Dear fans,
We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Zenyatta’s filly, affectionately nicknamed Z Princess. She was a member of our family and had just begun to make her mark on the world. This is a heartbreaking loss for those who knew and loved her.
The following is a statement from Lane’s End Farm:
It is with a heavy heart that I must report the death of the 2014 War Front / Zenyatta weanling filly. She was humanely euthanized last night at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital after a paddock accident on the farm.
As caretakers of these Thoroughbreds, we collectively mourn the loss of this beautiful filly.
On behalf of the Farish family and the entire staff at Lane’s End Farm, our condolences go out to Jerry and Ann, Team Zenyatta and all the great fans who support Zenyatta.
Mike Cline
General Manager of Lane’s End Farm
At this time, we ask that all messages of love and condolence be sent to the Zenyatta office. Team Z would like to lessen the load on Lane’s End Farm and their dedicated staff.
300 E. 54th St. #27A
New York, NY 10022
Our planned 2014 Zenyatta.com Celebration will continue as scheduled this weekend. This event is about celebrating the love that we share for Zenyatta, the strength of this community, and working together to improve our sport. We invite you to join us in raising money for Thoroughbred Rehab Center, Inc. Details will follow.
Thank you for all of your love and support during this difficult time,
-Team Z
Especially Horses / So Ca
The news of the passing of our beloved Princess is heartbreaking beyond belief. I can’t even begin to imagine what the Moss’ are going through. One little filly gone and it feels like all the pastures in the world are empty. I’m so sad, it hurts.
Paula Higgins
I am stunned and at a loss for words. This is just heartbreaking. My sincerest condolences to Ann and Jerry Moss and all the people who cared for Z Princess at Lane’s End. I am so very sorry for the loss of this simply beautiful filly.
Camille Wade
My heart aches as I type this….I heard about the news hours ago, yet I am still in disbelief. My deepest sympathies to Team Zenyatta and those who cared for Z Princess at Lane’s End. Although she was only 6 months old, she left her hoofprints on our hearts from Day One. Such a beautiful and independent little lady……Z Princess will never be forgotten. “Love, like a beautiful song, echoes on in the heart, even when the last note is silent.” Run free like the wind, pretty girl. Watch over your special mama and big brothers. My heart is broken…..
My condolences to Jerry and Ann and all of Team Zenyatta. I am devastated and heart broken over the loss of this beautiful filly.
Rosemary McCauley
So so sorry to hear this news. Rest in peace lovely filly. You were very loved.
Cheryl Lange
This news about Z Princess is such an overwhelming loss to everyone who knew her as Zenyatta’s very special filly. What a precious gift she was to be given to us all for all too short a time. My heart and my prayers go out to Team Z, the Lane’s End Family, the Farish Family, Jerrry and Ann, John and Dottie, and especially Zenyatta. I cannot even express the sadness and pain that I feel. Love to you all and to you, Zenyatta’s very special and beautiful little filly, Z Princess, forever. May you rest in peace in heaven.
I have no words. I’m in shock. Sending Team Z much love and my deepest sympathy . Z Princess was so special. Z Princess Angel – watch over your mamma, your brothers and all of Team Z pretty girl.
So incredibly sad. She was so beautiful, just like her mother. I hope she was not in too much distress before reaching Rood & Riddle, but thank goodness that such superb care was nearby. I guess because she was a filly, and bore such a striking resemblance to Zenyatta, I already had her winning the Triple Crown in my head – and my heart…..
Deepest sympathies to all who loved her and knew her and cared for her. Our hearts break for you.
Fran H.
Dear Ann and Jerry Moss, Lane’s End, Team Z, War Front: Words cannot express how very, very sorry I am regarding Princess Z. This is such a terrible loss for everyone. I don’t quite understand what happened, but to everyone around Queen Z, please know that my heart aches with sadness. On to better and happier days for all.
Forever a Queen Z fan,
Shannon in Cool, CA
She was a star the moment she was born. What a beauty and now, POOF, she’s gone. We will never know what could have been for this lovely filly. I think we are all as equally devastated by her loss as we were wildly enthusiastic about her birth. You, Miss Princess Z, are the one that got away and our hearts ache from your departure.
I’m just devastated. My condolences to the Mosses, Team Z, Lane’s End Farm and everyone here. RIP sweet, sweet Z Princess.
