As you know, 12 Zenyatta was successfully weaned on August 14.
Three days before, he and mom, along with their paddock mates, moved to the barn and paddock where they had lived when he was a foal. The mares spent three nights there with their colts—familiar surroundings for all!
On the third morning, after breakfast, Charles calmly explained what was to happen while 12Z listened attentively. Zenyatta continued to eat. All understood and were completely relaxed. Then, Mom and the two other mares were led back to the barn and paddock they know as home.
Shortly thereafter, 12Z and pals were turned out and were soon grazing and playing together. Back in their paddock, Zenyatta and her friends were happily grazing as well.
Their human friends, the amazing Lane’s End staff, continue to monitor them, and all reports are good! Yay!
We’ll keep you informed and updated.
-Team Z

Linda in NJ
Hi Zenny, Z12 and All Z’sters:
I didn’t know that Z12 was weaned. Wow, time does move right along doesn’t it. I was thinking Z12 would be weaned in September, which would be 6 months. As the post indicates, all must have been ready to move on. While, Z12 doesn’t appear to be missing his mom because he is too busy playing with his friends–I am sure he does. From previous pictures and posts, Z12 seems to have been very close with his mom, and Zenyatta with him. I am convinced that horses have souls and feelings. I am sure Zenyatta misses Z12 a lot.
Yes I also feel they must miss each other very much. As a stallion 12z will never be as close to another horse emotionally as he was to his mom. No paddock mates are likely to be with him once he is grown.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Linda and Eileen,
You are expressing human feelings. Both Z and 12 Z have moved on
to their new lives. Zenny raised her son and taught him all of his lessons
like all good mares do in 5 months. They both then move on in the wild
and in domestication.
AJ from CA
Sign – I do believe that horses separated very young do “move on” like 12Z, but I have heard stories of horses separated for years that do recognize one another when reunited and show affection so I don’t think they ever forget.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear AJ, Sign and Z Fans:
Yes, I think you’re right. Horses do remember. Hugs, JB
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Horses do remember each other years later, like they remember a previous owner, but what was expressed by Linda and Elaine are human emotions attached to Z and 12 Z that are not the reality of what is going on with them. Lanes End showed us what was going on. Peace, harmony and moving to the next stage for both.
Zenny is a professional broodmare, she raised her son with the best quality of care. He is also a professional taught by his mother and went on to
learn his tasks to become a race horse. Don’t think they will see each other again.
I believe both Zenny and 12Z are ready to move forward with their individual lives.
It’s natural for them to be separated and LE has handled the weaning in a sensative and professional manner. The nurturing Z gave her Prince, however, is a great foudation for his life now, and as a mature racehorse. Every colt and filly should be as lucky. And then there as the Mosses! Class acts in every way.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Zenny is a very special horse in all she does and all she give, along with THE MOSSES.
It looks like 12Z has already established a close relationship with Jerry and Ann Moss, thanks to Z. He also has his paddock pals. That group of little rascals will soon chase away any loneliness from weaning. He will be fine.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Well said, Max.
The equine female body begins to wean the foal by decreasing milk production at
3 months and the growing up begins. All horses in the wild or domesticated
separate much earlier than humans. Horse life expectancy at best is in the 20’s.
Living to 30 years of age for an equine is very rare.
carol in utah
Mr Haskins has posted a new article on bloodhorse…called “Phipps Forever”…
It is about BigD’s boy POE….
Its great…..
