I remember the heavy snows from years ago. We were free-range kids back then and walked allover the neighborhood without a care. One winter it was cold enough to skate on the lake near my house. That was really rare. The snow crusted on top and the kids could slide over the furrows in the garden without breaking through.
This snow today shouldn’t amount to much but the bread and milk is disappearing from the shelves. People must be making milk sandwiches and watching the weather “porn” report on TV.
Judy: Lola Mae is absolutely adorable. She looks ready to give lots of kisses.
Too funny! Yes those were the days, my friend (that would make a good song! LOL)
I am glad that someone else remembers winter in North Carolina and Southside Virginia.
It was indeed a free-range, happy time to be a youngster!
Love that song! Oldie but goodie. And so true. Another walk down memory lane.
The sun on the snow is so beautiful this morning. Thankful for beauty of nature.
Smiles to all.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Carolina,
Yes the sun on the snow was lovely this morning, and I enjoyed watching the flakes falling yesterday afternoon/evening, too. There is something very calming (for me) about snow. Today is a bright sunny, cold day, but the 1″-2″ snow is disappearing quickly. We will have upper 60’s and rain Monday and Tuesday according to the weather folks. Ick!
Oh well, it was a nice surprise, kind of a belated birthday present. A “mini-marshmallow world” is better than NO marshmallow world! Right, Dean?
Thank you for your sweet words about my Lola. She really is as sweet as she looks, but she can be a formidable guard dog too. Just a ferocious bark for a munchkin! Love and Hugs, JB
Wow, this is huge. Every bit that’s raised to help our beloved TBs is a step forward. Kudos to T-F Sales administrators and Keeneland. Love and Hugs, JB
Wish it were more. But can be quite a bit of money on the ones that go for the huge prices. Glad it has come about and is a step in the right direction.
Maxi’s arrived in Saudi Arabia for the Feb. 29th Saudi Cup. Hope he and all the other horses traveled well. Godspeed all; safe and sound. Go Maxi. Love and Hugs, JB
The dozen changes every week. There are so many races for the Derby points and it seems as if a different horse wins each one. I love Mr. Monomoy since I am a sucker for the Curlins and love his sire, Palace Malice, too.
Our Zellda worked yesterday. 4F in 50:00.
So good to see all of our horses arriving safely in Saudi Arabia. Mucho Gusto is my fav. but if he can’t do it-Go Max! Just hope a safe trip for all of them. Will be glad when they land back home.
Hope everyone in the south is recovering from the storm OK. We have three dry days ahead here before it starts all over again next week. This “rain changing to a mix changing to snow” stuff is for the birds!!!
Poor Hovey is plagued by bad weather and . . . ummm . . . errrr . . . . discrimination!!
Thanks again for our weekly Hovis diary — it is so good to laugh! Poor guy has problems enough pleasing Mum, but now has to endure all that Mother Nature throws at him, too. Then to add insult to injury, he is excluded from Pony Club! Oy, what a world!!
I love Zenyatta’s sweet kisses for her fans. I can just feel her warm horsey breath.
I’m anxiously awaiting her next foal. Praying for her and baby all the time.
Hope we get more of Zellda’s works and info. It would have been so funny if she would have been a big girl like her mom. It was so funny when announcers would talk of Zenyatta’s huge size.
thank you for the photos of Zenyatta. never get enough of her.
hugs and prayers
Definitely going to make use of the other video. Hope you’re doing better. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
judy berube
PS: Thanks Hernan
Dear Ingrid and Hernan:
Loved both videos. Need the exercise video so I can look like the beautiful young lady on the horse. LOL!!!!! Back in the day, I was way closer than I am now, but still very far away. Now it is only dreams in my head.
Country House has been retired due to laminitis. He’s been on stall rest since the Derby and unable to race. Sending healing prayers for complete recovery. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for this heads-up on Country House. I am so sorry to learn that he has had such a struggle to be sound again. Kudos to his connections for going the distance with him to recover his health and strength. He is such a handsome chestnut boy.
