Dear fans,
We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Zenyatta’s filly, affectionately nicknamed Z Princess. She was a member of our family and had just begun to make her mark on the world. This is a heartbreaking loss for those who knew and loved her.
The following is a statement from Lane’s End Farm:
It is with a heavy heart that I must report the death of the 2014 War Front / Zenyatta weanling filly. She was humanely euthanized last night at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital after a paddock accident on the farm.
As caretakers of these Thoroughbreds, we collectively mourn the loss of this beautiful filly.
On behalf of the Farish family and the entire staff at Lane’s End Farm, our condolences go out to Jerry and Ann, Team Zenyatta and all the great fans who support Zenyatta.
Mike Cline
General Manager of Lane’s End Farm
At this time, we ask that all messages of love and condolence be sent to the Zenyatta office. Team Z would like to lessen the load on Lane’s End Farm and their dedicated staff.
300 E. 54th St. #27A
New York, NY 10022
Our planned 2014 Zenyatta.com Celebration will continue as scheduled this weekend. This event is about celebrating the love that we share for Zenyatta, the strength of this community, and working together to improve our sport. We invite you to join us in raising money for Thoroughbred Rehab Center, Inc. Details will follow.
Thank you for all of your love and support during this difficult time,
-Team Z
Its a privilege to follow Zenyatta and her foals, and have rare access to their lives. The result of this is that thousands of us are heartbroken together, along with her connections and caretakers. Zenyatta’s colts are beautiful and full of promise, but Zprincess had that extra special, future superstar vibe. On top of the grief I feel cheated out of seeing what she might have been, and quite literally sick over the loss. I can’t even imagine the profound sadness those who knew and cared for her must feel. So very sorry for the Moss’s. Someone above apologized for all the people asking for details. While I completely agree its not anyone’s business, I think people are looking for answers as a way to process or reconcile such terrible fate, and have some sort of closure. Its just human nature, so don’t be too hard on them.
Linda Mann
Well and kindly said. Asking why, how could this happen, how did this happen, is all part of the grieving process. Death is so final, we all wish for ways to make it not so, when someone we love dies. Some single thing that we can identify so that we will never be hurt this way again. Acceptance comes later.
Ellen B.
My deepest, most sincere condolences to the Mosses, to Lane’s End, to everyone who loved Z. Princess.
Donna from Baltimore
Our hearts are broken at this terrible tragedy. Deepest sympathies to Team Z and Lane’s End.
Susan In Fl
So very sorry to read this, my heart just sunk. Thoughts to all so close to her. RIP little one and Peace be with you all.
So sorry to hear about this – my deepest condolences to the Mosses, the staff of Lane’s End, and everyone involved in the care of Z Princess. I know you are all heartbroken.
Nicki Boyd-Clouston
My heart is too full of emotion at this time to say much except this: Queen Elizabeth 11 sent this message to the people of the US in the wake of 9/11: Grief is the price we pay for love”.
Well said.
carol in arkansas
I wish to add my condolences to those of everyone else….
to all of us….who PACED and waited and rejoiced when we finally saw her
we took her immediately into our hearts and there she will always stay…
to all of Team Z and the staff of LE’s …all of whom must be devastated by this
horrible loss….I am heartbroken and so very sorry….as I know all of you must be
but I guess….I just wish to hug Ann…..she is the first human Z Princess saw…and
as with Z, Coz, and Zi….that connection was immediate….one that we all can feel but
maybe not truly understand…but it was so real….it reached out and grabbed you
so I am sending hugs, love, and prayers to everyone who loved Z Princess…
and especially to Ann..
Alyce Shane
I am so sorry for your tragic loss. =( I know how hard it is to deal with the loss of a beloved horse and my heart just breaks for and with you. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Lots of love.
The Shane family
Barb Guckert
My thoughts and prayers go out to all Team Z. Such a devestating loss to you and the rest of the racing world. So young and full of promise.
RIP sweet Princess Z/
so very sorry. she was here such a short time but touched so many lives.
Heartfelt condolences to Team Z and Mr. and Mrs. Moss at this most difficult time.
RIP sweet girl.
Heartbreaking… My condolences to Lane’s End and to the Jerry and Ann Moss. This little filly was loved more in her short and happy lifetime than a lot of horses ever know. Thank you for continuing to share your beautiful horses with us. She will forever be missed. Know that ALL of Team Zenyatta (fans included) mourn and support with you…
beverly ballard
I just read this devastating news and with heavy saddened heart and many tears I send my condolences to all who were touched by her. She was truly a beautiful filly and full of promise. I pray for her and all of her loved ones.
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
My heart is so full of sorrow and my eyes too wet with tears to even write.
I felt as if Princess Z was a part of my family and I had already pictured her crossing the finish line just as her mother. The beautiful filly will always live with me in spirit.
God bless her and the Moss Family. Your loss is immeasurable.
