As you know, 12 Zenyatta was successfully weaned on August 14.
Three days before, he and mom, along with their paddock mates, moved to the barn and paddock where they had lived when he was a foal. The mares spent three nights there with their colts—familiar surroundings for all!
On the third morning, after breakfast, Charles calmly explained what was to happen while 12Z listened attentively. Zenyatta continued to eat. All understood and were completely relaxed. Then, Mom and the two other mares were led back to the barn and paddock they know as home.
Shortly thereafter, 12Z and pals were turned out and were soon grazing and playing together. Back in their paddock, Zenyatta and her friends were happily grazing as well.
Their human friends, the amazing Lane’s End staff, continue to monitor them, and all reports are good! Yay!
We’ll keep you informed and updated.
-Team Z

signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Little Mike gate to wire in the Arlington Million, he pulled away from the Euro’s who
even the commentators were favoring in this race. GO GO GO GO LITTLE MIKE !!!
Bravo Little Mike and Ramon Dominguez. Nice also to see Dale Romans in the winner’s circle.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
I guess Ramon had never rode him before ???
What a talented horse.
How fun Carol to have your daughters there on Arlington Million day.
carol in utah
My twin daughters were there….one saw Mike Ditka and took it as an omen…she bet Little Mike…..although Ditka ain’t so little
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
Too cute. Hugs, JB
carol in Utah. Heard today that Mike Ditka was in the winner’s circle after the race with Little Mike. Your daughter guessed correctly. That probably was an omen.
carol in utah
Big D must be proud of POE….but I would like to mention 2 of his boys who came in second today…..Ioya Bigtime and Margano….they will both get it done next time out..
Carol. Where was Margano running? I posted the video above of Ioya Bigtime if you would like to see him run. Even as second, he ran well.
carol in utah
Margano ran 4th race at Penn Natl
Carol. I looked up some photos of Margano. He is handsome like his brothers and his daddy.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Ioya bigtime, was pretty impressive, did not realize he was Big D, son.
Thanks for the update.
JudyB. This one is especially for you. News of Kind. She is in foal again to Galileo. It sounds like Kind is a very good mother. TT could take some how to lessons from her and Zenyatta.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Lovely article Max.
The breeder of Frankel is like Eric Kronfeld, Zenny’s breeder.
Both are brain children of breeding.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and Z Fans:
Thank you so much for this link. How exciting; another full brother or sister to Frankel.
Dynaformer’s Boy, Point of Entry looked fantastic in his win yesterday! Here’s the race if you didn’t already see it. My sister and I went to our local casino yesterday and I played a $10 Exacta Box of Point of Entry and Al Khali. Was a fun day.Hugs, JB
JubyB. What can you say except – we love you, Point of Entry. That was an exciting win. He runs like his granddaddy, Roberto. Also reminded me of Z powering home. Big D, your boy did a superb job.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Yes, he just ran great. Relaxed, waited and when Johnny V. asked him, he burst forward with a powerful run. Looked full of himself after the finish line too. Just beautiful. Hugs, JB
JudyB. POE did look very proud. If he could have, he probably would have stuck out that big pink tongue after the win to show who is the boss. So Big D.
carol in utah
@max….Lentenor was supposed to race today also….at parx i think….but was scratched yesterday…..i get their updates on my vitual stable….
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Saw that today, would love to have seen him run !!!
Marshall (NC broad)
Congratulations to Point of Entry, Questing, and to Little Mike!! Well done!
I am sure that Hard Spun is proud of his little girl! Same for Dynaformer about his son,
Point of Entry. Little Mike, you did great!
Thanks to all for their great posts!
Goodnight and sweet dreams!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
WHOOO !!!!!! HOOOO !!!!!
Just re-watched the race, I see what you were saying, it helps because they should parts of it in slow motion! Sorry you weren’t in the money this week! I appreciated your explanations to me even though it’s a “sensitive” subject for me I do understand the reason behind using the whip and your expertise! It hurts my heart…..but then again I’m not on the back of a horse trying to win a race at 35mph! And I know the jockey’s aren’t doing it to be mean! (THAT I DO KNOW)
I was looking for the Ladies Classic with Go For Wand in it? By any chance do you have a link or a place I could go to watch it? I don’t remember that race? I may have been a little young when that happened?