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
Thank you for the info on this article. Here’s the link. Wonderfully done by Mr. Haskin, as usual. Hugs, JB
carol in utah
Thx Judy for posting the link……I really have to learn how to do that
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
You’re so welcome. I’ll try to explain what I do to post links here. Once you pull up an article you want to link, click on the article name in the address bar until it turns blue. Hold down the Control key and press the c key. Release them at the same time. On a separate page, bring up the site you want to post the link on (in this clase Z’s Blog). After you type your post, hold down the Control key and press the v key. Release them at the same time. The link should appear under your post. Then submit your post. Hope I explained it without confusing you. Let me know how you make out. Hugs, JB
Judy’s method certainly does work but I’d never remember which letter to use with the control key. I just go to the address line, right click on it, a box opens just underneath and I click on “copy”. I do to the document that I want to put the link in and right click again, the box comes up and I click on “paste” and there it is. Be sure to hit enter after you’ve pasted the link or go out a couple of spaces until the link turns colors and you completed posting the link. It’s really easy to do and remember. Hope this helps. Now you’ve got 2 ways to post that link.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Or . . if you have a Mac, there is an even easier way. Let me know if you need those instructions.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Great article, Love Steve Haskin !!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign, Max, Sue and Z Fans:
POE made his Poppa proud. Very exciting horse. Sue, always miss the great ones too. Hugs, JB
JudyB. Great, great article. Our boy is definitely a supreme butt kicker. He inherited that from the best of all kickers, Big D.
Sue Fredrick Co-P WI Chapt.
Thanks Judy,
Wonderful article about a classy family from the good old days when racing was done just for the love of good horses and sport. Love POE and I hope he beats the Euros in the BC races this year. He sure is a good example of Big D and what he produced! So sorry he and my other favorite Sunday Silence are no longer with us. Love those guys.
Sue Fredrick Co-P WI Chapt.
Wow, watched that Del Mar race with Winding Way, OMG what a great filly she’s going to be…..and her sister Kuauai Katie, both undefeated!! Grandpa ‘Indy’ has got to be proud of his son, Malibu Moon, and his latest grandkids. Congrats to all….and gramps……”you the man!’.
Congrats to all the winners today, sure wish Awesome Gem hadn’t been trapped on the rail I know he would have won, he’s such a great trier, the consumate race horse.
Hugs to my favs at LE and kisses on your noses.
carol in utah
KK&WW have a full older sister…she is 4…her name is Malibu Cougar…but only raced once….the pedigree site shows her as “active”…..with Asmusen?…
Doesn’t sound right does it…the breeders cup site showed no foal from More Than Pretty for 2011….does indicate that she had a Warrior’s Reward foal this yr…
If Awesome Gem could not win…..glad to see that Mario G did
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
What an amazing family, dear AP Indy has created.
He reaches out to sooo many talented race horses.
I cannot believe it. This was a hard fought race. Here is Mario Gutierrez winning on Taylor Said. Awesome got stuck in traffic. Maybe next time.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Thanks for finding this link, Max.
Great race, sorry AG did not win, he is still a champion in my eyes.
Terry Crow GP
Agree on Awesome Gem. With all of the injuries that have happened this year, he is now the richest horse still in training.
Judy in South Carolina
Yes, I saw Winding Way’s race! I agree she is going to be something special (already is!). Did anyone notice her “personality” as she was warming up? She wasn’t doing a Queen Z dance by any stroke of the imagination but she has that “air” about her!
I also have been watching Kauai Katie……..wow TWO full sisters that I think we are going to have lots of fun (and excitement) watching!
I always hoped the Mosses would consider Malibu Moon…….and Pulpit, Tapit’s sire. I love the A P Indy bloodlines crossed with Queen Z
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Malibu Moon is really something else. I am going to have to lock him up.
I always remember the comments by Claiborne Farms about one of AP Indy’s
first born sons “Pulpit”. “If they all look like the one we just had (Pulpit) they
will be very impressive”.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
sorry not lock him up, look him up.
Heidi K:
Thanks for the link to see the Go For Wand race, I think I’ll watch it tmro, i don’t want that to be my last thought before I go to bed! I appreciate you finding the link and posting it for me, even though I know I will regret watching it.
Much appreciation always
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
The issue with Go For Wand was her determination and will to win, she locked into a duel with Bayacoa and went too fast and made a bad step. No issues with the whip.
As her trainer said, ” The TB with lay down their life for our entertainment.”
