wish all of those rednecks out there would come out of the closet and join up, as you have so wisely decided to do. Again, welcome aboard?
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
I think that will happen if someone doesn’t buy HP after Betfair’s contract ends.
Lisag In Texas
I hope someone does buy it. Isn’t it a 5 year contract?
Terry Crow GP
Betfair merely has a contract which enables that entity to use its name in the title line for advertising purposes. It does not have any actual financial stake in the ownership of Hollywood Park. Hollywood Park has been on the edge of collapse for some time. If the economy wasn’t so bad, it would have been plowed under by now. The same company also owned Bay Meadows racetrack in the San Francisco area and did not hesitate to raze it. As to what would happen to all of the historical aspects, I am not optimistic. The Bay Meadows property now looks like there was never a racetrack there.
Lisag In Texas
Hollywood Park cannot go away, it was my first, I broke my maiden there. It is the Home of many a great race horse–horses. I have heard for years of the threat, and hoping it would not happen. I will just keep hoping. Lisag
Trisha from VA
Just what are my duties anyway!!!
Lisag In Texas
Congratulations, Trisha.
Welcome Trisha.
Lisag In Texas
Sigofthetimes, Barbara in TX and Barbara’s Hubbie in Tx, we need someone else to join in Texas..CA has caught up, we all know everything is bigger in Texas. Lisag
Thoughts & prayers with Mike & family!
Mike Mitchell to undergo surgery for brain tumor
By Brad Free Daily Racing Form 06/28/2012 10:19 AM
INGLEWOOD, Calif. – Trainer Mike Mitchell is scheduled to undergo surgery Friday morning at USC Medical Center to remove a brain tumor that was diagnosed early this week. Mitchell, 64, was admitted to the medical center on Wednesday, according to his wife, Denise.
She said the tumor was “medium-sized” and that doctors expect to determine whether it is malignant or benign by early next week. An MRI on Monday revealed the tumor.
Terry Crow GP
Prayers go out to Mike Mitchell and his family.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Prayers for Mr. Mitchell. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Thoughts and prayers for Mr. Mitchell.
All the very best wishes, too, for a smooth recovery.
Lisag In Texas
Prayers for Mr. Mitchell.
Jan S. / Houston, TX
Prayers and thoughts to Mike Mitchell and his family.
Linda Edwards in NJ
I will keep Mike Mitchell and his family in my prayers.
This link is for fans of the great Brigadier Gerard. I know that some Z fans really love him.
It is also for fans of Roberto, Z ‘s great granddaddy on the dam side of her pedigree. Z resembles him. There is a video of his “bat out of hell” win in 1972.
Sent from my iPad
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thank you so much for this article and videos. I have always thought Z favored her Great Grandsire in looks (especially her blaze and her ears). I have never seen a video of Roberto racing; just wonderful.
Brigadier Gerard was quite a horse. Did not know of him until your link. Thanks again. Hugs, JB
Judy B. The Brigadier is one of the highest rated English race horses of all time. He is a real hero over there. The Brits were in total shock when Z’s great grandfather beat that horse. Some have yet to recover.
I think that Z runs like Roberto too. He was great in that race. He battled it out and was just not going to let BG get that win. We can see where the Queen gets some of her will to win. There is loads of talent in her bloodlines. We will see eventually how much of that gets passed to 12Z.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Yes, I think you’re right. Z’s running style and determination mirrors her Great Grandaddy, Roberto. I hope our Prince inherits all the running style and winning ways of his wonderful family and ancestors. Great genes. He certainly has inherited their beauty and temperament. He is just gorgeous and Oh, those ears.
Guess Roberto really shocked the Brits in beating BG. It’s so much fun just imagining what Z’s Prince and her other foals may accomplish in racing. We’re in for quite a ride. Hugs, JB
Good history/pedigree lesson & video
I just keep on learning.
Heard about BG but never saw him race.
Roberto was new info
Lisag In Texas
Ahhh, Roberto…
Thanks for the Link
Bodemeister to Stand at WinStar When Retired
by Blood-Horse Staff Date Posted: 6/28/2012 3:28:28 PM
Zayat Stables’ leading 3-year-old Bodemeister, this year’s brilliant winner of the Arkansas Derby (gr. I) and a narrow runner-up in the Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands (gr. I) and the Preakness Stakes (gr. I), will stand stud at WinStar Farm at the conclusion of his racing career, the Lexington operation announced June 28.
A partnership was formed between WinStar and the colt’s owners, Ahmed Zayat and Michel and Tiffany Moreno, who will continue to race the colt.
