Dear fans,
We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Zenyatta’s filly, affectionately nicknamed Z Princess. She was a member of our family and had just begun to make her mark on the world. This is a heartbreaking loss for those who knew and loved her.
The following is a statement from Lane’s End Farm:
It is with a heavy heart that I must report the death of the 2014 War Front / Zenyatta weanling filly. She was humanely euthanized last night at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital after a paddock accident on the farm.
As caretakers of these Thoroughbreds, we collectively mourn the loss of this beautiful filly.
On behalf of the Farish family and the entire staff at Lane’s End Farm, our condolences go out to Jerry and Ann, Team Zenyatta and all the great fans who support Zenyatta.
Mike Cline
General Manager of Lane’s End Farm
At this time, we ask that all messages of love and condolence be sent to the Zenyatta office. Team Z would like to lessen the load on Lane’s End Farm and their dedicated staff.
300 E. 54th St. #27A
New York, NY 10022
Our planned 2014 Zenyatta.com Celebration will continue as scheduled this weekend. This event is about celebrating the love that we share for Zenyatta, the strength of this community, and working together to improve our sport. We invite you to join us in raising money for Thoroughbred Rehab Center, Inc. Details will follow.
Thank you for all of your love and support during this difficult time,
-Team Z
Sally Wade
It’s the First I’ve been online today and couldn’t believe what I was reading. So sad. As an owner and lover of horses and dogs, I’ve lost more than I care to think of and it never gets easier. My heart hurts for all involved with Zenny and her “kids”, the Mosses, and all of the many fans who are feeling the pain of losing Z Princess. Hugs and prayers to all.
Azaria Cavasin
There are no words for this tragedy, only tears. I am in shock. This is beyond devastating, just so heartbreaking. She was an amazing filly, independent and curious and with so much spirit and beauty, and so like mom. My sincerest condolences to the Queen, the Mosses, Lane’s End staff, and all of Z’s team and fans who are grieving this tragic loss. Her time with us was too short, but she will always be remembered. I will be donating to Old Friends and the Thoroughbred Rehab Center, Inc. in memory of our princess.
RIP Z Princess. You are loved. <3
a sorrowful day, rest in peace Z Princess, my deepest sympathies to all who knew her and loved her
Lise from Maine
Bonjour Zenyatta!
I cannot sleep after learning that your daughter died. It is 2:11 a.m. here in Maine.
I cannot stop crying over this tragedy.
What could have happened to her? What caused the accident? Wasn’t someone
watching her?
As your fans, Zenyatta, will someone have the courtesy to tell us what happened to her as closure is an important piece of healing?
How can this happen, Zenyatta? Did she miss you after being separated from you?
2014 has been such a tragic year for me and now this. This is so unbelievable that another tragedy has happened. I was so happy to learn that on Easter Sunday you finally had a girl. You made my day, and now she is gone.
How awful!
Will she be buried on the farm, and will she have a beautiful stone so we can be reminded of her?
I hope so.
God love you both.
Lise from Maine
Neila Wood
Lise from Maine–what you said was so beautiful—I hope we get the important answers as to what happened to this magnificent baby—thank you for such a sincere response.
Lisa, it was an accident. Neither Lane’s End nor the Mosses owe us any details. And really, what purpose would it serve?
Horses cannot be watched 24/7/365. They can’t be wrapped in bubble wrap and kept in a stall all the time. And things happen fast–whatever the accident was, it likely occurred in seconds. A fall, a bad step, a kick, a run into a fence–any of these would be over in an instant.
Lise –
Thank you for your comments. Once the shock has settled a bit, the mind does naturally go to “What happened to her?!?” Hopefully that detail will be shared fully as well.
My tremendous sympathies go out to the Mosses, Shirreffs, Lane’s End and all those who loved and cared for little Princess Z. So full of wonderment and promise, she was our Easter gift just a few short months ago. What a magnificent filly she was becoming and so like Zenyatta.
This is such a sad time. Bless You All.
My heartfelt condolences to the Mosses and all of this little princess’s family and caretakers. Such a tragic loss of such a precious baby. I imagine she was racing the wind and probably crashed into a fence; who knows? Now she is racing with the angels.
We will always remember Zenyatta’s first daughter.
Hugs and love to all…..
Dawn Todd
Just stunned to read the sad news. My heart breaks; I’ve remember the Easter morning she was born and have enjoyed her pics and updates. It’s just wrong to lose a lil baby. My heart breaks for Zenyatta and all of her family that cares for and looks after her and baby Z. We’ve lost a sweet 4 legged friend, but heaven has gained a beautiful angel baby. Heaven must be a beautiful place!
Rest in Peace Sweetheart.
Debbie S.
Dearest Ashton
Your video is so beautiful, I can’t tell you how much I cried but also how lovely it was to see Z Princess and feel that amazing spirit of hers. It just doesn’t feel like she is gone. Run like the wind little girl, I know you will be watching over your family.Please know how much you touched our hearts and made the world a better place.
Always remembered. Thank-you Ashton.
With love,Debbie
I agree with Mary, Z will sense it,she will know. Prayers for Zenyatta and her beautiful baby girl,the Mosses,Lane’s End and all of us who loved her so.