It is the nature of the TB.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
not with; will sorry
Terry Crow GP
The Go for Wand situation is covered thoroughly in the documentary that has been made on the life of Randy Romero, her jockey. The movie Casey’s Shadow with Walter Mattheau is based on the Romero family.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Will definately look up these references, TC.
She was a beautiful talented mare.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign and Z Fans:
So true. TB’s continue to try to run even when they’re injured. Zo Impressive still finished 4th in the Alabama even though she had to be vanned off. Others have done the same with sometimes disastrous results. It’s a blessing when an injury is found before they’re entered in a race, even if it means early retirement. Better than ending in tragedy. Hugs, JB
Girl Saratoga,
If you haven’t already watched it I will strongly advise you AGAINST watching Go for Wand’s breakdown.
It is incredibly gruesome and will not show you anything that you can not read about without having the actual visual horror to go with it.
Sign is right, Go for Wand hooked into a speed dual where neither horse gave any quarter. Her heart drove her in that dual and drove her back up to her feet to keep running on three legs.
Should have taken your advice……I watched it and now I’m sitting here crying. BIG MISTAKE! I think what bothers me the most is the poor thing got up to finish the race! What a CHAMPION! The last pic where she is looking at you really is heartbreaking. I am so thankful that all my years of going to the track I have never witnessed anything like that, and I pray I never do, that is one experience I can live without.
Thanks for the warning, but my curiosity killed the cat!
So sad to see and hear these horses lives being cut so short, never having the chance to relax become a mommy or daddy, or just hang out with old friends in green pastures.
May ALL our beloved four legged friends rest in peace under sunny skies, green pastures, and friends from the past.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Wonderfully said GS, the TB does give themselves to us and we must cherish and protect them against themselves.
Jethro always love to jump very high and “a lot” we had to limit how high
he would jump and the amount of times he would jump to preserve his
body. The TB needs humans to care for them and help them temper their
heart, courage and determination to win or be the best they can be.
That is why they are such special horses.
I’m sorry that curiosity got the better of you.
That breakdown of Go For Wand and the last image of George Washington before he was euthanized on the track are ones that haunt me to this day.
Such a Heart felt story of courage, makes me want to cry, I’LL take your advice and not watch the video. I will Never forget her name though,” GO FOR WAND”!!!!!!!!!.Thanks for sharing.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Zenyen:
Can’t watch videos of GFW, Ruffian, Barbaro or any of them. Can’t bear it. Hugs, JB
Dearest Judy:
I think I will take a “page from your book” and not watch these video’s anymore, they just upset me so, and I can’t think about anything else for hours! Good Advice!
Thanks GirlSaratoga
Judy B:
I agree the punishment doesn’t fit the crime, so they need to up the punishment, hit these jockey’s in their pockets! I they can’t race, they can’t win, and therefore no pay out! Maybe with harsher punishments these jockey’s will re-think their actions, I’m glad our jockey’s aren’t getting suspended! They follow the rules, they know where their bread and butter is! Hats off to our U.S. jockey’s!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
So true.
There is alot said for those who get whip infractions.
It sounds like our Jackson Bend is coming along just fine, biting and begging for food, that’s a real good sign he’s on the mend! What’s with these race horses wanting to nip or bite? I hear a lot of them have this “bad habit”! I guess that’s their freshness coming out! LOL!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
They are in peak racing form, so they naturally bite, because of all the adenaline.
Darlene Daniels
GS and Sign,
This biting thing is something I have wondered about too. Sign, the adrenalin makes a lot of sense. You are so smart and I really appreciate it.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
You always write the best posts so very informative, funny and
enjoyable. Hope to meet you at SA for BC.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
One thing Clinton Anderson says about TB is they think with the emotional side of their brain because of race training. I guess that is why they are
soooo “emotional”.
carol in utah
Just read a note on fb….
A horse in Japan was just retired…he is 9yr
his name is Axion ….
His daddy was the great Sunday Silence…
Axion is the last foal of SS that was actively racing
….seems like the end of an era…
as you can tell…SS was a favorite of mine
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
SS is one of my favorites too. Wonderful legacy. Hugs, JB
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Me, too.
