Zenyatta with Ann and her birthday box. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
We threw a party for Zenyatta’s twelfth birthday on Friday, and here are the pictures! Thank you to all the fans who sent cards and left birthday wishes here on the blog.
Team Z
Zenyatta, ready for her birthday party. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Cards and gifts from fans, carrots, and cookies for Zenyatta’s birthday celebration. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Zenyatta at her party. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Zenyatta with Kaity, who made birthday cookies. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Zenyatta checks out her b-day goodies. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Zenyatta greets party guests… Photo by Kyle Acebo.
poses for pictures… Photo by Kyle Acebo.
…and loves the attention. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Birthday girls (Zenyatta and Louise share a birthday). Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Zenyatta shares carrots with her paddock mate. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Z gets up close and personal with the camera. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
We decorated Mrs. Pastures cookies for the horses. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Zenyatta sent cookies to the stallions on her birthday. Clockwise from top left: A.P. Indy, Tonalist, Mineshaft, Lane’s End teaser stallion Junior, Union Rags, Honor Code. Photos by Kyle Acebo.
Apr. 4
Only our Precious Zenyatta, with the Moss’s help, of course, would send cookies to the residing Stallions . OK beautiful One, time to end our suspense about filly or colt to be your next foal.
Love you,
Think she might have been flirting a bit and looking for her next date?? Don’t know how they would match up but that Union Rags sure is a fine lookin’ dude.
Spells of melancholy can reflect a need to express ourselves in a better way, a need to branch out in new areas and more fully develop the mind and spirit. When you feel stymied, pent up, confined and limited, fear creeps in and says, “This is all there is or will be.” Not so. Take heart! This is where things begin to change. Our eyes may see only so far, but our spirits see forever. This is called “vision.” With it, we thrive. Without it, we perish.
Never, never, let self-pity dog you. Never let shadows dominate your vision. Sit in the light of your own spirit and see what is good, see what makes you happy. Reject negative thinking, and make your own happiness.
A good heart and a good mind-these are needed to be a good chief.
-Onodaga Elder
Lucca a 12yr old German Shepherd was presented with a PDSA Dickin medal today in London.Known as the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross she is the 1st member of the US Marine Corps to receive the award.Read her story.Sheena http://www.facebook./pdsa/
Dear Sheena,
Thanks so much for posting this about Lucca. These heroes love their ‘job’ and save so many lives. We have one in our family that served overseas also, so this story was especially dear to me. Thanks so much for posting. with love, Elizabeth
I am not on FB so I couldn’t view the entry; however, Congratulations to Lucca! Big thanks to a great Canine Marine — Boo-Rah!
Service/Working Dogs are awesome at their jobs, and they always go above and beyond the call of duty. True heroes indeed.
Hope all is well with you. There is an adorable video on Joey’s page, a golden retriever and a duck, best friends. Zoe has lots of furiends in need of prayer and monetary support. Gosh Zenyatta, when do we get to see your little one??? Have a good Tuesday, Sheena. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO.
Dear Shirlee,
This was too cute! Gives ‘tax’ day a whole new meaning. I think Zenny will make it before, but maybe just by half a link. Hope you have a wonderful day pacing.
with love, Elizabeth
Now that your birthday has been celebrated, don’t you think it is time to pop that baby out? You must feel like a giant over-stuffed sausage! People are waiting to celebrate!!!!
Sheena, couldn’t access the link you posted, but I did find this video of CC arriving at Taylor Made (hope it works). My gosh, what a gorgeous horse he is. Love him. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy. Sorry you couldn’t access the link.I always check if they come through when I post and was ok with me.He looks stunning in the morning sunshine his coat is gleaming and he is so alert.God bless Zenyatta she is determined to make us carry on pacing!Love and hugs Sheena
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thanks for trying to post that link and for all the great info you provide on our beloved horses. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy B.,
Sheena’s link didn’t work for me either. Thanks bunches for your link. CC is SO magnificent — that gorgeous chestnut coat fairly glows and shimmers!
Dear Sheena,
Thank you for your various links. Helps us stay up-to-date especially on events across the pond. We love Hovis each week, too — I missed him last week.
Dear Marshall.Because of Zenyatta’s birthday and Kathy’s sad news I felt it was inappropriate to post Hovis last week.There are gorgeous videos of him on his FB with mini-mother.He is such a gentle giant.Love and hugs Sheena.
