Greetings Fans, Friends, & Family,
We have been thinking of you, and hope you and yours are safe, healthy, and doing well under the circumstances of COVID-19. Never did we fathom that something like this could happen nor did we anticipate the impact to our shared Z-Community passion: Thoroughbreds and horse racing.
What we are experiencing now goes beyond just our equines—it has touched every aspect of life at the track from the parking lot to our backside, and from the ticket gate to the winner’s circle. Many Thoroughbreds are retiring earlier than expected, and many people who would love to adopt a Thoroughbred are not able to do so right now. Additionally, caretakers, their families, and all that make the track experience possible are significantly impacted.
Central to Zenyatta’s heart has always been the gift of giving—giving back to Thoroughbreds that go on to second careers after the track, and helping take care of our own. It is in this spirit that our Z-Family is coming together to support our greater Thoroughbred Family and those that take care of them. One Family helping Many Families.
Today we are extremely excited to share that Zenyatta and her immediate family—Cozmic One, Ziconic, and Zellda—are collaborating with the Edwin J. Gregson Foundation to create a designated fund, Z-Family to Family. In the spirit of charity beginning at home, with your support and generous hearts, Z-Family to Family will be helping off-the-track Thoroughbreds and their caretakers—the backstretch workers and their families.
Our Z-Family has already contributed, and we hope you will join us by spreading the word and donating if possible.
Here is how you can elevate our cause and help us create a Z-Family to Family community movement:
- Please go to Zenyatta’s, Cozmic One’s, Ziconic’s, or Zellda’s Facebook pages where we have shared this blog post and “LIKE” the post. We are also on Instagram as @teamzenyatta and @ziconic_official.
- On our Facebook and Instagram pages please feel free to “Tag” someone and share the post to your own Facebook and Instagram pages. We would love any additional comments as well—we read them all.
- Please go to the Edwin J. Gregson Foundation Donation page by clicking below, or by clicking any of the Z-Family to Family mentions in our Blog. You will be taken to the donation information on the lower portion of their “Donation” page. Donations start at $1.
As a Z Community we have been able to enjoy some powerful and wonderful moments together over the years. Z-Family to Family hopes and dreams our fundraiser movement can surpass all we have done together in the past. The need has never been greater and with the power of YOU, we believe we accomplish greatness together!
Taking care of our equines and those that take care of them is near and dear to us. Thanks so much for your help.
Hugs & Blessings!
Some of Our Z-Family Photo Album
We want to share some memories and some of our life today. While we all began our careers as racing athletes, Zenyatta (Queen Mom) returned to her roots in Kentucky as a Broodmare and created all of us.

Cozmic One has also returned to Kentucky as an OTTB athlete with a 2nd career as a Hunter/Jumper.

Ziconic has stayed in California and is following his brother’s hoofprints and transitioning to his 2nd career as a Hunter/Jumper.

And little sister, Zellda, is just starting her racing career at Santa Anita.

judith berube
Dear Z Fans:
Another visit to Old Friends. This time with the gorgeous Silver Charm. Still very feisty at 26 years old. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting the Old Friends link. It is so much fun to see Mr. Blowen interact with his charges, and this is certainly one of the best! Love the game of chase in the pasture and how relaxed Silver Charm is with his buddy. What an honor to be kissed by Silver Charm!!

Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
Robin loves the Z family
Hello all –
Many thanks for the pictures. Can’t get enough. I donated online. Super easy so whatever you can do, starting with a dollar, try to do it. These times are tough for everyone.
Also, i recommend the virtual tours. Every one of them that I have caught (Mill Ridge, Stonestreet, Denali Stud), as well as Foal Patrol, have brought welcome relief.
Stay safe and well!
Finally some sunshine in Indy. Windy, of course. Waiting for the Mill Ridge video. Want to see how the say to make Kentucky Pimento cheese. Can’t get good pc north of the Ohio river. Wish they would do a recipe for Benedictine (spelling) most people here in Indiana have never heard of it. Was available in the grocery stores in Louisville!
Have a good day everyone and stay safe and healthy.
Maybe today is the day for Zenny’s baby.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Hope you’re having a wonderful day.
Z, stay comfy and cozy as you can; can’t wait to see your new bundle of joy! Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
Judy, thanks for the Old Friends link.
Love the First Moments on Bloodhorse. The babies are so sweet.
judy berube
Dear Barbara B:
You’re so welcome. Me too. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
The Most Interesting Horse In The World elected to The Hall of Fame. Congrats Champ;
well deserved. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
This is wonderful news! The Most Interesting Horse In The World, Wise Dan, in the 2020 Hall of Fame where he most certainly belongs. Too bad that Mr. Fink isn’t here to enjoy this momentous event, but I think he surely is pleased. So glad that Wise Dan and Successful Dan are happily enjoying their retirements.
Congratulations to Wise Dan and all connections!
Congrats to Mark Casse, Alice Headley Chandler and all those who are honored.
Thanks for posting, Judy!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Z Fans:
Marshall, sad that Mr. Fink isn’t here to see his boy honored. Sure he’s smiling in heaven though; our Sheena too.
This is an article from BloodHorse on Charlatan and Nadal with photos. Charlatan has a very good hairdresser; love the little cornrows. Two gorgeous boys. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for the article. Yes, Charlatan has very nice cornrows! He is such a handsome chestnut, and Nadal is very handsome, too. Very talented boys.
Like that reference to “bubble-wrap” by BB, also.
Now, I am off to bed! Sweet dreams.
Hugs and Love
I was so happy for Wise Dan. He made such an impression on his fans.
Thanks for the article on Nadal and Charlatan. Charlatan is the more handsome of the two but you know my heart is with Nadal because he is out of a Claiborne stallion. Hope they both can stay healthy.
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Shirlee:
Marshall, always enjoy BB’s sense of humor.
Shirlee, Hill and Dale Farm has already secured breeding rights to Charlatan.
Share your hope that these gorgeous boys and all the three year olds stay healthy.
Thrilled for Danny and happy he’s living the good life with his brother. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear ZFans,
Check out the Mill Ridge Farm virtual tour for Wednesday. What a fine tour with a fantastic conclusion!
Every tour gets better and better — they began great and have just become greater. I am so grateful that they are doing these videos.
Just google Mill Ridge Farm — this is on Facebook but you needn’t sign-on to Facebook to watch. Click on the first link in the list. Scroll down until you come to today’s video.
Hugs and Love
That was a great tour. Don’t know how they will top that. They could not have planned it that way. I won’t give away the surprise ending. I know they are thrilled for their mom in the Hall Of Fame.
Have another yoga class today. Hope it is not as eventful as Saturday’s.
Believe it or not, 2 straight days of sunshine in Indy. Of course, 20 mph winds forecast for this afternoon.
Keep safe all of you and please keep posting. Reading what you all have to say is a bright spot in my day.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee,
Yes, mum’s the word!! Don’t want to be a spoiler. ?
It is lovely here today, too. Enjoy the sunny day!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a restful evening and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Shirlee, Marshall and Z Fans:
Here’s the Mill Ridge Farm tour replay from yesterday. Wonderful end to a lovely tour. Click on first video on the left, top row.
Shirlee, Marshall, thanks for the heads up.
Love and Hugs, JB
Well y’all it is cloudy, rainy and getting colder here in Indy today. As usual, 2 good days and then cold, rain and wind. We are supposed to set records for cold tomorrow in the morning.
Going to check in on Mill Ridge this morning even if it is for the kids. Think I am in my second or third childhood by now.
Happy Birthday to the wonderful and beautiful Kitten’s Joy! Oscar’s sire who has passed on that white blaze to Oscar’s foals.
Be safe all.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Going to watch the Mill Ridge Farm replay now. Want to see the little one.
Happy Birthday Kitten’s Joy. What a stellar group of WINNERS you’ve given the sport, including your gorgeous son Oscar. Love and Hugs, JB
Linda Edwards
Hello to the Z-Family:
I just made a donation to the Belmont Park backstretch community. I will follow up with a donation to help the Z-Family help families. These are certainly very tough times for the horse racing community of workers.
Love to all:
-Linda in NJ
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Hovis fans,
As expected, he continues to lament the human condition (guess everyone over there needs haircuts too) and spends some time with Mini Mum – photos included.
Another great Mill Ridge tour today – those folks are real troopers to do it in the rain. In addition to seeing all of their amazing equipment, we got so see how Wednesday’s surprise is doing :-) Was just thinking that I would have had no idea who Alice Headley Chandler was if it were not for these tours, so I’m glad I can sincerely celebrate her selection for the Hall of Fame “Pillars of the Turf” category. I just hope they get to have some type of ceremony.
We should be getting some news here pretty soon – if you see if first, please let the rest of us know!!
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Cracking up over Hovie’s equine remedies for human strangled. Love that photo of Mini Mum and Hovis too. Thanks for our weekly Hovis update. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Oops: That’s Human Strangles.
Ann NC
Thanks, Sandy.
Mini Mom is fearless. Look at her waaayyyy up there on Hovis. She is Too Cute.
Love to all!
Congrats Danny Boy.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB
Shirley J Evans
Has Queen Z had her foal yet? So excited!