As you know, 12 Zenyatta was successfully weaned on August 14.
Three days before, he and mom, along with their paddock mates, moved to the barn and paddock where they had lived when he was a foal. The mares spent three nights there with their colts—familiar surroundings for all!
On the third morning, after breakfast, Charles calmly explained what was to happen while 12Z listened attentively. Zenyatta continued to eat. All understood and were completely relaxed. Then, Mom and the two other mares were led back to the barn and paddock they know as home.
Shortly thereafter, 12Z and pals were turned out and were soon grazing and playing together. Back in their paddock, Zenyatta and her friends were happily grazing as well.
Their human friends, the amazing Lane’s End staff, continue to monitor them, and all reports are good! Yay!
We’ll keep you informed and updated.
-Team Z

sue and tony
Hi everyone…check out the new picsof 12Z in the photos section. He sure has some spunk…love to see him in his element.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue and Tony:
Thanks for the info on new photos of The Prince. Hugs, JB
Darlene Daniels
Thank you Sue and Tony,
I dont think there has ever been a colt so well loved as our 12Z!
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I just found the new pictures. So sweet to see Zen enjoying her time with 12Z. Wonderful memories. Thanks so much for the wonderful pictures, LE. That boy is just STUNNING!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Bobbie, Sharon and Z Fans:
Can you imagine what a handsome three year old he will be. Stunning, indeed. Hugs, JB
Could it be? I think 12Z is growing to his ears! That picture of him in a trot is really amazing. What a beauty this 5 month old is.
Horse Racing | 2-year-old trio done for year
The Courier-Journal August 20 2012
Three stakes-winning 2-year-olds have been sidelined for the rest of the season — Maybe So (Mountaineer Juvenile victor), Circle Unbroken (Bashford Manor) and the filly Blueeyesintherein (Churchill Downs’ Debutante).
The Al Stall-trained Maybe So, who broke his maiden closing weekend at Churchill, was scheduled to go in Saratoga’s Grade I Hopeful next. But Adele Dilschneider’s homebred More Than Ready colt sustained a back injury in a training accident last week at the Keeneland training center.
“We don’t know exactly what happened,” Stall said from Saratoga. “The area is inflamed and we’re trying to figure out what’s going on. But it looks like it’s going to be a while. … Actually, there’s a line (crack) in a vertebra, so that’s not good. We’re bummed out. Hopefully it’s not career-ending, but it is season-ending.”
Stall said more will be known after the swelling subsides. “The prognosis for life is great,” he said. “Prognosis for racing again is probably good, and the timeline is unknown.”
Churchill trainer Garry Simms said Circle Unbroken, who finished second in the Mountaineer Juvenile, is getting time off after three hard races, with the emphasis now on having him at his best for a 3-year-old campaign. Blueeyesintherein would have been the heavy favorite in the Mountaineer Juvenile Fillies but was scratched with what turned out to be a hind-end muscle pull.
“She’ll be off about 90 days,” Simms said. Of Circle Unbroken, he said, “We wanted to give him a little break. They’re done (for the year). We’re going to try to get on the Derby trail with the one.”
— Jennie Rees
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta and Z Fans:
TB babies can be so fragile. Hope all of them recover well. Hugs JB
Terry Crow GP
Two-year-old racing has been going on for quite some time but perhaps the races should be held much later in the year to prevent the babies from being rushed. The Breeder’s Cup is one of the prime problems, running a million dollar race the first part of November. This would mean that horses being pointed for this race would have a few starts before that one is held.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Those TB 2 year olds are very fragile !!!
is there at least one single word in your diatribe that relates ro Z and her foal??? i don;t think so, and while any breakdown is sad, you are taking advantage of this particular site to air totally non-related issues, go to a more appropraiate site to express your opinion- it does NOT belong here.
Pati- Eats Solid Foods Comfortably-Yay!
While I do agree with you that these kinds of things are sad, I don’t understand your outrage over news that some of the two year olds are given time off. None of this has anything to do with breakdowns, unless you are talking about the Go For Wand discussion, which in that case, you posted under the wrong topic. If you read all the pages and previous posts, you will find that there is more than one topic that does not pertain to Zenyatta or her foal being discussed in the chat section. While this site is dedicated to Zenyatta, it is also a medley of information and advice that people enjoy reading and knowing about. This site educates and entertains lots of people from around the world. We here have always been accepting of other opinions and we have all gone through scuffles before, but as any family, we got through it and moved on. Perhaps if it bothers you that much that we talk about different things on here, I do suggest you take your own advice, and post elsewhere.