Thanks for posting this video. You can just tell he is saying “Yum Yum, this Kentucky blue grass sure tastes good and the green and trees sure look good after all that sand.”
He knew he was home!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
You’re so right; he knows he’s home.
Posted an article on Effinex further down on this page. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Kathy.Such a lovely devotional today.The sun is out and Monty and Glesni are busy bonding.They shared their 1st mullet last night in over 7 months.Thanks for the heads up of the cute video on Joey.So precious.Yes,I visited Hunter his owners are senior citizens and have a bill of over$4000 to pay.Ray and Jack O were enjoying a game in the snow.Lucca is all over our news today so happy to see her enjoying her retirement now in California.I posted the story on my FB.Hope you have a good day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO.Is Zenyatta going for a record year long pregnancy???
I’ll be the first to admit I’m a worrier. I get anxious when I don’t need to, and I tend to be slightly pessimistic. With that out of the way, when was Zenny bred to War Front? I feel like she’s overdue and I have no clue if they ever induce with horses as they do with people? Also, I’m a little nervous because there hasn’t been an update in three days and I feel as though that isn’t necessarily normal. Everyone else seems to be calm, cool and collected about the whole thing so I’m hoping someone is willing to share a piece of that sereneness with me! I’m evidently not very good at this – incidentally, my sister about banned me from her life when she was several days overdue with my niece, but I promise my anxiousness stems from a positive, caring place!
Not to worry. Horses don’t have a set due date. A mare can carry anywhere from 320 days to 360 days or even longer, and give birth to a healthy offspring. Once the foal is done developing and she’s ready, she’ll foal. She’s somewhere around 350 days, which is nothing to get alarmed about.
Assuming the day count at her “in foal” announcement was exact, she was last bred on April 21, 2015.
To add some perspective.
With Princess Z, Zenyatta went 348 days before she foaled.
With Z16 she reached the 348th day on April 3rd.
So as of today, April 5th, she’s only 2 days beyond the amount of days she went when she carried Z Princess and still well within the average gestation period of a mare.
Thank you Z13Rulz. I was getting to feel like Bandit252 – just a little worried. Maybe I can hold out for a few more hours. Zenny please note I said hours – not days! Lets get this done!!!!!!!
Thank you!!! Goodness I shouldn’t be so worried but with my life not doing so hot at the moment, Zenny is one of the brightest spots in my days so I’m naturally concerned! I greatly appreciate the informative post, definitely eases my mind. Thanks again!
I hope things improve in your life and soon, too. It is so true that Zenny is the “sunshine of our lives” — each day I look forward to this blog and the wonderful friends here, also.
Take care and Good luck!
Hurricane Fly and Hardy Eustace enjoying their birthdays at the Irish National stud today!The ‘Fly’ is 12 and Eustace is 19.Sheena http://www.facebook.com/IrishNationalStud/
Dear Zenny,
Your party pics are just Too Cute! Spreading smiles for miles!
Now, B-ball is over and that great song, One Shining Moment has been played for 2016. Now for YOUR special moment and for Miss Violet Rose.
Luv ya!
Thanks for posting this and Congratulations to Effinex and connections. ?
I love the name of the Champion 2 year-old filly, “Frosty Margarita”! She is by Frost Giant out of Mango Margarita. What a great combination they created for her name — stay thirsty, little girl! ?
Still Praying for ya~Yatta~ Yatta, your foal & you have a safe and sound delivery! I will be watching for the lovely pictures & hope they will be able to capture a short video of the little one standing for the first time! I just cannot wait to see your new little one!! Your new little on thats growing bigger each day,I hope your foal will start showing sign’s very soon now!! Have a smooth one dear girl,I’m praying for you! ? ????????????????????? Wish I were there with you sweet baby’s????????
Big Baby Girl….you know how to hold our attention, don’t you? That’s OK, we’re not going anywhere! Just stopped in to check on you. Take care Zenyatta.
Admit, I keep checking in too. Instagram has new pics that help. Then I simply sit back and take comfort in knowing Zenny is being watched 24/7 by the best facility and caring owners she could have. Any issues that may arise, no worries.
Pace,pace,pace,pace,pace,pace,pace,pace,pace,pace,pace,pace,pace…Day 36.