I have so enjoyed our blogging and you educating me on my concerns, and worries! It’s made things a lot clearer and understandable!
Hopefully a new friend!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
You made the best point, they (horse and rider) are going 35 to 40 MPH
and a correction of some sort needs to be made and made quickly before an accident or injury.
These precious babies are so very sweet and should be protected by us.
Will post the Ladies Classic and GFW.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
I am not able to find the video of 1990 BC Ladies Classic. The one on the BC website has the breakdown edited out. They show the stretch duel and
Bayacoa going on to win.
If you have HRTV, they show it on Inside Information series, it was very tragic.
Not sure why they don’t have the race in its entirety as they do show Ruffian in her breakdown in the match race with Foolish Pleasure. Maybe a different time or the owner’s request. Everyone was soooo very devistated.
GFW was a 2 year old champion and had a huge heart and they say she was dueling at a speed she had never run at and took a bad step.
Just one bad step and then …….
HeidiK (Vallejo, Ca) aka DinkyDiva
I soooo remember that race!!!! That’s back when I was training to be a Jockey and riding for Victory Rose Thoroughbreds. After that race, I couldn’t watch them for a long long time until Barbaro and we know how that ended up. Then,Eight Belles came along and got my interest in “watching” again and then, well, we know how that went.
Go For Wand was a fabulous filly and was all heart and try!!! If I remember right, she was in a dual with Bayokoa, took a bad step on the rail and wham…. I’m sure there’s a video of it on youtube. I’ll try and find it and post it for you.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
WOW, Heidi,
Didn’t realize you trained to be a jockey.
So very impressive.
This site has so very many people with such wonderful experience and experiences.
Thanks to everyone for sharing your selves and your experiences.
Terry Crow GP
Heidi and Rosemary McCauley have very impressive resumes.
Pati- Eats Solid Foods Comfortably-Yay!
I know! The best I can say is that I am graduating high school!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Great race Point of Entry. Congratulations. Don’t know if I am saying this right, but would Nickanor be your half brother. I get confused on that still. Anyway, Dynaformer’s son. I so want to find out where he is. Does anyone know? I am going to Florida on Monday and will try to find out if no one knows. Just love all those Dynaformer kids.
@Jackson Bend, Praying for you real hard. Hope nothing shows up wrong.
Love Ya Zenny and Zl2.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
They are only a 1/2 sibling when they have the same DAM.
La Ville Rouge in Barbaro family Dam
Point of Entry has a different Dam.
Great race though and two very talented guys.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Point of Entry Dam
Matlacha Pass out of Seeking the Gold (sire)
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Nickanor, son of Dynaformer and La Ville Rouge. Full Brother to Barbaro. Forgot to put all of that above.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Did you chec Equibase???
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Peggy N
He is not in Equibase. The last one in equibase under La Ville Rouge is
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Nicnor from equibase, not much racing done, yet.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
sorry spelling
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Hey Sign, I had heard he had been sent down to Florda. Don’t know if it’s for some rest or if something else is going on. I had been keeping track of him but then he just seemed to vanish. Haven’t heard of any retirement for him. I believe I am correct when I say he is maybe a year older than Lentenor and then I believe Morgano is younger. I know Roy and Gretchen sent some of their horses to Barclay Tag but I have just lost Nicanor. I’ll have to do some detective work. Judy Berube and Ensign need your help. LOL
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Peggy N,
Please keep us up to date on the Barbaro family !!!
Thanks so much.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy N.:
Can’t find anything recent on Nicanor. The last owner listed on Equibase is Lael Stables which is owned by Mrs. Roy Jackson. She and her husband bred Barbaro and his brothers. The Stable is located at 546 Street Road, West Grove, Pa 19390. Maybe if you wrote to her asking about Nicanor, she may reply. Good luck if you decide to try this. Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy, So glad you had a good time Saturday. Thank you for that address. He he is in Florida I would love to see him.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Sorry terrible typing. That’s if he is in Florida
Judy B:
How did you do this week? Did you get in the money? Thought about the exacta with Questing and In Lingerie what a pay out that would have been! But there were too many possibilities, so I just did a show bet! Now I’m kicking myself! I decided to go with my gut and stick to my original bet, but when i went to place my bet I almost changed my mind and went for the 6, 7 exacta! But you know what they say in horse racing always go with your original bet, never change your mind, because then you will loose! (But not this time!)
