Naming a horse is not the easiest thing. Not only does it need to be brilliant but it also needs to be available. So…
Being born on International Women’s Day and Purim a day of celebration, under a full moon and with a star on your forehead Not to mention having Zenyatta be Your mom and be the First born…. Well we searched the stars and with the desire to have Zennie represented too….. We’ve come up with the name that we hope encompasses all:
May the heavens bless him and he has all the chances to be the bright star he is :)
COZ for short?
And…..Thank! You! EVERYONE for All Your Suggestions Hopes and Dreams!
Judy B:
Thanks for the beautiful story on “Big Red”! I can’t believe we never heard this story before. I hope your best guy is doing well and behaving himself? I hear Ebby maybe coming to NY maybe Saratoga? That would sure be a treat for me and you!
Enjoy this gorgeous spring weather with Lola Mae!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear GirlSaratoga:
It’s a little bit early, but I have been checking our local charter bus company and they have a day trip to Saratoga scheduled for August 11th. Was wondering if we could work out a way to meet on that day, along with some other East Coast Z’sters. Don’t know if E will be there, but we could check it out and maybe be lucky enough to see her. Let me know what you think. Hugs, JB
Judy B:
I would LOVE that! Just checked it’s a Sunday! That sounds like so much fun! Just let me know if you are definitely going and we will make arrangements to meet there!
I must warn you, I get very excited when I am there, you may want to rethink this offer! What a bonus if Ebby and John were there too!
Keep me posted!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear GirlSaratoga:
I will buy my ticket by the end of May. My e-mail is rberube59.cox.net. We can keep in touch and plan on where to meet. So happy about this. Will contact Skip and some other East Coasters and see if they can come on that day too. Hugs, JB
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
Oh yes. A East Coast Z Dumpling get together would be fun. Cheer on E and see John again. I’m looking forward to it and I hope it pans out.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Oh, so glad you are planning to come. Hope we can see Ebby and JS too. Hugs, JB
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
I have lots of SHERR and Cindy pictures to share. I even caught a video of her off her guard and she was rolling. (She usually acts too queenly to roll and I got her in the action! LOL)
Pati Derby Dreamin:
Yea! Come join the East Coast Dumpling Party! What a time we would all have meeting face to face for the first time! Mark it on your calendar!
See you in August!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Looking forward to seeing the photos. Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Saratoga breakfast with, Mary!!!
Crista Worthy
I love the name!
More than anything, I am forever grateful to Ann and Jerry Moss for sharing Zenyatta with us and I am forever grateful to John Sheriffs for allowing the public to visit the Queen when she was at Hollywood Park. I got to visit her for a couple of hours shortly after she was retired and it was the highlight of my entire year. Zenyatta was a superstar and she clearly knew it, yet she was friendly and even affectionate. Long live the Queen Zenyatta and all her offspring.
Thank you for sharing the adorable photos of our prince charming, Cozmic One!! In my opinion it is a wonderful choice of a name for Zenyatta’s first born and I love the way it sends a tribute to her. Beautiful. The Mosses and all of Zenyatta’s connections and all of those at Lane’s End who go out of their way to take the pictures that we treasure are just so generous to share with all of us. I am deeply grateful and wishing I could find better words to express my thoughts, but thank you, thank you, thank you.
Please never ever stop posting twitter and facebook pics and stories, I read on the previous blog that there was some unkind words posted, here’s how I see it…..there is more support for your wonderful posts via twitter and facebook then unkind words, so the good out weighs the bad! If it wasn’t for you I and so many others would have never known what was going on with Paynter, and may other horses, if someone doesn’t want to read or check out the pic don’t click onto the site you provide, it’s that simply!
I know how you feel about taking it personally, remember the conversation about the “whip” I felt attacked and it was very hurtful, thats a conversation I never want to have again!
Please know that what you do is a gift to some of us, and it’s a gift that I cherish and appreciate.
High Hoof to the Queen of Social Media!
P.S. Please don’t punish those of us who appreciate your skills and kindness for a few sour grapes!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Everything GirlSaratoga said. Love and Hugs,JB
Louise Castello
Judy B:
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear GirlSaratoga:
Here we come! Can you imagine if we get to see Ebby. A dream come true; to see Ebby in her own right and seeing a part of Z. Love and Hugs, JB
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
Or maybe even touch her like people got to do with Z?? I would keel over and just die on the spot.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Oh, if we could get to pet her and talk to her that would be heaven. We have to see how it goes. Maybe we can get word to JS somehow that a group of East Coast Dumplings are at Saratoga and wondering if we could visit E. If she is there. Wouldn’t hurt to ask. Love and Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
I DITTO your thoughts!
Sally B
sharon in seattle
I like it and really appreciate all the factors that were taken into consideration. I like the nickname COZ, but please don’t call him Cosmo – no!
Paula Higgins
Listen, you could name him Tiddlywinks and I would be just fine with it. He is Zenny’s boy and a character in his own right and it doesn’t get better than that. Cozmic One is great.
Paula Higgins:
Thanks for the laugh Tiddlywinks! That was really cute and so true! We will love him no matter what his name is. He’s the Queen’s son and her first born and we have been truly blessed to share in her new career as mom and to see her prince’s! It’s only a name it won’t make him better or worse on the track, what will be will be and no doubt we all will be watching!
Still chuckling!
Marshall (NC broad)
Love it, Paula!
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Actually, Tiddlywinks would be a cute name for a filly.
Ann NC
Super name.
I can hear that call now!
OMG!!! It’s wonderful!!! Thank You so much for telling us! Godspeed and Godbless to COZMIC ONE!!!
Stephanie in San Diego
I love Coz….and I BELIEVE …he will represent his Out of this World Mom well in the future and make Daddy Proud. God Bless You Cozmic One….you are loved by many. (and growing into a handsome boy)
Marty R / Colorado
Soon we’ll be seeing a brass name plate on his halter. No more Zenyatta foal tag for his posse buds to grab. He’s growing up.
@ Zenyen- Happy birthday. So glad you considered Black Caviar’s retirement and Cozmic One’s name announcement as special gifts,
Any thoughts by anyone about Mic as a common name for Cozmic One?
Aimee in Albuquerque
That just hit me like a ton of bricks, he is not our little baby boy anymore!
It will be a beautiful brass name plate, can’t wait to see it for the first time.
Stephanie in San Diego
ps…love sharing a birthday with you…even if I did it 55 years before you LOL
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
Just because the name doesn’t sound royal, strong and all those other wonderful superlatives, it doesn’t mean he can’t make it into a name for the ages. There are many horses out there with funky names that made their name famous and respected. I’m sure many names we revere today were laughed at when they were first “christened” onto the horse. We don’t know that now because the name has earned respect throughout the years as the accomplishments on the track forever put a golden sheen onto their name. It may be cheesy now, but when this cheesecake turns into the Creme brûlée of names, I’ll be pulling up my suspenders. :-)
Besides, imagine all the Wizard of Oz references we can make with his name now. That’s as fun as a bucket of monkeys in itself.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Love your post. Too cute. Love and Hugs, JB
Janet Newman
I remember when Seattle Slew began racing and how some folks laughed at his name.
A horse with a name like that winning the Kentucky Derby, let alone a Triple crown.
Well things changed after that.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Janet:
So true. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Great post, Pati! High hoof!
Marty R / Colorado
@ Barbara Wood–I just saw there was a major explosion at a fertilizer plant in Waco. Are you and your husband, daughter pets and grand-horse all right? Please let us know.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marty:
Barb W. posted about the explosion on Page 10 of the previous Blog. She said it happened about 20 miles from her home. Asked us to pray for the injured. Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Yes, Marty R.–thank you and all who are praying. This is just dreadful. We are all fine. All local hospitals involved. Dozens may have been killed (not confirmed), including firefighters and police. It is in West, a Czech community 20 miles north of Waco.
Many fires in homes, and a nursing home may have partially collapsed.
(The reason for its being posted on the wrong page was that I had the “old” blog minimized, beside the “new” one, and I picked the wrong one to pull up.) Hazmat teams are moving everyone for fear of more explosions, Red Cross is involved, If they aren’t too crowded, I may try to get in to donate blood tomorrow.
Marty R / Colorado
Thanks, Barbara. Any tragedy in a community is horrible, but glad you and yours are fine. Prayers going out for the victims.
Janet Newman
Prayers for all.
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
I hear there is a tremendous loss of life. Prayers for all affected. This is so very sad. Thank you for letting us know that you and yours are OK, Barbara.
I love the name!
Need I say more?
Ok, Cozmic One is absolutely gorgeous. I love, love, love that he has dark legs!
Great name!!
I think Cozmic One is a WONDERFUL choice- he has so much of his mama’s “other worldly-ness” and poise. So excited to see Coz continue on his path.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Team Z, especially the Mosses,
Congratulations on selecting the name for 12Z! Cozmic One sums it up, I think.
Thank you both for continuing this site and allowing us to share in Zennyland!
May we never forget and always be grateful that you are our benefactors — you are the nicest and best people. Thank you for being patient with us!
Goodnight Zenny, 13Z and Cozmic One! Hugs
Anita from SoCal
Z-Team, I think your timing with the name is great with 13Z’s arrival. Congratulations Cozmic One, on your very special and wonderful new name. It fits very well and you are really looking very mature in your photo. Looking forward to seeing you shine, Baby. This is a time of new beginnings and leavings with Barn 55 headed East. I guess we West Coasters will have to share our Dumplings with the East Coasters now :-( Adjustments.
debbie sutherland
So many things to celebrate,a new foal for Zenny and her first born doing so well and receiving his name from the Mosses.As we focus on Zenyatta and 13Z we will also remember Cosmic One and keep him in our thoughts and prayers.What a handsome boy and a special name-the Queen would approve. Cosmic One has such a presence- like his mom! Thanks for all the news,photos and videos-seeing Zenyatta and her offspring warms the heart and we know they are receiving the best of care.So much to be thankful for-Team Z and Lane’s End,you are the best.
debbie sutherland
ps let me correct the name-of course it needs a Z in there(it’s late)
Cozmic One it is!
Elizabeth in Oregon
Thank-you for letting us know about the handsome lad’s official name–very cool. We’re sorry the Shirreffs are moving to the East, but maybe we’ll see them again at the 2013 Breeders’ Cup. They were very gracious to Z fans at last year’s celebration. We wish them well in their new location!
Leslie R.
I love it! It is perfect! Coz is getting big and he’s so beautiful, just like his mom.
Hugs to all,
Happy Birthday Judy Berube, hope it’s a Cozmic One!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear J Smith:
Thank you so much. It is now! Love and Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Well said, JSmith! Happy birthday, Judy Berube!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
Thank you so much and thank you for your very special gift to me. Love and Hugs, JB
at last a name for 12Z love it!!! have just heard about the dreadful explosions near Waco in texas keeping those involved in my thoughts and prayers have a great day COZ!!!!love and hugs sheena
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Dear All, I have been somewhat MIA the past few days because I’ve been squirreled away working on Judy Berube’s birthday poem. It has turned out to be rather long, so you may wish to pack a picnic lunch. I think I best try to post it in parts.
Part One A Birthday Poem for Judy Berube
(April 18, 2013)
Our dearest Judy Berube,
Valued Z-ster sister
And co-founder of Equi-Army,
Is by all thought to be
Una señora perfecta.
This year she hit
A horse rescue trifecta,
Or, if you’ll permit,
In the parlance of a baseball fan,
She hit a grand slam!
Here’s how it all occurred.
It started back in 2006,
When a newspaperman
A two-part article began,
Which told
The life of one young Thoroughbred
From the moment when he was foaled
Through his first year of life
Before he went into training
And the time would come to see
If he could fulfill
His owner/breeder’s cherished goal:
His wish
To see this horse at a race finish
Cruising home the runaway best,
Lengths ahead of all the rest.
Scarce were the first words written
Of the newborn foal’s story,
Than Judy did chance it to see
And the colt caught her fancy,
Indeed, she was already
With him quite smitten!
He had Secretariat in his pedigree
And was a chestnut like him—
Could he, like Big Red,
Be bound
For glory?
Once weaned,
This young Thoroughbred
Soon was seen
Showing the will of a winner,
For each time the feed bin
Was newly filled
For him and his kissin’ kin,
He made sure he was the first
’Mongst the weanling bunch
To munch
Their grain dinner.
Confidence burst
From every pore
Of his skin.
His forehead
A white star bore,
Which Tom Keyser, his scribe,
Did describe
As “a dollop
Of vanilla”—
Perhaps this youngster with the will o’
Champions going back
Even beyond
The redhead
Triple Crown winner
Of whom we are so fond
Would one day himself pack
A great wallop
At the racetrack…
As time passed along,
There was Charlie
Growing up strong
On pasture, hay, some oats,
And maybe a bit of barley,
’Midst the young throng
In their winter coats.
On Pedigree Query,
Judy did see
When this Desert Warrior progeny
His name received,
And next through Equibase
Judy was able
Every workout
To trace.
Would Charlie be the stuff of fable?
Judy did wonder
What would be his fate.
Then came the day
Of his first race,
A Maiden Special Weight.
The crowd did shout,
The hooves did thunder–
Charlie contested the early pace,
Then pulled away
Down the straight,
And by the end of his run,
Charlie by three lengths
His debut race had won!
Fifty more races would come
Before his racing days were done,
And seven more times, he’d be number one.
Judy happily followed his career
Throughout those years.
Though she never saw him in person run,
She did to a local casino go
Where she on him could bet
To win, place or show,
And watch his races on the screen
And for her Charlie scream.
’Twas especially fun when he won,
But then he was claimed
And at six he never did regain
The winning ways
Of his younger days.
Judy began to fear
What might
Soon come
As Charlie raced ever slower
And fell constantly lower
In the claiming ranks.
Then Judy gave thanks
When she Charlie did see
Listed for sale
On the CANTER website–
Interested parties
To the trainer were referred.
Though the asking price Charlie to buy
Was quite high,
Judy did not for a moment quail–
She was determined to close the sale.
She and her EAN teammates
Turned to their piggy banks
And checked those tummies
To locate needed monies.
Jan S. / Houston
Happy Birthday Judy. Hope you had a marvelous day!
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Part Two A Birthday Poem for Judy Berube
Judy then with the trainer conferred,
But he her offer spurned,
Saying for that sum,
He preferred
Charlie further to race.
But as Charlie, not ever again so fast,
Continued to fail
To pick up the pace,
And, unable to improve,
Never returned
To his former groove,
The trainer decided at last
On the price to move.
Judy shrewdly put 300 on the table.
The trainer said for 200 more
He’d be able
Not only Charlie to give her,
But also Hudson T,
Charlie’s Thoroughbred lady friend,
Whose racing days, like his,
Had come to an end.
’Twould be 500 for the pair–
He’d be throwing in the mare,
As it were, for free.
Judy thought “D’accord!”
And did readily agree.
They a time did appoint
For them to meet
At the track,
At which point
He both horses to her would deliver.
Thus the two concurred,
And each gave their word,
But arriving there
At the time that had been arranged,
Judy sadly did find–
Alas and alack!–
The trainer’d changed his mind
With regards to the mare,
And had gone back
On his word.
He had the mare for 200 sold
In a separate sale
As he the tale
To Judy told.
Though the transaction to that third person
Had already occurred,
The mare was still there.
Thus along with Charlie, her “foster son,”
Judy the mare Hudson
Did meet,
And neither horse did disappoint!
Both were sweet
And enjoyed getting from Judy a treat.
Charlie seemed
Just as handsome
As she’d in the simulcasts seen
When he’d raced—
A hunk after Judy’s heart.
And Hudson, for her part,
Was graced
With a beautifully dished face
And a luminous round eye, lovely and kind,
A mare truly refined,
With Secretariat too
To be found
In her line.
All too soon, Judy had to bid both adieu–
Charlie at the track had to stay
Another day or two more,
Till Judy a boarding spot could find,
But then for him, who was going on seven,
An earthly horse heaven
Would be in store.
The acquisition of Hudsie
Had to be
(Perhaps permanently?)
With Charlie’s purchase complete,
Judy urgently a place did need
Where she Charlie could keep.
She’d already made dozens of calls,
All to no avail,
But now she had to prevail.
That night, before falling asleep,
Judy turned in prayer to St. Francis
And asked that he please intercede.
It seems he indeed
Her prayer heard
And put in a good word,
For–what are the chances?!–
The very next day
Judy found ANGELA, a sweet angel for sure,
She being Mrs. Baxter
Of Jocks Horse Farm,
A place for the pleasure horse.
Judy asked her
Over the phone
If she could take Charlie in,
And Angela agreeably did say
That of course
She would,
Thus keeping
Him safe from harm.
Nor did Angela there stop—
She added she just might opt
Charlie to adopt,
For she was seeking
A horse to be her own!
So Judy sent another prayer to heaven above
That Charlie, upon exiting the trailer,
Would right away
Win Angela’s love—
You might say
That’s no small task
And a lot to ask,
But nay,
The good Lord did not fail her:
Lo and behold, Angela loved what she
At first sight did see,
And when the next day
Angela Charlie did ride,
She then and there did decide
Never with him to part–
Oh, how this warmed Judy’s heart!
Though the rescue of Charlie
Had seemed at times quite gnarly,
Our dear Jud’
Did it most brilliantly conclude!
With her first rescue successfully done,
Judy thought there possibly
Could be
One more to come,
The winsome Miss Hudson!
But before Judy was through,
That one would turn into two…
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Part Three A Birthday Poem for Judy Berube
With input from the trainer, Judy Hudson did trace
To a farm not far from Angela’s place,
The mistress
Of which
Proved to be a Ms. S.,
Who sadly showed herself
(If I uncustomarily
Do say so myself)
To be a veritable b…..
Judy did wish
To see
If Ms. S. would Hudson relinquish
For an appropriate sum,
And asked Angela her to accompany
On a visit to Ms. S.’s farm.
Politely they Ms. S. approached
And with her gently broached
The subject of Hudson T.
Ms. S. escorted them to the barn
Where they were shocked to see
How very small
And dark were the stalls
For the horses there,
Some twenty in all.
And more’s their bad luck,
The horses most of the day
In their stalls had to stay,
Apart from just two hours per day
When they got some fresh air
In a smallish paddock.
Judy from negative comment refrained
And to Ms. S. she just explained
That when she had with the trainer conferred,
He had told her
Hudson was to be hers,
And growing bolder,
Judy named a price for the mare
Which she thought more than fair–
She offered a full thousand.
But Ms. S. rejected that out of hand–
She maintained
Hudson could command
Much more than twice that price,
And such was her demand.
On that she firm remained,
Vowing to keep her
Till she got that price.
But, seemingly with ice
In her veins,
She someone cheaper
To Judy proposed.
She took her to see
Another mare,
Summer Wind Gigi
By name,
Who, while otherwise quite nice,
Was noticeably lame.
When asked ’bout that, Ms. S. claimed
X-rays had not disclosed
Anything wrong–
Ms. S simply no longer did care
To keep the mare.
She indicated
That should a buyer
Not come along,
She would of the mare
In an auction dispose,
Full knowing no rider would desire
A horse that was lame–
Gigi, ill-fated,
Would be fair game
To be bought by a kill buyer,
Then shipped over the border
To be slaughtered in short order.
Looking at Gigi,
Angela and Judy could plainly see
Rain rot
Throughout her coat–
Seemingly she
Was thought not worthy
Of shelter from the elements:
Twenty-four hours a day she generally spent
In a small pen
Open to the sky.
Ms. S. was disposed
To offer Gigi to Judy to buy
For an amount supposed
To be “a song.”
The price she proposed,
You ask?
A full five hundred greenbacks.
Judy and Angela, with great tact,
Held themselves back
From using language quite earthy
And simply looked on in dismay–
They struggled to stay
And wondered what to say;
Then, though their hearts to Gigi inclined,
They Ms. S.’s proffer declined.
On that sad note,
Judy and Angela did start to depart,
Each with their stomach all in a knot.
Stark dread
For the welfare
Of that dear mare
Filled each woman’s heart.
Scarce were they inside their car,
When Judy knew she could not abide
Leaving Gigi there,
And she to Angela said,
“How in the world
Can we NOT
Take that sweet girl?
Call Ms. S.
And ask
If she’ll give us Gigi gratis!”
Angela Ms. S’s number right away tried—
A recorded voice said “Leave a message,”
Which Angela did.
That blessedly did presage
A fortunate outcome,
For Ms. S., given time to think it over,
Accepted their no-fee bid.
That evening the deal for Gigi was done,
And she the next day
Was on her way
To living life in the clover,
Though first the mare
Sorely needed the boon
Of Angela’s care.
That afternoon,
Angela was checking the right front hoof
And forsooth!
Found the poor horse
To be plagued with an abscess,
Which Angela promptly drained.
She then administered a course
Of antibiotics
Hoping that the problem would fix
And meanwhile refrained
From adding any more stress.
When the infection returned,
Angela next to her horseshoer turned,
Who in the course of a hoof inspection
Found the cause of the infection:
A “hot nail” was discovered
And removed,
Which clearly the tender foot soothed.
Thanks to that farrier,
Gigi was straight away merrier
And soon was fully recovered!
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Part Four A Birthday Poem for Judy Berube
Meanwhile, as they used to say,
Back at the Ms. S. ranch,
It did seem
That Hudson, so sadly left behind,
Still for a better day pined.
Judy felt she yet had a chance
Hudson to buy,
And to that she put her mind.
Giving it another try
With the aid of her Equi-Army team,
Who also opened their coffers,
Judy upped her offers,
And finally Judy accomplished
What she so dearly had wished!
A handsome sum
Was for Hudson arranged,
And once the money
Was exchanged,
Hudson’s life for the better changed.
She too did to Angela’s come,
For her a land of milk and honey,
Where she by day
Does run
In pastures green and sunny,
And by night she’s snug
In a stall large and airy,
All due to Judy Berube, her auntie
And her rescue fairy!
Thank heaven Judy was there for all three,
Charlie, Gigi and Hudsie,
Fostered babies who still at her heart tug!
Now Angela’s their owner,
She’s their forever home.
Charlie is Angela’s personally,
Gigi and Hudson are pleased
To be leased
To Angela’s students, Katie and Kristy.
Now Judy need have no more fears
For her Three Horseketeers.
And while these former racers one and all
Are learning to be fine trail horses,
Gigi–being ever so clever—will maybe
This fall
Move on to college courses
With her young rider Katie.
And should you be
Of an older age like me,
You may also find
Gigi the one
Who calls to mind
An eponymous musical.
You’ll recall
The song that was sung
By Maurice Chevalier
When the movie had scarce begun–
And even though
You may know
No French,
I hope it will to you
Make sense
If I say
That “chevalier”
Means a knight,
Or, if I might,
It loosely a horseman could be,
And going along
In that vein,
I think that Chevalier’s song
Would be
A perfect refrain
For our dear Judy Berube:
Because by golly
’Tis no folly
To find that air even jollier
If you view it as written
Expressly for Judy,
Our very feminine “chevalière,”
A horsewoman extraordinaire,
Clearly well-bitten
By the horse-love bug!
So let’s all loudly “Thank Heaven…” sing
To make the heavens ring
With our gratitude to our dear Jud’
For everything
She does
For everyone she loves,
Especially for us here,
Her Z-ster and EAN family,
For ’tis true:
Dear Judy, without you,
What would we all do?
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Here’s a link to Maurice Chevalier singing “Thank Heaven for Little Girls.” Judy, I can just imagine your Russ singing this for you.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Happy Birthday dear sweet Judy! Wow that is quite a poem, feel like I know the story of your life. You are truly a valued member of our group, a fellow Bernie lover, and a kind and generous person. We love you lots. hugs sue
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue, Sandy, Max and Trina:
Thank you for your sweet words and Birthday wishes. So happy to know all of you. I love the poem. Thanks again, Trina. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR, PUJ
Happy Birthday dear Judy!! A sweeter person does not exist, and what a superlative job from our Trina!! Even knowing some of the story, I realized that I was missing some details. This one surely redefines “EPIC”???
Best wishes for a great year – so glad to see some others on board for your Saratoga adventure!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR, PUJ
Should have had the coffee first – those are supposed to be “!!!!” (NOT “???”) – yikes!
The happiest of birthdays to Judy B. May you enjoy your day to the fullest.
Trina. Amazingly good and thoughtful work.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Trina,
Wow! What a great oeuvre d’art – apologies to the French language!
Excellent work, Trina. You have certainly outdone yourself!
Thanks bunches and hugs!
Rosemary McCauley-Pres./AZ/New Mexico RNC
WOW! Beautiful, Trina.
I’ll call him COZY :)
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Very nice, Sandra! I like it!
Love the name, didn’t think of anything even close but I think it fits well with everything!
Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Moss, Lane’s End and everyone else involved for this continued inside look in Zenyatta’s life and the lives of her foals, I can’t tell you how grateful I am. I really miss looking forward to her races but a new photo or blogpost is a highlight every time!
Can’t wait to see Cozzie continue on his journey to the track!
Forgot to mention;
in the top photo he looks gorgeous, seems like he is really coming into his body.
maureen phi-llips
Waoh, look who went out and got himself a new name, my very own Prince ZB. What a charming name for a charming boy. I blinked and he grew up!. This is incredible, where is my baby?, a year old already?. NOOOO, but he sure is sooo handsome and will have a fuller mane and tail than his mama, the Queen.
May God continue to Keep and Bless you dear Prince Cozmic ONE. It will be well with you always. Amen.
Good night Queen Zenyatta, and Prince ZT. Good night to all my Z nation family.
Praying for the good people of Waco TX. The enemy is a liar and we will be Victorious.
May God be with the wounded and may those who lost their lives rest in peace.