To get onto another topic, so our nerves will calm down, is anyone besides me watching Dancing With the Stars this season? If so, you will have seen the most honest to God beautiful man on the planet, Nyle DiMarco, who is KILLING it on the dance floor! He is GORGEOUS and, by the way, not that it matters, he’s completely deaf. He is fourth generation deaf in a family of deaf people. He graduated from Galludet University with a degree in mathematics (handsome AND smart), and decided after graduating to try modeling. He won the last cycle of America’s Next Top Model and now looks like he will be adding the ultra-ugly mirror ball trophy to his accomplishments. Take a look at his dances and videos up on You Tube. He is an amazing person.
Hopefully you will be able to view this link.Denman and Charlotte were galloping at Wincanton yesterday.He’s rolling back the years.Sheena http://www.facebook.com/wincantonraces/?fref=
Dear Judy.It was marvellous to see Denman galloping at Wincanton.I found it on Zenny’s Tribe.I have no idea whether you will able to see it that’s why it’s easier to share on FB.Summer was so well behaved while having her photos taken.Thinking of Peggy and Jordan.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank and Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Linda in NJ
Still no baby!! My goodness this baby is really taking their time.
Love you Zenny!!!
Jan Overman
Both Ann and Zenyatta have the kindest eyes, a pair made in heaven.
Thanks for the pic, JB.
Why no posts since the 2nd? Is everything okay or should we be worried…!?!?
My comment was not supposed to be a reply to you Jan…guess I did it wrong…. :-)
Linda in NJ
My guess is their website services only post on certain days, maybe.
I’m beginning to wonder too.
Gail McDaniel
Apr. 4
Only our Precious Zenyatta, with the Moss’s help, of course, would send cookies to the residing Stallions . OK beautiful One, time to end our suspense about filly or colt to be your next foal.
Love you,
Think she might have been flirting a bit and looking for her next date?? Don’t know how they would match up but that Union Rags sure is a fine lookin’ dude.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Jan:
You’re so welcome. They’re both beautiful! Love and Hugs, JB
April 5 Cherokee Devotional
Spells of melancholy can reflect a need to express ourselves in a better way, a need to branch out in new areas and more fully develop the mind and spirit. When you feel stymied, pent up, confined and limited, fear creeps in and says, “This is all there is or will be.” Not so. Take heart! This is where things begin to change. Our eyes may see only so far, but our spirits see forever. This is called “vision.” With it, we thrive. Without it, we perish.
Never, never, let self-pity dog you. Never let shadows dominate your vision. Sit in the light of your own spirit and see what is good, see what makes you happy. Reject negative thinking, and make your own happiness.
A good heart and a good mind-these are needed to be a good chief.
-Onodaga Elder
Linda in NJ
I really like today’s verse.
Thank you for the encouragement.
Lucca a 12yr old German Shepherd was presented with a PDSA Dickin medal today in London.Known as the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross she is the 1st member of the US Marine Corps to receive the award.Read her story.Sheena
Elizabeth in New Mexico
Dear Sheena,
Thanks so much for posting this about Lucca. These heroes love their ‘job’ and save so many lives. We have one in our family that served overseas also, so this story was especially dear to me. Thanks so much for posting. with love, Elizabeth
Ann NC
Congrats Lucca.
Incredible working dogs. Smart, brave, loyal. Thank goodness these pups are helping us.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thanks for sharing. Congrats beautiful, brave Lucca. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
I am not on FB so I couldn’t view the entry; however, Congratulations to Lucca! Big thanks to a great Canine Marine — Boo-Rah!
Service/Working Dogs are awesome at their jobs, and they always go above and beyond the call of duty. True heroes indeed.
Bless you, Lucca!
Hugs and Love
Dear Sheena,
Hope all is well with you. There is an adorable video on Joey’s page, a golden retriever and a duck, best friends. Zoe has lots of furiends in need of prayer and monetary support. Gosh Zenyatta, when do we get to see your little one??? Have a good Tuesday, Sheena. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO.
Still no baby. Zenny, are you waiting for Tax Day? Safe delivery sweet mare.
Elizabeth in New Mexico
Dear Shirlee,
This was too cute! Gives ‘tax’ day a whole new meaning. I think Zenny will make it before, but maybe just by half a link. Hope you have a wonderful day pacing.
with love, Elizabeth
Now that your birthday has been celebrated, don’t you think it is time to pop that baby out? You must feel like a giant over-stuffed sausage! People are waiting to celebrate!!!!
