Naming a horse is not the easiest thing. Not only does it need to be brilliant but it also needs to be available. So…
Being born on International Women’s Day and Purim a day of celebration, under a full moon and with a star on your forehead Not to mention having Zenyatta be Your mom and be the First born…. Well we searched the stars and with the desire to have Zennie represented too….. We’ve come up with the name that we hope encompasses all:
May the heavens bless him and he has all the chances to be the bright star he is :)
COZ for short?
And…..Thank! You! EVERYONE for All Your Suggestions Hopes and Dreams!
I’ve been reading this website quite a bit, and I’d just like to say that I think his new name is a good one!
Jo in CO
Love the name! He’ll always be Mr. Sassy Pants to me but I think this name is very cool. I appreciate and respect the thought and consideration that the Mosses take in naming their horses. Hello, handsome Coz…looking more and more gorgeous every day!
Lisag In Texas
He will always be a star no matter where life leads him.
Kimberly Potter
Cozmic One~ It is a PERFECT name for Zenyatta’s first born. Well done Moss’….well done!
Rose Edwards(Quarterhossgal)
What a great name! My big all around gelding has the same nick name “Coz” aka Kid Shakedown. He is a grandson of Impressive out of a mare named “Dusk to Dawn”. He’s had a great show career and is a joy to be around. I hope CoZmic One has a great career and even better a happy healthy life with owners and handlers that cherish him.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Rose Edwards:
Love your comments. Most important thing for horses to be loved and treated well. Hugs, JB
All this over a name!!~ Really it is their horse to name. Maybe we could all channel boredom into helping the obvious over breeding. This is a lot more prevalent than we know or want to know. I also enjoy the pics of Zenyatta and love a success story but somehow I wish I knew more and could help stop animal abuse, no not going into the whip usage but thinking about all the animals that are treated like trash!!! Anyway the pics are great as watching the races but somehow I too try to forget the truth about the ugly things that happen.
maureen phi-llips
Whats your point?
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
I do. I volunteer at a horse shelter and my instructor rescues and rehabs neglected horses all the time. We have many people here that participate in horse rescues, so we aren’t just channeling bored energy into arguments.
Besides, there are so many better things to do while bored than to argue. I nap, draw, and daydream in my spare time from school and everyday life.
Terry Crow
You are, and remain, a remarkable young woman.
Terry Crow,
SO glad you are back with us!!
Totally agree with your Pati compliment!!
And, she didn’t mention that she is headed for college–so busy, very busy
in her senior year.
Love that girl and her grit!
Hugs, Keta
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
I LOVE YOU ZENYATTA!!! I love your Prince Cozmic One, your 13z, your owners Ann & Jerry and all the ones that take care of you!! We have had nothing but rain for days with cloudy skies, but you my dear Queen and horse of my lifetime, have brought me clear blue skies and nightime stars and dreams for the future.
lovenkisses on your soft nose, Auntie Sally B
Trina! Where are you? Are you taking a much needed rest after creating one of your best poems for Judy B!!?? ha I hope you read the messages about your poem.
Bless you my dear friend, Sally B
maureen phi-llips
Thank you Sally B, a posting to cheer about not all the negativity over our Prince’s name. I love the name, and the fact that the Mosses took the time to explain to us how they came about the name should be applauded not criticized. They did not have to share jack with us. So for those of you that don’t care for the name, call him whatever pleases you or get your own horse and name him or her. Enough already. It’s getting to be annoying.
Have you a wonderfully Blessed day Sally B, it is well. Again thanks for your lovely posting.
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Yes, Sally, I was resting! Thank you for asking. Now I’m going to go back and truly relish responses to my “magnum opus.” I’m so glad you liked it. I’m very thankful for every response, and I’ll post a proper thank you later today.
dear judy hope you had a lovely birthday so many negative comments about the princes name I too came from the generation who if you couldn’t say anything nice you said nothing at all Ilike the name it’s very unusual and most horses have pet names it is not for us to be critical of the mosses!!goodnight sweet dreams God bless thinking of those poor souls in texas love and hugs sheenaxx
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thank you for the Birthday wishes and I agree with you totally. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena. I agree with you too. The Mosses have been carefully studying 12Z since birth at close range to find a name which suits this particular colt. They think that this name does that, and who else can be in a position to dispute their choice? If they and the Coz himself like the name, that’s good enough for me.
