As you know, 12 Zenyatta was successfully weaned on August 14.
Three days before, he and mom, along with their paddock mates, moved to the barn and paddock where they had lived when he was a foal. The mares spent three nights there with their colts—familiar surroundings for all!
On the third morning, after breakfast, Charles calmly explained what was to happen while 12Z listened attentively. Zenyatta continued to eat. All understood and were completely relaxed. Then, Mom and the two other mares were led back to the barn and paddock they know as home.
Shortly thereafter, 12Z and pals were turned out and were soon grazing and playing together. Back in their paddock, Zenyatta and her friends were happily grazing as well.
Their human friends, the amazing Lane’s End staff, continue to monitor them, and all reports are good! Yay!
We’ll keep you informed and updated.
-Team Z

Marty R / Colorado
@GirlSaratoga– January 28th at Lane’s End, the Moss owned mare, Theodora, foaled a filly by TizNow. She is the only other mare owned by Mr. and Mrs. Moss that I am aware of being at LE. Of course, there could be others I don’t know about. As a side note, at some time, Theodora had been a work mate to Zenyatta.
MartyR. Thanks for this. Love that name, Theodora. Ann and Jerry Moss always have such great names for their horses.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Marty R,
Zenny had a lot of work mates. At one time Mr. Moss was getting a little upset about
this because she was “burning” out her work mates and costing him a lot of money because they would not run after being her workmate.
Well done Lanes End, and Charles you are God’s special guardian for Zenny and her Little Prince. They both look happy and content. Glad the Mosses could be there for support. I was vert excited to here that Union Rags is coming to Lanes End, he is the real deal.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
hig hooves to all :)
thx for the all is well update LE & the pics:) i knew queen Z & her little Prince would be just fine cuz you guys are pros at what you do :)
i’m glad ur willing to share w/ us
@patti – what a sad story bout lady hores. :( at least she’s at peace now.
i’ll cont to pray that u’ll get well soon. hugs
i left a post on pg 2 of ask the experts #7 & on pg 2 of born to greatness before i realized this one was out…..
god bless i’ll check back later, vamp
And Tasty is where in all of this? Has she not been able to join Zenyatta?
Doubtful that she would join Zenyatta.
Tasty, if she took to her first breeding would still be a month behind Zenyatta’s foaling date for 2013. Lane’s End will attempt to keep Zenyatta with mares who will hopefully foal around the same time as Zenyatta in 2013.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Zenny has new friends now. Horses move on and make new friend at new stages in their lives or their owner’s lives.
Carolyn Caswell-Brown
They both look very peaceful. Good to know they pay close attention to Charles & have trust in his advice. Remember when you couldn’t wait to get away from Mom?
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Lanes End staff spends lots of time talking human
And horse language to all their horses, whatever stage.
TOO CUTE, he listened intently!!!
Maryp (New York)
Thank you Team Z for keeping us up to date. You’re the best!
One expects nothing less than perfection from the Queen……and it looks as though she has lived up to expectations once again. What a fabulous mare, and what a well run farm. The prince looks none the less for wear.
Betsy Lubs
I’m SO happy that Zenyatta and the Prince took the weaning well, because so often it tends to be traumatic at first. Lands End has done a fine job taking care of the Queen and her Prince.
Oh I have been working way too hard. I missed this new update. I am so happy all is going well for our Z, baby Z, and pals.
TC and other fantasy racers what are you thinking?
I have crapped out so far with my picks. Can I get some help on this next race please?
The mile and a 1/4 is where I am stuck. Have any of these ladies gone this far yet?
I have to study some later.
Terry Crow GP
For me, this is the toughest race so far. You can almost put the names in a hat and draw one out. Some of these fillies have distance limitations.
carol in utah
I agree with GP…..they are all lovely ladies…guess I will try to beat the odds
HeidiK (Vallejo, Ca) aka DinkyDiva
I’m at a loss for this race as well. I really like Questing and VV and Grace Hall for this race as well as In Lingerie. I guess it’s time to blindly pick a number! LOL
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Some talk about Questing, too.
More about IL and VV.
Good exacta?? Grace Hall and VV or IL????
Neophyte handicapper, what do you think Judy B.