I am sorry if the post I made on the two-year olds upset you.
You are right. This site is about Zenyatta.
And, if you have been reading the Blog all along, you can not miss our love of Z & her foal. There have been pages of posts devoted to: Breed or not to breed?
Wean or not to wean? And, Zenyatta & 12Z’s wellbeing. Heartfelt posts.
But, we are also fans of horses and racing and hunter/jumpers and dressage-whether in North America (US & Canada) or international.
Let’s talk about these very talented two-year olds
Maybe So a colt was ridden by Mike Smith to 2 wins.
Circle Unbroken is by Doneraile Court (jockey Mike Smith) whose line includes the great Seattle Slew
Blueeyesintherein (I just love that name) had 2 starts & 2 firsts. She is by Mr. Greeley whose jockey was outstanding Julie Krone
So there are Zenyatta connections through Mike Smith and certainly racing history.
Posts about rest times, injuries or retirement are not shared to make anyone feel bad or angry. They are to share information. And, if you handicap, important information about who is running, not running & why.
So, I hope this give you a different look at the post.
Once again, I certainly did not mean to offend you.
Pati- Eats Solid Foods Comfortably-Yay!
You shouldn’t apologize. You did nothing wrong; you post information that I find informative and very helpful, as do many. One person shouldn’t turn this into a crap fest because they found this offensive. You have done nothing to be sorry for.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here are the photos of The Prince Tony and Sue posted about. Looks like he and Z might have been whispering “Goodbye” in one of them. Hugs, JB
Darlene Daniels
I agree. I think they did say goodbye. I have a lump in my throat, but all is good.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Darlene:
Me too. Hugs, JB
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
These are very precious photos, he was weaned on August 14, they were moved on August 11 and the photo was August 10.
Thanks for the link, great pic’s! Maybe our “Queen” was telling him to listen carefully to his instructors, behave and mind his P’s and Q’s! Something ALL mother’s tell their children!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Very cute, GS.
Zenny is a very special mother, she is able to love and nuture her “children” and let them go to be their own, with all of the life skills she taught them.
What a very special Mare !!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear GirlSaratoga:
She taught him well. Just love him. Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Thanks Judy Berube! I think they did, and I am watery eyed, feeling sad for them, although I know it is a natural time for separation. Such memorable pictures I love so much. hugs, Sally B.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B.:
Me too. He’s the first born; The Prince. Hugs, JB
Yes it does. That appears yo be their last day together before they were moved for three nights to the familiar foaling barn. After three nights the weaning happened..
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Sunny Boyd, Darlene Daniels, and Judy Berube–I agree. RIP, Phyllis Diller. She was one of my two Hollywood connections. Her ex-husband (I think),”Fang” that she used to talk about really was named Diller, and he was related to my daddy’s side of the family.
Darlene Daniels
Yes, Fang was her husbad as she called him. How cool is that you are related.
Terry Crow GP
One of my favorites for sure. Never had to stoop to vulgarity.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Barbarta Wood; Related somehow to comedian Diller! When younger I thought she was really funny that I dressed like her for one Halloween! Sad to see her gone, but she did live a nice long life. Bless her, Sally
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb W.:
Wow, that’s great. Thought Ms. Diller was so talented and funny. Russ loved her too. Hugs, JB
Phyllis Diller was a trail blazer for women comics.
Who can forget that amazing laugh!
RiP Phyliis-thanks for all those great lines & Fang stories.
Marshall (NC broad)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Carole Kennedy! Hope you had a wonderful day and will enjoy many more lovely years ahead! Thanks for keeping us informed about the horses at Barn 55 and HWP.
Nice job on the birthday sonnet! You are the BEST!
Darlene Daniels
If anyone has HRTV. they are replaying 1990 BC. Fun to watch.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
UH, OH !!!
That is the year of Go For Wand and Bayacoa in Ladies Classic.
Darlene Daniels
Yeah, I didnt realize that at first. Also I think one of Gary Steven’s first BC wins.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Oh yes, can’t remember who Gary Stevens won on.
Love it when they show the 1992 BC, that is when AP Indy with his low neck running style wins the BC Classic a great race. !!!
Ditto that response!
Don’t watch, not a good idea. It’s probably too late! Sorry!