Did you see that Tickled Pink won for Henry Cecil at Newmarket today in a sprint? The fillies are doing well. Shes a lovely gray. Too bad that Frankel’s brother was only able to manage a 6th. At least, that is better than his 7th place last time.
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
Re: Frankel’s brother
Hey, any movement forward is positive progress. I call it a success!
Pati. For sure that he’s moving in the right direction. Morpheus is a beautiful horse, but then it’s natural because Oasis Dream aka Brad Pitt is his father. His mom, Kind, is a beauty too.
Frankel’s full brother, Noble Mission, is racing at Newbury on Saturday. He’s expected to do well. NB is a real character. He races in an elaborate monogrammed hood which covers his ears. It makes him look like Zorro. I read that he likes to wear that hood even around the barn.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
That is too cute. We have to find a photo of him in his hoodie. Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Wow! There are two Megan Phillips!
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy,
Big Hugs.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dearest Ingrid:
Thank you so much. Love and Hugs, JB
Not real wild about the name but am sure it will begin to roll off the tongue as time goes by. After all, the horse does belong to Jerry and Ann even if we feel we have a part of him. Thrilled that at least now he is not still just 12Z. Hopefully we will hear the name Cozmic One many times as he crosses the finish line first.
Good to hear from you Terry Crow.
Terry Crow
Thank you. I appreciate it.
Christine Coleman-Shapiro
What a great name!!! I love it… “Cozmic One” Well, I have to admit that we all love EVERYTHING related to Zenyatta so much, even if yall named him 12Z, we would have loved it! :)
Linda in NJ
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Moss:
Congratulations on selecting a GREAT name for Zennie’s first born.
I love the name.
Welcome Cozmic One!! You are gift from Heaven to Earth.
Wishing you much success and good health and a lot of fun as you begin your career .
Fitting name for the son of the Great One!
Well said!
Kathy Baldwin
Godspeed to COZMIC ONE for a most wonderful life and career! You are off to a great start! ;) Sending blessings and prayers to you, Jerry and Ann, for being the most loving, caring, thoughtful horse people that you are. :)
Peace & Love to All in the Zenyatta Nation,
Kathy from SoCal xoxo
COSMIC ONE IS A GREAT ONE! He is one happy boy!
Cozmic One is a handsome young colt, thank you for the news and pictures. You can never ever ever send too many photos, videos, updates on anything Zenyatta, Cozmic or Z13. Thank you
kim zeanyatta
I absolutely love this name! At first I thought “What?” Then I realized it is so perfect!!! By the way, this is my first day back on facebook. The most insane thing happened to me. An object blew up in my face my face with hot coffe in it!! Burned my face and eyes. I hav been bandaged for th last 2 weeks. This is my first day actually beiing able to use my eyes. I am a very lucky girl, it cld hav bn much worse. It has bn painful but what a joy to see how this beautiful colt is doing. Does’nt he look great? I really love th name COZMIC ONE. It truly suits this lively guy, because he is out of this world GREAT!!
sue and tony
We’re so glad you escaped permanent damage to your eyes.
Kim. You’ve had a tough go of it. Glad that you’re okay now.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kim:
Wow! So glad your doing well with no permanent harm to your eyes. Hugs, JB
dear max did you hear about AP’s heavy fall at Cheltenham today he has a chest injury but he’s tough as old boots hopes to be back for punchestown did you see about toronado the Richard hannon trained horse think he’s favourite for the 2000 guineas now he looks top class ryan mania will be back with auroras encore on Saturday at the Scottish grand national goodnight to all hugs sheena
Sheena. Toronado ran like a well oiled machine. He is a very impressive big horse. His grand daddy, Sadler’s Wells, must be smiling at this guy’s performance, a great turn of foot. He made it look like a walk away. No need to use any whips on Toronado. Teddy Grimthorpe said that he thought that Dundonnel was not at his best so that his 2nd was not bad for Juddemonte.
I agree that AP is tough, and I expect that he will be ready for Punchestown. My heart however is with the Fly.