Would rather be riding !!!! HUM !!!! Maybe I could ride Grace Hall ????
Bet she would buck me off in a flash !!!!
Pati- So So
I went with GH an Questing exacta box. Questing is on a roll and GH has class oozing from her ears.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
That is a good exacta, too.
Not sure why not much talk about Questing.
Chose IL because of JV. There are also all good riders
In this race.
thanks all I just got home from a preseason game I still have to select I think I will go with color ;)
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
The talking heads are saying:
Grace Hall has gone 1 1/4 and is the all time talented favorite.
Lots of talk about In Lingerie and Via Villago as longer shots for a “good price”
for what ever that means, I like to ride them. Hope the handicapping will
be less stressful as the weather is better than last week.
Too many years working in the ER, those last minute crashes (changes/scratches) are very stressful.
Pati- So So
Good price is in the eye of the beholder.
Say 1/3 on Zenyatta when she raced was an AMAZING price considering she would go off at 1/9 at times.
So when Blame beat Z, he went off for the upset at a good price. I think between 6 and 10-1, since everyone betting on Z overinflated the price of everyone else.
That’s my take on it. Maybe everyone else views it differently.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Sorry, don’t think Grace Hall has gone 1 1/4 but
TH don’t think it will be a problem for her.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Very true Pati.
I actually went with Jon White recc In Lingerie,
He has been picking good these last few weeks.
Terry Crow GP
Pati-The action on Zenyatta in that race was so heavy on the win end she ended up paying more to place that she would have to win.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Definately agree, TC GP
At least no weather issues, hopefully.
Sandy in Colorado
They just posted a video of Z12’s first bath!! TOO CUTE!
carol in utah
TOO CUTE…esp with Z poking her head in to supervise the whole procedure….I think …BBZ had watched this happening to mom so he figured he’d give it a try…one more lesson learned
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
Thank you so much for posting the video of The Prince’s first bath. He is really tall and for the first time, his coat color reminded me so much of my handsome Bernie. Love how calm and relaxed he is. Think he has a wonderful temperament just like Z and B. Love him. Hugs, JB
JudyB. 12Z has a very mature attitude for one so young. I like it that Z is there, making comments and snacking. She is special. Super mare, super mother.
Rosemary McCauley - Pres/AZ/New Mexico RNC
Sandy- Thank you. They got it right when they said what a little pro he is. Bath? No problem. What else do you want to do?
HeidiK (Vallejo, Ca) aka DinkyDiva
Well, isn’t he the pro?!! Standing there with his leg rested. No prob… Are clippers next?
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Too young for clippers, which are only used in
Hot weather when horses are “working”. 12 Z
Is still leading the life of leisure.
If Zenny gives her professional attitude to all her
Goals they are all going to have her amazing temperment.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
TOO CUTE, Zenny is looking on and saying ” 12 Z this is one thing they will be doing
to you a lot, so get used to it and relax. I always enjoyed those baths soooo much and they loved to take pictures of me when I was getting them. It is also a good time
to pose, but soap in the eyes is a “pain”.
We did not see him get his face washed. He was soooo cute standing their wondering
what was going on. Little man, who is quite large, gets his first bath !!!
Thank God
I am so Happy
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Happy belated August 14th birthday wishes to Mario Espinoza, who as Karen Gogue said was the first prince in the Queen’s own Camelot at Barn 55:
“Ask every person if they’ve heard the story,
And tell them, loud and clear, if they have not:
That once there was a fleeting wisp of glory
Called Camelot.
Don’t let it be forgot
That once there was a spot
For one brief shining moment
That was known as Camelot.”
Happy belated birthday, Mario, and many, many more.
Here is a repost of my poem from a year ago.
To Mario
(August 14, 2011)
No one was closer to the Queen
Than Mario Espinoza.
A special man, a special mare—
They made a magical pair.
Zenyatta blossomed under Mario’s care
To become the fairest of the fair
With dapples agleam,
Glowing from within, it would seem,
And a contentment in her eye
That all could spy.
