Naming a horse is not the easiest thing. Not only does it need to be brilliant but it also needs to be available. So…
Being born on International Women’s Day and Purim a day of celebration, under a full moon and with a star on your forehead Not to mention having Zenyatta be Your mom and be the First born…. Well we searched the stars and with the desire to have Zennie represented too….. We’ve come up with the name that we hope encompasses all:
May the heavens bless him and he has all the chances to be the bright star he is :)
COZ for short?
And…..Thank! You! EVERYONE for All Your Suggestions Hopes and Dreams!
He is beautiful…looks just like Zenyatta, Thank you for sharing him with us. Like the name too! Best wishes for his happiness, health and success!
love his name! It sounds smart, and he looks very smart! Congratulations Cozmic One on your name!!!
Great name he looks so much like
his mum. He is a stunning looking boy.
Cheers Debbie.
Katie Ziberna
His name suits him perfectly! It is both powerful and true.(It also has a Z in it)
Deb Carlino
I know you will do us proud, Coz. Train well, stay healthy, can’t wait to see you run!!!!
Helen Donnelly (Michigan)
He’s Heavenly. Name fits him!
Susan In Fl
Great name! Peace & Happiness COZ!
Love the name… he shows all the class of his sire and dam. May the racing gods look over him during his career on the track, and afterward.
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I was just remembering what a challenge it was to pick names for our two children. “Shelley” was chosen after seeing an article in the newspaper about Shelley Winters. I liked the extra E and of course she did not as everyone spelled it wrong! Then I wanted “Michael” for our son and my husband didn’t like it. We ended up naming him Jason and I think there were at least 5 Jasons in his class each year! And then of course picking out registered names for my dogs. I think we have all been there—a challenge but still fun going through the process.
Ann NC
Happy Birthday,Sweet Judy B!!!!
I hope you have the best day ever. XOXOXO
Trina, your poem is over the top,extra special for an extra special lady.
Cozmic One…you are looking ever so handsome. GREAT name. Thanks, Team Coz for sharing this wonderful adventure w/ us.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Thank you very much. Love and Hugs, JB
Shari Voltz / Ohio
OH Our COZMIC ONE. I will tell the children. The story touches the heart. Thank you Thank you Lane’s End. Our Zenny and her children are so lucky to live with All of you. God Bless all. God Bless Cozmic One. Love, Mrs. Voltz and Homeroom 215-217
Your class might like this poster of The Great and Powerful Coz
Pati is the one who discovered it.
Sorry, I don’t know who the artist is–but it is so cute!
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Thanks Keta, I love it……..how cute. hugs
Darlene Daniels
Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Moss for naming and sharing the name of Cozmic One with us. I thought we had to wait another year. What a special surprise to see the new post. I love his name. Cozmic One is just stunning and he is going to look spectacular with a blanket of roses on him someday.
Barbara Wood, so happy you and family are OK. Thought of you immediately when I heard of explosion in Waco. Will continue to pray for Waco and Boston.
Judy B. Happy happy birthday. You are a very special lady and member of our Z family.
Love to all, and dear Zenyatta and sons, I love you forever my angels.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Darlene:
Thank you so much for your kind words. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for sharing the name with us. “Coz” is cute, but I must admit I do not like the name. But how could please all the many fans that Zenyatta has. To me the name sounds like a comic book character. Then there was “Cosmic Pizza”, the movie. So maybe he will have a cute sense of humor and be a ham. Whatever, I only wish him the best. He sure is a handsome colt.
Lisag In Texas
With Julia Roberts? Love that movie, think it was called “Mystic Piizza:’. Great movie, but almost all hers is.
Love the name. May he be blessed by the Universe.
Shari Voltz / Ohio
Happy Birthday Judy B. I don’t get on the site much with all my homework : ( Have a Blessed Day !!! Love, Shari
judy berube from Rhode Island
My Dear Mrs. Voltz:
Thank you so much. You’re a very special teacher and lady. Love and Hugs, JB
Beautiful name for a beautiful boy! I’ve been waiting for that name since the day you were born baby boy! Have a safe day Cozmic One, Zenny, and 13Z.
Lisag In Texas
Good Morning, Prince Cozmic One, I do not think I can call you Coz unless you are playing, grazing and such. When you start your racing career I will always call you My Cozmic. The name is strong, yet gentle, just like you and your mom. I thought of the name Inzant Karma for you, Shine on like moon, the starts and the sun. But Not Enough Z in it, and yes you gotta have that Z. You are so beautiful, just beautiful, future Triple Crown Winner. Love ya, Lisag
Lisag In Texas
If you had a blaze instread of a star, I would swear I was Looking at Zenyatta.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Judy B, A special wish for a Happy Birthday to a very special Zster!!! So glad I came on this morning.
hugs, Sally B
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B.:
Thank you very much. You’re one of my heroes for horses. God Bless. Love and Hugs, JB
Love it. Cozmic One is a great and fitting name for Zenny’s first born. Thank You Ann and Jerry for sharing with us. But you do realize that he could have been named XYZ and he still would always be know as The Prince. The main thing is that he stays safe and healthy. Zenny just as when you were racing you was always number one, now you are the number one Mom. Zenny hope you and Z13 have a great day.
Beth Alexander
Yes – finally a name! Love it and he is beautiful just like his mom!!!!!!!!!!!
Lisag In Texas
Happy Birthday, Judy B.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lisag In Texas:
Thank you very much. Love and Hugs, JB
dear judy I hear it’s a special day for you april 18th have a wonderful birthday dear friend you deserve all the good things in life am having apple pie for tea will get the ice cream out as well to celebrate lots of love and hugs sheenaXXX
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thank you so much. Sounds lovely. Love and Hugs, JB
Lisag In Texas
Hey Cozmic, just to let you know that when you start racing you will always be Cozmic and/or Cozmic One, it is not just you…..To this day I have never, ever called your Mom Zenny, just cannot bring my self to it. It is Ms. Zenyatta, Queen Zenyatta, O, Zenyatta and such….LOL. Your mom is Zenyatta. Love you beautiful, guess I should start calling you handsome, you are so growing up too fast. Love, Lisag.
Especially Horses / So Cal
Like the name, very fitting, but wish they had stopped at Cozmic and not added the One….it just doesn’t roll off the tongue very well.
Mary - Lynchburg, Virginia
Cozmic One is a great name…….. Coz looks so much like Z…. he is one handsome fella!!! Thank you all again for sharing Z and Coz with us fans. In this world of so much sadness……..it is wonderful to read this site and hear happy things ……and see such beauty and cuteness. I love Coz’s ears……. one thing he has for sure of his mom’s….and his stare above is just like Z’s…….so intelligent.
The Kennedys in San Diego
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kennedys:
I love it too. Hugs, JB
Well said, Kennedys!
Love the play on words
Hugs, Keta
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Trina; I can’t find the rights words to tell you how Grande Judy B’s Birthday poem is!!!
A few illustrations and you could have a short story book. I’m serious!!
Thank you for sharing Judy’s story…of Charlie, Hudson and Gigi and the love Judy has.
Trina and Judy B. You both are truly wonderful loving kind hearted people and I am proud to be seen with your names as the Zsters in Dumplinghood.
hugs, Sally B
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B.:
I love the poem. Trina is indeed a very special, talented lady. Thank you for your kindness. I feel lucky to know you and all the Z’sters and Dumplings on Z’s Blog. Hugs, JB
He is so handsome! He looks just like his grandma Vertigineux!!!
Lisag In Texas
Wow read back on the opinion of Princz Z, Cozmic One’s name, I think we all agreed with Mikey that there would be no “man” good enough for our Queen. I think there are some that believe that there is no ‘name’ good enough for the Queen’s Son’s. We acceptied Prince B eventually as Her MAN, and had no problem at all with Tapit. I think, the more I see it, before he begins his career I will call him Cozmo, someone mentioned that and it is cute for a little boy that he still is. Lisag