Good luck to Ryan and Auroras in the Scottish Grand National. Looking forward to that result.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max, Sheena and Z Fans:
I did e-mail you, Sheena, earlier today about what happened on the farm visit, but since your e-mail is problematic you may not have received it.
When I got to the farm Alex, Angela’s eleven year old girl was riding Charlie. She rode him yesterday and everything went very well, from walk to canter. All was going well today too, so after taking photos of her and Charlie, I stepped away and went out back to give Rocco and Delilah some treats. I heard yelling, looked up and there is Charlie racing around the ring minus Alex. I just about freaked out. I ran to the ring and Alex was standing, but obviously upset. Charlie was running around the ring oblivious to the fact that Alex had fallen off. Angela said Charlie was cantering nicely then did a reindeer leap and proceeded to take off like he was in a race. Alex, caught off guard, fell to the ground on her knees. She has a bruised knee, but thank God, no serious injury. It took quite a while and some coaxing from Angela to get Charlie to pull up.
Angela was very angry and upset and I was relieved that no one was seriously hurt. Angela said no treats for Charlie today. She lunged him until he was really hot and sweaty. We went into the barn and Angela put Charlie in his stall and wiped him down. He was nudging me because he knew I had treats in a bag I was holding. Then, out of the blue, he starts to bow. Angela and I just looked at each other; we couldn’t believe it. He knows he gets Stud Muffins when he does his bow. He must have bowed six times. Angela and I couldn’t stop laughing. She said to me, “Oh, go ahead and give him some treats. I can’t stay mad at him”. So we gave him Stud Muffins and carrots which he thoroughly enjoyed. I kissed him on the nose and told him not to run off like that again.
Honestly, he had no idea that he had caused such concern and hurt Alex’s feelings, luckily, more than anything else. It’s the first time she’s ever fallen from a horse and she has been riding since the age of four. She told her mother she will get on Charlie again after I ride him first. Uh, that’s not gonna happen. Too funny. I told her to wait until she’s bigger and give Charlie another chance and that he didn’t mean to hurt her. He must weigh well over 1200 lbs. now and that’s a lot of horse for an eleven year old to control or for any inexperienced rider to handle.
Our Diana said that maybe he decided Alex was a jockey because she is so small and Charlie thought he was in a race.
Anyway, thankfully, all is well. I just love my feisty Chestnut and I’m glad everyone is fine. Never a dull moment. GG, HT, and little Captain are doing great too. Hugs, JB
JudyB. You might be right that Charlie thought that he was heading back to the track. Very glad that Alex is okay. Love that bow move to get back in your good graces and to get his treats. Looks like it worked.
Ann NC
Judy B.
Glad everything is OK. PC was sowing some left over wild oats. Maybe he was thrilled to have the sweet,Alex riding him and was putting in a few extra hops. Your ole fiesty chesnut,Mr. Melt-a-heart.
Max, thanks for the date for “The Fly”. I suppose by now,Willie has better seating arrangements at the pub. Is he in full ” double cheek ” mode?
Go, Fly,Go!!!!! Ride em, Ruby!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and Ann:
Yes, I’m relieved that Alex and Charlie are OK. Angela calls him her “one of a kind” horse. He sure knows how to win our hearts. Just love that boy. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. PC has lots of positive personality traits. I like his interest in hats, or rather their immediate removal for style reasons perhaps? Please keep us up to date about him and the others like the college girl. I really enjoy your stories. It’s like being part of their lives.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Will do. Charlie always has a story.
Thanks to Angela, I am having the time of my life getting to be around the horses and learning so much. So glad you enjoy hearing about them too. Hugs, JB
kim zeanyatta
And, Oh my, I just saw new photos of Z13. He is simply stunning! What a gorgeous beautiful colt! And don’t we all love his color! I am so happy I can see all these stunning pictures. I was so worried about not being able to see well and I can now. It has been a VERY GOOD DAY for me. I am loving life! It is a very scary thing to think you might lose your eyesiight. I am thankful.
Judy B:
Happy Birthday my fellow East Coaster! It certainly was a beautiful Spring Day, a good day for a Birthday! I hope today was extra special just like you. (What a difference a year makes, so such happens in 365 days!)
Have a glass of wine and a BIG piece of cake!