Chromie enjoying himself at Taylor made.Sheena
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena and Z Fans:
Sheena, couldn’t access the link you posted, but I did find this video of CC arriving at Taylor Made (hope it works). My gosh, what a gorgeous horse he is. Love him. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy. Sorry you couldn’t access the link.I always check if they come through when I post and was ok with me.He looks stunning in the morning sunshine his coat is gleaming and he is so alert.God bless Zenyatta she is determined to make us carry on pacing!Love and hugs Sheena
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thanks for trying to post that link and for all the great info you provide on our beloved horses. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Sheena’s link didn’t work for me either. Thanks bunches for your link. CC is SO magnificent — that gorgeous chestnut coat fairly glows and shimmers!
Dear Sheena,
Thank you for your various links. Helps us stay up-to-date especially on events across the pond. We love Hovis each week, too — I missed him last week.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
CC is, indeed, magnificent. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Marshall.Because of Zenyatta’s birthday and Kathy’s sad news I felt it was inappropriate to post Hovis last week.There are gorgeous videos of him on his FB with mini-mother.He is such a gentle giant.Love and hugs Sheena.
Thanks for posting this video. You can just tell he is saying “Yum Yum, this Kentucky blue grass sure tastes good and the green and trees sure look good after all that sand.”
He knew he was home!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
You’re so right; he knows he’s home.
Posted an article on Effinex further down on this page. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Kathy.Such a lovely devotional today.The sun is out and Monty and Glesni are busy bonding.They shared their 1st mullet last night in over 7 months.Thanks for the heads up of the cute video on Joey.So precious.Yes,I visited Hunter his owners are senior citizens and have a bill of over$4000 to pay.Ray and Jack O were enjoying a game in the snow.Lucca is all over our news today so happy to see her enjoying her retirement now in California.I posted the story on my FB.Hope you have a good day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO.Is Zenyatta going for a record year long pregnancy???
I’ll be the first to admit I’m a worrier. I get anxious when I don’t need to, and I tend to be slightly pessimistic. With that out of the way, when was Zenny bred to War Front? I feel like she’s overdue and I have no clue if they ever induce with horses as they do with people? Also, I’m a little nervous because there hasn’t been an update in three days and I feel as though that isn’t necessarily normal. Everyone else seems to be calm, cool and collected about the whole thing so I’m hoping someone is willing to share a piece of that sereneness with me! I’m evidently not very good at this – incidentally, my sister about banned me from her life when she was several days overdue with my niece, but I promise my anxiousness stems from a positive, caring place!
Not to worry. Horses don’t have a set due date. A mare can carry anywhere from 320 days to 360 days or even longer, and give birth to a healthy offspring. Once the foal is done developing and she’s ready, she’ll foal. She’s somewhere around 350 days, which is nothing to get alarmed about.
Marilu Villanueva
Hi Laura.
Thank you for explaining the number of days a mare can carry her baby.
Helps me understand Zenyatta’s condition. I really appreciate your sharing with us.
I have been worried too.
Sending positive and prayerful thoughts to her.
Assuming the day count at her “in foal” announcement was exact, she was last bred on April 21, 2015.
To add some perspective.
With Princess Z, Zenyatta went 348 days before she foaled.
With Z16 she reached the 348th day on April 3rd.
So as of today, April 5th, she’s only 2 days beyond the amount of days she went when she carried Z Princess and still well within the average gestation period of a mare.
Thank you Z13Rulz. I was getting to feel like Bandit252 – just a little worried. Maybe I can hold out for a few more hours. Zenny please note I said hours – not days! Lets get this done!!!!!!!
Thank you!!! Goodness I shouldn’t be so worried but with my life not doing so hot at the moment, Zenny is one of the brightest spots in my days so I’m naturally concerned! I greatly appreciate the informative post, definitely eases my mind. Thanks again!
Marshall (NC Broad)
I hope things improve in your life and soon, too. It is so true that Zenny is the “sunshine of our lives” — each day I look forward to this blog and the wonderful friends here, also.
Take care and Good luck!
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Laura J an Z13Rulz:
Thanks for your calming words. We will all be so relieved when Z safely foals and we see the lovely new baby. Love and Hugs, JB
Marilu Villanueva
Hello Z13Ruiz:
Thank you for explaining and comparing Zenny’s previous deliveries.
It is very helpful and reassuring that she is OK.
