Zenyatta with Ann and her birthday box. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
We threw a party for Zenyatta’s twelfth birthday on Friday, and here are the pictures! Thank you to all the fans who sent cards and left birthday wishes here on the blog.
Team Z
Zenyatta, ready for her birthday party. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Cards and gifts from fans, carrots, and cookies for Zenyatta’s birthday celebration. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Zenyatta at her party. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Zenyatta with Kaity, who made birthday cookies. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Zenyatta checks out her b-day goodies. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Zenyatta greets party guests… Photo by Kyle Acebo.
poses for pictures… Photo by Kyle Acebo.
…and loves the attention. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Birthday girls (Zenyatta and Louise share a birthday). Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Zenyatta shares carrots with her paddock mate. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Z gets up close and personal with the camera. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
We decorated Mrs. Pastures cookies for the horses. Photo by Kyle Acebo.
Zenyatta sent cookies to the stallions on her birthday. Clockwise from top left: A.P. Indy, Tonalist, Mineshaft, Lane’s End teaser stallion Junior, Union Rags, Honor Code. Photos by Kyle Acebo.
happy belated birthday zenny , you dont look a day over 5…… we miss you here in California but think of you often … i think of you every time i eat a pear and how much you enjoyed them……
What wonderful photos and the sharing of the treats with others. Zenyatta is just so sweet. Anxious for a safe delivery and baby photo. Hugs and Prayers to all
Thank you for sharing the day with the fans who could not be there.
My son also shares the Queen’s birthday…was his 17th. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Moss, and all of Lane’s End staff for sharing and taking care of Zenyatta. Can’t wait for the next birthday any day.
Thanks for sharing these birthday pictures. Of course, our birthday girl shared her treats. She is a generous soul and knew her fans wanted to see pictures of some of the boys and her pasture friend. As long as she is content, I will be too. Love you Zenny.
Thanks for noting the birthday of Doris Day! She is a favorite of mine, also. It is hard to believe that she is 92 — my mother would be 98 now. I always admired her devotion to creatures great and small. Loved her movies, too!
Happy Birthday to you, Doris! Thank you for the singing and acting, as well as for all the good work with animal rescue.
Dear Marshall.I have always loved Doris Day films plus her beautiful singing voice.I get news from her foundation and sign a card for her birthday.Hope Bailey and Smudge are keeping you busy!Love and hugs Sheena.
Wish you could have been with me at Glen Ivy Hot Springs in Corona Calif., helping me celebrate my April 1 birthday. So glad you had such a nice time with all those people who love you like I do. Well, I guess your baby doesn’t want to share your birth date. She or he wants her or his own day of celebration. Take care, Queen Z. I’ll be thinking of you a lot tonight.
In my opinion she was the greatest thoroughbred ever but we will never know. I can only mention her name with to other horses and those two are Secretariat and Man o War. I didn’t see her run til her third race and I as a gambling man don’t play overpriced favorites so I decided to bet against her dumb me. When I saw her devastating performance that crushed her competition that day I felt something was amist and I knew from that day forward that she was special that she and I would never bet against her again I decided to watch and to be witness to legend in the making. I watched her her next 15 races and rooted for her every time. But in her next start her connections decided to run her against the boys and I said finally today is the day I’m gonna get a price and boy did I capitalize I got the daily double with Life Is Sweet and the exacta to Gio Ponti for ten dollars each and forty to win unfortunately I played the tri to Einstein if I would of used Gio Ponti I would of had it five times but it’s not about the money I just loved watching her run. You just knew you were watching greatness I just wished she would of passed Blame in her final race I cried that day for Zenyatta I just wanted to see her win her last race and watch go to the winners circle. She ran her heart out that day she ran like the CHAMPION she was I love you Zenyatta enjoy your retirement and motherhood take care we all love you.
Just checking in prior to heading off to slumberland myself. Your beautiful face in that closeup!!!! Priceless. Never will ever forget seeing you in person in California and Oaklawn. It’s been awhile, but beyond grateful your caretakers keep us in your world. Perhaps some news tomorrow beautiful Mama.
