Happy Friday!
How did you spend Father’s Day? We went to Lane’s End to celebrate with Zenyatta, and that was just the start of an exciting week…

12Z is getting so big, and we just had a blast hanging out with him and his mom.
Our next stop was California, where we stopped in to see Z’s little sister Eblouissante. We brought along Baby Z’s first halter, and Auntie Eblouissante got a kick out of it!
And then the most exciting news of all came this morning: Zenyatta is officially 60 days in foal to Tapit!
We also debuted our new column, Ask The Experts, earlier this week. Recently we invited all of you to submit questions about Zenyatta, her colt, and life at Lane’s End. Our inbox was flooded with hundreds of questions from all over the world.

We are so touched by the number of people Zenyatta has reached–-we love hearing from you! We also want to thank the ever generous people at Lane’s End Farm for agreeing to participate in this column, and for regularly providing photos for us to share with all of you.

If you missed your chance to send in a question, we will inviting another round of submissions in the future. Keep your eyes open!
Have a great weekend!
-Team Z
Lisag In Texas
Papa Jerry, just had so see his Daughter and Grandson for Fathers’ Day Weekend. Too Sweet.
Ann Johnson
Hi Z!
Wonderful that you are pregnant again and hope all goes as smoothly!!!!!
When will your colt be named? Anxiously awaiting. My girlfriend thought of Zendini for you colt. Just a thought.
Take care!!
Lisag In Texas
Me thinks that Auntie Ebby is just wants to love on Ann.
Lisag In Texas
Ms Zenyatta, Congratulations, again, My Queen. Filly or Colt, I do not care…but a filly this time would be too cute.
Terry Crow GP
lisag_Good to see you posting.
Lisag In Texas
Thanks, Terry. Had a breather at work Friday and today as well.
Great news!!
I also have a question: Is there any possibility the Mosses could sponsor Hootie? He seems to have lost his sponsors. :(
Baby Z got so big! So beautiful. I love how the Mosses are so involved! Personally, I’d have the foal in my living room!
He really knows where the cameras are just like his mom.Too cute!!
Lisag In Texas
I need a picture of Zenyatta and Ann to compare with Princess Ebby and Ann, heard too many different things about how big or not how big The Princess is. I wish I could hear something official.
L♥VE Auntie Judy aka JAG / Southern CA
Princess is tall! Almost as tall as Queen :-)
Lisag In Texas
That is what I heard, and then someone told me it might now be accurate. You live at HP practically, is it true she may be 17 Hands?
L♥VE Auntie Judy aka JAG / Southern CA
Lisa, I did hear 17 hands….
Zenny and foal prettttyyy ! Thanks for sharing.
Oh my, how cute are these pictures!! Gosh Baby Z is certainly growing up fast, too fast!!
Wow, oh wow, has our little man ever grown! Having the lovely Ann Moss there gives us an truer idea of his size now.
I love the pic of Jerry with the carrot for Zenyatta–she is looking so intently at his face, ears perked, intent to catch what he is saying.. That girl knows how to act!
Thank all of you for working together to keep we Zenyatta fans happy.
WOW! Is 12Z getting big or what?! He is a beauty! Wouldn’t it be nice for him to have a baby sister?!
Stephanie Q
Wow he is Huge!! When can we expect a name? Thank you for sharing your pictures with us!
Prince Z seems to have his mama’s prance !!!! He is just so adorable & getting Bigger!!!!
Thanks so much for keeping us up to date on Little Z. He is growing so much! Zenyatta looks great too! It’s great the Mr and Mrs Moss get to see them, I’m sure Z and little Z love being with them!
Linda Shull
So grateful to see new pictures of Z and baby Z. Glad her pregnancy is coming along well. At what point will baby Z be weaned from his mom?
Barb Zylbert
Congratulations on the news! When will Zenyatta’s sister run? Don’t want to miss it!
Looks like 12Z is trying to dance like his mom! He’s gorgeous and getting SO big!! Congrats on the great foal news….keep good care of Zenny! Ebby is such a sweet girl.
Thanks to team Z for keeping us up-to-date on them both!
Lot’s of love to all!
He’s growing like a weed!
What GREAT photos! Thank you all for the updates on ZENYATTA, BabyZ, and Auntie Ebby! We’re all excited to see EBBY run! Every photo of baby Z is just awesome! He looks so big for his age! I think that’s a hint to his mother’s size!! LOL! CONGRATS to the Queen on her new “bun” in the oven! We love you so much! Be blessed everyone!
Sydney Brooks
I think she needs more time between foals. She is not a machine! Give her a break guys!
Broodmares are bred back as soon as possible. Look at horses in the wild, they don’t take any time off between breedings. Tis the way in the animal world……
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Plus, this is healthiest for her. Her body is in baby mode, and if you wait too long, it will do more harm than good.