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
you almost made a lot of money. Sounds like you are a good handicapper.
I did not even think of Questing and IL combo.
I hope Grace Hall is OK, she was pulled up.
I do remember hearing about Questing and her talents; none of the talking heads included her in their wagering, either.
As TC, says this was a very hard race to pick
Yea! it would have been $226.00! Darnit! No handicapping here! Names of horse, trainer’s, jockey’s that’s my handicapping! Wish I took the chance! But it was a tough race to bet on like TC said a lot of talent and previous winners to choose from! Oh well next week if I feel that little something, I’ll take the chance this time!
Sorry meant to type Sign not sing! Unless you know how to sing?
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
I can sign may be not an Opera, though. HA HA !!!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Sorry, sing !!!!
Not very good on communicating in sign language.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear GirlSaratoga:
Excellent handicapping. Always have to consider a horse when JV is aboad and he proved it again on In Lingerie. Hugs, JB
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
That is why I picked IL, JV aboard and Jon White reccomendation.
No talk about Questing though, missed on that one.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear GirlSaratoga:
I love Bernie Babies and Via Villagio was one of his, so I Exacta Boxed Via Villaggio and Zo Impressive. I really am concerned about Zo Impressive as she was vanned off after the race. Am trying to find out what happened. Via Villaggio ran a very good third and Questing really showed she is for real. So far I’m 0 for 3 in the contest. Well, back to the drawing board. Hugs, JB
Pati- So So
No worries, me too. I had Questing and Grace Hall, but she came up empty.. Oh well. We still have many races to go! Let’s stay positive!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
I will continue to choose Exacta Boxes. Maybe will be lucky next week. Hugs, JB
Thanks for looking for the race. I’m afraid to ask did they have to put him down right there on the track? I’m assuming it was a life threatening injury by the way you described it? No possible way to save him? How sad to loose a horse with such great heart and speed. THIS IS THE PART OF HORSE RACING I HATE!!!!!!! i I saw the Ruffian race that was so awful and very upsetting and extremely disturbing, I will never watch that again! Very time someone mentions his name I see his leg, I can’t get that picture out of my head.
Thanks for your help as always I appreciate it
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
She was a 3 year old mare Go For Wand was her name and yes they put her down
on the track in front of the winners circle. It was a huge huge tragedy as she was
a very very very talented mare and may have beat the Champion Bayacoa, I think
Bayacoca’s trainer was Shug McG. Everyone was in tears, they showed her owners
cheering and then breaking down in tears and shock. If you google her name, you
can pull up all of her information. She was a very special mare.
Another point about Questing in the stretch, did you notice when she straightened
out and got on course and focused he quit using the whip ???? That is another
sign that it was correctly used.
HeidiK (Vallejo, Ca) aka DinkyDiva
Here’s the link of Go For Wands breakdown. Keep in mind, it’s pretty graphic.
Louise Castello
I’m glad to see her story for those that don’t know. Just a wonderful horse! I saw this happen, so could never watch again! This was the worst injury I ever,ever saw, just broke my heart. She was such a brave girl who didn’t want to go down which obviously made it so much worse! I’m glad she isn’t forgotten here!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
You were at the 1990 BC Ladies Classic race???
How very tragic to witness this incident in person.
Louise C
I agree. I have been around the track and race horses for years and seen many tragic breakdowns but Go For Wand’s breakdown and subsequent struggle is one I saw once and just, never again.
Not even Eight Belles’ tragic loss was as mind searing.
IMHO GfW’s breakdown is truly the most gruesome caught on tape.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Glad you found it Heidi !!!
It is pretty graphic and sad, though.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Here is a link to Frankie Dettori, European (Italian) jockey rode mostly for Shiek Mohamed and whip issue with Rewilding. This is inappropriate uses.
Thanks for the links….very sad kind of sounds like what happened to Go For Wand? I’m sorry but I don’t think a 9 day suspension was long enough, especially when you find out he was using the wrong end of the whip and how many times he hit him in just 2 furlongs! If I were an owner or trainer, I WOULD NOT want that jockey riding my horses!
I think the suspensions should be stricter, so jockey’s know it’s serious and they mean business. But like I said I am not on the back of a horse going 35-40mph and I don’t have trainer’s and owner’s breathing down my back to bring in a “big win”. Sometimes the “whip” just isn’t gonna get them there no matter how many times to hit a horse or show it to them, at the end of the day they are still just animals!