Darlene Daniels
Thanks for the warning, but I have already seen! it and have had the nightmares
Darlene Daniels
Why is it, I get one night off work, I get to enjoy Zenny’s blog and watch old horse racing, but have to be reminded of the dark, sad, side. I think I am supposed to be learning something tonight. It breaks my heart to any TB suffer.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
It is just sooo very sad, but Go For Wand loved her job and love to win.
Lets take care of our TB’s and help them rest and relax when they NEED to
not when they WANT to.
I really love Bill Mott’s training, he sends them out to paddock for a few weeks and brings them back slowly. Looks like Royal Delta is going
to have her “hand” (hooves ) full of competition in her next race.
Marshall (NC broad)
Terry Crow,
Thanks for the laughs today! The redneck jokes are very funny.
Well done!
Terry Crow GP
Thanks, Marshall. Always glad to hear from a chapter president.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
D Wayne Lucus invites children into the winner’s circle each time he wins and he pays for a photo also. How very thoughtful and a wonderful vision of racing for these chldren.
Darlene Daniels
I love this. D Wayne, is one of the good guys!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Yes, Darlene, he sure is.
Had never heard of this before.
He actually pays for the child’s whole family to have photos.
Hope Nick Zito had a great Trail Ride on Jackson Bend, I am envious, however,
I’d probably get bucked off. Oh well, if you don’t fall or get bucked off you
are not proficient at riding a TB.
Darlene Daniels
You go girl on the TB’s. You have done, and will do on a TB, what I will only dream of.
Darlene Daniels
P.S. Sign,
I also love Royal Delta.
Terry Crow GP
I remember him when both he and Bob Baffert were quarter horse trainers at Los Alamitos.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Wow, TC.
Did not realize D Wayne Lucus is from Texas, too.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
Great link on Mr. Lukas. Thanks. Hugs, JB
Darlene Daniels
1990, Unbridled. Beautiful horse, beautiful win!
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I remember his KD win so well. Such wonderful views of his trainer celebrating the exciting victory with his owner.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
2sign–thanks for the link on Lukas. I enjoyed it very much.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Lane’s End staff; thank you for such care and keep monitoring our precious 12Z and beautiful horse of my lifetime, Zenyatta.
Love n Kisses on their soft noses Auntie Sally
Hi All: Wow, Union Rags will be standing at Lane’s End!! Here I go again!! Some how, I am going to have to get their to visit again. If you have not visited these stallion farms in Lexington, it is a wonderful trip!!!!
Cedar Valley Santuary is considering accepting a fourth horse, a quarter horse named Sir. Sir needs a place to live out the remainder of his life. I have spoken to a couple of volunteers their telling them so much of Zenyatta and a couple stories of my own when seeing Z. As a matter of fact, Zenyatta is the reason why I decided to help there……..for the love of Zenyatta, my special horse . These older horses are so loveable and easy going most of the time. Frito has Cushionings Disease and had colic so we treat with medication. However, Frito’s coat was looking so good they took him off of Cushings med. Well, myself and others indicated that he was so itchy, rubbing himself against anything possible. I noticed that Fancy was helping Frito out by nibble-biting on Frito. In turn Frito was doing so to Fancy. (ha, cute) Fancy did not need this and some bare areas began to appear. I am really learning alot and have much more to learn about the social habits of the horse. Frito has accepted Jo, the Hankney ponie much better than Fancy. If Jo gets anywhere near, Fancy’s ears go back. I think there may be some jealousy there. Any thoughts on this????
I hope all of you are doing well and in good health. I am hoping next week to begin reading more of the blog here and Terry’s jokes once again!!!
hugs, Sally B.
Darlene Daniels
Great post. So good to hear from you.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B:
So good to see a post from you. It’s great that your working with these horses; God Bless. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Wonderful to read your post and hear more about the Cedar Valley Sanctuary horses. High hoof to you and them!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Oh, Frito has been placed back on the med for Cushings!!! Sally B.
Terry Crow GP
Sally-good to see a post from you. We have missed you here.
Cynthia Schif
That’s how it should be done! Congrats on another weanling successfully separated from it’s mother!
Rosemary McCauley - Pres/AZ/New Mexico RNC
Sorry if this has been posted before, if so, here it is again.
