As you know, 12 Zenyatta was successfully weaned on August 14.
Three days before, he and mom, along with their paddock mates, moved to the barn and paddock where they had lived when he was a foal. The mares spent three nights there with their colts—familiar surroundings for all!
On the third morning, after breakfast, Charles calmly explained what was to happen while 12Z listened attentively. Zenyatta continued to eat. All understood and were completely relaxed. Then, Mom and the two other mares were led back to the barn and paddock they know as home.
Shortly thereafter, 12Z and pals were turned out and were soon grazing and playing together. Back in their paddock, Zenyatta and her friends were happily grazing as well.
Their human friends, the amazing Lane’s End staff, continue to monitor them, and all reports are good! Yay!
We’ll keep you informed and updated.
-Team Z

So sad about these three year olds this year. It seems like everyday another is being retired due to an injury.
I think often about Zenyatta and 12Z. What do you think his daily routine is now that he is weaned? Is he just hanging out and growing or is he learning new things like loading on trailer etc?
It was my understanding from the beginning of the Blog and end of the diary, that the Blog was about Zenyatta and the Forum was to be the means of other conversations between her fans.
Maryp New York
Trisha-VA, That was my understanding also. I find it confusing since there are conversations going on in three places – Blog – News AND Forum. There is so much knowledge and interesting news from the many Zsters that I don’t want to miss but it can be difficult to keep up with it all!
carol in utah
I check out all three when possible …everyone has such varied and interesting news and knowledge …guess I don’t want to miss anything ..