Dear fans,
We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Zenyatta’s filly, affectionately nicknamed Z Princess. She was a member of our family and had just begun to make her mark on the world. This is a heartbreaking loss for those who knew and loved her.
The following is a statement from Lane’s End Farm:
It is with a heavy heart that I must report the death of the 2014 War Front / Zenyatta weanling filly. She was humanely euthanized last night at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital after a paddock accident on the farm.
As caretakers of these Thoroughbreds, we collectively mourn the loss of this beautiful filly.
On behalf of the Farish family and the entire staff at Lane’s End Farm, our condolences go out to Jerry and Ann, Team Zenyatta and all the great fans who support Zenyatta.
Mike Cline
General Manager of Lane’s End Farm
At this time, we ask that all messages of love and condolence be sent to the Zenyatta office. Team Z would like to lessen the load on Lane’s End Farm and their dedicated staff.
300 E. 54th St. #27A
New York, NY 10022
Our planned 2014 Zenyatta.com Celebration will continue as scheduled this weekend. This event is about celebrating the love that we share for Zenyatta, the strength of this community, and working together to improve our sport. We invite you to join us in raising money for Thoroughbred Rehab Center, Inc. Details will follow.
Thank you for all of your love and support during this difficult time,
-Team Z
Sarah T.
My deepest condolences; she was a filly who looked so special from the time she was born on Easter, and I loved the falcon blaze on her. It seemed Falcon would have been a great name for her – indicating she was bold and fast, and she had so much of Zenyatta’s class too. I am truly sorry for your loss.
I’ll lend you for a little while
My grandest foal, he said
For you to love while she’s alive
And morn for when she’s dead.
It may be one or twenty years,
Or days or months, you see
But, will you, til I take her back,
Take care of her for me?…….
Much sooner than you’d planned
You’ll brave the bitter grief that comes
And someday you’ll understand.
For though I’ll call her home to Me- This promise to you I do make,
For all the love and care you gave
She’ll wait for you – inside Heavens Gate.
Beverly Bonneau
Rhonda, that poem is perfect for Zenny’s little Z Princess. I sat here wondering WHAT could I possibly write. My heart breaks for the whole family there at the farm. There just isn’t any words that would comfort them. All of us that own horses understand completely it wasn’t anybody’s fault. Anything can happen in a split second. My heat aches for them all being so attached, I know their hearts are broken. Thank you for that poem for them Rhonda.
maureen ph[llips
Dear Rhonda, what a beautiful poem, it couldn’t have been more perfect, Thank you. Still can’t stop crying, but careful not to ask why. It is well.
Paula Higgins
Stunned to hear this news and heartbroken. To Jerry and Ann Moss and everyone at Lane’s End: I am so sorry for the loss of Z Princess. I know how much you all loved Zenyatta’s little girl. She was such a beautiful filly and loaded with personality. We will not forget her.
Kathy B.
I am just so sad. So very sad. Condolences to all.
Cheryl Hurley
I am so completely heart broken! Such a beautiful filly why couldnt they have watched her more closely????
Ingrid Arnone
Yes, I agree with you, WHY?
In a case like this, it is natural for human beings to look for someone or something to blame. However, this was an accident. There’s nothing that could have been done to prevent something like this from happening, assuming no gross negligence on the part of Lane’s End. LE is a top notch operation and I have no doubt that Z Princess’s paddock was, and is, as safe as anyone could make it.
Z Princess was living a normal, happy life running around with her herd. You can’t watch a horse 24/7/365, unless you want to stick her in a stall and put a camera on her. For a frisky youngster, that would be a miserable existence with its own set of problems.
Even if someone were there to witness, what could they have done? Paddock accidents happen in the blink of an eye–the horse takes a bad step and breaks a leg, startles at a bird and flips, forgets the fence is there and runs into it–and the damage is done.
No one is at fault here. Bad stuff happens sometimes. It happens to people, animals, and things we love. It happens to the good as well as the bad. It’s the way the universe works.
My sincerest condolences and prayers for Princess Z and all her connections.
Godspeed little Princess.
I know this news must have been so hard to share with all of us that love and adore the Z family but thank you to the whole Team Z for allowing the world to share in not only Zenyatta’s triumphs, but griefs as well. As Zenyatta’s fans we are fans of Cozmic One, Ziconic, and Princess Z. Having not ever met Zenyatta, any of her beautiful offspring, or any of Team Z, I have found myself deeply connected to what happened to Princess Z. My deepest condolences to Team Z and to her fans and followers as we are all effected so greatly.
And a thank you to Lane’s End. I cannot imagine what they are going through with this. But thank you to Lane’s End for allowing the horses to just be that; horses. We know that what happened to Princess Z was because she was in the paddock… playing, frolicking with the other filly’s, and living her days as an extremely loved horse.
Team Z – You have our support!
Heartfelt sympathies on the loss of Z Princess, so beautiful, so lovely, so full of promise and life. My heart breaks for everyone who loved and cared for her. We will never forget the Easter Princess, who brought us such joy and delight. There are no words at this time to convey the sadness. With love and prayers for comfort to Ann and Jerry Moss and to all who loved this precious little lady.