Lisag In Texas
I don’t think she will even feel pregie until the last few months of pregnancy. Janet, is this true, I think you told me this. And, as Markay says, it is the way of the Animal World.
Wow look at baby z he is really looking good under that baby coat. Such a beaut. Can’t wait to see baby z 2.
L♥VE Auntie Judy aka JAG / Southern CA
♥ Zenny, ♥Zenny, ♥Zenny!
Tears! Joy! You never cease to cheer me up, Queenie!
I’m so thrilled that you are safely carrying your 2nd foal – God is good! These pictures are TOO CUTE!!
I recently visited Auntie Ebby – she is a sweetheart, just like YOU. I bet she loved smelling Little Z’s halter :-) She probably thought: “I want to have one of these one day!” ;-)
Love and blessings to ALL! {{HUGS}} and mucho kisses! XOXOXO
Auntie Judy aka JAG
Marilu V
Thank You! Thank You!
These photos made my Friday and weekend. Such happy pictures. It’s amazing how love for Zenyatta makes everyone around her glow!! Gerry and Ann had a great time with Zenny and Baby Z. Perfect Father’s Day.
And look at EBBY kissing Ann. She knows who loves her!
So happy Zenyatta has completed her 60 days and is doing fine. Stay healthy and strong Zenny…. we love you! Hugs, Marilu
L♥VE Auntie Judy aka JAG / Southern CA
p.s. Prince Z is growing up to quite a young man :-) I love him dearly! And those adorable ears!!!! XO
Debra M also in far North CA
Sorry to say EBBY is NOT owned by the Mosses, but is being trained by John.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
“E” is owned by Eric Kronfeld, Zenny’s breeder
And she will replace Zenny’s mom and her mom in
His broodmare band at winter quarter farms when she
I have to say that Z and Eby look so much alike. I had to look at Eby twice I first thought she was Z. Baby Z is dancing for his human Dad. He is such a character already. Thanks Team Z this was a great recap thanks for sharing with us we love you.
Terry Crow GP
From the side, as in this picture, it is very difficult to tell them apart. Ebby does appear to have Z’s pleasing personality.
Janie (in L.A.)
What really great photos! And congrats to Zenyatta on the official announcement of a new baby on the way! Thanks for keeping us all in the loop.
Rachel M.
Love! Love! The pictures. Stay healthy Momma Z and 12 Z you are gorgeous!
Sarah Powell, Clemson, SC
So glad to see new pics and hear the great news! Miss those daily updates so much but am grateful for news and always pictures. The Little Prince is quite the character – he surely knows he is something special and is royalty! Thanks to all.
Fran Harrington
I love reading about Queen Z, and her Prince. It’s nice to read that her siblings are doing well too. Congrats to the Queen for another little z happening!! She’s quite a momma!! Thank you to all that take care of her!!
12Z is really growing up, looks like he will be the same color as Zenny. Jerry I thought I had a pretty good Fathers Day, but you might have me beat. Zenny you look lovely as always. I saw where Ebby breezed four furlongs in 47:80. Sounds like she may be getting close to her first race. Thank You to Team Z for the pictures and the update on Zenny and the Little Prince. Zenny congratulations on safe 60 days to Tapit. Zenny I hope you and the Little Prince have a great weekend.
Lisag In Texas
I love the picture of Jerry offering Our Queen one small carrot, she looks like she is thinking, “Seriously, Daddie, Seriously”?
Barbara Wood (Texas)
I thought the same thing!
Augusta Frazão
Vou estar atento, às vossas perguntas. O bébé Z é uma maravilha. Até a uma próxima !
Com um abraço amigo, para todos.
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
Google translated for those who aren’t fluent in Spanish (regardless of dialect):
I will be attentive to your questions. The baby Z is a marvel. Until the next one! With a friendly hug to everyone.
Lisag In Texas
Thanks, Pati..I did understand some, but not all.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Thank you. I did figure out the Baby Z is a marvel part. Hugs, JB
So happy to see the newest pictures of Zenny, Baby Z and the Mosses. What a perfect way to spend Father’s Day weekend. I am so excited about Zenny being in foal to Tapit. I love Tapit and the beautiful foals he has produced, namely, Zazu, Tapitsfly, Hansen and the list goes on and on. I would love for Zenny to have a little gray baby. That would be awesome.
Love and kisses beautiful girl and Baby Z!!!
Lisag In Texas
I am thinking a dark, grey filly, with a dark, dark brown mane, growing to be about 17 Hands. I like Dreaming about Zenyatta and her Life.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lisag:
Wow, what a beautiful combination that would be. Hugs, JB
Pati- Prince Z Future TC Winner
That sounds like a horse I am looking at for college! Wouldn’t that be something. My potential horse, a twin to a royal family Prince or Princess! <3