In my opinion she was the greatest thoroughbred ever but we will never know. I can only mention her name with to other horses and those two are Secretariat and Man o War. I didn’t see her run til her third race and as a gambling man I don’t play overpriced favorites so I decided to bet against her, dumb me. When I saw her devastating performance that crushed her competition that day I felt something was amist and I knew from that day forward that she was special and I would never bet against her again I decided to watch and to be a witness to a legend in the making. I watched her next 15 races and rooted for her every time. But in her next start her connections decided to run her against the boys and I said finally today is the day I’m gonna get a price and boy did I capitalize I got the daily double with Life Is Sweet and the exacta to Gio Ponti for ten dollars each and forty to win unfortunately I played the tri to Einstein if I would of used Gio Ponti I would of had it five times but it’s not about the money I just loved watching her run. You just knew you were watching greatness I just wished she would of passed Blame in her final race I cried that day for Zenyatta I just wanted to see her win her last race and watch go to the winners circle. She ran her heart out that day she ran like the CHAMPION she was. I love you Zenyatta enjoy your retirement and motherhood take care we all love you and you’ll always be in our hearts.
Hi Zenny
Good morning! I am just checking in along with everyone else to see if there’s any news. I hope you had a restful night, and are enjoying the morning. I’ll check back later.
Favorite things: feather pillows, soft socks, old tennies, a rock to sit on to look at the garden of yellow and orange and red, and a warm brown puppy for company. These are little things, simple things, but at heart they are greater than most big events.
Too much distracts our attention from who we are-and what is really important to us. Our favorite little things help us remember who we truly are. They help us remain connected with our basic spiritual nature, which enables us to be authentic, to be ourselves in the best possible way. We cannot afford to be cut off from the inner life, from our spiritual nature, for this is what sustains us through the highs and lows we face each day.
If I am content with little-enough is as good as a feast.
-Nellie Sequichie, Cherokee
You rock ZENYATTA from all your fans from CALIFORNIA and all over the world thank you for the great memories. You were the best, hope retirement suits you just fine, we know you’ll never have a foal as good as you for you are the greatest racehorse to ever live in my book we all love you, take care and we will celebrate again next year.
Dearest Zenny, You are keeping us all on tenterhooks waiting for the big announcement. I think that we’ll all need a valium before long. We know that babies come when they are good and ready but Baby Z is sure taking its time.
Dear Kathy.As the old saying goes.”The best things in life are free” I was reading an article about these VERY expensive gold cars that park in Knightsbridge belonging to the Saudis one even had a cheetah in the front seat.Of course many peeps take “selfies” near them.
It’s world Rat day today and on a Monday so celebrations all around for our little friends!Mum had to dig out Ray’s winter clothes yesterday because it snowed!Lovely video of Jack and him playing before the storm arrived.I posted some videos of Hovis and mini-mother on my timeline he is such a gentle giant and she is fearless.Take a look.Sad to hear about Zoe’s friend Charlie.Hope the dogtor.can help.All is quiet on the Dyfi at present,Glesni is busy doing the housework but earlier Blue 5F paid a visit.She is another Rutland cousin and a vicious fight with Blue 24 last week.She remains an eternal mistress.I know how much you are missing Holly and I hope Nikko and Sugar are a great comfort to you and Steve.Have a good day if possible.Love and hugs to you.Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena XOXO.Zenyatta is determined to keep us waiting for this foal!
That was certainly a cute pic of Fibbs enjoying the cupcake. Yes, more snow for poor Ray. He should come to CA! Doesn’t sound good for Zoe’s friend Charlie. You always second guess if you made the right decision to let them go…Yes, I miss Holly terribly. She was the Alpha dog. Poor Nikko and Sugar are lost without their big sister to tell them what to do. Have a good day. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
RIP Bohan who has died in a freak paddock accident.He retired in February after he bled post race.He was by Bernadini out of Kenbelle and trained by Chris Waller.Sheena.
Very sad. So sorry to hear about another freak accident claiming a life — no time to enjoy his retirement.
RIP Bohan, beautiful boy. In the company of angels now with no more worries.
Good morning Zenyatta. I just had to see if you had a precious surprise for us.
love you with kisses and to your sons
Forgot to wish your son Ziconic a Happy Birthday (dah)
loving Zprincess and dear Sir
Good morning Zenyatta! Just checking on you – my husband is getting tired of being force fed updates and pictures of you – is that even possible??? I certainly don’t think so…ha! I think everyone needs a daily (or twice-daily) update on the greatest racehorse in the world. Especially now. Your photos are fantastic and it so very nice to see all the love you receive and you even shared your special day with the boys…that was precious. Can’t wait to see your baby…girl. Keeping my fingers crossed.
“You don’t have to try so hard. Rest. Remember.” – God
Dear You,
It’s okay to rest. It’s even more than okay—it’s essential. I know you can feel as if there is so much to do, and a moment of quiet can feel like a dessert stolen and eaten in secret before anyone sees. There’s so much depending on you. How can rest be anything but selfish?
Yet rest is exactly what enables you to love well for a lifetime. I struggled with this for years until a friend gently laid her hand on my heart and whispered, “If you never get refilled, how will you be able to pour out?” You are not infinite. You are human. You have limits. Acknowledging that is not selfish; it’s worship. Rest says to God and to the rest of the world, “I know I’m not in charge. And I trust the One who is.”
Rest comes in many different forms. It can be quick snooze on the couch or a full night of sleep. It can be reading, laughing, or playing. It can be an attitude of your heart that chooses not to strive and worry even when you’re in the middle of a busy season. In all of that, you can honor God.
God doesn’t need you to complete your to-do list. He created the world in seven days simply by speaking. He doesn’t have any trouble getting things accomplished—with or without us. But what he has chosen for you and only you to be able to do is this: to love him, those around you, and yourself. Part of loving well is resting well.
Be Still and Know Necklace
Be Still and Know Necklace
We can find ourselves going at a frantic pace and never stop to ask, “What is driving me?” Often it’s fear, and that is not what God has for us. Instead of being driven by fear, he invites us to be led by love.
So pause, take a deep breath or even a nap if you dare, and in doing so show the world that you serve One who is kind and loving to those who belong to him. Because he lets them rest. He invites them to peace. He takes their to-do list and trades it for a to-be list that leads to joy.
Dear Sue,
So true – it’s hard to find enough time to rest. One of the reasons I love Sundays,
besides getting to go to church and lunch with our friends, is a Sunday nap – albeit a short one. We’re all just like squirrels a lot of times – scurrying back and forth and up and down and around every day – not to mention ‘pacing’! Will keep pacing up until Zenny’s new one comes, but will squeeze in a quick nap this afternoon if I can – just got back from our daily 3-mile hike so need one plus our study group stayed here visiting afterward a bit longer than usual – which was great! Always love your devotionals. Sue.
with love, Elizabeth
Would love to have that closeup of Z’s face. The big matchup was so disappointing. I hope all came out healthy. Be safe Big Girl. Your Ann is with you.
Would love to have that closeup of Z’s face. The big matchup was so disappointing. I hope all came out healthy. Be safe Big Girl. Your Ann is with you. So much love.
Dear Zenyatta – Just checking in to see if any news from you and your “peeps”. Rest, and then enjoy the day outside if permissible and rest some more. A foal will come.
Sweet Zenny, can’t believe you are 12. Seems like just a few days ago you were getting ready for the BC. But big girl, you can’t keep Ann and Jerry there forever, gotta let that baby come. I know you wish Ann could live there at Lane’s End with you. From all the photos you have people there with you who love and care for you daily.
The calmest one is in the center of the birthday/baby ‘storm’, the Queen herself! She looks absolutely serene so the Big Event must be soon:) I too, watch and wait every day for the good news, God’s blessing, Zenyatta, you are loved.
Celeste/ Massachusetts
Ok, I’m going to bed but will check in first thing in the morning!!! I hope for some exciting news!
suzanne bonamarte
happy belated birthday zenny , you dont look a day over 5…… we miss you here in California but think of you often … i think of you every time i eat a pear and how much you enjoyed them……
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Pace pace pace …… Getting tired now?
ya, vamp
Nite mama Z. Sleep well
What wonderful photos and the sharing of the treats with others. Zenyatta is just so sweet. Anxious for a safe delivery and baby photo. Hugs and Prayers to all
Thank you for sharing the day with the fans who could not be there.
KJ Bailey
My son also shares the Queen’s birthday…was his 17th. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Moss, and all of Lane’s End staff for sharing and taking care of Zenyatta. Can’t wait for the next birthday any day.
Elizabeth in New Mexico
Dear KJ,
Happy Birthday to your son! Pacing for Zenny with you and all Zenny’s wonderful fans, with love, Elizabeth
♥ I hope the big event is tonight, Zenyatta! At this rate, Ann and Jerry will be eligible for Kentucky Voters’ Registration! ♥
Um .. is a “teaser stallion” what I think it is?!
Yes, it is. The teaser is an important member of the team at any stallion or broodmare barn.
Doris McQuiddy
Thanks for sharing these birthday pictures. Of course, our birthday girl shared her treats. She is a generous soul and knew her fans wanted to see pictures of some of the boys and her pasture friend. As long as she is content, I will be too. Love you Zenny.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for noting the birthday of Doris Day! She is a favorite of mine, also. It is hard to believe that she is 92 — my mother would be 98 now. I always admired her devotion to creatures great and small. Loved her movies, too!
Happy Birthday to you, Doris! Thank you for the singing and acting, as well as for all the good work with animal rescue.
Hugs and Love
Dear Marshall.I have always loved Doris Day films plus her beautiful singing voice.I get news from her foundation and sign a card for her birthday.Hope Bailey and Smudge are keeping you busy!Love and hugs Sheena.
Shirley Donoho
Wish you could have been with me at Glen Ivy Hot Springs in Corona Calif., helping me celebrate my April 1 birthday. So glad you had such a nice time with all those people who love you like I do. Well, I guess your baby doesn’t want to share your birth date. She or he wants her or his own day of celebration. Take care, Queen Z. I’ll be thinking of you a lot tonight.
Santiago Macahilas
In my opinion she was the greatest thoroughbred ever but we will never know. I can only mention her name with to other horses and those two are Secretariat and Man o War. I didn’t see her run til her third race and I as a gambling man don’t play overpriced favorites so I decided to bet against her dumb me. When I saw her devastating performance that crushed her competition that day I felt something was amist and I knew from that day forward that she was special that she and I would never bet against her again I decided to watch and to be witness to legend in the making. I watched her her next 15 races and rooted for her every time. But in her next start her connections decided to run her against the boys and I said finally today is the day I’m gonna get a price and boy did I capitalize I got the daily double with Life Is Sweet and the exacta to Gio Ponti for ten dollars each and forty to win unfortunately I played the tri to Einstein if I would of used Gio Ponti I would of had it five times but it’s not about the money I just loved watching her run. You just knew you were watching greatness I just wished she would of passed Blame in her final race I cried that day for Zenyatta I just wanted to see her win her last race and watch go to the winners circle. She ran her heart out that day she ran like the CHAMPION she was I love you Zenyatta enjoy your retirement and motherhood take care we all love you.
Delrene from Carlsbad, Ca
Just checking in prior to heading off to slumberland myself. Your beautiful face in that closeup!!!! Priceless. Never will ever forget seeing you in person in California and Oaklawn. It’s been awhile, but beyond grateful your caretakers keep us in your world. Perhaps some news tomorrow beautiful Mama.