Zenyatta and her babies give me such complete joy! My heart is filled with love for them.
I believe we are not suppose to extend our feelings here but rather mail to the address; so I won’t.
God bless, Sally B
What they’re trying to avoid is people sending cards, flowers, etc. to Lane’s End, which would impose an undue burden on the LE staff. There is no harm posting your thoughts, feeling,s and condolences here or on Facebook.
joy--Memphis, TN
To Anne, Jerry and Team Zenyatta
Z Princess so exceptionally special
Our Queen’s first filly!!
A back to the past vision we beheld
So different from the boys
You were the clone we wished for
We watched you frolic and grow
Just like mom you loved the camera
Smart, strong willed and independent
A free spirit stirring our emotions
We could not get enough of you
You pranced and danced every day
In disbelief we heard the news
Our eyes sting and our hearts ache
And In legions we mourn…
Forever you will remain “Z Princess”
Ingrid Arnone
So beautiful! Is perfect for Z Princess!
maureen ph[llips
Thank you, so beautifully written!, It is well.
Donna May
Its really depressing me to read all these comments. I think that they should have taken better care of The Princess and now we will never know what her full potential could have been. This is terrible. And I know they are sad too but you don’t just turn a valuable treasure like that loose to be ruined. It would be like letting some new driver take their license test in a new Ferrari. Its so freaking sad.
Ingrid Arnone
Wow! You are so right, I agree with you!
To assume this was preventable or resulted from a lack of care is ludicrous. Anyone who has owned a horse knows that they sometimes have accidents no matter how safe you try to make their enclosures or how closely you monitor them. You cannot lock a horse in their stall 24/7 for safety. They run, they sometimes slip and fall, and they sometimes get kicked by their pasture pals. I am sure no expense was spared in making this filly’s paddock as safe as possible, but there are no guarantees. Shame on you for suggesting the folks who loved this filly contributed to her accident.
I agree with you Susan. I owned horses for 38 years and accidents happen so quickly to horses. I leased out my older mare to a friend. Barely a month after she was born the filly playing the pasture reared up, flipped over and broke her neck. I am sure the owners of Z Princess did everything to insure her safety. I am sorry for their loss but I do understand.
This is a time to grieve the loss of this beautiful young filly and to give whatever comfort that we can to those who loved her. One of the best sires of all time, Danehill, dam sire of Frankel, died as a result of a paddock accident while being hand lead. They could not even with the best medical care in the world save him. No one knows when this kind of tragedy will strike a horse. The only one who could have taken better care of Z Princess than Lane’s End and Jerry and Ann Moss would be God Himself. Now, to our eternal sadness, He will.
Run free little girl. Run free.
Thank you for your post. Totally agree
Wow, that is absolute BS. How dare you? The Princess got the best care possible. She was being a horse, running around with her pals in her paddock. This was an accident. Stuff happens. Horses are flighty creatures; it doesn’t much to startle one into flipping; it doesn’t take a lot for a rambunctious young horse to jump up and come down badly. What would you have them do? Put their weanlings in stalls 24/7? Wrap them in bubble wrap? Deprive them of fresh air and the company of their fellows? That sounds like a miserable existence to me.
Don’t look to assign blame where there is none.
I am so sorry for the loss of Z Princess, I often think that there should be someone watching new weanlings all the time as they get themselves into trouble as they can be very feisty.
This baby was so valuable, was she supervised 24/7, it is the most terrible loss.
I am so sorry Mr. And Mrs. Moss.
Donna Carlson
Heartfelt condolences to the Mosses and everyone at Lane’s End. The tears of sadness keep flowing this morning. She was here such a short time but like her mother touched the hearts of so many and filled our hearts with such joy. She was perfection and will not be forgotten as so many of us share in the grief of her passing.
Rosary Bovello and Family
Our deepest sympathy to Team Z and to Zenyatta. We have watched Zenyatta her whole career. We admire the very great care given to her and her offspring. May the memories of this sweet and darling little girl give you healing in time.
Liz Clark
So sorry for your loss–and for the staff at Lane’s End who are surely devastated. As a breeder, I know how fragile these creatures are and how tenuous every step of their development is. Horses give us the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. This is a tough one. Thank you for sharing Zenyatta and her family with the world, in both the good times and the bad.
My deepest condolences to everyone concerned. Ann and Jerry, you must be devastated. We loved her from afar and will never forget her. Until now, I never thought that such things could happen to the beautiful horses in our care; what a tragedy. I cannot fathom what they must be feeling at Lane’s End….
I see Z Princess (or as I called her, ReZurrection) frolicking in heaven with all of her relatives and friends. She will live forever in their care.
With love…..
Mary D
So sad. To all the people who think this could have been prevented – horses (especially babies) need to be with other horses and ned to be able to run, play and graze. This is essential for their physical and mental health. She could not have spent her life in a padded stall and thrived – in fact she would have been more at risk. The paddocks and fences at Lanes End are as safe as possible, and the horses are closely supervised and well managed. Still, horses run and play and accidents happen, rarely with tragic results, but nonetheless it happens. Please up on horse behavior and management before you make derogatory comments!