We can never thank Mario enough
For polishing this diamond-in-the-rough
In every way
Till her brilliance outshone
The sun and the stars every day
And throughout the world
Her beauty—both inner and outer–was known.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
How fitting those lines from Camelot are. Great poem for Mario too. Hugs, JB
Happy Birthday Mario. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
How to Handle a Woman is also from Camelot and is especially apropos in the case of Zenyatta’s handlers.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Birthday Mario!! One need only look at the pictures and videos to know how much you loved Zenyatta (and she loved YOU!!). Hope you’ve recovered from your surgery, and all is well in your world. Have a great year!
Terry Crow GP
Sandy-I left an answer about track bias on the page where the question was asked.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks Terry – they may load faster, but these “pages” are making me crazy. I understand the term now, but how someone at my level would ever hope to evaluate the track is another thing :-(
Terry Crow GP
Just watch the races and evaluate the types that are winning. You will get the hang of it in no time.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
brilliant trina <3
Rosemary McCauley - Pres/AZ/New Mexico RNC
Happy Birthday Mario! I was so excited when I met Mario, and he graciously signed my program that day.
Lucky you., Rosemary.
Happy belated Birthday, Super Mario!
sharon in seattle
thanks, Trina, for re-posting Mario’s poem. I have framed and hung on my Z wall at home the picture of Mario and Carmen visiting Z in the winter cold. Z is up close to them with the MOST tender look in her eyes. She and Mario certainly shared an incredible bond. Lucky the equine who is in Mario’s care.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Lovely poem Trina !!!!
Terry Crow GP
Here are today’s redneck jokes. @Brenda S, president odf Canadian chapter and Abigail in Montreal, charter member, You might be a Canadian redneck if your kitchen doubles as a meat processing plant at least twice a year. You might be a Canadian redneck if you have a dog sled team instead of a car, Fot the rest of the rednecks–You might be a redneck if your satellite dish is worth mlore than your house. You might be a redneck if your smartest friend has an eighth grade education. You might be a redneck if you speak English as a second language to redneck. You might be a redneck if bigfoot uses your home for a forwarding address. You might be a redneck if, with just one sniff of some cow manure, you can identify thre breed of cattle it came from.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Great jokes, and love the Canadian ones, especially the dog sled.
And of course BIG FOOT !!!
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Happy birthday wishes going out now to our own dear Eveline. Here is a repost of my birthday poem for Eveline from a year ago.
A reader’s guide: “Eveline” is a Dutch name pronounced in four syllables: the first part sounds like “Ava,” and the second part rhymes with “arena” or “Catalina.”
To Eveline
August 17, 2011
Our dearest Eveline
Has exceled in many an arena.
A woman who loves to ride,
And a trainer to her core,
Because of her talents, she’s now able
To work in a stable
Of forty horses or more
In Maryland’s green countryside.
In her loving husband Ivin
She found her life’s sweetest syrup—
Both he and she had come from Europe,
He hailed from Norway, and she was Dutch.
’Twas a most benevolent Fate,
They’d confess,
That led them each
To find their soul mate
In the distant reaches
Of the U.S.
Heaven knows
When one to the other first came near,
You could almost hear
How their two hearts did thump!
’Twas their mutual work in the world of the horse
That brought them together, of course.
Both first rode horses that loved to jump:
Eveline soared high in the shows,
Ivin was a steeplechase jockey.
One day,
She heard him say,
“My dear Eveline,
Will you marry me?
I love you so much,
If you’ll be my wife,
I’ll love you for all my life.”
Eveline quickly agreed
Him to wed,
And united in bliss they their lives led.
Eventually as onward time sped,
They switched from their jumping steeds
To horses that raced on the flat
’Round a track.
And quite aside from all that,
Eveline applied her skills with her cat,
So soon Tiger
Was a certified therapy pet
From whom hospice seniors much comfort could get.
And Sparky, her rescue dog,
Certified therapist too,
Visited hospitalized children
So they wouldn’t feel blue.
To Eveline,
I reckon,
Competition in the dog world arena
Also did beckon,
For Sparky and she
Did enter the ring
To compete in obedience
And in exuberant freestyle
To boot.
And watching all the while
From the stands,
There would be
Ivin, who on her would smile
And for her would root,
For she made his heart sing
And life in her presence
Felt ever so grand.
They did everything
Linked with bonds of love
That nothing could sever.
