Naming a horse is not the easiest thing. Not only does it need to be brilliant but it also needs to be available. So…
Being born on International Women’s Day and Purim a day of celebration, under a full moon and with a star on your forehead Not to mention having Zenyatta be Your mom and be the First born…. Well we searched the stars and with the desire to have Zennie represented too….. We’ve come up with the name that we hope encompasses all:
May the heavens bless him and he has all the chances to be the bright star he is :)
COZ for short?
And…..Thank! You! EVERYONE for All Your Suggestions Hopes and Dreams!
Perky Green
Cozmic One,Meaningful name for a son of our beloved Zenny. He has that look about him, he is truly his mothers son.The ears, the eyes, and that piece of Blaze, that seems to be missing from Zenny’s Blaze a perfect match. He is indeed quite the man. I hope to see him on the track fulfilling his own legacy.
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Perky Green, that’s a lovely point about how Cozmic One’s star is “the missing piece” from Zenyatta’s blaze! That never occurred to me.
High hoof on your name, Cozmic One!
Judy in South Carolina
I LOVE IT and am SO glad they FINALLY released his name!!!!
I am sure he will just be “Coz” to most of us.
Kinda agree, though, about the “Won” instead of “One” but just a minor thing insofar as the entire picture.
Anyone who doesn’t like it? Try this…………say it over and over a couple of times and see how it sounds better each time. I just hope he lives up to all of our expectations, high as they are LOL!
Welcome to the official world of racing, Coz! We’ll be waiting and watching!!!!!!!
love the horse…name not so much. but i don’t own him so cheers for C-Z
I see we have some mixed emotions over our little ones name.
I am liking it.
We can still call him Z12 or Prince but when he races and crosses the finish line we will all be screaming go COZ go. :) 2015 for our Cozmic One love you Z
So happy to finally find out his name. It is a great name!! Good choice!
Love it! Perfect. He’s so handsome!
not the name I wanted but a good one none the less So used to calling him Z12 prob will continue lol
…I think I’ll just call him Z12
carol in arkansas
I leave to feed the hubby….and come back to this….
Coz …..Cosmic One….
He has been our star since his first breath….
This is just so appropriate …
Love you Coz
Love you Momma Z
Kisses for little BlazZenRed
carol in arkansas
Thats Cozmic One….autocorrect got me again
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. Calif. ♥
♥ Dear Ann and Jerry
I’d love Prince 12Z’s name regardless of what was chosen!
Yes, born under a Full Moon and with a Star on his forehead – to two champions Zen Master and the Great Bernardini.
♥ Love, Auntie Judy
Deborah Lane
The colt is gorgeous- I was hoping he would be given either a more regal name or something more related to Zenyatta and how she got her name. Cozmic One just doesn’t stand out to me. I am disappointed.
Karen Gogue
Hahaa! I love it, but I’ll call him OZ – ‘wizard’ of OZ! Mwah!!! I’ll be saying Oh Z One (won)
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Too cute, Karen!
Lori from CA
He’ll always be “Taco” to me. :)
Taco? But Taco is Rachel Alexandra’s first colt. Taco is Jess’s Dream.
Rachel C.
I thought “Taco” was Jess’s Dreams’ nickname.
He will always be Zenyatta’s Prince to me! I don’t own him so it was not my choice…best of luck to him!
Love this boy! I can understand the name, sure it was really hard to pick just one. I wouldn’t want that job.
I was so hoping that it had Zen in it…..But he will be loved just the same no matter what his name.
Congrats to Ann, Jerry and the entire team.
As much as I love everything about Zenyatta and am excited they finally named the colt, I can’t help but feel like this would be a bit more fitting had she been bred to Cozzene.. Yes I am aware he passed away in 2008. Juuust sayin.
Brenda Weaver
I just pray that he stays healthy if he races just like Zenny did and that he has much success if he races–just pray that no harm comes to him–I am always concerned with every race that things go well
Kim in Saratoga NY
Oh Cozmic One how I love Thee!! It never really mattered to me what they named him, I’m just glad he has one now! He so reminds me of Zenny and I cannot wait to see him run. Love, hugs and kisses to all!
Louise Castello
Wow, unexpected name, but it is growing on me. Sort of?! Not sure yet? He sure looks good, though!
Louise Castello
On further thought, I like it a lot! LOL!
hate it. i hope you reconsider before his first start.
Love his name! No doubt about it, this guy has a lot to live up to or even try to attain. May the stars shine for him!
Neva Rae Powers
OK I am a little surprised too but I like it!
Linda M
Congratulations Team Z! We can only imagne how this kept you up at night from the 1st day he was born as indicated in the video. Coz he is and we LOVE it! Cannot wait to hear about his next steps in training and where he will utlimately be. We always thought Barn 55 in California, but we just hope he becomes the STAR we think he will be as Cosmic One!!!
We love you, George, Linda, and Milyone
I admit, the first time I read the name I cringed a little.. but it’s definitely growing on me.
I mean hey, it isn’t Jess’s Dream. ;)
He’s looking fantastic! Growing up so fast and beautifully. Thanks so much for sharing these photos with all the fans. =)
Love his name, I really think it suits him.
He looks fantastic, more like his mom everyday.
Tiffany Vaughn
Perfect! Him, and his name! :) Absolutely Love it! He is just stunning!
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
OMG, look at the top picture of him running. What a beautiful body……he looks Zensational!! I know just about everyone on the blog loves chestnuts ( I like them too) but he is stunning. I see Zenny in everything about him. After reading why they picked the name, I’m really beginning to like it…….his legacy is in the stars. Thanks Mr and Mrs Moss for telling us. Hugs
Kisses on noses to Zenny Z13 and the beautiful COZMIC ONE
Absolutely perfect! Cozmic One……yes.
Black Caviar All 25 Wins (with commentary) YouTube VIDEO
TonKa1969 Published on Apr 14, 2013
The final 400m of all of Black Caviar’s 25 wins from 25 starts, with commentary.
She remained undefeated throughout her career,
the best sprinting mare the world has seen.
Keta Note; A salute to Nelly on her retirement today !!