Naming a horse is not the easiest thing. Not only does it need to be brilliant but it also needs to be available. So…
Being born on International Women’s Day and Purim a day of celebration, under a full moon and with a star on your forehead Not to mention having Zenyatta be Your mom and be the First born…. Well we searched the stars and with the desire to have Zennie represented too….. We’ve come up with the name that we hope encompasses all:
May the heavens bless him and he has all the chances to be the bright star he is :)
COZ for short?
And…..Thank! You! EVERYONE for All Your Suggestions Hopes and Dreams!
Betty in Tampa
Congratulations 12Z on receiving your official Thoroughbred Registered Name — Cozmic One is unique and I’m sure your human family spent many hours pondering over what would suit Zenyatta’s first foal and your special connection to all of them. I think I will call you COZ — I like it and I think it suits your personality! Although you are no longer by Z’s side or romping in the paddock with her, remember all she has taught you. Be friendly with humans, learn to run and break fast out of the gate when they send you off to school — those sturdy legs and big, strong hindquarters will serve you well when you are in training! The more pictures I see of you, the more I see your Mother — the gentleness in your eyes and those big, beautiful perky ears!! Always remember you are the Queen’s son — hold that head high and no matter what lies ahead, you will always be part of thoroughbred royalty.
Kathleen Belmonte
Dearest Betty,
I haven’t been able to visit Queen Zenyatta’s website, so I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve missed lots of news, ESPECIALLY the announcement about our Queen Z being pregnant yet AGAIN! Three in a row……May the Lord make His face to shine upon her.
But Betty, the beautiful paragraph you wrote, brought tears to my eyes and put a lump in my throat…….The 1st born son and the special bond the 2 will always have.
Thank you so very much for sharing something so precious!
I completely missed this post and the pictures. I love the name and think it’s really appropriate for the first-born of our beloved Z. Coz looks more like her the older he gets. These pic’s made my breath catch.
sharon tupper
Coz is getting bigger every day and looks like Zennie and Bernie put together.
maureen phi-llips
Dear Sharon,
I totally agree.
Morgan Morris
Definitely his father’s son. Love the name and can’t wait for coz’s racing days. Lolz breyer is gonna have to change the box lolz
Dee Klockziem
PERFECT !! love the name
i like cozmo, hope to see him on the track one day.
olga lidia rubi/glendale ca
love it great choice short and sweet.
I especially like that they specially like that they spelled cosmic as COZMIC.
Possibly to honor Zenyatta with the Z instead of the s.
AND HIS BRO, of course
maureen phi-llips
He looks so Regal and Royal , our Prince CoZmic One. Love those eyes, kind but resolutely steely
Lise from Maine
Not sure that I like the name Cozmic One.
It doesn’t sound right to me.
A first letter of Z and other letters would have been more fitting for Zenyatta’s first born.
Thank you!
Lise from Maine
Lise, I not only like what you said, but I’m also from Maine! Nice to see another Mainer who loves Thoroughbreds.
Lise, I not only like what you said, but I’m also from Maine! Nice to see another Mainer who loves Thoroughbreds.
Ron Brown
In order to honor Cozmic One’s mama why not just capitalize the Z? CoZmic One.
I love the name. It is so thoughtful and full of love. May he have such love and beauty all his life.
Melissa Decker
He looks like his mom’s mom! Look at Zenny’s Pedigree on here.
Donna H. Olinger
Good looking colt.
Hope he is as successful with his racing career as his mom and dad were.
dont understand it at all
Loved 12Z. Didnt see the point in the name change! Same with 13Z. Hope you leave it at that! Zenyatta is the Greatest Filly of all time and her Sons identity should reflect her! To me, thats just doing her Honor!
Katie Ziberna
Cozmic One is okay but I like Cozmic Ruler better but no matter he is still Z’s firstborn
Wow. I think it is terrible. It’s got the Gizmo flavor to it. Too comic for royal colt. I agree with other fans. His name should have started with a Z. Zultan, Zensational, Zamerai…but it’s not my horse, so thanks for listening anyway.
Joy Charpentier
I love the name Cosmic One! He’s the first one and that’s Cosmic.
Kim Rockefeller
Just wanting to set the record straight…Zenyatta’s first born is named CoZmic One…spelled w/ a “Z” and an “I” NOT Cosmic or Cosmo. Royality needs to be maintained. Thanks.
grande zenyatta
cant wait for his first race! i will be watching!
So glad to be updated on Cozmo One, I do like his name and hope he will be like his mom in every way possible. Keep the pictures and information coming, they are great!
How did I miss this! Just found the little (big) guy’s name. It suits him fine. I was video of him running around with his mom, squealing like a porker; made me think he needed a name related to bacon.
Z13 is just as beautiful. Born on his mom’s birthday, and April Fools, maybe he should be Zfool.
How I’d love to kiss them both!
Perky Green
This boy looks so much like his MOM, I was wondering does he still squeel as he runs?Is he into dancing at all? I would love to see some footage on this guy I know you folks are terribly busy, but if you get the chance it would be so appreciated
Melissa Decker
If you look at Z’s pedigree on here, Coz looks almost EXACTLY like his grandma!
I absolutely LOVE the name! It is beautiful and fits the first prince perfectly I think. I love the reasoning behind it, you all really took the time to think about it. It’s a special name for a special horse. He is indeed a star already! And I love the “z” in Cozmic One as a nice nod to Zenny. Wonderful name! Great job! And my gosh, Coz is sure a handsome boy! Just gorgeous. He looks so much like his mom in colour and with that look in his eye.
He’s going to be tough like and have a big heart. May the Slew sire line continue!