Birthday Hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear GirlSaratoga:
Thank you very much. Love and Hugs, JB
Good Evening, Great name – can’t you hear the announcer saying “Cozzzzzmit WON !!!!
Great pictures!!! Great people!!!
Love, Arlene from Vermont
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Arlene:
Any chance you can meet some of the East Coast Dumplings and Z’sters at Saratoga on August 11th? We are trying to arrange to get together there on that date. Hugs, JB
You’ve been awfully quiet, I hope everything is ok?
Wish you lived on the East Coast so you could join us for our Saratoga adventure!
Hope all is well
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
I know! We could take Momma Keta Ebby searching with us!
Pati Derby Dreamin:
Haha! Searching for Ebby, like where’s Waldo? Hopefully the bunch of us won’t get kicked out for being so pesky!
P,S. Who’s your Derby pick? If you don’t mind telling?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear GirlSaratoga:
Hope not. Love and Hugs, JB
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
There are plenty of horses to jump on to and leave the scene. Gives new meaning to ride it like you stole it. ;-)
I like Orb, followed by Verrazano, followed by Oxbow, followed by Will Take Charge, followed by Palice Malice. But if I was forced to decide on only one, then Orb. He has fabulous family (Ruffian’s dam is in there), he actually was bred for this distance, and I really want his trainer to get a Derby win this year! I believe Shug also trains Point of Entry, who I love, and I think it will be a big year for Shug. I can’t spell his last name and I don’t want to shame him with any of my crazy attempts!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
I am having a very difficult time choosing one horse in the Derby too. I like so many. Will have to try to come up with an Exact Box choice. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Just got a very funny visual of us jumping on horses and making a get-a-way; Dumpling Tags flapping in the wind. Too funny. Ha, ha. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Oops: That should be Exacta Box choice. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
I have been looking at some PP’s and Orb looks good to me.
carol in arkansas
On fb “backside55″….. is a picture of V….along with quote from named source….that on 4/9 queen mum V delivered a bay colt…both are fine….
after seeing this picture of V…..our boy Cos looks a whole bunch like her
I’ve always said that he looks like a carbon copy of V rather than Zenyatta or Bernardini. Especially in the head and length of his body.
And of course, the ears.
Pati- Derby Dreamin'
And the famous look that runs in the family!
Wow, I just looked at Backside 55 and saw the picture of Verigineux and I totally agree. Coz looks just like her!
Meant to say, Vertigineux. Forgot the T!!
Love it.
Elizabeth in NM
Happy Birthday, Judy!
With love and wishes for many blessings for a wonderful next year.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Elizabeth:
Thank you so much. Love and Hugs, JB
may Cozmic One be blezzed with much sucezz and only SAFE rides!
congratulations and thank you for sharing the news with us.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear MK:
Second that. Safe and sound always. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, Coz and Little Red Prince:
Sweet Dreams. Love you. Hugs, JB
Anne from Paramount CA
Judy Berube, hope you had a ONEderful birthday, as in Cozmic ONE. (oh dear.)
Trina, thanks for your terrific contribution to this celebration. (Judy, in October I will catch up to you coming around the clubhouse turn.)
Kimzeanyatta, oh wow about your story about your eyes. My own eyes got round as saucers as I read it, So happy you are okay.
TERRY CROW!!! A BIG virtual hug to you! Hi there!!
Barbara Wood, hoof-ray you are okay. What a way to learn there is a town in Texas named West. To state the obvious, it has not been a good week nationally. Terry Crow, you returned at the right time! As did Cozmic One, in the form of his name. Hello handsome! Thanks, Ann and Jerry.
Okay, east coasters have fun on your stalking expedition of John, Ebby and friends. Earlier I told Rod how spoiled we’ve been here— and didn’t know it until….. We just expected “it” would always be here.. So have fun guys—please keep us posted on your fun at the track. I was lucky enough to have one petting session with Ebby (sigh) and she is just as people friendly as her big sister. Hope you get to find this out for yourselves.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Anne:
Thank you so much. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
All hugs, even if virtual, are greatly appreciated.
Happy Birthday Judy B. Glad to know more about you through Trina’s wonderful poem. You are a blessing.
Love, Zster Arlene
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Arlene:
You are sweet. Thank you for kind words. Love Trina’s gift to me. Hugs, JB