A lovely unappreciated boy in the US, our loss, Japan’s success and cherished boy.
Darlene Daniels
How sad, an end of an era. I was also a huge fan of Sunday Silence, not only for his beauty and talent, but I love his name.
Terry Crow GP
Affirmed had his Alydar and Sunday Silence had Easy Goer.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
That was a good rivalry between SS and EG. Hugs, JB
Dear Carol in Utah, you just made me soooo Happy with news of Sunday Silence, how I loved him so and I did get an autograph once from him too!. I happened to have a friend who was a friend to one of the owners, so, the Great Sunday Silence gave me an autograph with his hoof!, I was delirious with joy!. Thanks for news of his son, I pray they take good care of him in his retirement. Again, thanks for this wonderful news, you made my day. Blessings to you and to all.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Maureen:
Great story about SS. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear friends,
You all know my poetic style runs more to whimsical rhyme than to the sublime, and as such I know I should stay away from the lofty sonnet, but perhaps you’ll humor me with this attempt at a classical form to honor a classic lady. Please excuse the liberties taken with the meter.
A Birthday Sonnet for Carole Kennedy from San Diego
(August 20, 2012)
A treasured jewel with many sparkling facets,
Verily, that’s our dear Carole Kennedy,
With beauty, wit and kindness ’mongst her many assets–
Of all that’s gracious, the epitome.
If you this lovely woman have not seen,
Just picture elegant, blonde, petite, and svelte,
(Very like dear Dottie, lady to the Queen!)–
And yet a world explorer who loves the African veldt.
A hippo wandered daily in Uganda
Across the open terrace of her lodge,
A gorilla mom with baby in Rwanda
Brushed ’gainst her, rushing by with scarce a dodge.
She’s a Shakespeare lover too, thus it’s in my bonnet
To honor her today with this little sonnet!
Happy birthday, Carole, and many, many happy returns! Sorry I couldn’t fit in how you played with sixteen one-year-old panda cubs in China (true story)! And how you love lions, being a Leo yourself! Best wishes again for a happy, happy birthday.
Darlene Daniels
Happy Birthday Carol, and many more.
Trina, your sonnet is lovely, just like everything you write.
Sue Fredrick Co-P WI Chapt.
Happy Birthday Carol have a wonderful day. Once again Trina has given us a glimpse of someones life and what an interesting one you have led!
Have to add a get well soon to Jackson Bend (love this little guy) and my exacta pick Zo Impressive, whom I hope will come thru surgery fine. Anther sad ending for a talented horse.
Terry Crow GP
Happy birthday, Carole. Hope your day is truly outstanding.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Birthday Carole! I’ve seen pictures of you, and as always, Trina did a great descriptive job! As is often the case, I’m amazed by the fascinating life of another Dumpling. Bet you’ve got LOTS of stories to share. Have a great year!
Carole. Happy Birthday. I always enjoy your posts.
Happy Birthday Carole, hope your day was Blessed and full of fun memories. Remain Blessed always!
L♥VE Auntie Judy aka JAG / Southern CA
Love, Auntie Judy ♥
Jan S. / Houston
Happy Birthday Carole.. :):)
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Dear Trina,
Lovely poem for Carol Kenndy. So greatly love Carol’s up to date reports and stories from HWP and all of the tracks in CALI. Not living there, Carol you keep things alive for us !!!
Hope you and your hubby have a great celebration !!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carole Kennedy:
Happy, Happy Birthday. Thank you for your wonderful posts and updates on all the horses at Barn 55. Hugs, JB
Dear Trina:
Another beautiful poem. Love and Hugs, JB
Marilu V
Dear Trina:
This is beautiful! Hugs, Marilu
Dear Carole K:
Belated Happy Birthday! May you blessed with many more. Hugs, Marilu
carol in utah
great job Trina….