Thanks for today’s lesson!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
This is more on Rewilding and FD, very very very sad.
Thanks for the links….very sad kind of sounds like what happened to Go For Wand? I’m sorry but I don’t think a 9 day suspension was long enough, especially when you find out he was using the wrong end of the whip and how many times he hit him in just 2 furlongs! If I were an owner or trainer, I WOULD NOT want that jockey riding my horses!
I think the suspensions should be stricter, so jockey’s know it’s serious and they mean business. But like I said I am not on the back of a horse going 35-40mph and I don’t have trainer’s and owner’s breathing down my back to bring in a “big win”. Sometimes the “whip” just isn’t gonna get them there no matter how many times you hit a horse or show it to them, at the end of the day they are still just animals!
Thanks for today’s lesson!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
And your last sentence is key. How much horse do you have at the end of the race and can they make the win or not. If not, the whip is purposeless.
But, owner, trainers etc…. put lots of pressure on jockey’s and money is money.
$$$$, talks. Even Jerry Moss was frustrated at how many horses of his were
burned out by Zenny in training. Yes, she made a lot of money, but how much did those horses cost and were they able to recoup the money????
Just rhetorical questions??? Racing costs lots and lots and lots of $$$ and the outcomes are often pressure related. Look at Big Brown and everything that happened to him after the KY Derby win !!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign, GirlSaratoga and Z Fans:
Dettori has been sanctioned before for over use of the whip. He keeps doing it because the punishment never fits the crime. The whip rules are Maximum Seven (7) strokes in Flats and Eight (8) over Jumps. That seems a bit much as it is. I think he’s a talented rider, but I wish he would adhere to the rules (which I think are boarderline excessive). Hugs, JB
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Dear Judy,
Wonder if that is why Shiek Mohammed has made him his second rider now,
which was done this year???
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
Could be. Hugs, JB
Maybe if Frankie got a little whoppin, he would understand.
Come on Frankie D., enough already. If you have a problem…don’t take it out on your horse. He has no class,no class.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Dear Lanes Ends and The Mosses,
I really love the photo of Zenny with her new BBF. Her ears are up and floppy and she
is just munching away. Of course one of her new jobs is “mowing the lawn” and so is so very good at that and it is nutritious !!!
Thanks for all of these wonderfull photos. You are such a very talented group of people,
no wonder LE is a premier breeding operation. Have fun with UR, he sure is gorgeous, hope he likes his new job.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Just rewatched the Arlington Million 2012,
Little Mike was at a hand gallop until the second turn, he opened up and poured it
on and pulled away. What a talented guy !!!!
Sign. So right. Little Mike took down Treasure Beach, Wigmore Hall and all of the British and Irish favorites. It was really beautiful to see. Ramon said that the horse was moving like a freight train. You are the man, Litte Mike!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Dear Max,
So very very nice to see our biggest purse stayed here in the US and we
actually beat the Euro’s on grass (Little Mike). It is really fun to have the
Euro horses here it give an international flavor and credibility to our horses/racing quality.
Love all the Euro’s who won, they were all very talented and really showed
their quality/breeding/ownership and training.
Sign. Love that Little Mike and his connections.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Little Mike made a Big impression yesterday and great ride by Ramon D. Here’s the replay. Hugs, JB
JudyB. I can ever get enough of seeing Little Mike win. The Brit “experts” were writing him off as having stamina issues. Little Mike showed them that he can do it, and then some. Little Mike, you are great.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
He went for it and never faltered. Love this Boy. Hugs, JB
Judy, Max, SIgn
Read that Little Mike bled during the race.
One photo clearly shows bleeding from the mouth.
Anyone read/know about this?
I saw that photo and thought…no,my eyes are fooling me. Guess not. Hope he is OK?
If you hear any news,please let us know, Thanks.
Terry Crow GP
Max-If you had followed the brit “experts” you would have thought that the BCC was a cinch for either a Euro or a Brit every time one of them was in the race. How many of them have actually won that race?
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Ramon D rode Little Mike superbly.
The closer, Afsare, was foiled by the very slow pace. His rider said he always
“acts like a child” as the gate and he had a lot of horse, but pace was too slow.