But that which heaven above
Does give, it sadly can take.
Eveline has lost Ivin, her forever soul mate.
Thus this birthday is muted with sorrows–
It’s the first since Ivin’s passing.
But Eveline knows love is everlasting,
And we pray
This thought with her will stay
And give her inner strength
For life’s tomorrows.
In celebration of you and your love,
Dear Eveline, we say,
“May you have a blessed birthday!”
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Happy birthday, Eveline, and many, many more!
Eveline / Maryland.
Trina, thank you so much. Your poem means as much to me today as it did a year ago.
Diana Stuart - Birthday Wishes
Evelina, Very happy birthday wishes to you. May your year be full of wonderful horses blooming under your care, and success at the track for you and Mr. J. Hope to see you in person one of these days!
Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met uw verjaardag
I sure hope I got that right and didn’t just cuss you out!
diastu in tempe
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Birthday Eveline!! Trina has painted another amazing picture, and those of us who didn’t see it the first time are pleased to learn about your very interesting life!
sharon in seattle
happy birthday, Eveline!!!
Happy Belated Birthday Eveline.
Do you remember the Atchison family of Steeplechasing?
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
beautiful poem as always trina :)
eveline ,may god bless you & have a happy happy bday.
hugs/praers, vamp
Rosemary McCauley - Pres/AZ/New Mexico RNC
Great poem as usual, Trina.
Happy birthday Eveline!!
Terry Crow GP
Eveline-Happy Birthday.
Trina. Very fine poems as always.
Mario and Eveline. Happy Birthday.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Happy Birthday Eveline and Mario! Beautiful poems, Trina, as always. :-)
Marshall (NC broad)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Eveline! Hope you have many, many more!
All the Best!
Thanks again for the wonderful poetry! You’re the best!
Take care and hugs!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Lovely Trina !!!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Happy B-day Eveline, have a wondeful day.
Pattie in South Carolina
I’ve been thinking about Zenny & Baby BZ. I knew the time was getting close for weaning. I’m glad everything went well.
Lane’s End is the BEST Thoroughbred Farm :) The farm employees arranged for me to meet my ALL TIME FAVORITE, The Mighty Curlin in 2009. That is a thrill I will never forget !!
Pattie in South Carolina
Happy Belated Birthday, Mario :) Hope you had a Great Day!!
Sue Fredrick Co-P WI Chapt.
Trinia, as usual the poems are just wonderful.
Happy Birthday to Eveline (beautiful name) and our dear Mario, hope you have a lovely day and year.
How great that UR is coming to LE for his stud duty. Next time I go to visit I’ll get to see him too, yippee, he’s my favorite color.
Love the bath video, what a good boy he is, no kicking or rearing up, he just stands and hunches up a little. He’s going to be a good horse like Zen and Bernie! Hugs
HeidiK (Vallejo, Ca) aka DinkyDiva
Happy Belated B-Day to Mario and to Eveline. Have a marvelous day!
sue and tony
Yes, birthday wishes from us, too.
Leslie R.
I’m so happy the weaning went well for 12Z and Zenny. Thanks to LE and Team Z for keeping us updated!! You are the best!
I hope everyone has a nice weekend!
Hugs to all,
sue and tony
The new video of 12Z getting his first bath is “too Cute”. He’s handling it like a pro and Mom is overseeing the process.
12Z getting his first bath.
The Zenyatta nicker at the end was reminding the team to get behind the ears.
That’s a Mom thing
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Cute comment Keta.
I left a narrative above of what Zenny might be telling him.
Rags to Riches
Here a couple of interesting links–both are old
This one has photos of Rags & foal
She has had 2–a filly & a colt
A story about her unnamed filly who was training in Ocala
So, there is not a whole lot of press in USA about them
carol in utah
i think she has had 4 babies////
un-named filly by giants causeway….once thought to be named Riches Causeway
remained in USA when RtoR sent to Ireland…2009
2010..colt by Henrythenavigator
2011….colt by Galelio
2012…?not sure about this yr…but supposed to be another Galelio
anyone have any updates?
