Dear fans,
We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Zenyatta’s filly, affectionately nicknamed Z Princess. She was a member of our family and had just begun to make her mark on the world. This is a heartbreaking loss for those who knew and loved her.
The following is a statement from Lane’s End Farm:
It is with a heavy heart that I must report the death of the 2014 War Front / Zenyatta weanling filly. She was humanely euthanized last night at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital after a paddock accident on the farm.
As caretakers of these Thoroughbreds, we collectively mourn the loss of this beautiful filly.
On behalf of the Farish family and the entire staff at Lane’s End Farm, our condolences go out to Jerry and Ann, Team Zenyatta and all the great fans who support Zenyatta.
Mike Cline
General Manager of Lane’s End Farm
At this time, we ask that all messages of love and condolence be sent to the Zenyatta office. Team Z would like to lessen the load on Lane’s End Farm and their dedicated staff.
300 E. 54th St. #27A
New York, NY 10022
Our planned 2014 Zenyatta.com Celebration will continue as scheduled this weekend. This event is about celebrating the love that we share for Zenyatta, the strength of this community, and working together to improve our sport. We invite you to join us in raising money for Thoroughbred Rehab Center, Inc. Details will follow.
Thank you for all of your love and support during this difficult time,
-Team Z
Just saw the sad news about Z Princess! My heart aches! My condolences to Ann and Jerry Moss, Team Z, and all of Z’s connections. Rest in Peace Z Princess….
Randy in Phx.`
My favorite memories growing up were the time I spend with my dad working with his horses at Turf Paradise. I’ll never forget the first time I saw my dad cry was the first time he had to put down a horse after an incident on the track. I know first hand how much horse people love their horses, and how much they truly are members of the family. We are so saddened to hear of little Z’s tragic accident. Out hearts go out to all involved with team Z.
Blessing, Randy and family.
Kathee Morey
It breaks my heart that she is gone! I am a fan Zenyatta and liked her FB page. Z Princess was a beautiful filly! May she rest in peace, with the many Greats, that went before her! :(
Marshall (NC Broad)
This is so hard to comprehend. Sincere sympathy and prayers to all of the Zenyatta family. The heart is broken, but we will always remember the beauty and the love.
Rest in Peace, sweet baby girl.
Leslie R.
I am deeply saddened by the news and I still can’t believe it. My deepest sympathy to the Moss’, Lane’s End, Team Z and to everyone who loved this beautiful filly. She was only here for a short time but she touched many. Rest in peace sweet Z Princess. You were loved by many.
Hugs to all,
Safe travels, beautiful girl. You left a very big hoof print for a little girl and we will not forget your brief passage through our lives and much light you brought with you.
I do not know what to say. I am shocked and I feel so bad for the Mosses and all the people at Lane’s End who cared for Z Princess. So sad. You are all in my prayers.
I am relieved that she was weaned, so that Zenyatta did not have to experience her loss.
She was so stunning, I am sad we will not be able to watch her grow anymore.
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. CA ♥
Dear Ann and Jerry, I cannot imagine the pain you are going through. I’ve been a sobbing mess ever since I heard the news. Mini Z was my sweet niece. I loved her as if she were my own!!!! I wish I could hug you, Ann, to take away some of the pain!
Lane’s End, thank you for your excellent care. I’m so sorry you had to go through the loss of Zenyatta’s daughter. The apple did not fall far from the tree. We could see that for sure!
Angel Z Princess, thank you, Sweetheart, for 6 months and 8 days of pure joy!!! You have two brothers to watch over now. We will miss you so much…. Enjoy Heaven’s beautiful pastures. The other angel’s have learned by now that YOU are Royalty – you ARE a Princess!
All my love, Auntie Judy ♥
Rebecca Hill
I am so, so very sorry and sad to read this news! My condolences to the Mosses’, Team Z, Lane’s End Farm Staff & any other employees, & the Vets who worked with her and all her wonderful fans across the world! I can hardly believe what I have read this early AM! RIP .. little ‘Z Princess’ who looked so much and acted so much like her Champion of a Momma! WE were all waiting for you to grow up to be like your Momma!! If any of us could wipe out the accident from the book of history.. this would be one of those times; that I would choose to do so! Sending much love & ‘positive energy’ to them all at this time.