“Bodemeister is brilliant by design,” said WinStar Farm president Elliott Walden in a statement. “The raw speed he shows, combined with his freakish numbers, makes him the best stallion prospect on the market. I can’t remember the last time a 3-year-old colt ran three straight triple-digit Beyers around two turns before the Kentucky Derby like he did. And he’s by leading sire Empire Maker, out of a million-dollar Storm Cat mare. He is truly brilliant by design.
nancy applegate, cincinnati
Zenyatta is so gracious…she makes even a fly mask look good! Baby Z looks like he’s thinking about one, too.
nancy applegate, cincinnati
i really like the pic of Ann holding out her hands…Baby Z can’t believe Ann is out of treats.
Brenda in TX
Count me in the Texas RN club if I can join- Can’t have CA w/ more members than TX – I was a redneck before there was a name for rednecks – don’t post much, but love the rn jokes & love reading everyone’s posts everyday
Saw a news headline the other day about the Queen & Black Cavier’s picture – so I pull it up wondering how Queen Z got into a picture w/ BC – well silly me – It was Queen Liz- not Z- petting BC after her Ascot race …..
Lisag In Texas
Yes, Brenda….We need the GP Crow to make it official.
shirlee in Indy
Thanks to Mr. Zayat for keeping Bodemeister at home here in the USA at WinStar. Shows he cares about the horse and the fans. He has shown true grace as his horses have consistantly been second in the TC races. No complaints or blame, at least in public.
Zenyatta, how is your second pregnancy going? How is your current foal doing? Is he still a handful? Is he still running around, squealing, and making messes? Do you still have to chase after him? Regardless of the answers to these questions, he will be a big horse before you know it. Your second foal will be born and your current foal will have a little brother or sister. That will happen before you know it as well. How is life going at Lane’s End Farm? Are you still following horseracing? Did you hear about Frankel and Black Caviar? Frankel won his race pretty easily, but on the other hand, Black Caviar had to work for it harder than usual this time. She barely won-by just a nose. She might have hurt herself in the process. I read in the paper that because of what she might have done to herself, she might not race again. I hope this turns out to be false. The closeness by which she won might have to do with this being her first race outside of Australia. The track was probably more familiar to the other horses than it was to her. Regardless, a win is a win. I’ll take it.
Anne from Paramount, CA
Yessir, Terry Crow, got it-January 27th—on my calendar-or will be as soon as I can find 2013– This is a humbling experience.
Ann, that Garfield camp sounds great! Especially the catnap cabin. And, get this, we had some leftover lasagna, so I had some tonight. Must have been celebrating my new found fame, w/o realizing it. LOL.
So sorry to learn about Mike Mitchell….oh my.
Good to hear about Bodemeister’s next home…
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and Z Fans:
Just found this video tribute to Dynaformer, whose Sire was Roberto. Thought you would enjoy it. Not crazy about the music choice. What do you think? Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks for this link; I enjoyed the tribute to Dynaformer. I agree with you about the music. Through this link, I was able to view a couple of other tributes to Dynaformer.
What a strong personality and physique! Truly a marvel!!
Take care and all the best!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
You’re so welcome. Yes, Dynaformer was really something. Hugs, JB
Judy B. Thank you for this. Dynaformer is one of my favorites. He could look so innocent but was a wonderful, bad boy. You can see the influence of his sire, Roberto, in these photos. Love you, Big D.
Thanks Judy,he was some horse. Roberto,my father loved him!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
I know he was one of your favorites and he was so special. Hugs, JB
A marvel,yes he was. One word sums him up perfectly!!!!
A Marvel. Thanks Marshall.
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks! Glad you agree — it seemed a very appropriate word for him!
Dynaformer, the Marvel.
Cheers! (hope you can stay cool for these extremely hot days)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
You’re so welcome. Hugs, JB
Marshall ( NC broad),
Hope you are staying cool.
I think I will go jump in the French Broad! That will cool us off!
Take care………slow and staying low.
Judy B. I recently was walking down the street with a friend when we saw a Guinness sign. I mentioned to my friend that this sign reminded me of Zenyatta. Talking about Z is a daily event. My friend then asked if everything in this world reminded me of Z. I replied no – that a lot of things remind me of Dynaformer.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
A horse is horse, of course, of course. Love your post. Hugs, JB
Another video of the Queen looking great.
Lisag In Texas
Max, it would not open for me, the video that is. I will try at home….Never enough videos in the world to satisfy us. Thanks for this link. Lisag.
Lisag. This is a good one with Mario and John and others from Team Z in it. Z’s coat is shining like 24 carat gold. Love her blue training socks too. Her legs are powerful and beautiful. She’s the Queen!
Lisag In Texas
@ MAX: Oh, yes, I love those blue socks too. They just spell Queen Zenyatta. I cannot wait to see it, almost time to go home.
Maryp (New York)
Thanks for sharing. Can’t ever get enough of Queen Z making her moves. Such personality and beauty!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thanks for the video. Love it. Hugs, JB