Barbara Wood
With you all, I am too heartbroken for words., or even for tears.This loss will be with me for a long, long time. Who ever thought we would be meeting here discussing such a thing? We cannot even imagine Ann and Jerry Moss’s pain, as well as that of Z Princess’s human family at LE. Our very deepest condolences to you all. Prayers for healing and hope for the future. It is a very good idea for us all to spread kindness wherever a situation finds a need. Let that be our direction from here on out to help us heal and go forward.
Love and hugs to you all.
Carolyn from Montreal
Sorry if this is a repeat, I think system crashed first time.
As a first time poster-although long-time reader/follower of Zenyatta.com-I feel compelled to write upon hearing of this sad news. Ann and Jerry Moss and all Z Connections, please accept my most sincere and deepest sympathies on the loss of this beautiful filly. For those who wondered what her name would be, I guess she’ll always be “Z Princess”, as she should be…RIP Beautiful One.
Marsha baumgartner
My heart is broken. I’m so glad that Zenny doesn’t know. Her young life was so promising, it’s a tragedy. All my sympathies to the Mosses and team Z. As always, thank you for sharing Zenny’s family with us.
Debbie S.
There are no words for how beautiful she was,how much joy she brought and the light of her presence. Zenny will know her daughter is gone,please keep her close with someone with her to love and comfort her .I cannot say what I want to now but Z Princess had a light that will shine forever. I am heartbroken for the Mosses and so many who loved and adored her.I love you Z Princess,will follow your light.
Dear Ann and Jerry, Lane’s End staff, and the Farishes,
We mourn the loss of this beautiful filly, who looked to be something special. Although we can’t fathom the “whys”, we know that accidents do happen. As Cynthia said, we only “knew” her for 6 months, but she made her own impact on Zenyatta’s fans. Thank you for sharing her with us, for loving her, for allowing US to love her, and for caring enough about the fans to let us know. You didn’t have to, but as always, you have shared Zenyatta’s life with us, the good times and the heartbreaks. Please know that we are giving all of you hugs, and we offer our most sincere sympathies to all of you… Rest easy little Princess- and could you please say hi to my “Buddy” and “Agility” for me?
Noooooooooooo! Princess!
What type of paddock accident could have been so bad that she had to be put down?!
What a tragedy, with her whole life in front of her! My condolences to the Mosses and team Z.
Nicole Navarro
My thoughts and prayers go out to all the connections of Princess Z… but having raised, owned, shown and raced horses, ranging from TB’s, Arabians, Warmbloods, Welsh Mountain ponies, QH’s and paints.. I can tell you, young horses are not much different than young children, tweens and teens. they have a high incidence of tragic accidents.. I have seen a 3 month old warmblood break her neck in the paddock with her dam, where she was turned out from the day she was born, it was as safe as a paddock could possibly be, it wasnt slick, it wasnt any different, but for whatever reason she spooked and ran into the fence.. I had my own running QH bred, the last foal of a well known stallion, at 18 months old, get spooked due to the fireworks and he broke the upper portion of his front left leg.. my vet gave him painkillers and sedated him very heavily and contacted UGA to see if there was any possibility or chance or experimental treatment that could be tried.. in the end, we destroyed him within minutes… Another young stallion was turned out in a very safe, stud proof enclosure, although it had trees and the fence.. and a call came in that he had nearly severed his hind leg, again this time..quickly drugged to keep him pain free and calm, while it was examined and pictures sent to LSU vet school to see if he was salvagable.. but despite not breaking a bone, he severed every structure above the hock.. the only thing holding his leg together was the bone, the vet school gave him a zero percent chance of survival, therefore he was destroyed..
What i am trying to say is that it is never an easy choice, but horses can not be kept in bubble wrap, they run, they buck, they play, occassionally they land wrong when they come done, they take a bad step, they fall and in the fall damage something that cant be fixed.. if you are involved long enough you will see enough tragedy that you qonder every time you let one out to play.. but the reality is that I hae seen horses break their legs in their stalls… so, there is no easy answer, it is always with great sadness when a young horse must be euthanized. It is never an easy decision for the caretakers, but it is ALWAYS done with the thought of what is best for the horse, can the horse ever possibly have a normal life, be comfortable, live like a normal horse, without even considering if they will ever be usable. It is also important to remember that not every horse has the temperment to be saved.. while Ruffian might have been saved in todays modern world, she was such a tough filly, such a fighter, that it did not make her a good patient, on the other hand, Barbaro, had a temperment that allowed him to endure all the treatment and be a partner, seemingly wokring with his human partners to try to handle it well, his temperment allowed him to survive as long as he did with the exceptional care he was given.. it is one thing that always goes into the consideration of what to do and how to treat a horse when they suffer a catostrophic injury.