There are no words. To all who knew and loved her, you are all in my heart today as you mourn this lovely girl. Zenyatta, I would hug your beautiful neck and whisper in your ear “we won’t forget her, she was loved, you are loved.”
Denise Skladany
My sister sent me a text and I just stared at it, could not even fathom it. My sisters and I send our deepest condolences to all of the great Zenyatta’s team and her legions of fans. This is heartbreaking.
Help! Do any of you all know anything about Our Mims Retirement Farm? I know they are for mares but don’t know much more than that. Want to donate in the name of Z Princess and am torn between Our Mims since it is for the girls or Old Friends which I have visited and liked. Any info would help in my decision.
Shirlee: I’ll be making a donation to OUR MIMS. Yes, it is primarily a retirement home for mares and run by Jeanne Marie Mirabito, a former teacher, who has devoted her life to providing for “The Ladies,” as she calls them. Unlike Old Friends, OUR MIMS doesn’t really have a lot of “powerful” connections. No criticism of Old Friends intended here. Michael Blowen & company do amazing work. But OUR MIMS is a much more modest haven and lots of Jeanne’s own money has had to go to saving The Ladies from harm. Barbara Livingston supports OUR MIMS by donating photos, but kind as that is, there’s just never enough money. Hope that helps, Shirlee.
I don’t think you can go wrong either way. The Mosses are big supporters of Old Friends, so if you want to donate to one of their favorite charities, that would be the way to go. However, Our Mims gets much less publicity and could probably use your donation just as much, if not more. I am sure the Mosses wouldn’t mind.
You can always make a donation to one charity at this time, then make a donation to the other in the future. Their needs will be ongoing.
Heartily agree, LauraJ
Brenda Sell
Just a little more information on Our Mims, I was there 2 weeks ago and Jeanne told me that the Mosses were supporters of Our Mims. They supported a mare they once owned, that has since passed. Her name was Hana Bride, Jeanne spoke very fondly of the Mosses.
Delrene from Carlsbad, Ca
Shirley, I gave you a reply on Page 10 I believe about Our Mims.
Ida Lee
Beautiful Little Princess, your birth brought us such joy. I still have a photo of you just hours after you were born. It seems like only yesterday and now you are no longer with your adoring fans. My heart is broken. RIP Little Princess.
Sandy Whidden
Deeply saddened to hear this heartbreaking news. My condolences to the Mosses, Lanes End and the queen, Zenyatta, herself. Will put a bit of a damper on Breeders Cup this weekend :-(
Just heartbreaking – such a beautiful filly who touched our hearts…….
this is very sad news for me. And those who loves zenyatta,s proginy will be in grief. sorry zenyatta
Susan Edwards
Sorry to hear this news.
maureen ph[llips
In times like this what do you say?, just read the post about the passing of our beloved Z princess!. I can’t remember the last time I cried so hard and kept asking God, WHY????. but being a Christian and believing in God’s infinite wisdom, I am grateful that she was weaned from the Queen before this accident as this would have been so devastating for the Queen!.
To the Mosses, what can I say?, no words are strong enough to console them so I am asking our Heavenly father to comfort them as he alone can during this very difficult time.
To my Z nation family, I can only pray that God’s comforting Grace is enough to comfort us..
I am sooooooo heart broken and can’t seem to stop the tears, but like in all things, I give Praise to my God. Peace be to all.
In my thoughts I imagined the princess would be back at Lanes End as a broodmareafter her racing career. She would be with her mom again and Z would see her grandchildren. This was not to be. It is so sad. Condolences to all her connections and to mother Zenyatta. Have fun running in the fields of heaven little one.
Judy in Nazareth, PA
Your vision of the future of Z Princess and Zenyatta together again after her racing career has just made me cry all over again. Such a sad time for all. Rest well, sweet Princess.
I add my sincerest condolences and prayers for Princess Z, Zenyatta, Jerry, Ann, Dottie, et al.
With love, MK
R I P sweet little ZPRINCESS
Words can’t express the sadness about ZPrincess. What joy she brought in the short time we got to love her. Peace and Love to entire Team Z and especially the Moss’s.
Mia Woods
I am so very sorry for your unimaginable loss of such a special filly. May your hearts be comforted knowing that she was loved by so many! May peace find you.
I add my condolences to all who loved this special filly. I have no words that can truly express the sorrow I feel today. Many tears have flowed for this little one, who touched so many hearts in a short time. Thank you for sharing her with us, she will never be forgotten.
Julie McWhirter
My heart is broken. She was my favorite of all Z’s foals. I couldn’t wait to see her dance like momma at the track. Wish I could give Ann a hug. I guess we’ll all have to wait to watch her shine in our lasting peace, but till then, I am grateful to the Moss family and Team Z for allowing me to be part of her extended fan family and sharing their love of Zenyatta with us. My deepest sympathies to them with prayers. Princess Z will never be forgotten….
Sincere condolences to all those connected to the filly we all called Z Princess May you hearts find peace with time