I join you in wishing him good health — positive thoughts and prayers for continued recovery and a happy retirement with lots of love.
Sharing your sadness at the loss of A P Indy. What a champion he was. His life was exactly how our beautiful TB’s should live. Wikipedia has a long article on him.
RIP dear A.P. Indy. You will be missed and remembered forever.
Thanks for the great slideshow tribute to AP Indy! Gosh, he was a handsome boy. I liked the photo of his dam, Weekend Surprise, too — she sure had beautiful dapples.
Hail, to the legend that was/is AP Indy! RIP
Thanks, JB.
Oh my gosh, Marshall, was thinking the same about those dapples. So pretty.
Beautiful photos. My boy Malibu Moon…..so handsome and love those Moon babies.
Watched his BC race and wow, what a champ.
Love to all.
Just a heads-up that Preach (Mr. Prospector x Narrate, Honest Pleasure) died age 31 at Claiborne Farms. She was retired from racing in 1993 and was in the first book of AP Indy. The colt from this breeding was Pulpit so her name occurs in lots of pedigrees, too. Walker Hancock announced that Preach died from the infirmities of old age and that she would be missed very much since she was a favorite at Claiborne.
RIP beautiful Preach. We horse lovers thank you for Pulpit and other notable offspring, and you were second dam to many outstanding TBs, also. If not for you, we wouldn’t have the likes of California Chrome or Tapit, to name a couple. We are grateful for your legacy.
Thank you for letting us know, Marshall. RIP, Preach. You live on in your offspring and we will be forever grateful. Condolences to everyone at Claiborne.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Anita Branch
So good to see you, Zenyatta! Hope you and your baby are both doing well ?
OMG, I love these! Great pix!
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Stay comfy and cozy. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Marshall:
I remember the heavy snows from years ago. We were free-range kids back then and walked allover the neighborhood without a care. One winter it was cold enough to skate on the lake near my house. That was really rare. The snow crusted on top and the kids could slide over the furrows in the garden without breaking through.
This snow today shouldn’t amount to much but the bread and milk is disappearing from the shelves. People must be making milk sandwiches and watching the weather “porn” report on TV.
Judy: Lola Mae is absolutely adorable. She looks ready to give lots of kisses.
In any event, stay safe all.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Carolina,
Too funny! Yes those were the days, my friend (that would make a good song! LOL)
I am glad that someone else remembers winter in North Carolina and Southside Virginia.
It was indeed a free-range, happy time to be a youngster!
Hugs and Love
Dear Marshall:
Love that song! Oldie but goodie. And so true. Another walk down memory lane.
The sun on the snow is so beautiful this morning. Thankful for beauty of nature.
Smiles to all.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Carolina,
Yes the sun on the snow was lovely this morning, and I enjoyed watching the flakes falling yesterday afternoon/evening, too. There is something very calming (for me) about snow. Today is a bright sunny, cold day, but the 1″-2″ snow is disappearing quickly. We will have upper 60’s and rain Monday and Tuesday according to the weather folks. Ick!
Oh well, it was a nice surprise, kind of a belated birthday present. A “mini-marshmallow world” is better than NO marshmallow world! Right, Dean?

Hugs and Love ?
judy berube
Dear Carolina:
You’re cracking me up?.
Thank you for your sweet words about my Lola. She really is as sweet as she looks, but she can be a formidable guard dog too. Just a ferocious bark for a munchkin! Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a restful evening and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Wow, this is huge. Every bit that’s raised to help our beloved TBs is a step forward. Kudos to T-F Sales administrators and Keeneland. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Wish the percentage amount was more. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Me, too. But at least it is something that’s long overdue, and as Shirlee noted, it is a more substantial yield on the really high sales prices.
