Naming a horse is not the easiest thing. Not only does it need to be brilliant but it also needs to be available. So…
Being born on International Women’s Day and Purim a day of celebration, under a full moon and with a star on your forehead Not to mention having Zenyatta be Your mom and be the First born…. Well we searched the stars and with the desire to have Zennie represented too….. We’ve come up with the name that we hope encompasses all:
May the heavens bless him and he has all the chances to be the bright star he is :)
COZ for short?
And…..Thank! You! EVERYONE for All Your Suggestions Hopes and Dreams!
Judith Hinsdale
Love Z and both her babies. Comic looks so much like his Mama. The way he carrys himself, you just know who he is. Thanks for sharing with us. Z will always be special to all of us. Xxxxxxx’s & Ooooooo’s
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
No, no Zendini or anything remotely like it! That is extra cheesey IMHO.
I love this name!! It’s proud and it reflects how this royal family makes us feel: OUT OF THIS WORLD!! <3 The way Z12 holds himself, the way he seems to float in mid-gait in all the pictures. It's like he's weightless!
Cozmic One. Coz for short. I love it!
Anne Westhart
Perfect. Just perfect!
From the expression on his face in the photos, Cozmic One seems to like his name, and is already living up to the part.
AJ from CA
Cozmic One – may the force be with you!
Patricia Gerschler
Nah, just call him ONE for short. He’s Z’s first (One), and he’ll be #1 on the track ;)
Sue Noel/Sun Valley,ID
Love,love LOVE your name,beautiful boy!!! Your Mom and Dad picked another spectacular name!! Love all the reasons why–a name rich with meaning,and befitting a Prince of royal blood. It WILL sound VERY good coming over the speakers at Churchill Downs!! It’s wonderful to be able to call you by name now!! Love the Coz nickname too!! What a lovely surprise this day–thank you and congrats to all the team. The accompanying photos are the best I’ve seen of you yet,Coz!! That head shot should be a portrait,enlarged and framed,in your Mom and Dad’s house–it is great!!
If the Z store opens up again,which I hope it will,would love to buy that shot!!
For those of you who like Barnaby John adventures,I posted a long one on Page 10 of the preceeding blog. They had their spring shots yesterday,as I briefly mentioned ,in the other story. Sue and her friend,Heather,who often rides Barnaby (she LOVES him)==and–they had their teeth floated. The vet looked at Barnaby’s mouth and said that he either needed to be riden in a hackamore–or–get his teeth floated!! Sue said he was so pitiful after he had the drugs to keep him calm while getting his teeth floated. He stood with his front feet splayed out when the Dr. was working on his teeth–guess it made him feel that he was braced–but heather was scared he was going to fall. Sue said he looked like an ice skater trying to stay upright! He was very good through everything and came out of it all just fine. After they were through with Traveller,the gals stayed with them and groomed them and then saddled Barnaby and Heather practiced getting on and off–then Sue lead him around a little with a halterand he got back to himself. She said both of them were acting normally by the time they got back to their pasture.
Sue called a few minutes ago,having stopped at the tack shop to see if his new bit was in,on her way down to Twin Falls to teach her college class tonight. Lo and behold,his new bit came in today!! Sue will ride him in it when she comes back tomorrow and I will be able to on Saturday,when we want to ride them in the big outdoor arena. This will be our last chance to ride at the Susie Q,as Tom will bring them up to East Fork on Saturday,the 27th. We’ll clean out all of our tack and all this weekend,so all he has to worry about are the horses on the 27th. I’m glad we won’t have to all drive away fromm the ranch together—too many tears that way!! We’ll just meet him at the ranchat East Fork that day and have the fun of watching their excitement at being back there.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR, PUJ
Loved your post on the previous blog Sue. We can never get enough of your Barnaby stories!
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
High hoof, Sue and Barnaby! Too cute!
Brenda S. Fort Erie, Canada
All the stars were aligned when Zenny and Bernie had their date so I can’t think of a more appropriate name. Great choice Mr. and Mrs. Moss. GO COZ!!!!
Cozmic One is so handsome, looks just like MAMA Z! xo Z and Coz!
He will be a star! I do hope that they take their time with him…seems like every year we have injuries going to the Triple Crown! COZMIC ONE will carry on the Zenyatta legacy! EVEN if he doesnt get to the Kentucky Derby! Thank you to The Moss’ for keeping us in the loop! WE do love Zenny and the boys!
Sue Noel/Sun Valley,ID
Ooops–my train of thought was derailed a bit in the above–meant to say that Sue and Heather were comforting them for the procedures,as I had to work. It was,of course, the HORSES who got their teeth floated–not Sue and Heather!! Sounded a bit confusing there for a minute—-just wanted to see if you were on your toes!! Sorry!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
LOL! ♥
I can’t believe how much he’s filled out already. Just barely over a year old and growing up fast and handsome.
Sarah Powell, Clemson, SC
Great name! He is out of this world with greatness ahead of him! Just look at the way he carries himself – he knows who his Mom is!
Appropriately named for Zenyatta’s first born. Coz has big shoes to fill and he looks to be developing into a beauty like his mom. I hope his training goes slow and he is allowed to grown strong legs and back, so when he thunders down the track he will be strong and spectacular. Thank you for posting spectacular photos of Coz.