Carol in Utah:
The 2 articles that Keta linked us to say she has 2 colt’s and a filly! She had babies in 2009, 2010, and 2011, but like you said no mention of 2012? Only the filly is here in the U.S. the other 2 are in Ireland. And as of June 2011 she didn’t have a name? I guess she is a lot like her momma! (from what the article said)
GirlSaratoga & Carol,
This is like putting a puzzle together.
We have pieces-but may not have the full picture.
Interesting stuff though.
I did an equibase search of year & dam but came up empty.
That was just a wild guess since all were born in Ireland they would not be registered here.
Share if you find more.
Thanks for the links, very interesting! One of these articles says she has a filly here in the U.S. at Jake Pletcher’s barn and 2 cold in Ireland! Nothing about any babies for 2012?
Thank you so much for both articles, I enjoyed reading about how her filly has picked up her “bad habits”!
oops that should says colt’s not cold!
Debbie G/Kentucky
@Terry Crow – I saw a story on the news the other day that made me think of you. A redneck was arrested in Fulton County, Kentucky for drunk driving on his tractor! He apparently was driving his tractor down the road and he kept swerving into oncoming traffic. They showed his mug shot and believe me, he fit the stereotype of a drunken redneck! Is the Golden Outhouse Award still ongoing? We need more entries!
Terry Crow GP
Watch for those John Deere vehicles. We do need more entries. That reminds me, I forgot the post the total for the last entry. No one has submitted more than one so no award has yet been earned.
Terry Crow GP
We do need more entries.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Love it Debbie G, you and your team are our KY expert RN.
Being from Ohio, KY and WV are right up their in Redneck country.
Janie (in L.A.)
Just saw this article about a Southern California horse rescue outfit that’s in financial trouble. I don’t know anything about them, but the article made me sad.
Terry Crow GP
This is a sad story. THis person has apparently devoted a lot of time and money to the care of her horses and this is what she gets. I am getting angry about all of the injustice.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
It is such a very sad story.
Humans do not seem to ever realize the cost of horses to train, feed and keep !!!
The horses are the innocent.
HeidiK (Vallejo, Ca) aka DinkyDiva
Ok, this has nothing to do with horses or Zenny but, I found this article very very disturbing and thought, of all the animal lovers on here. Especially, those in Colorado.
This Man or lack there of, took his german shephard on a Rock climb in Colorado and the dog was injured and unable to make it down the mountain on her own power. What did he do? Left her there! Sooo sad and maddening! Here’s the link.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
I’m glad there were good people who came to Missy’s rescue. I hope she gets a NEW owner.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Agree with Trina.
Soo sad, the animal gave her life to him and he left it on the mountain.
HeidiK (Vallejo, Ca) aka DinkyDiva
Here’s the latest article on that situation….
I hope he gets the MAX!!!! I just can’t wrap my head around this type of behavior. It makes me sick and angry that anyone could hurt an animal or leave it for dead!!!
Missy belongs with the hikers that rescued her!
carol in utah
Would like to drop Missy’s owner on mountain top with cut feet and no water or food…
She should be with those who cared enough to “move mountains” to rescue her….
But that’s just one opinion
Terry Crow GP
More injustice. THis puke is just the last straw.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter RNC
Too bad he does not live in NY, they have jail time for this type of animal cruelty.
carol in utah
Looked up Rags to Riches pedigree….then checked drop down box for progeny …
all that is listed is her 2009 filly by Giants Causeway …named Opulance…9th horse listed with that name….
Interesting–on a blog someone said the filly’s name was Riches Causeway.
Not sure of this as a reliable source so did not share.
Opulance, I like,
Happy 6th Birthday, Black Caviar!
There were lots of Aussie tweets. Here is one.891Weekends tweet
Happy 6th Birthday to @blackcaviar2006 who was foaled on this day in 2006 #adelaide #891
Keta. Her birthday is August 18. It is already August 18 in Australia. I am attending a birthday party tomorrow for Nelly. They are serving champagne and carrot cake. Sunday they start planning for 12Z’s birthday.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Happy birthday tomorrow, Black Caviar, and many happy returns!
Happy Birthday Nelly.
Thanks for the terrific ride.
Max,sounds like a wonderful party, my favorites w/ the carrot cake and bubbly…ENJOY!