Naming a horse is not the easiest thing. Not only does it need to be brilliant but it also needs to be available. So…
Being born on International Women’s Day and Purim a day of celebration, under a full moon and with a star on your forehead Not to mention having Zenyatta be Your mom and be the First born…. Well we searched the stars and with the desire to have Zennie represented too….. We’ve come up with the name that we hope encompasses all:
May the heavens bless him and he has all the chances to be the bright star he is :)
COZ for short?
And…..Thank! You! EVERYONE for All Your Suggestions Hopes and Dreams!
Greg brought up a small point that makes me glee.
Ruffian and I share a birthday (same month/day/year even) / Black Caviar retires safe, happy and sound and Coz’s name gets announced.
Now, as we all know after a certain number of years you stop getting birthday presents but these two and of course, sharing the day with the great Ruffian, isn’t so bad. :D
Happy Birthday Zenyen!!! I enjoy reading your posts. I finally got to find out 12Z’s name and I love it!!!
Thank you for sharing the life of this beautiful baby with us!
May his star burn brightly and inspire us all!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Zenyen:
Happy Birthday. Our birthdays are very close; mine is tomorrow. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Zenyen!
All the very best wishes for many, many more wonderful years and for many more great posts from you! Thanks for sharing your wisdom and information with us. Hugs
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR, PUJ
I couldn’t say it any better than Marshall has so “Ditto” from me. You are the best, and we are so lucky to have you here! Belated Happy Birthday! Hugs, Sandy
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Happy belated birthday, Zenyen! Now that I know, I’ll mark my calendar to have a poem ready for you for next year.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Happy Birthday Zenyen! What a nice present you got. Wishing you a great day. hugs
Ann NC
Happy belated Birthday.
I quess you are over the moon by now,sharing in all of the great events for your special day.
Janet Covey
Love it! Glad he now has his own special name.
Our Prince has an official name! In my opinion I think the problem with his name is that it is so grown up, and to us he is still a baby, after all he is only a year old! I didn’t like it at first, but it’s beginning to grow on me! It’s just so hard to believe a year ago he was little like “red Z”, and now he’s all filled out and got a “big boy” name. It sometimes amazes me how very much he looks like his mom, especially from the side view!
He’s not our horse, even though most of us thinks he is, therefore, we have no right to question or criticize how and why the Mosses came up with this particular name, I just hope he give us a spectacular show like his mom and dad did!
In any event it was certainly a treat to click on the site to see pics of COZ a.k.a. “the prince” given the events over the past 48 hours, a shimmer of hope and happiness for a brighter future and healing hearts.
Spring is in the Air
Janet Newman
Girl Saratoga,
I agree with you he is not our horse
After all the whining about no name, now people are putting their thumbs down.
We did not buy her, pay for her training, pay for the vet care, pay for boarding her at Lane’s End, pay for the stud fee, and so forth.
Where is this sense of entitlement coming from?
Ann and Jerry Moss are nothing but sharing and gracious with the fans who love
Zenyatta. They could have easily decided that it was time for us to say good-bye, she is entering another phase of her life, but they have been more than generous, as well as Lane’s End.
Want the right to name a horse, go buy your own!
It’s not entitlement; of course they could name him anything and they have. It’s just not a high caliber of a name for such a special horse, and that’s just an opinion. Any Z fan’s opinion, good or bad, isn’t going to have any effect. It is what it is, I hate the name, but it is what it is and that horse isn’t going to care what his name is!
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
Besides, there’s a good chance that we all have made nicknames of every variety for him and that’s what we’ll call him by.
Re: it not being high caliber; he can always make it a high caliber name. ;-)
maureen phi-llips
Dear Carrigan,
Waoh, why so upset?, I don’t get it. It’s a lovely name and he will love his name. Ask any horse whisperer, horses either love or hate their name but Prince Cosmic One will love his name given the thought that went into it.
Don’t worry, you’ll be fine and come to love the name too. Have a Blessed night.
Kat Hay
This colt has a kind expression.
Marshall (NC broad)
Yes, he does have a kind expression, just like his mother. His owners are kind, too.
Sorry that it’s an adjective (kind) that cannot be applied to the name critics.
All the best, always! Hugs
Ann NC
You are the best!
Lori Stein
I was hoping the letter Z would be in all the big mare’s foal’s names so this is a good sign! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
Kathy Wilson
I really love his name! My goodness how grown up he is and looks so much like Momma!
Sandi Lomax Schlemmer
Good name…. I would run in the other direction when I was asked for name suggestions! lol. He is really growing into a handsome colt! Best o luck to his connections!
Thrilled our little prince has a name! He is truly a bright star!
Mazel Tov!
Heidi Kreizinger
Does this mean Coz is not going to be sold but kept “in the family?” I have often wondered that.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
He will be kept and raced by the Mosses. There’s never been even the slightest suggestion that he might be sold.
Franci Nelson
What a perfect name. I will be watching for him
Cozmic One: This is for you. True, you are our baby boy. Our Zenny’s first born. But, yes, your future is as huge as the cosmos and as unique as it may be, since no-one knows the cosmos. As well, the cosmos is beyond us, even as it envelops us. It is both mystery and home. In the infinitesimal majesty, potential and grace, I see you, baby boy.
It’s a beautiful, eloquent name. I don’t know about calling you “Coz” but I LOVE the idea of calling you “Cozmi” — as in MY Cozmic One.
A wonderful choice, Team Z.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR, PUJ
A great way to think about it – thanks Abigail!
After reading the explanation it makes sense. And Coz for short is cute. He looks just like Queen Z. Happy he now has a name Celebrate!!!!
Maribel Roos
Cozmic One …there is definitely a zen sound to that name :) May God speed you in all you do young prince . Thank you for keeping us informed .
Linda Sain
He looks ribby. What’s the deal?
1) He’s a growing baby. This is how the young of the species grows. Take on calories, shoot up in height at those calories go to bone growth and muscle development, look scraggly, take on more calories and repeat the process.
2) He is a growing baby. That skeletal and fragile suspensory system needs time to grow into itself, with no extra weight. One of the issues with glossing up yearlings or even two year olds to make them look big and impressive for the sale ring, is it puts too much pressure on their skeletal and suspensory system for longevity down the road.
Since Coz has never been considered for the sale ring, he can be kept lean and healthy and allowed to develop into a strong, sturdy horse who will hopefully have a long, sound career in front of him.
Amen to that explanation. I can’t stand the sight of those fat, waddling yearlings in the sales ring. They must put those kids on a diet after that sale.
Nancy Albino
I am so happy you named him “COZMIC ONE”. And yes, I believe in magic! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaqRwFyoGgQ
diana a.
great name!…love it! <3
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Yewwhooo!! Zenyatta, your masters have chosen an awesome name for your 12z; Cozmic One. I think their thoughts as how they came about it are really great and also cute. How did ever come up with such a unique name! I am happy to see a Z in his name on your behalf Mama Z!! I think it is a grand name…why? beCuz I love him and it will suit him in the future perhaps!! It may already be written in the stars!!
Thankyou from the bottom of my heart for sharing your colts name.
lovenKisses on your soft nose Zenyatta, Auntie Sally B
Ann & Jerry are the most generous people of all.
Also I wish to congratulate Black Caviar on retiring with 25 wins and undefeated.
Perhaps he should think about coming here to stand awhile.
Goodnight and God Bless you Zenyatta and all your connections
Sally B
Liz Carlin
Cozmic One! I love it. THANK you for sharing Zenyatta and her children with all of us, Lane’s End, Ann and Jerry Moss. You guys are terrific! You have a wonderful team, Lane’s End is the BEST thoroughbred farm EVER! I must mention your P.R. team is just wonderful. I feel like am a part of the Lane’s End family and I am ever so grateful that you share so much of your lives with us.
Karen in Indiana
Coz is growing up to look so much like his momma.
Coz…your new name fits you perfectly. You are larger than life to many and have the dreams of thousands resting on your sturdy back. You will wear this name proudly and carry on the great tradition of your mom, The Queen.
Moe Quirin
Congratulations to Team Zenyatta, Team Coz and Lane’s End. Best of luck to the COZMIC ONE!
This prince of hearts came into the world knowing he was very special. Just look at him now! He has the regal bearing of his great mom and hopefully her intelligence and heart. The name is very fitting to a young colt who is out of this world! Thank you to the Mosses for giving him such a fitting name.
COZMIC ONE will sound great whenever he wins! There are too many in Z’s nation for all of us to agree.
Did you see that Mine That Bird, 2009 winner of the roses, is at the Kentucky Derby Museum as the resident Thoroughbred until 7/4/13? (BloodHorse.com 4/14/2013)
I visited him at the Double Eagle Ranch last April. Dr. Blach proudly provided a tour, pictures and the peppermints. Mine That Bird loves those peppermints! And he enjoyed the attention. I think I feel a road trip in the future!
sue and tony
The name is perect for a colt we also think is perfect. Look at that regal head, that kind eye. He really is out of this world.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue and Tony:
He’s COZMIC. Love and Hugs, JB
I love the name but he will always be 12Z to me!
Beth from Indiana
Sandy, I liked your story of how you said you took a break and came back to find six pages worth of comments already on the Zenyatta blog. It made me laugh, but I can definitely say I can relate. I’m so excited that 12Z now has an official name! I admit, it is a pretty big name for him, but I guess it’s just because he’s so young yet. I really like the explanation behind the name. It gives it more meaning and purpose. I agree to that he does look a lot like his mother from the side view. There have been times I’ve looked at pictures on this site and it took me awhile to figure out if it was Zenyatta or Cozmic One. He is turning into a more handsome boy everyday.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
……and here comes COZMIC ONE on the outside; the son of Zenyatta and Bernardini, flying like a comet down the stretch. Love and Hugs, JB
sharon in seattle
Hi Judy – I nominate YOU to call Coz’ first race!!!! : )
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon:
I can dream, can’t I. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR, PUJ
Love it Judy!!!!!
Ann NC
Judy B.
CUTE!!! You workin, Saratoga this summer?
Terry McNamee
He is starting to look very noble. A colt with cosmic potential for sure!