Thanks again to you and Laura.
Donna Olinger
Happy 12th Birthday, Zenyatta !!!!
Hurricane Fly and Hardy Eustace enjoying their birthdays at the Irish National stud today!The ‘Fly’ is 12 and Eustace is 19.Sheena
Ann NC
Happy Birthday kids!
Nice to see The Fly biting into a carrot rather than something else.
170 foals! Cuteness overload.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena and Ann:
Sheena, thanks for this. Wow, Fly looks like a Gerbil stuffing his pouch for later. God Bless. Happy Birthday Fly and Eustace. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Dear Zenny,
Your party pics are just Too Cute! Spreading smiles for miles!
Now, B-ball is over and that great song, One Shining Moment has been played for 2016. Now for YOUR special moment and for Miss Violet Rose.
Luv ya!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Hope we have baby news soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki:
Z has a whole bunch of nervous Aunties (and Uncles) right now. Should be soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
Effinex named 2015 NY Bred Horse of the Year. Well deserved! Congrats E. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks for posting this and Congratulations to Effinex and connections. ?
I love the name of the Champion 2 year-old filly, “Frosty Margarita”! She is by Frost Giant out of Mango Margarita. What a great combination they created for her name — stay thirsty, little girl! ?
Hugs and Love
A very Happy Birthday to Long Run or Lennie as he is affectionately known.Now retired he is 11yrs old today.Hugs Sheena.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Happy Birthday to Long Run, Hurricane Fly and Hardy Eustace!
Many more wonderful and healthy years to come.
Enjoy your treats!
Hugs and Love —————- Remember, no biting, please! ?
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Happy 11th Birthday Long Run. Love and Hugs, JB
Love you Queen Z
Still Praying for ya~Yatta~ Yatta, your foal & you have a safe and sound delivery! I will be watching for the lovely pictures & hope they will be able to capture a short video of the little one standing for the first time! I just cannot wait to see your new little one!! Your new little on thats growing bigger each day,I hope your foal will start showing sign’s very soon now!! Have a smooth one dear girl,I’m praying for you! ? ??????
? Wish I were there with you sweet baby’s??????
Big Baby Girl….you know how to hold our attention, don’t you? That’s OK, we’re not going anywhere! Just stopped in to check on you. Take care Zenyatta.
good thing this house has no carpet
Ingrid Arnone
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol, Ingrid and Z Fans:
Pace, pace, pace! Love and Hugs, JB
Lise from Maine
Bonjour Zenyatta,
Where is the baby?
Happy Birthday to you and Ziconic!
Love to you and your sons.
Lise from Maine
Lise from Maine
Those photos are absolutely gorgeous.
Hope it is a girl.
Love you!
Lise from Maine
Lise from Maine
What is that green thing on your head? What is it for?
Love you!
Lise from Maine
Faithful Zenyatta Supporter
Admit, I keep checking in too. Instagram has new pics that help. Then I simply sit back and take comfort in knowing Zenny is being watched 24/7 by the best facility and caring owners she could have. Any issues that may arise, no worries.
Deb E.
Pace,pace,pace,pace,pace,pace,pace,pace,pace,pace,pace,pace,pace…Day 36.
To get onto another topic, so our nerves will calm down, is anyone besides me watching Dancing With the Stars this season? If so, you will have seen the most honest to God beautiful man on the planet, Nyle DiMarco, who is KILLING it on the dance floor! He is GORGEOUS and, by the way, not that it matters, he’s completely deaf. He is fourth generation deaf in a family of deaf people. He graduated from Galludet University with a degree in mathematics (handsome AND smart), and decided after graduating to try modeling. He won the last cycle of America’s Next Top Model and now looks like he will be adding the ultra-ugly mirror ball trophy to his accomplishments. Take a look at his dances and videos up on You Tube. He is an amazing person.
Eileen Kerr
I am guessing she will foal on the night of the 7th…….new moon.
Hopefully you will be able to view this link.Denman and Charlotte were galloping at Wincanton yesterday.He’s rolling back the years.Sheena
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for the link. Denman looks great and moves beautifully.
Great to see him.
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy.It was marvellous to see Denman galloping at Wincanton.I found it on Zenny’s Tribe.I have no idea whether you will able to see it that’s why it’s easier to share on FB.Summer was so well behaved while having her photos taken.Thinking of Peggy and Jordan.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank and Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX