Naming a horse is not the easiest thing. Not only does it need to be brilliant but it also needs to be available. So…
Being born on International Women’s Day and Purim a day of celebration, under a full moon and with a star on your forehead Not to mention having Zenyatta be Your mom and be the First born…. Well we searched the stars and with the desire to have Zennie represented too….. We’ve come up with the name that we hope encompasses all:
May the heavens bless him and he has all the chances to be the bright star he is :)
COZ for short?
And…..Thank! You! EVERYONE for All Your Suggestions Hopes and Dreams!
Shannon From Cool
That’s a great name for this enlightened spirit. It fits him well.
Rosemary McCauley-Pres./AZ/New Mexico RNC
Beautiful colt and beautiful name. It is a very appropriate name for the First born. I think his nickname Coz is also perfect. Using the name Cozmic One comes easily and naturally the first time you say it. Thanks to the Mosses for this perfect name for the Queen’s First.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Judy Berube–am late in coming to the blog, but I want to wish you a wonderful birthday this year. Last year’s was so sad for you. But witt so much support here and the love of the “Horseketeers” (LOVE that term), family, and LM, things are definitely looking up. You are so loved here.
@Trina– now I see why you are sleep-deprived. What a beautiful “offering” of epic proportions. (Thinking Cecil B. De Mille here). There is so much to the story that I did not know. Thank you for all those details. Big celebratory hugs to you both!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb W.:
Thank you so very much. Trina’s poem was Cecile B. DeMille, indeed. Love it. Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
To all who are praying for the massive amounts of injured here and the rescue teams, thank you so much! The weather here has turned much more problematic. Rain, thunder, high north winds and plummeting temperatures.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Barbara W. gee, I have been catching up and found out things have been terrible down there with an explosion!!? I am happy you are okay but will pray for those who have been affected! hugs, Sally B
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb W.:
Praying for all. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood
What a terrible explosion and fire!
So sorry for the lose of life and injuries and homes/school/businesses.
Thoughts & prayers are with you & those involved
Hugs, Keta
Allie in Texas
More good news. Maybe you already know, but from Coolmore America Ashford Stud:
Vertigineux foaled bay colt by Street Cry on 9th April, 2013 – all doing well.
Jan S. / Houston
I hope we get to see a pic of the colt.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Allie and Z Fans:
Thank you so much for this wonderful news. Z has a Brother. How great is that. Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Judy B, oh my that is right; that is awesome!
hugs, Sally B
don’t mean to be rude, but where did you get this information? can you post a link or some official announcement/proof? Sorry but after the rumor frenzy about Zenny foaling a grey filly on the 27th last month, I don’t buy stuff as easily….
Allie in Texas
Coolmore America Ashford Stud
Allie in Texas
I did not find this information on line. I talked with someone at Coolmore America Ashford Stud. I hope the information is correct, but I cannot blame you for your reluctance, following the April 1st announcement on Twitter.
Lisag In Texas
I am on FB with Mama V, wish they would have made an announcement., with pics and all. Hoping the Queen would have a full brother…girl and boy, perfect. How competions for 13Z for the Triple Crown.
ok thanks for the info :)
sue and tony
Wonderful news! V is an outstanding broodmare in every way.
Checked Coolmore Facebook. Nothing yet on Vertigineux, except for fans asking for information about her.
Allie in Texas
Max, I guess I went the more direct route. I contacted Ashford Stud. I told them that I was a V fan and was a bit worried about her, given the Rachel Alexandra problems. Anyway, they gave me this information. Now maybe they are just tired of people asking, but I can’t believe they would give out misinformation. I do not know why there has not been a formal announcement. I guess you never can be too sure.
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
V is getting up in age, and they probably don’t want harassing emails along the line of “… You’re breeding her to death!” Or “You’re turning her into a cash cow!” It only takes a few to ruin it for the rest of us. Or they might just not want to. She’s is their mare, and if they don’t wish to disclose the information to the public, then we’ll have to be content with all of us asking them separately.
Maybe when E wins her next race (especially if it’s a stakes race) Equineline might post V’s production records again. Or have a day when looking up a mare’s produce record is free for the members of Equineline.com. They have those days occasionally but you have to be on the watch because they come and go quickly. You can also email (or tweet) Equineline and ask about a live foal report for her. I asked about Lotta Kim earlier. They might be kind enough to answer and tell you.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max, Allie, Pati and Z Fans:
I e-mailed them over a week ago asking if V had her foal. They never responded. I hope what they told you, Allie, is true. Pati has a good idea with Equiline too. Hugs, JB
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
My response came almost a month after I first emailed them, I believe. I actually had forgotten about the email when I got their response to me. Stay patient, if the email was respectful and cordial, you might get an answer. The emails that shout, spat, and sound demanding are probably the ones most often ignored, and rightfully so. It might take a while but patience is key, no matter how bad it stinks to have to wait.
If anyone will know, it’s Equineline. They might not have pictures to provide, but they will tell you if they got anything on V and potential baby, or for a dollar, you can buy the report on her yourself if you are a member of the site. I saw the produce record they posted on twitter of V after Ebby won for the second time. I think Coolmore might be waiting for the sales to come around before they announce that he/she is healthy, what he/she looks like, etc. If they had plans to keep him/her, they may have announced the birth already. Break the news any sooner and they might get swamped with offers to buy him/her and then we’ll never get an answer! ;-)
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
Did they make any mention of Lotta Kim’s baby? I haven’t heard anything on her either and they announced her pregnancy.
Lotta Kim had a colt by Lookin at Lucky on Feb 26th he is a handsome fellow.
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
O= I have to look around for those pictures of him. People have been talking about them on twitter but I haven’t been able to find them at all.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
I did not know that Allie; thankyou for the info and I sure would like to see this foal!!
Barbara Brayton
Good luck, Coz, we will be rooting for you. What a nice looking horse. Still love those ears!
Jan S. / Houston
Love his name now!
Divas Mom
What a neat name! He’s really looking grown up in his pictures as well. He’s even grown in to his ears and head, which happens right about this time. Very nice looking Colt he’s become. I wish him the best of everything! We Love You Coz !!! :)
Great name. Very fitting. Can’t wait for him to start his racing career.
carol in arkansas
Happiest of Birthdays JudyB
Trina you have out done yourself…and that is really saying something
Congrats to V….a full brother for Z…OMG
Prayers for everyone in Boston and Waco…
Zenny ….have a glorious day…kiss little BlazZenRed for us
But take care of yourself too…a spa appt with mud bath maybe just the thing
Kisses and peppermints for all
maureen phi-llips
Dear carol in arkansas,
Good morning, just read your post, Oh my God, Queen Z now has a full brother?, oh, this is too. too exciting! am excited.
Happy Birthday JudyB. May your day and always be full of good fortune,good health, happiness, great family and friends. Have an awesome day today. Live it up.
Yes Carol, continued Prayers for our brothers and sisters in Boston and Waco. The devil is a liar and he will not win. We are the children of the living God and we will be Victorious. It is well.
Have a fun Blessed day.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Maureen:
Thank you very much. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
Thank you so much. Love the poem Trina wrote for me. Hugs, JB
Liza G. Fly
There also was a big cosmic storm and xflares the night he was born. He is looking scary good. xox Cosmic One.
maureen phi-llips
Dear Liza G. Fly,
Good morning, so true what you said, how exciting for us. His name however is COZMIC with a Z not an S, to represent his Royal mama, the great Queen Z. I made that mistake too, using an s instead of a z.
Have a fabulous day, it is well.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Hey, now that he has a name, you can write a song about him! :-)
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Great suggestion, Laura! We all LOVE Liza’s ZENYATTA song! Can’t wait for her CoZmic One song!
maureen phi-llips
Good morning to all my Z nation family, and as the new day dawns, let us all continue to lift up our brothers and sisters in Waco TX, with prayers. May the Lord continue to strengthen them, comfort them and Heal the whole community. Amen.
Good morning to our very own Royal COZMIC Prince, he sure looks the part already and am sure will handle pressure very well. I wish I could know what his thinking and what the Queen thinks about her Royal son’s name. Any guesses?
Good morning Queen Z, and the young Prince ZT, hope today is full of fun in the pasture.
Thank you to Team Zenyatta, Lanes End, Alys and the Queen’s family for the great pics of the family, what a treat.
Blessings to all, it is well.
Mandy Hajdus
I love the ears………..I will always beable to “pick him out”
I wish him all good luck and blessings all his life. Love the name.
Zenny hills and valeys around, how rachel filly and nurse mare are well, Zenny when time is still horse laying in dry straw can some sleep, cozmicone try not run far away from home, 12z play with mates see apples, i think horses in herd live friendly, congratulations vertingeauxe street cry carefully care of your health, Zenny lil 13z twelvz kiss your noses, stay cozy with horses near
Terry Crow
Belated congratulations to Zenyatta from an old friend. With the stuff going on in Texas I was concerned for my friend Barbara as this was close to her home. When I heard Waco, I feared the worst. But, I see Barbara is posting so things for her must be all right. I send out my fondest birthday wishes for my old friend Judy. How old is she? Even when you know, you never know. You might be a redneck if, when you played in the sandbox as a kid, the cat kept trying to cover you up. Best wishes to all on the blog and a personal thank you for all who expressed their concern.
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
WELCOME BACK!! You have been very sorely missed! Are you planning on sticking with us for a bit? :-)
Terry Crow
If my health permits, yes. Hope you are doing well, young lady.
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
Well, I’ll do my healthy dance for you to stay healthy!
I am well. I’m preparing for graduation. My school lost my cap and gown, but at least they have agreed to replace it. I’m excited to get going with life.
How are you? I hope your health hasn’t been a terrible pain for you.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
ha, ha, ha, ha good one Terry! Miss you here and hope you are doing well. co-Pres of the Wisconsin chapter, Sally B
Terry Crow
I think about Wisconsin every time somebody falls off a pogo stick on the funny videos program.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Terry you have a memory like a steel trap. Welcome back, hope you stay around a while, we miss your humor. hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
Where have you been! We have missed you and your wonderful jokes.
Thank you for the Birthday wishes and I am now seventy, yes 70, years old. So glad to see a post from you. Please keep posting on Z’s Blog. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Judy, my old friend, you were one of the first to welcome me to the old web site and one of the first to welcome me back. Hope you had a GREAT birthday.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
I did. Thank you so much. So good to have you back. Hugs, JB
vertigineux of course happy
saputnam in VT
Cozmic One? If they want to use Cozmic, with a Z for Zenyatta, then they could have gone with Dancer for Bernardini, who traces back to Native Dancer twice in his pedigree or with Bid as he also has Spectacular Bid in his pedigree, not to mention Ruler as he has Bold Ruler twice in his pedigree.
Cozmic Dancer, Cozmic Bid, or my personal favorite, Cozmic Ruler sound more regal, as befitting a Zenyatta colt, than Cozmic One
Lisag In Texas
Zenyatta, CozicOne and 13Z all have Native Dancer in the pedigree.
Lisag In Texas
Sorry, man hands at work again, CozmicOne
Beverly Gerth
I love the name Cozmic One. Itr is perfect. He looks so much like his mother, Zenyatta. Thank you Lanes End Farm and Ann and Jerry Moss for sharing Zenyatta and her two colts with us. Every time I watch videos of Zenyatta racing I have tears in my eyes. I never had the opportunity to see her race in person but I relive her glory watching her videos. I will be a fan of Zenyatta for the rest of my life.
Beverly Gerth, Woodbury, Minnesota
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Great name – CoZmic One. Love it. He looks just like his mama. Best of luck to all.
Marty R / Colorado
@Judy Berube- Happy Birthday wishes to you. I hope you are able to celebrate your day feeling wrapped in the love of all in Zenyatta Nation. I hope you will have a grand gathering of Dumplingz and Zsters in Saratoga this coming August.
@Trina- Just an extraordinary birthday poem for Judy. It was really a gift for us all.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marty:
Thank you so much for your Birthday wishes. Trina’s poem really is a gift. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Judy is a special person as are you, Marty.
Megan Phillips
Girls….. you are a bunch of brown-noses…..
COMIC…. oops, COZMIC ONE is a horrible name!!
Scuse me? Did you just call me a brown nose? That is TOTALLY uncalled for. I happen to love the name. Many do. If you don’t like it just say so. There is no reason to be so INCREDIBLYZ nasty.
I hope Kylea sees this and pulls it…
maureen phi-llips
Dear Megan Phillips,
Good day to you, I am hoping you had a good nights rest. and that all is well with you.It is okay for you not to like the name, and say so but its not okay to call people names and make fun of our dear Prince’s name. When and if you own your own horse, name him or her whatever name tickles your fancy, mean while please try to be civil.
We have same last name-Phillips, so please represent. It is well, have you an awesomely Blessed day. On second thoughts, I think an apology to Prince CoZmic ONE is in order.
maryp ny
We all voice our opinions here without insulting each other, using sarcasm or name calling.
It’s that kind of place. Those things can be done elsewhere.
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
It’s sad that you feel you need to make fun of others because they enjoy a name you don’t agree with. No one is forcing you to call him that, in fact, most people (aside from the race callers) will continue to call him by the various nicknames they came up with anyway.
Just because you don’t agree doesn’t mean the rest of us are brown nosers. It means we enjoy his name and you happen to have a different opinion. Plus, insulting the name to show your discontent with it is sad and below the belt.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
I happen to like the unique name that Ann & Jerry, through many hours of thought & decision, came up with for THEIR handsome colt 12z, CoZmic One. If this gorgeous colt were mine and I named it, not everyone would like the name. It is a natural thing that for some they would think that what they like would be better.
When you see CoZ someday winning the races, Cozmic will be a great for an announcer to say Cozmic Won!!!
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
Ah, plays on words are always a hoot. Cozmic One won indeed. I hope no one takes it that the announcer is saying Cozmic 11. LOL
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Not to mention that there are guys who post here…
HeidiK Vallejo,Ca (In Awe)
How incredibly rude!
Megan Phillips
I think you are a very on happy person!
All us we respect each other, because we have something in common, the love we have for our adorable Zenyatta, and her wonderful owners and her beautiful babies.
Please with all my respect, do not post here any more.
maryp ny
Megan, If you are still checking in I think you are in dire need of a lesson on manners and decency. Such a retort is that of a spoiled child.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@TC, GP–thank you so much. We are fine personally. I hope it doesn’t take an explosion of this magnitude to get you back. You have been missed.
Terry Crow
You were the first person I thought of when I heard the news. I must admit I have never heard of West, Texas. The only thing I heard was Waco.
Donna H
I’m sure it was a struggle to find a name to match the importance of Z’s Prince. It’s great and thanks for keeping us informed. Will he be heading to FL soon for training?
Lisag In Texas
I heard Cozmic will leave in September or October, not official…grapevine stuff.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Lisag; Did you also hear where he may be going?
AJ from CA
Sad fate for Spain’s famous horses:
Very sad indeed.
maryp ny
Heartbreaking sadness.
Lisag In Texas
I did not like this story at all. I do not like this stuff going on, and I feel helpless that I cannot stop it.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
We all feel helpless in the face of such horrendous goings-on. Makes me sick. People in this country (at least) can do something about it if we all speak out. If enough voices do, they will have to listen.
Terry Crow
This is a terrible story.
A tragic story…an overbreeding tragedy! Greed, and they pay with their lives.
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
Ugh, I wish I could help them! I would take the whole lot and bring them here to be resold to good and loving homes!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear AJ:
So sad. It’s happening everywhere. Hugs, JB
Linda Shull
Love the name!!!! You did a great job naming him. Now can we have more pictures of Z13 and his Mom.
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
Mrs. Trina,
I dare say, that poem was a masterpiece! It must have taken forever to type out and have it be as good as it was! Every word was written with care and attention. The writer (and the subject) of the poem are two amazing women!
Terry Crow
Agree with those sentiments.
Lisag In Texas
Princz CoZmic, I just keep staring at your beautiful face today. what are your plans little one? Will you be off to school soon? Have they told you what is in store for you yet? Will you be able to say good bye to you Mama, and hello/good bye to your baby brother? Stay safe, stay healthy, you have the same inside your heart as your Mama, it is in your eyes. Love you, darlin’. Lisag
Trisha Veazey
What a beautiful boy he is, looks so much like his gorgeous mother. I expected nothing less than class from the Mosses. COZMIC ONE indeed! A very special name for a very special young colt.
Wishing him much success, health and a career filled with wins without any health issues.
Sending much love and good wishes for this young man.
Love, hugs and kisses to Team Zenyatta with hope we will also be kept informed of the COZMIC ONE as well.
Will he be leaving soon for training?
maureen phi-llips
Dear Trisha Veazey,
I couldn’t agree more with you, so well said, thank you, I will also join you in wishing our young Prince CoZmic ONE much success, good Health and a career full of wins without Health issues. Also joining you in wishing him much love and good wishes.
Remain Blessed.
Katie Ziberna
Don’t know why but I like Cozmo as a barn name better than Coz