Most respectfully, Rebecca Hill
Donna H
The sight went down when I was trying to submit my message so hope this is not repeated but must express my love and condolences to Ann, Jerry, Team Z, and Lane’s End Staff. I wept and wept at this terrible news. I was so sure that this precious baby was the one to be just like her mom. I am so thankful that it happened after she and Zenny were separated so Zenny never knew of her baby’s pain and death.
This wonderful family has brought much joy into my life and I am ever grateful for the generosity shown for us loving fans.
I lost my brother Oct. 2 but it was a blessing because he had suffered with a debilitating desease and he was finally released to enjoy being with our Father in Heaven. But this baby was so vivacious and beautiful that it was an overwhelming loss to say the least. God bless you Team Z and Lane’s End staff as you grieve the death of one you cared for so tenderly.
hurting inside for everyone such a sad loss. She would have been speical :'(
Fran Doos
To Jerry and Ann, Lane’s End. And to all of team Z, my heartfelt sorrow for your tragic loss. Sadly, none of us or our beloved animals are guaranteed a day further than today. I am so very sad for all of thosed who lived Z Princess. RIP little one.
I still have no words. When I first read this, I thought it was a cruel sick Halloween prank. I spent the day waiting for this site to come back up and feeling stranded from those I know here. I did this video to work through my unspeakable sorrow.
Dedicated with all my heart to Z PRINCESS, Ann Moss all of Team Z, and all of us fans who worshipped her. Our hearts are breaking for you, Mrs. Moss , If by chance you ever watch this I hope it brings you some small comfort. It’s well known you love butterflies. (Lyrics)
As I was walking deep in sorrow thinking about the times we shared
A butterfly danced round me – a white cloud in the evening air
And I knew that your soul was finally home and free
But it felt like a blessing, a message from you to me
Now you can fly, now you can soar
So high above this world where troubles are no more
The time has come to say goodbye
And let your soul go to heaven on the wings of a butterfly
Just a few days after, they called us to a church to pray
Loved ones gathered round you to bless and send you on your way
And as I got up to speak it suddenly caught my eye
White wings against the window, a beautiful butterfly
Now you can fly, now you can soar
So high above this world where troubles are no more
This love of ours will never die
So let your soul go to heaven on the wings of a butterfly
One day we’ll meet again in heaven and we’ll fly like that butterfly …
Alexandra Bowdoin
Just Beautiful Ashton. HUGS
Trona Nagele from So Cal
Thank you, Ashton, for sharing your moving creation with us as we join you in mourning this heartbreaking loss.
That was a beautiful tribute, Ashton. Thank you.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
This is a truly beautiful tribute. Thank you. hugs
Ashton: Thank you for this work of art. The song is just perfect to express more than words alone can say.
Patricia Hershey
Thank you, Ashton!
Louise Spadafora
Thank you Ashton. The video was touching and a fitting memorial to the charming Z Princess. RIP beautiful girl.
indie lozano
It is with a heavy sad heart that I send my condolences everyone on the passing of this beautiful filly. She was a treasure. I’m heartbroken.
Gina Rizk
Zenyatta’s beautiful filly enchanted us from the day she was born! Perhaps, because she looked so much like Zenny. My prayers and condolences go out to her wonderful owners, Team Zenyatta, the vets who tried to save her, and the thousands of broken-hearted fans who will be mourning her loss. She was only 6 months old, but touched the hearts and souls of so many of Zenyatta’s fans.
Z Princess will always have a place in my heart. RIP sweet girl…
Lori Stein
My heart is so heavy. May your heart and spirit run fee in the heavens beautiful one.
Very sad and shocking news!! My heartfelt condolences to Jerry and Ann, Team
Zenyatta and all the staff at Lanes End.
Jenny brown
My heart will be broken forever because of z princess passing away. Rip z princess
I am so sorry. I am very saddened about all of this. I can’t imagine how devastated all of her connections are. The only consolation is that Zenyatta will not ever need to know. For all she knows, her precious little filly was sent off for training. At least her heart won’t break.
My very deepest regards to Team Z, and my deepest regards to the owners of this beautiful filly…. I am so sad to hear this news, as I have had the privilege to see Zenyatta, and her beauty and to pass such good genes on to her baby…. this is so sad….
My condolences to all who had a chance to spend time with Z Princess. She was so much like Queen Z. I have enjoyed owning and sharing time with horses for over 40 years and while I have never lost a baby I know that horses can be injured in the safest
places doing every day things. It seems like many times you hear of the horses with such an exciting future ahead that are taken much too soon.