Happy Birthday Carole….have the bestest day…
i wonder how many of us Leos collect lions…i have for yrs
my kids never had a problem for a gift…just went “looking for lion” anything
once got a lion tea pot with creamer and sugar “cubs”
Darlene Daniels
How cute. My birthday falls on the cusp of Virgo and Libra, (not that I am really into horoscopes), but how could one buy a gift for a virgin or a scales? Haha.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
So funny! High hoof!
Maryp New York
Carol, Have a very happy birthday and many many more!!!!
I’m a Leo too and althought I don’t collect lions I do have a fetish for the big cats.
Our home is adorned with them as well as horses, wolves, eagles and a few others.
Hoof, Hoof Hooray to John Shirreffs for Tiz Gianni’s win yesterday !
Maryp New York
oops! should be “although” I really do know how to spell!
Maryp New York
Oops! Really made a boo boo! Wrong day for this Carol but the greeting stands!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Trina–thank you so much for the wonderful poem. Love you.
@Carole–the happiest of birthdays to you today and for many years to come. I want to go with you on your next trip!
Joining in the Happy Birthday Z chorus!
Hope your day was very special.
Mind in a muddle today
P.S. Another excellent personal poetry gift from Trina!
Susan from Fl
Happy for the good report & that 12Z “listened attentively” :-) Peace & Happiness!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Isn’t that TOO CUTE, he is just like his mom, so connected to humans.
Susan from Fl
It certainly is Too Cute! Peace & Happiness
Maryp New York
Carole, Have a very Happy Birthday today and wish you many many more!
Terry Crow GP
@Sue Colvin-You are now an official member of the redneck club. Let us know what sgtate you are from so that you can be properly inducted. Here are today’s redneck jokes. You might be a redneck if you use old tires, rocks and chicken wire to make a fence. You might be a redneck if your toilet is a five gallon bucket. You might be a redneck if you fish coins out of public fountains. You might be a redneck if the number of times you have seen Elvis exceeds your I.Q. You might be a redneck if you bring a duck to a cockfight. You might be a redneck if you are so skilled at nose blowing you no long need or use a Kleenex.
LOVE the Elvis joke! These jokes are too funny! Are they all yours? I also liked the fountain one too!
I told my best friend she maybe a “Redneck” because she is a nurse by trade but lately she has been moonlighting as a T.V. repair person! (One of the t.v.’s in her house isn’t working and she is convinced she can fix it!)
Thanks for the smiles!
Terry Crow GP
@GS-I am going to work on that one. There is a good RN joke there somewhere.
Terry Crow GP
GS-I use many sources for these stupid jokes, one of which is old Polish jokes. See if you recognize this one, slightly reworked for rednecks. You might be a redneck if, when you forget to pay your garbage bill, the garbage company stops delivering.
Pati- Eats Solid Foods Comfortably-Yay!
Really? I’m Polish! That’s something that you get some of your jokes from the Polish Oldies but goodies! I should have recognized them!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Dear Sue,
Welcome to the RN club, you will find the laughter and friendship wonderful amazing and sooo very funny. Sometimes I laugh so hard that I can barely catch my breath.
Especially when TC’s teeth “are a swiveling”.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Great jokes as usual.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
Very funny. Thank you for all the smiles. Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
The Elvis joke rates a “10”.
Darlene Daniels
LOL Terry. Good ones. I have seen many fences like that.
Terry Crow GP
@sign, Judy Berube, Barbara Wood and Darlene Daniels-Thank you. I should have added on the Elvis joke that it only applies to sightings after he died.
Eveline / Maryland.
Now it’s even funnier ( if that is a word)!
Terry Crow GP
Eveline-It is a word and thank you even if it isn’t.
Carole Klumb #42 / Eagle, WI
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CAROL and many, many more, hope the day is just grand.
Zz hugs,
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Dear Keta,
I saw the photo of blood coming out of Little Mikes mouth and thought it might
be a photo error of some sort. Too Bad for such a talented horse. Hope is OK and
does not get an infection or something.
Thanks for the heads up. Any official tweets, will check Bloodhorse, DRF and TT.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
I saw that too. Hope LM is OK. Hugs, JB
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
O Neil and BB sound like ” two peas in a pod”, selective memory is right.