I am so heartbroken hearing this news yesterday. My deepest condolences to Mr. and Mrs. Moss and all the connections who loved and cared for her.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
So sad. Lost for words. How can this be?
Sharon R.
So very sorry for your loss. I know first hand how easy it is for a weanling to find TROUBLE, or get injured regardless how many eyes observe. Your loss will be felt all around the equine world. Please know that so many will be sending prayers of comfort, healing, hope for more Princess Z’s in the future , and love for allowing us all to share With you Zenyetta and her life. GOD’S BLESSINGS AND GRACE TO YOU.
So, so sorry. Deepest condolences to Ann and Jerry and all connections. Since this has broken my heart, I can only imagine the pain for you all. As a life-long horse owner, I know how these things can happen no matter WHAT level of care and environment is provided, and she had the best. Just so, so sorry. Please feel all of our love and healing energy we are all sending to you.
Lynne Veitch
So sorry about this tragic event. The Zenyatta team is so dedicated to racing & to their horses. They, of all people are not deserving of a tragedy such as this one. Sincerely, Lynne Veitch
Tom Zabinski
This is so sad to hear. She was just a few months old, but I guess accidents do happen, and young horses don’t know the way of the world yet, so can do things to injure themselves. Hopefully Zenyatta and War Front will be mated again and produce a full sibling to this filly. She was so full of promise.
Dear Jerry and Ann, Zenyatta, ;
My heart aches, and I am in shock as a fan, I can only imagine the shock, and sadness in the close Zenyatta family.
Deepest sympathy to you. Heaven has a new star. Peace to you little Princess, now in Heaven. Shine on little star.
Sympathy also to the entire Team Zenyatta, Lane’s End, and to all who cared for Z Princess after her accident .
Prayers to you all,
Ann K
What a tragedy! She was so wonderful, so full of promise, so much like Z herself! My condolences to the Mosses, who must be heartbroken by this shocking loss.
Joyce Ferrante
I don’t usually write comments yet I can not move past this one. The racing industry has a long way to go to truly care for the beautiful horses that give their lives on a daily basis for the sometimes ungrateful people who they make rich. I never felt that way about the Mosses and all who are connected with Zenyatta and this is why I believe they are blessed with being the steward of such a truly magnificent equine friend and spirit. The Mosses with all of Zenyatta’s connections never pushed because of money they allowed her to grow as all horses should be allowed. This is why she stayed healthy and sound throughout her racing career and has now been healthy and successful in the next stage of her life as a broodmare. What attracted me to becoming a Zenny fan. One who now watches all that concerns Z and her family was not her magnificent race career, although impressive. It was the people surrounding her and they way Z was their family and not just a horse. I am so thankful the Mosses have continued to keep Z in the spotlight and sharing with all of us the triumphs and tragedies of the family. No matter how many fillies Z has in the future none will replace Z princess. No soul is replaceable. so we must mourn for her and all the promises she will not get to fulfill here on earth. For those who look to find blame with Lane’s End I am sure there is none. The Mosses would not have entrusted Z to their care if they felt they were careless. I am also sure they are questioning themselves ” could we have done something to prevent this.” So I ask all of those who have reacted to this tragedy by trying to find blame with Lane’s End to see if their hearts will allow them to apologize and get the salt out of what I am sure is a deep wound.
Blessings and Love to all.
Amen. Thanks for saying it so gracefully.
Just as children have accidents no matter how closely we watch them the same can be said for horses and all animals. Rood & Riddle is the #1 hospital in the equine world and I know they did every thing they could for our lost girl.
To Zenny and the Mosses and Z Team at LE,
With heavy heart I send this,
Our Z Princess now has gone,
She came to us on Easter day,
As joyous as a song.
Her life was short but she was loved,
And we got to know her face,
Now she’s crossed ore rainbow bridge,
Unencumbered by time and space.
I pray you find a peaceful calm,
With the passing of each new day,
Z Princess will be a part of you,
In countless, heartfelt ways.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Beautiful poem, just love it. hugs
maureen ph[llips
Thank you for the beautiful poem, can’t stop crying. I think her siblings should always wear her colors when they start racing as a tribute to her.Blessings to all my Z nation family. It is well.
Janice Richardson
So sad to hear this – how heartbreaking! What a tragedy; poor little girl was just a few months old. Condolences to Ann and Jerry Moss and connections. She’ll be missed by all, especially Zenyatta.
Sue Robinson has started a candle site where anyone who would like to can leave condolences for Team Z. She will mail the site info to Team Z tonite, so that they can read additional condolences there. It is free. I’m posting the link for Sue, who’s at work:
Thank you Abigail
Erin Gilligan
So very sad about this awful news. She was a darling filly with a big future. My heart goes out to Zenny, Jerry, Ann, John, Dottie, the fine folks at Lane’s End etc. RIP sweet girl!
Deborah Richman
My heart is broken as I send my deepest sympathies to Ann and Jerry Moss, Team Z and everyone at Lanes End.
Z Princess will always be a shining star and will be in our hearts always.
I will never forget her.