I definitely plan on being there.
carol in utah
They are taking questions again ….but the bigger news is “Open for Questions” has two pictures of TASTY……she says HI…she looks great….check it out…I have a new question ..how about you?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
Thanks for this info on TT. Was waiting for an update on her. Too soon to tell from the photo if she is in foal, but it’s nice to see a recent photo of her. Hugs, JB
Pati- Eats Solid Foods Comfortably-Yay!
Bodemeister has been retired to WinStar farm. Looks like it was something serious indeed. Hopefully, it’ll be the lady’s year again because colts are dropping like flies.
Classic-Placed Bodemeister Retired
Classic-Placed Bodemeister Retired
By Evan Hammonds, @BH_EHammonds
Updated: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 3:05 PM
Grade I winner and two-time classic-placed Bodemeister has been diagnosed with an injury to his left shoulder, it was announced Aug. 21, and upon deliberation among veterinarians and the colt’s owners, a decision was made to retire the 3-year-old son of Empire Maker to stud at Kenny Troutt’s WinStar Farm.
Read more on BloodHorse.com: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/72242/classic-placed-bodemeister-retired#ixzz24DGeERCO
The Kennedys in San Diego
Trina, thank you for the beautiful birthday sonnet you posted yesterday. Rest assured, I will treasure it always.
And thank all of you for your birthday wishes. So very kind of you. In your honor, I worked very hard over a five day “long weekend” filled with celebratory activities including Shakespeare at the Old Globe in San Diego’s Balboa Park.
Sue Fredrick Co-P WI Chapt.
Love the new pics of Tasty she looks wonderful. Thank you staff for sharing them with us as we know she belongs to Mr. Farish.
So sorry to hear about Bodemeister being retired, another one of my favs down the chute. Hope he’s happy at WinStar.
Found this article on broodmares on another post and thought many here would love to read it. Hope I can post it, I’m not real swift at this.
Yippee, it worked, I think. Enjoy Auntie Sue
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue and Z Fans:
Can’t recall another year when so many three year olds were injured and retired. Tough year. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
Great article on Broodmares. Think this article shows that female lines are more important than they have been given credit for in the past. Hopefully Z will stamp her babies with her soundness and talent. Hugs, JB
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Dear Carole – Many happy belated birthday wishes for you. Sounds like a fun celebratory weeknd.
Trina – a beautiful sonnet. You are really a talent for all of us here on Z-s website to enjoy. Your poems are perfect.
and back a ways with the cute little baby donkey with the pink casts? Way too adorable. If I could have a donkey in my back yard I think I would. I’m reading they are extremely affectionate, however, my neighbors might not like the braying since my shepherd can be a bit of a barker!
Trying to catch up on the postings.
Interesting change of ownership of Richard’s Kid/ sad to hear of Bodemeister’s retirement due to injury. Again and Again a reminder of how wonderful John’s care of our Zenyatta allowed her to race and retire healthy and extremely happy!
Marshall (NC broad)
To Zenny, 12Z, LE and all Z’sters:
Have a restful sleep, sweet dreams and goodnight!
P.S. I omitted the fabulous team of Burns and Allen when remembering Phyllis Diller.
They belong with The Greats, too!
I can still hear: ” Say Good night, Gracie”
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Nice article on Street Life; Sire Street Sense, Grandsire Street Cry. He is gorgeous and looks like one to watch in the Travers. Hugs, JB
JudyB. Thanks for this. Good luck to Street Life. Street Cry would be proud to see a win. Last year, Bernie has one with Stay Thirsty.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Yes, if Street Cry was wearing a vest, he’d pop his buttons! He’s got a lot to be proud of and just wait until Z’s babies strut their stuff.
Isn’t it wonderful that Frankel did it again. Bobby F. must be celebrating in style. Hugs, JB
JudyB. Every time that one of his foals wins, Bernie puts out a press release. Maybe Darley will do the same for Street Cry. He’s a star at Darley. Would really like to see Street Life win.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Darley really should do that for Street Cry. I’m rooting for Alpha and Street Life in the Travers. That will be my Fantasy Cap Exacta Box.
How about our Boy, Frankel. Just magnificent! Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s a link on the Dams of I’ll Have Another and Bodemeister. They will both be up for sale in the Fasig-Tipton November Auction in Kentucky. Hope they stay in the States. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Here’s the link.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Wonderful Slideshow from Bloodhorse on the Great Geldings. Hugs, JB
Juddmonte Farms tweet on Wed. August 22:
Take a look at Kind, the dam of the mighty Frankel, as well as Group winners Bullet Train & Noble Mission.
http://youtu.be/B6W97u1Rgj4 via @youtube
Keta Note: This video is very much like the ones that Lane’s End does.