All that acting up takes no energy from him, just spoiled acting.
carol in utah
Hi all….
For those looking Nicanor….he was retired this yr…is suppose to be somewhere in Florida ….have not heard where…was not hurt that I know of…is there some way to check and see if his owners have a farm there?
@ShariVoltz…..our friend Madame Mistletoe has been working out at Arlington and is entered in race 7 on the 23rd….she has had some very good works lately…
As always ….kisses for all soft noses worldwide…and hope Jackson Bend recovers completely from his scary event ….
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Carol, Thank you so much for the info on Nicanor. I just had not heard he had been retired. I am going to try and find out where he is. Such a Beauty.
Terry Crow GP
Madame Mistletoe did not like the Oaklawn surface and I would expect a much better effort at juicy odds.
The seamless transition (IMO) is an example of well cared for and emotionally sound horses–they’re happy. Thank you for sharing how Charles spoke to Z12. I always wondered if ‘horse people’ (handlers, stall workers, etc) talk with horses. This put a smile on my face. :)))
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Definatley, correct.
Both are happy, healthy and well adjusted. Zenny taught him all his lessons a mother should and he learned them and now has a great foundation as exhibited by his
professional attitude at weaning.
GOOD LUCK 12 Z !!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Congrats to all the horses yesterday. Questing really ran a terrific race in the Alabama. Although at the end, she was really leg weary. Winning start to finish in a mile and a quarter is really something. Was so happy for Bernie’s Girl, Via Villaggio finishing third. Also, Little Mike winning the Million over the Euro Turfers was really impresive. Hugs, JB
Gemologist is working out & headed for PA Derby! Good news!
Emily Grant tweeted Gemologist a no go for the Travers, waiting for a possible start in the Pa Derby.
Gemologist officially out of Travers
Mark Singelais Times-Union Aug. 19 2012
SARATOGA SPRINGS – As expected, trainer Todd Pletcher said today Gemologist won’t enter the $1 million Travers on Saturday.
Pletcher officially ruled Gemologist out after the horse worked for the first time this morning since coming out of the Haskell Invitational at Monmouth Park with a lung infection.
Gemologist breezed four furlongs in 47.74 seconds on the main track today, 10th of 54 horses at the distance.
“I thought he worked well,” Pletcher said. “I’m especially pleased that he scoped cleanly. Looks like we got the lung infection behind us. Unfortunately, we’re going to miss the Travers.”
Pletcher said before the work that Gemologist would have to do “something absolutely amazing” to make the Midsummer Derby.
Pletcher said one possibility for Gemologist could be the Pennsylvania Derby on Sept. 22.
This will be the first time Pletcher isn’t in the Travers since 2007. He won the race last year with Stay Thirsty.
“It’s disappointing, you know?” Pletcher said. “I’d love to be going in there with a strong hand and having won it last year makes you want to win it even more this year. But you can only do what you can do, and unfortunately, we don’t have anybody ready.”
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thanks for this update on Gemologist. Hope he is sound and feels better. Will look forward to his next start. Hugs, JB
It could be a Paynter vs Gemologist in the PA Derby
That would be interesting
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
That would be a good Exacta Box. I hope Gemologist has recovered well. Really felt something was wrong the way he ran in the Haskell. Will be looking forward to seeing him and Paynter if they go in the PA Derby. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Did not hear Little Mike bled in the Million until I saw your post. I checked back to the Entries and he was given Lasix. (That is usually given to prevent bleeding). Wonder what happened. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Fantasy Cappers:
Great handicapping. Hugs, JB
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Here is what Mike Smith had to say about Lady of Shamrock from yesterdays ride:
(he rode her wide and from the back, just like he did with Zenyatta, keeping her
out of trouble)
“She’s one of those fillies with such a wicked turn of foot that you have to be careful,” Smith said. “If you niggle on her a little bit, she goes from last to first right now. You’ve got to trust her. Taking the overland was no problem. No problem at all with her.”
Read more on BloodHorse.com: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/72179/del-mar-oaks-lady-of-shamrock-mows-em-down#ixzz241KjQcqv
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Pacific classic; Cilean filly, Amnani, takes on the boys ; she has beat them in South America. GOD the girls are coming !!!!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
This week’s Saratoga Diary; a wonderful synopsis of Arlington Million day.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
Thanks for this link and all the interesting posts. Hugs, JB
Zo Impressive…….