Well said.
Mary J George
Nicole, Thank you so much for explaining to many of us what can happen in the paddock. I wasn’t thinking clearly before. My love and sympathy to the Moss family, Zenyatta and everyone at Lane’s End. And this website/blog is a blessing. Rest in Peace “Z Princess Angel”…
Lise from Maine
This news made me sick.
What happened to her? Something went wrong. What is it? Couldn’t she be
saved? Broken legs can be repaired using water therapy and more.
Zenyatta loses her only girl. This is tragic.
Thank you!
Lise from Maine
Read Nicole Navarro’s post, above.
Obviously she could not be saved. If there had been any hope, the Mosses would have spared no expense, They would not have cared if she ever raced, but they would have wanted her to be comfortable and healthy.
Not all broken legs can be fixed. It depends on where the break occurs, its severity, and how much collateral damage to surrounding tissue is present. It also depends on the horse; unfortunately, a frisky weanling is unlikely to make a good patient. Plus, we don’t know that it was a broken leg. All sorts of things can happen.
J Johnson
I’m absolutely heartbroken. She was such a little charmer, and I was looking forward to seeing her strut her stuff on the racetrack. My deepest sympathies to the Mosses and all those who worked with her at Lane’s End.
Lise from Maine
This news made me sick.
What happened to her? Something went wrong. What is it? Couldn’t she be
saved? Broken legs can be repaired using water therapy and more.
Zenyatta loses her only girl. This is tragic.
Thank you!
Lise from Maine
Lou in Tx
My heart goes out to the Mosses, Lanes End and all those who cared for our Princess. My heart bleeds for you all. I am devastated by her loss as I know all of you are. My tears won’t stop. She will always be loved and never forgotten. God bless her sweet soul.
Susan S.
As soon as I read the news about Princess Z, I began to cry. If I feel this way, I cannot imagine how those who were close to her feel. My heart goes out to their shattered hearts.
Please let all those who were close to the little Princess heal from this tragedy. Let us be joyful about the time we had with Princess Z. We did have that. Goodbye sweet little one. You made us happy.
Shanda Hooton
My heartaches as if she were my own! The love we all have for Zenyatta, the admiration & respect for the Mosses. Team Z & the caretakers at Lanes end who have the privledge of caring for Z & all her little ones….there are not enough words to express how saddened and sorry I am for your loss!! Lil Princess Z..run free baby girl. You will never be forgotten and thank you for the joy you brought!! A princess you will always be as well as the 1st daughter of Queen Z..God bless! : ( : (
Jessica McMillen
Like everyone else who has commented first thoughts and prayers with her caretakers and anyone who knew her personally. Z princess was loved by all of Zenyatta’s fans it’s sad that as Zenyatta’s first filly we will never now if she would have been as great on the racetrack as her mom. She was a gorgeous filly and my heart sunk and broke when I saw the tweet. Praying she watches safely over Zenyatta, Cozmic One, Ziconic and any of zenyatta’s future foals keeping them all safe and healthy. RIP Z princess you were taken far to soon and will be missed by all who knew you and all of Team Zenyatta and her fans.
Allie in Texas
Love Ya, Z Princess and always will.
Janet Leigh Barnes
My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone. Just can’t imagine the hurt…Just heartbreaking. I wanted to share this…On a positive note but ironically enough, Today before I found about the filly, I was just showing members of my staff my framed pic of Zenyatta and her record breaking career. Just got it last week and hung it up in my office today. I’m in Charlotte, NC and there aren’t that many horse racing enthusiasts here. BUT today, after showing them the pics and videos of Z, she gained two more fans and two more people became as amazed at her as we all are. Not that this lightens the load of this sad day, but still wanted to share. Many prayers to y’all.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
So sad. was gasping tears. Words fail. I wanted to see her grow up and run, like I wanted to see Zenny run, with joy. A beautiful, beautiful filly. I’m glad Zenny did not see it.
Linda in NJ
I just cannot not believe this shocking and very sad news! My heart goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Moss and all of Team Z. There are no words that can describe this heartbreak.
My deepest condolences to all Z Princess’ connections at Lanes End that spent their days looking after her. This is a very sad evening. She was such a beauty with her wavy mane. So adorable.
Linda in NJ
Annette Reynar
Tears from Canada, heartbreaking an understatement.
A very sad day .The loss of the little princess that was her mother’s image and carried all our hopes of seeing magnificence again. God had other plans and now we mourn what could have been. My condolences to all the people that loved her.