Santiago Macahilas
In my opinion she was the greatest thoroughbred ever but we will never know. I can only mention her name with to other horses and those two are Secretariat and Man o War. I didn’t see her run til her third race and as a gambling man I don’t play overpriced favorites so I decided to bet against her, dumb me. When I saw her devastating performance that crushed her competition that day I felt something was amist and I knew from that day forward that she was special and I would never bet against her again I decided to watch and to be a witness to a legend in the making. I watched her next 15 races and rooted for her every time. But in her next start her connections decided to run her against the boys and I said finally today is the day I’m gonna get a price and boy did I capitalize I got the daily double with Life Is Sweet and the exacta to Gio Ponti for ten dollars each and forty to win unfortunately I played the tri to Einstein if I would of used Gio Ponti I would of had it five times but it’s not about the money I just loved watching her run. You just knew you were watching greatness I just wished she would of passed Blame in her final race I cried that day for Zenyatta I just wanted to see her win her last race and watch go to the winners circle. She ran her heart out that day she ran like the CHAMPION she was. I love you Zenyatta enjoy your retirement and motherhood take care we all love you and you’ll always be in our hearts.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ. ZI and DC:
Z, checking in to see if there’s any news. Hope we have a baby soon. Love you. Happy Dreams all and Sweet Baby Dreams Z. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Linda in NJ
Hi Zenny
Good morning! I am just checking in along with everyone else to see if there’s any news. I hope you had a restful night, and are enjoying the morning. I’ll check back later.
April 4 Cherokee Devotional
Favorite things: feather pillows, soft socks, old tennies, a rock to sit on to look at the garden of yellow and orange and red, and a warm brown puppy for company. These are little things, simple things, but at heart they are greater than most big events.
Too much distracts our attention from who we are-and what is really important to us. Our favorite little things help us remember who we truly are. They help us remain connected with our basic spiritual nature, which enables us to be authentic, to be ourselves in the best possible way. We cannot afford to be cut off from the inner life, from our spiritual nature, for this is what sustains us through the highs and lows we face each day.
If I am content with little-enough is as good as a feast.
-Nellie Sequichie, Cherokee
Santiago Macahilas
You rock ZENYATTA from all your fans from CALIFORNIA and all over the world thank you for the great memories. You were the best, hope retirement suits you just fine, we know you’ll never have a foal as good as you for you are the greatest racehorse to ever live in my book we all love you, take care and we will celebrate again next year.
Brenda Springer
Dearest Zenny, You are keeping us all on tenterhooks waiting for the big announcement. I think that we’ll all need a valium before long. We know that babies come when they are good and ready but Baby Z is sure taking its time.
Dear Kathy.As the old saying goes.”The best things in life are free” I was reading an article about these VERY expensive gold cars that park in Knightsbridge belonging to the Saudis one even had a cheetah in the front seat.Of course many peeps take “selfies” near them.
It’s world Rat day today and on a Monday so celebrations all around for our little friends!Mum had to dig out Ray’s winter clothes yesterday because it snowed!Lovely video of Jack and him playing before the storm arrived.I posted some videos of Hovis and mini-mother on my timeline he is such a gentle giant and she is fearless.Take a look.Sad to hear about Zoe’s friend Charlie.Hope the dogtor.can help.All is quiet on the Dyfi at present,Glesni is busy doing the housework but earlier Blue 5F paid a visit.She is another Rutland cousin and a vicious fight with Blue 24 last week.She remains an eternal mistress.I know how much you are missing Holly and I hope Nikko and Sugar are a great comfort to you and Steve.Have a good day if possible.Love and hugs to you.Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena XOXO.Zenyatta is determined to keep us waiting for this foal!
Dear Sheena,
That was certainly a cute pic of Fibbs enjoying the cupcake. Yes, more snow for poor Ray. He should come to CA! Doesn’t sound good for Zoe’s friend Charlie. You always second guess if you made the right decision to let them go…Yes, I miss Holly terribly. She was the Alpha dog. Poor Nikko and Sugar are lost without their big sister to tell them what to do. Have a good day. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
RIP Bohan who has died in a freak paddock accident.He retired in February after he bled post race.He was by Bernadini out of Kenbelle and trained by Chris Waller.Sheena.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Very sad. So sorry to hear about another freak accident claiming a life — no time to enjoy his retirement.
RIP Bohan, beautiful boy. In the company of angels now with no more worries.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
RIP Bohan, beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Sally B. (Auntie cherishes Z and her young)
Good morning Zenyatta. I just had to see if you had a precious surprise for us.
love you with kisses and to your sons
Forgot to wish your son Ziconic a Happy Birthday (dah)
loving Zprincess and dear Sir
Good morning Zenyatta! Just checking on you – my husband is getting tired of being force fed updates and pictures of you – is that even possible??? I certainly don’t think so…ha! I think everyone needs a daily (or twice-daily) update on the greatest racehorse in the world. Especially now. Your photos are fantastic and it so very nice to see all the love you receive and you even shared your special day with the boys…that was precious. Can’t wait to see your baby…girl. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Anew day to pace pace pace. Take care Z?
prayerZ vamp
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
todays devo:
It’s Okay for You to Rest…Really
by Holley
“You don’t have to try so hard. Rest. Remember.” – God
Dear You,
It’s okay to rest. It’s even more than okay—it’s essential. I know you can feel as if there is so much to do, and a moment of quiet can feel like a dessert stolen and eaten in secret before anyone sees. There’s so much depending on you. How can rest be anything but selfish?
Yet rest is exactly what enables you to love well for a lifetime. I struggled with this for years until a friend gently laid her hand on my heart and whispered, “If you never get refilled, how will you be able to pour out?” You are not infinite. You are human. You have limits. Acknowledging that is not selfish; it’s worship. Rest says to God and to the rest of the world, “I know I’m not in charge. And I trust the One who is.”
Rest comes in many different forms. It can be quick snooze on the couch or a full night of sleep. It can be reading, laughing, or playing. It can be an attitude of your heart that chooses not to strive and worry even when you’re in the middle of a busy season. In all of that, you can honor God.
God doesn’t need you to complete your to-do list. He created the world in seven days simply by speaking. He doesn’t have any trouble getting things accomplished—with or without us. But what he has chosen for you and only you to be able to do is this: to love him, those around you, and yourself. Part of loving well is resting well.
Be Still and Know Necklace
Be Still and Know Necklace
We can find ourselves going at a frantic pace and never stop to ask, “What is driving me?” Often it’s fear, and that is not what God has for us. Instead of being driven by fear, he invites us to be led by love.
So pause, take a deep breath or even a nap if you dare, and in doing so show the world that you serve One who is kind and loving to those who belong to him. Because he lets them rest. He invites them to peace. He takes their to-do list and trades it for a to-be list that leads to joy.
You have permission to rest today.
Holley Gerth
Elizabeth in New Mexico
Dear Sue,
So true – it’s hard to find enough time to rest. One of the reasons I love Sundays,
besides getting to go to church and lunch with our friends, is a Sunday nap – albeit a short one. We’re all just like squirrels a lot of times – scurrying back and forth and up and down and around every day – not to mention ‘pacing’! Will keep pacing up until Zenny’s new one comes, but will squeeze in a quick nap this afternoon if I can – just got back from our daily 3-mile hike so need one plus our study group stayed here visiting afterward a bit longer than usual – which was great! Always love your devotionals. Sue.
with love, Elizabeth
Would love to have that closeup of Z’s face. The big matchup was so disappointing. I hope all came out healthy. Be safe Big Girl. Your Ann is with you.
Would love to have that closeup of Z’s face. The big matchup was so disappointing. I hope all came out healthy. Be safe Big Girl. Your Ann is with you. So much love.
Delrene from Carlsbad, Ca
Dear Zenyatta – Just checking in to see if any news from you and your “peeps”. Rest, and then enjoy the day outside if permissible and rest some more. A foal will come.
Sweet Zenny, can’t believe you are 12. Seems like just a few days ago you were getting ready for the BC. But big girl, you can’t keep Ann and Jerry there forever, gotta let that baby come. I know you wish Ann could live there at Lane’s End with you. From all the photos you have people there with you who love and care for you daily.
Mary Margaret in Central Georgia
RIP Boban, much too young.
Judy Wucherer
The calmest one is in the center of the birthday/baby ‘storm’, the Queen herself! She looks absolutely serene so the Big Event must be soon:) I too, watch and wait every day for the good news, God’s blessing, Zenyatta, you are loved.