Terry Crow GP
I think Baffert should have kept quiet on this one. A lot of people still remember the Wat Emblem situation.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Here is the latest on Frankel clashing with St. Nicholas Abbey.
Sign. Great article. Loved the reference to Zenny’s Roberto. Also noticed that Thought Worthy is racing against Noble Mission. He is a son of Big D and grandson of Roberto.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Glad u enjoyed,
Big D’s boy, too
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
Thanks for this link on Frankel. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
My nephew, Joe, just called to tell me he was in Newport Harbor yesterday and saw a yacht named Zenyatta. He knows how much I love her and wanted me to know. Thought I would share with you. I wonder who the owner is. I’m assuming the yacht is named for Z and not Sting’s album. Someone else who loves her too. Hugs, JB
Rosemary McCauley - Pres/AZ/New Mexico RNC
How lucky he was to have seen it in person. I saw photos of that yacht (very likely the same one) and the article said that the owners were fans of the Queen.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Rosemary:
Thanks. That confirms it. She is so well loved. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in SoCal
High hoof!
Jan S. / Houston
That’s so cool.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Great story, Judy B
Darlene Daniels
Cant think of a more fitting name for a yacht. Very cool.
Thanks for sharing. Such a heart warming story.!
Here is a link to Facebook. There are photos of Typhoon Tracy’s colt & adopted Mom
He looks strong & happy. She must be a good “Mum”
Keta. Thanks for this. Mom looks like she is taking her job very seriously. Glad that this little colt found a good step mother. RIP Tyhoon Tracy.
These were good to see-something positive out of the tragedy.
Warmed my heart.
Keta. Yes, indeed.
Jan S. / Houston
She’s a big gal. Wonder if she is in foal. And he’s a cutie patootie.
Read somewhere that she is part Clydesdale
That is why she is so big-do not know if she is in foal
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta, Max and Z Fans:
How sad. Only seven years old and her first foal. Rest in Peace Beautiful Girl. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s an article on Typhoon Tracy. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Just realized Typhoon Tracy’s foal is by Street Cry. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in SoCal
OMG, it’s like she was family…RIP, Typhoon Tracy.
Thanks for the link to Typhoon Tracy’s little guy. Glad he found a loving stepmom to nurture him.l She looks like a “Big Girl” kind of round in the mid section! Wondering if she maybe with foal herself? It’s so sad to loose a momma giving birth to her first foal.
He sure is one “cutie pie”! I hope she is at peace knowing her precious baby is in good hoof’s!
For Terry GP & fellow RedNecks
Tweet from Snuffy Jones
To @elkpga (Steve Elkington)
a guy named willie wood wins a golf tournament sponsored by dick’s?
is this karma or what?
From Snuffy’s profile”In the corn patch with a bottle of white lightnin”
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Too cute Keta !!!
Darlene Daniels
Cracked me up! Hahaha!!
Terry Crow GP
I believe Steve Elkington is an Australian. Would seem to be his type of humor and is funny.
Ingrid Arnone
Love you miss you, Ingrid.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid:
So nice to see a post from you. Hope all is well. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
Ingrid-We have missed you here.
Sue Noel/Sun Valley,ID
Can’t believe it’s been over a week since I last posted ! I missed SO many birthdays!! Happy Belated Birthday to all I missed!! Was particularly distressed to have missed OUR DOTTIE and OUR MARIO!! One thing I am excited about (among the many!!) in coming to the BC is the opportunity to meet John and Dottie–seems like a dream come true to actually get to tell them how much they mean to me and to thank them in person for all they have done.