Found it interesting that foals are rated when they are born.
Keta. An excellent video find. Simon’s advice is exactly like LE. Kind is a wonderful mare.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thank you for this excellent video of Kind. You find the best info and videos. She is just beautiful. Hugs, JB
JudyB. Interesting that Frankel takes after his mom rather than Galileo. Kind stamped her image on him. Same for 12Z. When you look at 12Z, you see Z.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Funny, I was thinking the same thing. Frankel definitely favors Kind as The Prince favors Z. I think the Dams are not given enough credit when it comes to bloodlines.
Did you hear in the video when the gentlemen said Kind was a good racer too. Frankel’s got it all from Kind, Galileo, Danehill.
Hope The Prince gets the best combination of Z, Bernie and Street Cry. Especially the soundness. Hugs,JB
carol in utah
I may go into mourning….HANSEN probably retired …..tendon
Susan from Fl
Rough year…sad Peace & Happiness!
Hansen Injures Tendon, Likely Retired
Updated: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 10:06 AM
By Claire Novak and Ron Mitchell The Blood-Horse
Last year’s juvenile champion Hansen has been ruled out of consideration for the Aug. 25 Travers Stakes (gr. I) at Saratoga Race Course with an injured tendon and likely will not race again, according to his co-owner, Dr. Kendall Hansen.
“This is the day I have always dreaded,” Hansen told The Blood-Horse. “Hansen has a tendon injury and will likely not race again… I am in shock, and with tears and heartbroken.”
Trainer Michael Maker declared the colt out of the Travers Aug. 22, saying “He had some inflammation in his left front leg this morning and is not running.”
Read more on BloodHorse.com: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/72255/hansen-injures-tendon-likely-retired#ixzz24I88TVhG
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
I know. So sad. Hugs, JB
Jan S. / Houston
Blood Horse reports that Hansen has a tendon injury, and will be retired. :(:(
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Jan:
OMG, this is unbelievable; another one of our three year olds. Hugs, JB
Jan S. / Houston
I know.. :(
This is sad and hard to take. Very disappointing.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max, Lisag and Z Fans:
Can’t believe Hanson too. What a terrible year for three year olds. Hugs, JB
Lisag In Texas
What? Hansen. I just wanna cry.
Frankel Wins!
Here is video in Ray Paulick tweet
If you didn’t see the G1 Juddmonte Intl tour de force by Frankel at York, here is the replay. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mr_ChX6Jv4s
Intersting observation by Rolly Hoyt in tweet
Hate to be a kill joy, but when Cigar won on a wed morning he made SportsCenter.
No mention anywhere on NBCSN ESPN or CBSSC of Frankel
Keta Note: Horse racing is the forgotten sport on network news & most sports channels.
There needs to be better PR to keep it in the public eye.
Anyone else remember MovieTone News! That used to be my only chance to see some of the greats run. That brief clip of a major race on a movie theatre screen.
Having said that I did not that Saratoga had over 50,000 at the track this last weekend.
Wonder what the Travers attendance will be?
Have a great day!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Hurray. Thank you for the link. What a horse. Bobby F’s smiling and cheering. Hugs, JB
Maryp New York
Keta, It sounds like you haven’t been to Saratoga on Travers day. Well your lucky to be able to move around the place, it is simply packed with people. Walking the grounds between races is almost elbow to elbow and there are lovely young ladies in victorian dress selling “Saratoga roses”. It’s just a glorious time to experience the Spa with all the history, the horses and the legends!
No, I haven’t been to the Travers.
Have been to Belmont–so can imagine what is like.
I have been living this meet at SAR vicariously through the tweets of the writers.
and watching on TVG.
Just hope it doen’t rain. There has been a lot this year.
Maryp New York
I’m with you hoping it doesn’t rain. It usually turns out to be a very hot, sunny day but that’s not our forecast YET, that is always subject to change as we all know!
One or more of your horses has worked out.
Eblouissante (3-Year-Old Filly)
Date: August 22, 2012
Distance: Three Furlongs
Time: 36:40 Handily
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: All Weather Track
Rank: 2/20
Go Ebby!!
Here is an excellent video with a phone interview with Dr. Hansen by HRTV
Good footage on Hansen (the horse).
Also graphic with current Travers entries.
Mike Smith is riding Atigun