Thank goodness someone is doing something positive.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Yes, it’s a start. Love and Hugs, JB
Wish it were more. But can be quite a bit of money on the ones that go for the huge prices. Glad it has come about and is a step in the right direction.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Agree, and as Carolina said, it’s now mandatory. Something we have been espousing for a long, long time. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Maxi’s arrived in Saudi Arabia for the Feb. 29th Saudi Cup. Hope he and all the other horses traveled well. Godspeed all; safe and sound. Go Maxi. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
Steve Haskin’s Derby Dozen as of this date.
Shirlee, your Mr. Monomoy is No. 11. Love and Hugs, JB
The dozen changes every week. There are so many races for the Derby points and it seems as if a different horse wins each one. I love Mr. Monomoy since I am a sucker for the Curlins and love his sire, Palace Malice, too.
Our Zellda worked yesterday. 4F in 50:00.
So good to see all of our horses arriving safely in Saudi Arabia. Mucho Gusto is my fav. but if he can’t do it-Go Max! Just hope a safe trip for all of them. Will be glad when they land back home.
Dear Judy B:
Totally agree with the fee for aftercare. Maybe they will raise it at a later date. Glad it is mandatory, maybe it should be retroactive!
So glad the 12 American horses arrived safely in Saudi. Sending good wishes for safe training and racing.
Snowman hugs to all.
judy berube
Dear Carolina:
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
I know; wide open Derby.
Maxi’s won my heart, but I love MG too. Like you, wishing all the horses safe and sound. Looking forward to their return home too.
Good girl ZEL. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy, Shirlee and Carolina,
Ditto what you all posted. Hope all our horses and all competitors race safely and soundly in Saudi Arabia. Godspeed and all the best!
Good Luck to Max, MG and Tacitus to name a few!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Hope everyone in the south is recovering from the storm OK. We have three dry days ahead here before it starts all over again next week. This “rain changing to a mix changing to snow” stuff is for the birds!!!
Poor Hovey is plagued by bad weather and . . . ummm . . . errrr . . . . discrimination!!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Thanks again for our weekly Hovis diary — it is so good to laugh! Poor guy has problems enough pleasing Mum, but now has to endure all that Mother Nature throws at him, too. Then to add insult to injury, he is excluded from Pony Club! Oy, what a world!!
Hope the Ohio weather improves for you, Sandy. ?
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Thank you for this week’s Hovis update. As funny as ever.
Love the photo of him in his blanket. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
PS: We’ve had no snow, but temps in the teens. Tomorrow’s forecast for 50 degrees.
Hope your weather improves.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a lovely day and a restful night. Love You. Hugs, JB
Marilyn Braudrick
Judy, who is DC. I guess I should know but i don’t. Thanks!!
I love Zenyatta’s sweet kisses for her fans. I can just feel her warm horsey breath.
I’m anxiously awaiting her next foal. Praying for her and baby all the time.
Hope we get more of Zellda’s works and info. It would have been so funny if she would have been a big girl like her mom. It was so funny when announcers would talk of Zenyatta’s huge size.
thank you for the photos of Zenyatta. never get enough of her.
hugs and prayers
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Z fans:
I want to share this video with all of you!
judy berube
Dear Ingrid:
Thanks for this. Perfect way to exercise my soon to be 77 year old bones. ?
Love and Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy:
It was supposed to be for my tired old bones and I mix the videos.
Ingrid wanted you to see this beautiful one and I made the booboo!
Hugs Hernan.
judy berube
Dear Ingrid:
Oh, that is just beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Definitely going to make use of the other video. Hope you’re doing better. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
judy berube
PS: Thanks Hernan
Dear Ingrid and Hernan:
Loved both videos. Need the exercise video so I can look like the beautiful young lady on the horse. LOL!!!!! Back in the day, I was way closer than I am now, but still very far away. Now it is only dreams in my head.
Good day to all with lots of laughter.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
One of our most loved TBs has passed away at Lane’s End. Run free in God’s Heaven beautiful Indy. You leave a lasting legacy. RIP. Love you. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Oh no, how sad — a world without AP Indy. I know 31 years is a good long life, but it was always reassuring to know that he was there, happy at LE.
Thank you, AP Indy, for blessing our world with your beautiful presence and for your legacy. RIP Champ, run free amongst the angels.