Must tell you about the funny thing Barnaby did a week ago this past Saturday. Our usual Saturday routine is to give them their grain with the supplements and all as soon as we get to his farm. Then,while Sue walks her collie Gracie,down to the river and back,I give them their “dessert”,which is a Fuji apple and some carrots. Then,I start getting Barnaby’s tack out,putting his saddle on the fence and bringing out his grooming bag and bridle & all. Whe n I do that he comes right over to the fence and stands near his grooming bag,waiting to be groomed. When Sue gets back from her walk,she gets Traveller’s tack out and proceeds to take a couple of carrots and goes out in the pasture to catch her. Unlike Barnaby who waits to be groomed after his treats,she immediately runs off ,in the hope that Sue will then forget about riding her! Barnaby likes to follow Sue out because he knows she is carrying carrots,so he will leave his post by the fence long enough to go out with her to beg a carrot. Earlier that week,he had followed too closely and bumped her leg with his foot. She did not want him to do that again that Saturday,so,when he followed her out,she chased him away and told him not to follow her. He stopped dead in his tracks—then,she said,he looked at me and took off running for me!! I heard thundering hoofbeats and looked up in time to see him skid to a stop at the fence,looking frantically at me. After Sue told me what she had done we really laughed,as it looked as though he had his feelings hurt and was running to me to tell on Sue for being so mean!! The next day,when she went out to do the morning feeding,while I was singing in the choir at church,she told him not to follow and he didn’t—-smart boy—he learns fast!! he has so much personality,it really IS amazing!!
This past weekend,I finally got him some watermelon for the first time—he just loved it!! I knew he would–now that’s going to be a regular Saturday morning treat!!
I loved all the pictures from the last few posts,and hearing about the team’s visit and how well the weaning went. Especially loved how Charles explained it all,with Z12 “listening intently” It’s so wonderful that Lane’s End takes such incredible care of their charges!! I talk to my animals all the time. Barnaby looks at me like he understands it all. In one of the photos,it looked like Dottie was out at the fence with Ann and Jerry,seeing the Queen and Z12,and getting a chance to visit David as well!!
Hope all have a safe and happy night. Hope the places that need it (including our Idaho!) get some,(lots!) rain soon,so the fires will go out!!! Someone said yesterday that,out of the 246 wildfires in the US right now–49 of them are in Idaho!!
Love to all from me—and from Barnaby!!!
Sue. Another nice Barnaby story. Please keep them coming as they are a wonderful read. And I hope that you get some needed rain.
Jan S. / Houston
Love your Barnaby stories. Hoping you all get a lot of rain soon.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
Just love your stories about Barnaby. He certainly is a character and so smart. Thank you for sharing him with us. Hugs, JB
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Dear Sue,
Lovely story. So glad Barnaby is doing so well
Darlene Daniels
I love, love, love your Barnaby stories. I just love him. Your stories make him so real, it is like we know him.
I also am hoping for rain for all that need it. Hope to meet you at BC.
Sue Noel:
What a GREAT story! How funny Barnaby’s feeling were hurt when he got yelled at! He probably had a lot to tell you or to squeal on Sue! He sounds like a dream of a horse, how lucky you are to have him, and how lucky he is that you spoil him so much, I’m sure he deserves it!
Thanks for sharing this uplifting and very funny image!
Trina Nagele in SoCal
WONDERFUL Barnaby story, Sue. Be sure to collect all your posts for your future Barnaby book!
Terry Crow GP
Doesn’t sound like Barnaby is loved too much. Always look forward to one of your posts.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I’m running a little behind here, but YEA! Another great Barnaby and Sue story!! As you can see from the comments, Sue, Barnaby has quite a fan club here. Thanks for sharing!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
An article on contenders in the Travers. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
Expect Hansen to give a better account of himself this time.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
I think he will. Also like Bernie’s Alpha. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
Go Hansen Go!
Darlene Daniels
Maybe someone needs to have a “talk” with Hansen and tell him how many fans he has on Zenyatta’s site. Maybe he will feel all the love.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Sue Noel–we absolutely adore your Barnaby stories! A reining stop! Wish we could see a picture of that.
@Zenyen–you mentioned George Washington earlier. That one haunts me too, along with Pine Island and Rough Sailing in the BC, as well as Gold Ember in the 2010 Apple Blossom meet. I did not see Go for Wand’s, thank goodness.