PERFECT Name! hope to see it in the Winners Circle often, in the future. Thank you Mr. and Mrs Moss, for keeping us all informed, and being so generous with the updates and pictures.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mr. & Mrs. M.:
I think it suits him just fine. Thank you for sharing him, his baby brother and your gorgeous Queen with us. Love Coz, Little Red and Z with all my heart and both of you too. Hugs,JB
Marty R / Colorado
Very thoughtful, thought out name. I agree, Judy, “it suits him just fine”. May he soar among the stars in racing.
I love how you spelled it CoZmic….Z for his Mama. Love it!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
He will always be #1 weith us!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR, PUJ
Holy Moly – stopped to take a dinner break and came back to a new name and 5 pages worth of comments already. HOW do you folks get the word so soon? I must admit the name was a bit of a surprise BUT . . . reading the story of how it came about had me in tears! He will always be our first star from his wonderful Mom so “bravo” to the Mosses for a choice that is as unique as he is. How wonderful to be able to celebrate his naming with all of you! It seems like there should be a big celebration and a formal “bestowing” of the name. We would all come, right?
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
You betcha, Sandy!
Love it!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, Coz and Little Red Prince:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Love you. Hugs, JB
Beautiful boy! Love the name!
I appreciate as a fan so much these continued updates on Zenyatta, Cozmic One, and Z13. Thank you for sharing their ongoing development!
Seriously??? Lame. Lame. Lame. Terrible name–you guys have been in LA too long. Please let someone else name 13Z….
denean franz
Not crazy about the name. Sounds like a character from the Jetsons or Mark and Mindy. Sorry. Do hope he does well and future babies stick with Musical name influences or beautiful strong words with heart and meaning.
Gloria Jeanne- OCCali
Awesome!!! I just love it! Cozmic One!!
Ingrid Arnone
Jerry & Ann,
I love the name is perfect!
Cozmic One looks so much like Zenny!
I cannot wait to see him on the racetrack!
How about Cozmic Two for Z13?
I love all of you! xoxoxoxo!!!!!!
Sweet Dreams.
carol in arkansas
And Coz still has green tape on his halter….Z doesn’t…..BlazZenRed does….as the mystery deepens
I wonder if it identifies the owners?
Mary in Boone, NC
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Moss and Team Z,
I don’t know if one person had more influence than any other, but this name is just PERFECT: Cozmic One. I love “CoZ” too but can’t help but capitalize that Z!!! Your prayer for him is the same that I have, but I will have to add a line that CoZ will be safe.
He is so very handsome and so much like his Mother. Those ears, those ears…I just love them.
I am definitely a member of the CoZ nation. Would love a tshirt!!!!
Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Moss, for keeping us a part of it all. Hope you realize how much you are loved and admired too!!!!
Take care, everyone,
Mary in Boone
Am I mistaken – is this April Fool’s Day? Is this just one big nightmare? Seriously? Please tell me this is a joke. Whilst everyone is fawning all over this truly and completely cheesy name I will be honest. It is not a name befitting this colt. This name doesn’t befit his personality nor his lineage. I would have thought the Mosses would have gone with something musical and classy like they did with Zenyatta or even Giacomo (after Sting’s son). They must feel this young lad won’t spend much time in the winner’s circle as Cozmic One sounds like a name befitting a 3rd rate lounge singer in a dank and dark cheesy Vegas nightclub not the royally bred son of Zenyatta and Bernardini. Even just sticking with 12Z would have been better than the ill advised “Cozmic One”. There’s is absolutely no class to this name and the Mosses should be ashamed, completely ashamed to saddle this colt with this monstrosity of a name. They are showing absolutely no regard, respect or love for this colt to do this. Yes, he’s their thoroughbred and they can do what they want with him but, to reiterate – Shameful, just shameful.
Diana Stuart
What is shameful is your rude and disrespectful rant. Go away – AGAIN!
diastu in tempe
diastu in tempe: The greatest of America is the freedom to share one’s thoughts without threat of response inanity. To quote Shakespeare – “Methinks the lady doth protest too much”.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Ummm, no. Freedom of speech gives you right to spew inanity. It also gives everyone else the right to call you out on it.
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Laura J is right again! High hoof, Laura!
carol in arkansas
@Diana…..everyone is entitled to an opinion ….even mean spirited ones…
Just ignore the trolls….
Right on…couldn’t agree with you more. VERY cheezy name, simply awful.
Completely agree. I have been dreading the day that they named this guy, certain it would be sappy and with “Z” stuck somewhere in it. This colt is royally bred, the first foal of the greatest mare to race in my lifetime, and this is the name? Of all the names out there, really? It’s not bold, strong, impressionable-this colt could be one of the homegrowns that race at my little county track for $2500 purses. I will always love Zenyatta, but man is this a letdown. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way; just MHO, I know many like it but ugh *cringe*
Terribly rude. If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. No manners, apparently…
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Well said, Andrea!
Diana Stuart - A Rose By Any Other Name
Okay “Coz” – It’ll take getting used to, and you’ll always be “Prince Z” in my heart, but a horse such as you, by ANY name is – – – BRILLIANT!
The way your name evolved gave me goose bumps.
diastu in tempe
carol in arkansas
Left you a note above….hugs