Heartfelt condolences to Asa, the Farishes and all the staff at Lane’s End. We love you, and we grieve with you.
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
RIP Champ.
Sending love to Lane’s End, the Farishes and Asa.
What a horse!
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Country House has been retired due to laminitis. He’s been on stall rest since the Derby and unable to race. Sending healing prayers for complete recovery. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for this heads-up on Country House. I am so sorry to learn that he has had such a struggle to be sound again. Kudos to his connections for going the distance with him to recover his health and strength. He is such a handsome chestnut boy.
I join you in wishing him good health — positive thoughts and prayers for continued recovery and a happy retirement with lots of love.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
It’s true, Indy had a long, happy life at Lane’s End and was well loved. Special bond between him and his groom Asa.
He was (my favorite) Bernie’s Dad and Cozie’s Grand Dad. Special boy.
Healing prayers for beautiful Country House.
Love and Hugs, JB
Rosemary McCauley
Happy Valentine’s Day to the Queen of Hearts!!
Farewell to AP Indy and Preach. Two who lived long happy lives at Lanes End and Claiborne. They left quite a legacy.
Safe trip to all the horses. Special good wishes to Lady Prancealot. Love her and her name.
Sunny and warmer in Indy. Having a heat wave this afternoon with a high of 45!
Dear Z Fans:
Sharing your sadness at the loss of A P Indy. What a champion he was. His life was exactly how our beautiful TB’s should live. Wikipedia has a long article on him.
RIP dear A.P. Indy. You will be missed and remembered forever.
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Sending big Hugs and Kisses to all of you. Love, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
A really beautiful slideshow tribute to AP Indy from BloodHorse. He was absolutely gorgeous. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
PS: Wonderful photos of some of his outstanding progeny too; stunning one of Bernie. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for the great slideshow tribute to AP Indy! Gosh, he was a handsome boy. I liked the photo of his dam, Weekend Surprise, too — she sure had beautiful dapples.
Hail, to the legend that was/is AP Indy! RIP
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Thanks, JB.
Oh my gosh, Marshall, was thinking the same about those dapples. So pretty.
Beautiful photos. My boy Malibu Moon…..so handsome and love those Moon babies.
Watched his BC race and wow, what a champ.
Love to all.
judy berube
Dear Ann:
MB is one of my favs too. Love and Hugs, JB
Marilyn Braudrick
Thank you Judy!!! I really appreciate all that you do for us. How is Sheena. Is she OK. I miss her!!
judy berube
Dear Marilyn:
I left you a post on Z’s new Blog Page featuring Ziconic. Sad news about Sheena. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
STUNNING! Such a treat! Thank you for posting.
Hugs, Kathy
Dear Judy B:
Thanks so much for posting the A P Indy sideshow. Great pictures of Seattle Slew and Weekend Surprise. Loved them all.
A truly great horse.
judy berube
Dear Marshall, Kathy and Carolina:
Love and Hugs, JB
Leigh horne
Here is a suggestion for zenyatta’s 2020 foal name…zaretta.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Z Fans,
Just a heads-up that Preach (Mr. Prospector x Narrate, Honest Pleasure) died age 31 at Claiborne Farms. She was retired from racing in 1993 and was in the first book of AP Indy. The colt from this breeding was Pulpit so her name occurs in lots of pedigrees, too. Walker Hancock announced that Preach died from the infirmities of old age and that she would be missed very much since she was a favorite at Claiborne.
RIP beautiful Preach. We horse lovers thank you for Pulpit and other notable offspring, and you were second dam to many outstanding TBs, also. If not for you, we wouldn’t have the likes of California Chrome or Tapit, to name a couple. We are grateful for your legacy.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
RIP beautiful Preach. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Marshall,
Thank you for letting us know, Marshall. RIP, Preach. You live on in your offspring and we will be forever grateful. Condolences to everyone at Claiborne.
Hugs, Kathy
M M Thompson
RIP A.P. Indy and Preach.