Yes Pine Island was bad as well. She was a hell of a race mare.
Go For Wand is physically gruesome as she gets back up and her leg is just unmentionable. But what makes it stop your heart is you see the confusion and pain in her face as she keeps trying to run to the wire on three legs until she is finally, mercifully stopped by an outrider.
Oh, so Proud of the little Prince!!!!!!!. He is such a big boy now. So Proud of the Queen too,, she has done good by him, I’m just so happy, News of the Queen and the little tyke always makes me happy. Thanks for the update, LOL to all and also to the Queens team who try to keep us up dated always. I bet the Mosses are so proud of their girl and her little tyke. Praying for the Tapit foal. Blessings to all.
Pati-So So
Hi Z family!
I have posted my take on the Pacific Classic being run next week in my OTHER blog. I am a multi-tasker, and when bored, have produced some of my best work. :-)
I am going to do a write up and analyses on the Travers next, as it is part of the fantasy capping challenge. I will include my choices for the Pacific Classic when we get to it next week, as I am undecided as of yet, but I do go into extent about the lone filly in the field, Amani!
There is also a poll at the bottom, please participate! I would be interested to know what people think of the P-Classic field this year.
Pati-So So
Unless of course, someone else wants to submit their ten-cents about the Travers. :-) I would be happy to post it as a guest blogger.
Terry Crow GP
Very interesting analysis of the Pacific Classic. I don’t share your enthusiasm flor Amani’s chances, but you never know.
Pati- Eats Solid Foods Comfortably-Yay!
Horribly terribly enthusiastic I’m not, but as she was the horse many people know least about, that’s why there is the most on her. I’m happy to see a lady in the Pacific Classic.
Terry Crow GP
Agree with that. Del Mar is such a quirky track that any good horse who actually likes running on soap chips has a chance.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
Even when you know, you never know. (Couldn’t resist). Hugs, JB
Phyllis Diller died today, 95 yrs. old.
She was one of my fave comediennes. I’ll miss her. She was one of the best.
Darlene Daniels
I just heard this. Was one of my favorites too. RIP Phyllis Diller.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sunny B:
Always loved her too. Wonderful talented lady. RIP PD. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Sunny Boyd,
Phyllis Diller was one of the last (probably THE last) of that brilliant comedy era! They were legendary — Bob Hope, Groucho Marx, George Goble, Jack Benny, to name a few.
There are none greater, and certainly, none funnier! RIP dear Phyllis.
Take care and hugs to you, Sunny!
Terry Crow GP
I love Jack Benny. I remember his old TV show. He was in Rome near one of the fountains when he was picked up by Mary Livingstone, actually his wife.They were about to get out of the cab when Mary asked Jack if he had any change. He fished in his pocket and handed her a few coins. She felt them and said “Jack, these coins are wet.” He just sat there and didn’t say anything. It took me awhile to get it. And then I couldn’t stop laughing.
Haha. :)Had to help himself to some of those coins in the fountain, huh?
The thing with Phyllis Diller was, IMHO, that she really didn’t need those crazy get-ups, she would have been just as funny in a little blk dress. She was a truly funny lady, and must have had horsesense to boot, none of her 6 kids were ever used for convenient media attention.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP, Sunny and Z Fans:
Mr. Benny was known for, um, being frugal! Too funny. Hugs, JB
Adelaide HorseRacing tweet
Sir Henry Cecil is planning to make a welcome return to the racecourse
in order to see Frankel compete in Wednesday ’s Juddmonte Internat
Thoroughbred Times tweet
Wednesday’s Juddmonte Intl. at York highlighted by superstar Frankel
plus legit foes St Nick Abbey & Twice Over
Awesome Gem Update
West Point TBreds tweet
9YO Awesome Gem exited the Longacres Mile in great shape.
Could be seen next in the Awesome Again Stakes (formerly Goodwood)
Sep 29 at SA
Darlene Daniels
Good news. Thank you for sharing.
Terry Crow GP
Glad to hear that this wonderful horse is still sound.