Naming a horse is not the easiest thing. Not only does it need to be brilliant but it also needs to be available. So…
Being born on International Women’s Day and Purim a day of celebration, under a full moon and with a star on your forehead Not to mention having Zenyatta be Your mom and be the First born…. Well we searched the stars and with the desire to have Zennie represented too….. We’ve come up with the name that we hope encompasses all:
May the heavens bless him and he has all the chances to be the bright star he is :)
COZ for short?
And…..Thank! You! EVERYONE for All Your Suggestions Hopes and Dreams!
Happy Birthday Judy B!
I hope you had a wonderful day. Big Hugs!
I LOVE the name! It is perfect just like he is. He does come from perfection.
Ann from P
I stood in Keeneland’s paddock in the perfect spot all day, missing races just so I could see Mr. Commons and Wise Dan up close. I was told by a very good source that John Shirreffs would not be there. When Debbie G and I spotted him we both forgot about the horses…for a moment! I managed to get a few shots of him and the horses. LOL! He is cherished by so many.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ashton:
Thank you so very much. I love the name too. Hoping to meet some East Coast Z’sters and Dumplings at Saratoga this year and hopefully get to meet JS and Ebby. Would be a dream come true. Love and Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
High hoof, Ashton! I’m so thrilled you and Debbie G got together, and you two saw John!
Peggy (N) South Georgia (PUR)
Dear Judy
A million Happy Birthday wishes sent your way. Hope you had a wonderful day.
LOL, Peggy
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Thank you very much. I did. Love and Hugs, JB
The name, that is….
My mare was born at dawn and acts like royalty, so I named her after a greek goddess: Aurora, goddess of the dawn and mother to three that take the image of horses, thus I named her son Euros.
VickiS. I love your names for your mare and colt.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki S.:
Those are great names. Hugs, JB
Judy B. I thought you might enjoy this from my magical trip with Debbie G. Mare and day old foal.
Happy Birthday Cigar!
Peggy (N) South Georgia (PUR)
Happ;y Birthday Cigar. Hope you have many many more. Love Ya, Peggy
judy berube from Rhode Island
Happy Birthday Cigar. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Ashton,
Thank you for both of these posts! I love them, and it is great to see Cigar again, too! Hope you are well. Hugs
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I was at the Kentucky Horse Park on April 6th and saw Cigar up close in his paddock. He looks FANTASTIC! Wears his age very well. Funnycide was pastured next door and was full of the nick. Rolled and then jumped up and kicked out!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ashton:
Thank you. What a little cutie. Always loved Gio Ponti. They’re all little miracles. Love and Hugs, JB
Mr. Commons, Mr. Shirreffs, Wise Dan Keeneland.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ashton:
Thanks you for sharing this video. Beautiful. Love and Hugs, JB
Vickie A Dana Point Ca
Interesting choice – I LIKE!
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Terry Crow,
Welcome back, treasured friend! Boy, have we missed you. Please don’t ever leave us wondering where you are again — we have been very worried and hope you are doing okay now.
It is just so exciting to hear from you today! You always bring smiles to us, and we could all use your gift of humor! You are the Tops (you’re the Tower of Pisa…) — oh please don’t get me started singing classics!!!
Take care and lots of Hugs
Ann NC
I agree, Marshall.
Welcome back,TC GP.
Hate to say, my friend,Howie the Hound Dog was greeted by a skunk salute last weekend. Now, be like duct tape and stick around!!!!!
Marshall, I love it when you sing! I can hear you over here!
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Ann,
Thanks bunches for that compliment — or is it howling you hear?
Cheers and hugs!
Ann NC
LOL, Marshall.
I am positive,I heard the baa,baa baaaaa from UNC.
The wind was blowin in from the west.
Hugs back to ya!!
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Ann,
That’s Baa, Baa, Ah-oooooo back at you!
Terry Crow
I am getting to where I lean like that tower.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Terry,
You are so cute!! You can lean like that tower, but please don’t be the Mona Lisa.
No matter, you will always be The Tops to us!! Hugs
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Judy B.,
I got mixed up on which blog topic I was on. I left you a greeting on page 10 of the previous blog last night.
So now from being among the first to wish you Happy Birthday, I am among the belated well-wishers since it is now 12:35 AM (the 19th)!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! You are our Judy B., quite simply The Best!
Cheers and Big Hugs!
judy berube from Rhode Island
My Dear Marshall:
Thank you for your Birthday greetings and your kind words. So happy to know you and share conversations with you on Z’s Blog. Love and Hugs, JB
Shirley Donoho
I love his name. He is getting to look so regal, like his mom. Well, he IS a prince!
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
OMG! This was just posted on Zenny’s Tribe!
“Citing Coolmore America Ashford Stud, Backside 55er Janice Kehler Hollister has kindly passed the news that VERTIGINEUX foaled a full bay brother to Zenyatta on April 9th. Many thanks, Janice, and congratulations to Queen Mother Vertigineux!”
High hoof, Vertigineux and V13!
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Carol in Arkansas, I’ve just surfaced after sleeping in this morning (was up until 4AM) and having made a trip into Ventura in the afternoon, etc., so I missed seeing you had already referrred to V and her new little 13V on the previous page. I tried to find the info on the Coolmore page, but didn’t succeed. I hope we’ll get more info tomorrow, or at least soon.
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Allie in TX–I just now saw that you broke this news first! High hoof!
maureen phi-llips
Dear Trina Nagele, in So Cal–PUR,
Good morning, thanks for the post, it seems to me that our Girl Vertigineux loves the month of April. Missed the Queen’s birth date by the slightest of margins. It is all good.
Do you think they were aiming for the same birth date as the Queen.?
Have you a wonderfully Blessed weekend and enjoy the races.
Trina. This is great news. Coolmore America now has this info on their Facebook. Relieved and happy for Vertigineux, and the new baby.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Me too. Was a concern as V is in her 19th year and so many things can happen. So happy she and the little one came through fine. Can’t wait to see a photo of them. Hugs, JB
Mathena Washington
Wow look @ him he is going to be just as great as his mother!
LOV U Z & COZ!!!! <3
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Good morning,alll! First of all, I want to say congratulations to Vertigineux on the birth of her latest foal. Blessings on both.
In these dangerous times, I have a story of a brave rescue of a German Shepherd named Diamond, who found herself in a predicament, to say the least. I love happy endings.
maureen phi-llips
Good morning Barbara Wood=Texas,
Thanks for the posting, that was a really touching rescue story, I also read some more especially the Easter miracle rescue. What a dog, Rocky I believe and his owner. The world is not such a terrible place when you read such stories and that is why I always say the enemy is a liar and a looser.
Any pics of our Queens full sibling?, I wonder what she has to say about that.
Blessings I send your way today and always, it will be the best day yet. It is well.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Barbara,
Thanks for this post — a story with a happy ending!
All the best to you and hugs, too!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Judy B.–Just now went back to catch up and saw your post about Charlie. Sometimes they just do that–go right-brained for no apparent reason. This story is reminiscent of Peggy (N) ‘s account of her wild ride on Rebel.I am so glad no one was hurt. Sometimes it is all we can do to keep from laughing when they do something naughty. Am glad all was well at the end. Hugs.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb W.:
So true. You just can’t predict these things. Was so relieved everything ended well. PC is a character. Gotta love ’em. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
What an awesome story about Diamond the dog. I love happy endings, especially with all of the bad things going on.
My prayers are with Boston and West, TX.
JUDY: First of all, a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me to you. I sure hope that you see this as I know that I’m posting my greetings very late. You are just such a special lady and one of the initial Dumplings I began to develop a friendship with in the “early days” of Zenny’s diary. May the year be filled with the love of friends and family, the best of health and many bows from your Charlie!
Regarding the Charlie story: glad it all turned out fine. I know that horses and dogs are different, but my Daisy is still learning that she’s safe, loved and that this is a different life than the one she’s known before. And it’s been 18 months since I rescued her. Also, dogs learn best from bad behaviour when you either ignore it and move forward, or else respond immediately by communicating that this behaviour isn’t acceptable. Interestingly, they continue to repeat bad stuff when you make a big deal out of it, accompanied by a heavy-duty punishment. Given this, it seems to me that Alex handled Charlie’s “lapse” perfectly and the Stud Muffin was probably the right move, because in an animal’s mind bowing for you is completely unrelated to what happened earlier!
Love & hugs to you all and a special BIG HUG to you, Judy.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
Thank you for your friendship, kind words and Birthday wishes.
I think you are spot on in your assessment of the best way to correct behavioral problems.
Daisy is a very lucky girl. Love and Hugs, JB
I hope and pray that the Great One has transmitted to her first born, CoZmic One, her courage and determination to win! A value passed from mother to son to carry on the brilliance! We all know he is special and I think he knows that! J
maureen phi-llips
Good morning Jeanie,
Blessings I send your way today and always, totally agree with all you said and claim it for our dear Prince in Jesus Holy name.
With his mothers looks and his fathers brooding arrogance, in a good way, the sky is the limit for my sweet heart, How I love my Prince, am in trouble.
Have a wonderfully Blessed day, it will be the best day yet., it is well.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
I just learned of a story that will be of interest to those of you interested in preserving horse history. Check out today’s Horse and Man blog.
Ann NC
Thank you.
Keeping Texas in my prayers.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb W.:
Wow! What a story and two gorgeous horses. Hope the Fort and the surrounding land can be preserved. Thank you for sharing. Hugs, JB
Life is Sweet had a filly by Tapit this morning!
maureen phi-llips
Dear AmandaF,
Yea, love Life is Sweet and Tapit, for obvious reasons.Hope we can see some pics soon. Have a wonderful day and God Bless.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Amanda:
Thank you for this wonderful news. Wow, what a really special crop of three year olds to look forward to down the road. Hugs, JB
belated birthday greetings to the mighty cigar and congratulations to Z’s mum vertigineux and her baby colt!! also a huge welcome back to terry crow have missed your redneck humour hoping your health improves hugs sheena
carol in arkansas
Good Morning Zenny….hope you and little Red are well rested and happy this morning…its cool and sunny here so that weather should be with you soon
Coz….pay attention to all that those at LE’s are trying to teach you…..all of that will come in handy when you leave for school…
Have checked Cigar’s camera and sent another email hoping it can be fixed…its turning into camera stalking….not Cigar stalking…
To all who come here….have a great day…
kisses and carrots for all soft noses
maureen phi-llips
Dear Carol in arkansas,
Good morning, thanks for the posting, its good to know that weather in your neck of the woods is cool and sunny, same here in the sunshine state of LA, CA.
Am referencing your second paragraph, about my Prince CoZmic and leaving for school soon, oh, no, am not ready! where did time go? wasn’t it just yesterday that he was born?, this is not fair. Help somebody. Help.!
Have a wonderfully Blessed day. It is well.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR, PUJ
Reputable peeps have posted that he will be going in September or October so lots of time yet.
maureen phi-llips
Good morning to all my Z nation family, just me sending Blessings your way. Today will be the Best day yet.
Queen Z, Prince CoZmic One, Prince ZT, good morning, hope you all have a wonderful day in the sun today. It is well. LOL to all.
Phyllis James
I love the name; it suits such a prince!
Vertigineux foaled a full brother to Zenyatta at Ashford Stud on 9th April. Ashford Stud manager Dermot Ryan commented “He’s a good quality bay colt, both mare and foal are doing well”. A photo will be follow when available
Great news!
Wow just think Zenny’s little brother could be racing against Cozmic One or 13Z later down the road.
Look out 2016 !!!
The Kennedys in San Diego
BRAVA,VERTIGINEUX! We have been anxiously awaiting news of this foaling.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Congrats to Vertigineux and Street Cry and Z’s new Baby Brother. Hugs, JB
Rose Edwards(Quarterhossgal)
Hi Queen Z and Coz and Z13……any thoughts about the upcoming foal heat? Will Z be bred again soon and who is the lucky stallion?
Happy Birthday Cigar, I saw him last month and he looked great and was on his best behavior while being paraded for his many fans. Funnycide was a handfull for his groom. He looked fine as well. One of my favorites is Da Hoss who is a people lover.
Have a great day Z fans,
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Rose:
So nice to see a post from you. Hugs, JB
Camille (from Louisville)
Hey pretty boy……………..glad to see you’re enjoying life these days! Congrats on having a baby brother! Oh, by the way……………love your name………….I’m gonna nickname you “Cozzie” just because I think it’s cute (I call your mom Zennie)! :) As for your little brother………..love that big white blaze on his face, so I’ll call him Blazen Glory or Blaze for short…………….how do you like that? Love ya bunches! ;)
It looks more like a Diamond – not a star!!!
Rosemarie G Cola
Love the name! Best of luck to him, mom, his new brother and his new little uncle!
alice catherine
dear Ann, Jerry, and the Zennites —
Cozmic One is a beautiful choice. The “Z” recalls Zenyatta, of course, and so does the meaning of the name — since cosmic has the same spiritual associations as Zen. “One” is also perfect since he’s Zen’s first foal. This name was well worth the wait. Thank you for sharing your thrilling and enthralling horses.