Anna Robinson st jacques
I am so sorry for your loss each time we loose are noble and loved friends it takes a little bit of are hearts. Time will help. Anna Robinson st jacques head trainer terrybrooke farm
Trina Nagele of So Cal
A Condolence to Z-sters from Their Departed Princess
Though I was allowed
Among you to tarry
For just a short while
Before ascending to pastures above,
I felt your deep love
And it with me carry
As I rise to run upon the clouds.
SO beautiful, Trina! THANK YOU!!!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Trina,
Thank you for this lovely condolence. We have missed you. I was thinking about you just today and wondering if you were okay. Hope you are well.
Lots of Hugs and Love
So sad and tragic. Prayers and thoughts go out to the Mosses, and everyne at Team Zenyatta. RIP Little beautiful girl!
Kim Mathews
So very sorry for your loss … RIP Sweet baby girl. We will miss you very much. We were all waiting for you to grow up and be like your mamma.
It took me a long time to get on this page, but I just wanted to express my heartfelt condolences over Zenyatta’s little girl, Z Princess. What a shocker. I think about her all the time and think about what could have been. I’m so saddened by this news. My heart is broken, like many others. May she gallop in good health and peace over Rainbow Bridge. RIP sweet little girl. We’ll miss you.
Sandra Zimmerman
So sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you.
Joanne Spencer
I am so sorry for your loss! When I read the news,I cried my eyes out.She was a beautiful filly and I am just so sorry! <3
Marilyn Morgan
My sympathies go out to Zenyatta and her family and ALL OF US. This is tragic and so very sad. My heart is heavy.
Janneke van Seijen
So sad to read this news, my sympathies go out to Zenyatta and everyone at Lane’s End Farm. Big overseas hug, Janneke (The Netherlands)
When I came home yesterday the first thing I read is bloodhorse and when I saw the horrible news I did not want to believe it. I had to read it four times to believe what had happened. I was so upset about this little girl, but I know the lord took her home because he loves her too. Her life should remind us all that life is precious and that we should enjoy life while we have it. Also even though she was only around us for 6 months she brought tremendous joy to everyone that saw her. She knew she was a special girl and she was already a star to all those who loved her.
I give my sympathies to Zenyatta and all of her family. May lord comfort and keep you in this tragic time.
May she romp in fields of gold with all those who have left us before her.
Let us remember, in our grief, how much joy this little filly brought us in these short 6 months. Let us also think of the grief and the agony that the Mosses and Staff must being going through, and keep them in our prayers. Let us be thankful that Z Princess is no longer in pain and that she was loved to the very end. In memory of a unique and once-in-a-lifetime thoroughbred <3
Sharon & Jen
We are so saddened by your sudden loss. One can never plan for the love we might have for these gentle giants nor for the events that might take them from us. We can only understand that we do the best we can to give them a loving home for which they return their affection. Rest in peace little girl. Rest your heart Z and your human family.
We love you. Jen &Sharon in MD
Bless this little girl whose arrival was anticipated with joy by so many of us who followed her wonderful mother and father during their incredible careers. They both brought us such joy, and in her short time on this Earth, little Z brought us as much joy. Thank you to Jerry & Ann, John & Dottie, and the staff at Lane’s End for sharing her with us. Little Z is now running as fast as the wind in Heaven. I hope Cigar was there to greet her and show her around. My heart goes out to all of her connections who surely are feeling much sorrow at this time. Rest in peace little girl. Even without ever running a race nor feeling a saddle on your back and a bit in your mouth, you made an impact on the world. Sleep well.
Dear Team Z…I am stunned and saddened by this terrible news but feel comfort in knowing that Z Princess had a wonderful though short life and knew she was deeply loved.
She was our Easter baby and all of us came to love her so much because she looked so much like our magnificient Zenyatta. God Bless her and may He console her caretakers who must feel horrible about this sudden, stunning loss. Special prayers and thoughts to the Mosses who are hurting deeply at this sad time.
Vicki McSwain
This makes me incredibly sad! I can only imagine how the Mosses, the Shirreffs and everyone at Lane’s End must feel. My heart goes out to you all and thank you for sharing so much with all of us.
Oh, this is just horrible. My condolences to all of the connections of Queen Z and her beautiful foal.
Bluegrass Girl
Zenyatta: Champion Mother
(A video tribute to Z Princess)
Breeders’ Cup, News and Features October 29, 2014
Learn more about Zenyatta’s life as a broodmare in this companion piece to “Long Live The Queen,” Tracy Gantz’s Breeders’ Cup longform at http://www.BloodHorse.com/Zenyatta.
This video was produced in the weeks before the passing of ‘Z Princess,’ Zenyatta’s weanling filly. Our condolences go out to her connections.
Lisag in Texas
I am having problems accepting this. How can our beloved Princess be here and then gone, how can this happen. The only thing that helps, is that ZPrincess was weaned and Queen Zenyatta does not know of this tragedy.
Prayers of comfort for all the Z Team, Lane’s End, and all of us that love her so.
Brenda Sell
Tears…my deepest sympathies to Team Zenyatta and everyone at Lane’s End
Zenny and all of Team Z (especially the Mosses)…a heartfelt thanks for sharing Z Princess with all of us. She will be missed but surely she was greatly loved.
Tamara Canal
My depest thoughts and prayers to the Zenyatta team! She was as beautiful as her mother and will be sadly missed!