Zo Impressive slated for surgery
Zo Impressive, the Alabama fourth-place finisher who suffered a condylar fracture to the cannon bone of her right foreleg, was scheduled to be vanned on Monday to Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, Ky., where she will have surgery by mid-week.
“Considering she’s got a condylar fracture, she’s getting around the stall quite well and is comfortable,” trainer Tom Albertrani said. “We’re very, very fortunate it didn’t spiral up the leg. Hopefully, it’ll be a nice clean operation. She might need a couple of screws.”
While the injury is one that will likely end Zo Impressive’s racing career, no final decision has been made, Albertrani said.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Thanks for this update on Zo Impressive. She was part of my capping Exacta. Was very concerned for her when I saw she was vanned off after the Alabama. Praying she does well in surgery and recovers. Hugs, JB
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Great update, Ann.
Steve Byk tweet
Albertrani Zo Impressive update:
Comfortable this a.m.
To Rood & Riddle in next 48 hrs. for displaced condylar surgery.
Likely to retire.
Ann, so same info just a couple hours later.
Glad all seems to be going well-so far.
Praying Miss Zo will be fine, real soon.
read this about Swaps, thought I would share, he was something else!
SWAPS>>>>In October, training for the Washington, D.C. International at Laurel Park, he fractured his leg in two places in his left rear cannon bone, then a week later banged his leg in his stall, breaking his cast, and extending the fractures into his pastern joint.[1] Sunny Jim Fitzsimmons, the trainer of Nashua, sent him a special sling from Belmont. He hung in it for weeks needing round the clock attention.[citation needed] In November 1956, he beat the odds and jogged away from his cast and sling.[1]
Terry Crow GP
Swaps was the first great horse that I ever saw up close as he was in a barn situated next to the trainer who had my mother’s horses. Glad I didn’t know then what I know now. Swaps was one of the most mismanaged horses ever. Rex Ellsworth, in my opinion, was one of the great villians in racing history.
As always, the groom was the REAL name behind this great.
Terry Crow GP
You are right. But even the groom could not undo some of the decisions made by Ellsworth, including running Swaps in the match race against Nashua when he had an injury.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Update on Jackson Bend. Love this horse and his trainer, Nick Zito. Very scary. Hugs, JB
So happy to hear Jackson Bend is on the mend! I will be at Saratoga for that race hopefully he will e there too!
Yea one of my favorite combo’s Pletcher and JV, still wish I had clicked the exacta bet! More money for our team!
I have meet both Todd and Johnny and they are both very nice and gracious, Bob Baffert is always a gentlemen and Calvin Borel is very humble and sweet, I am so looking forward to spending a couple of days up there, betting and riding!
Hope you get on the board next week! (fingers crossed!)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear GirlSaratoga:
Have a wonderful time at the Spa. Yes, I pray Jackson Bend will be up for it.
Wonderful that you have met so many big names in the Sport. Follow your hunches. You have good handicap instincts. Hugs, JB
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Have fun, GS.
Have fun GS!!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
So glad he is OK.
Love the fact that Nick Zito is going to take him on a “trail ride”. I would love to do that
and he is biting everyone a good sign.
GS and Sign. I read this am that JB was trying to take a bite out of Zito. Between that and calling for his food, he’s on the mend.
David Grening of DRF tweeted
Nick Zito said Jackson Bend walked the shed this morning.
Sore on left side, the side he fell on. Zito:
“He’s happy. He bit me yesterday.”
Yep, he is happy!
Judy, thought you’d like this tweet
Teresa Genaro@BklynBckstretch
Broodmare Hay Jude had quite eventful day yesterday.
A.M.: her Little Nick crashes into Jackson Bend.
P.M.: her Little Mike wins the Million
And, that is racing!
Keta. Great name for their momma.
i love it too
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Love the Tweet and Moms name (all my family calls me Jude). So glad Jackson Bend and Little Nick are OK and so happy for Little Mike. He ran a huge race. Hugs, JB
Winning at Woodbine like Zenyatta.
Forte dei Marmi with Alex Solis won at Woodbine today in a classic, exciting come from last run that looked for all of the world like our Zenyatta.
After the race, Alex said that he had talked to his good friend, Mike Smith, who was aboard FDM before at Plimico, about how to handle the horse. Good advice, Mike Smith.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Great update, Max.