Thank you to Team Z for allowing us to enjoy Queen Z and her family, they are all close to our hearts.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z, Mr. & Mrs. Moss, Lane’s End, Z Team, Ayles, Kyle and Z Fans:
My deepest sympathy to all of you at the very sad loss of beautiful Z Princess. Can’t stop crying. Thank you Ayles and Kyle for the beautiful photos of her we have to cherish. Rest In Peace beautiful baby. Run free with your grand sire, Street Cry, TT, her foal and Sir. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Jerry and Ann Moss, I’m so sorry to hear about the passing of sweet little Z Princess, when I heard the news my eyes filled up with tears. Sending all of my love to Team Z and everyone at Lane’s End Farm. Rest In Peace sweet girl, you are loved and missed by so many. God is watching over you sweet angel.
I’m so sorry for your loss Ann and Jerry, my heart is broken as I’m sure yours is too.
This has been such a sad day.
Jane Wade
My heart stopped when I heard the news. It was like loosing a family member. My thoughts and prayers go out to you Mr. & Mrs. Moss and all of the Zenyatta Team. Run amongst the clouds now Princess Z. You will never be forgotten.
Alexandra Bowdoin
My Deepest Sympathies to Mr and Mrs Moss and LEF. Such a tragic loss of a young one. Our Hearts break with the loss of this Beautiful daughter of Z. My Heart goes out to ALL of you who loved her and took care of her. HUGS
Cathi Sadocha
My deepest Condolences to the Moss’s and the Lands End Team.
I wish I had some kind of miracle words to offer everyone who love Zenny and loved her foals. Some words to make the pain lessened. There are no words only Love and Prayers.
This is a loss for not only us but for the world.
RIP Z Princess
Gone way to soon, and You will NEVER be Forgotten.
Delrene from Carlsbad, Ca
I find myself at a loss for words. I learned of her passing first by an alert from one of the on line horse reports. Shock, sickening, disbelief . I too first thought it must be someone’s idea of a sick pre-Halloween prank. Slowly it sunk in. Reality….. The loss of our beautiful Princess Z is really too much to comprehend. This day has been so sad for everyone who felt so connected to her thanks to all at Lane’s End and the Zenyatta website. So many of her beloved fans have already posted their thoughts and feelings on her , much better than I ever could. This sweet light that shone ever so briefly in this world is gone. Thankfully we have beautiful photographs and many lovely posts from her place of birth. My deepest sympathy to all who were a part of this little filly’s life, her human parents, her caretakers and all who loved her at Lane’s End. And all the many fans, it is a big loving family who collectively feel such grief today and will for some time to come. I will say that to watch Ashton’s video will help. Where words fail, music and photographs will soothe your soul. I have always found this site to be a place where we can come together do something good as was suggested by someone either in one of the news reports or Facebook page ….. somewhere. To do something good or give a donation in memory of this sweet baby. To that end, as much as anyone can it is a good thing to do. I do not pretend to know much about equine behavior, but I am also very glad that her Mother is unaware of the tragedy that happened in the weanling paddock/field on this beautiful farm that Zenyatta knows as her home. We all know Princess Z was loved by so very many and everyday of her life was filled with joy and happiness. In closing, I have to say I love Judy’s word picture of Princess being met by her grand sire and the others and I might add that she might try to engage Dance with Fate in a race across the meadow. It may be rather naive of me to think so but it helps tonight. Bless all of you and keep those you love close to your heart.
When I saw the news on bloodhorse, literally the first word out of my mouth was ‘WHAT?’
RIP you beautiful sweet girl.
My heart and my condolences goes out to the Mosses, Team Z, and the Lanes End Farm team. She had so much potential and was so lively and beautiful.
Now may she run with all the great ones before her, and look over her mom, brothers, and future siblings, racing with them iin spirit.
I was on Bloodhorse this morning reading about the return of Silver Charm to Kentucky. As I was happily reading the comments I came across someone saying they were saddened about Z Princess’ passing. Instantly my happiness turned to disbelief, I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Bloodhorse shortly thereafter verified my worst fear, the sweet little filly was indeed gone. My heart breaks for the Moss’, Lanes End and for all who loved her. My condolences go out to all. RIP Princess Z I love you and will never forget you.
Mary McCrea
We together share insurmountable grief. Though she & Zenyatta were weaned, trust me, a mother Always knows! May she soar with Eagles in heaven.