Mike is sure the expert on riding closers. It is so amazing that she really never got stopped in any of her races. Even in the BCC 2010, I don’t think she had to check.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and Z Fans:
WOW, definitely shades of Zenyatta. Mikey must have given Alex the secret code. Hugs, JB
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Little Mike and Point of Entry may meet in the Joe Hirsh in Sept.
Would that not be fun!!!
Sign. If this happens, I will go with POE. Little Mike also outraced Vertiformer, another Dynaformer, in the Arlington. I have to be loyal to Big D. There is as well the connection to Z though Roberto.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
That will be a challenge for me, too.
Maybe an Exacta??? I was wondering if they would meet, very
different styles of racing so will be exciting.
Point of Entry such a very large guy and Little Mike, small but speedy.
I hear size does not mean much in racing ???
carol in utah
I really would not like them both in same race…..would not know who to cheer for…
Did cheer for Tiz Gianni and Mikey today…great race
He’s gotten so big!! Can’t wait to see him race someday!!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
It will be fun, hope he shows his MAMA proud.
Trainer Gus Headley suspended
Jay Privman of DRF tweeted Trainer Gus Headley suspended indefinitely. Did not meet with stewards to answer charges of disobedience to security officers
Bob Baffert not happy with sale of Richard’s Kid!!
Ray Paulick tweet:
Trainer Bob Baffert on sale of Richard’s Kid.
“It was handled very unprofessionally. But, it happens, so move on.”
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Read about this and surprized, too.
Maybe a little back stabbing to get a good horse???
Oh well, BB is right, just move on.
The horse has been sold 3 times, wonder what the issue is???
carol in utah
thought this a little strange too….in that ONeill is starting his suspension..you know ..the one that he got even though “he did nothing wrong”…and Richard’s Kid has a big race coming up during that time…so he will be running for the ass’t trainer…Mora…
along this same line….ONeill ran a lot of his trainees yesterday…..hmmmmm
just the timing of the whole thing is really off…
Terry Crow GP
The usual games are being played with Richard’s Kid as far as who is listed as trainer. O’Neill’s right hand man is running the stable and is designated as trainer but you can bet he isn’t doing anything without checking with O’Neill first. As far as Baffert is concerned, he is tasting the other end of the stick for a change. I like Bob, but he does have a short memlory. Does the name War Emblem mean anything?
Pati- So So
If what you say about the silver haired fox is true, then he probably doesn’t remember. :-P
Selective Memory.
carol in utah
carol in utah
Yesterday Kauai Katie stayed perfect …won her race …shes 2
Today Winding Way won her race and stayed perfect ….shes 3
understand that WW had bunch of trouble at start…and made up bigtime to win…
these two are full sisters …daughters of Malibu Moon and Shes so Pretty?
1…got to double check moms name
2…find replay of WW race as I missed it….fixed dinner for hubby…
My timing was off
carol in utah
Ok……mom is More Than Pretty…
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Thanks for the update,
really like KK.
The talking heads were mentioning two races ago they were concerned that the whip may have been used too much as she is 2 and might make her feel pressured and she might take a back slide. So glad she is still moving forward. A really nice talent.
carol in utah
WW’s recovery and win made whole bunch of folks sit up and take notice on TVG and DRF…..its only her 3rd race ever….first stakes i think….they are talking BC
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Will have to check out WW.
Pretty impressive 3rd race and a stakes win
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
WOW Carol,
You were right about WW.
Just watched the race, what a talent.
Hopefully she will make it to BC F and M Sprint
Great ride by RB. Very fast filly.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
Some very talented racers by Malibu Moon. These sisters appear to be two more. Their Dam, More Than Pretty was a stakes winner herself and has a record of 17 starts, 3 wins, 3 places and 2 shows; winnings of over $200,000.00. Hugs, JB
HeidiK (Vallejo, Ca) aka DinkyDiva
I’ve been wondering if anyone has heard anything about Cathy’s Crunches? My “other half” was in love with her and asked me today but, I can’t find anything new. I know, she was trained by Hollendorfer?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Heidi:
Here’s the chart on Cathy’s Crunches. She last raced on July 29th at Santa Rosa and she has had three (3) works in August at Golden Gate. Hugs, JB.