Dear fans,
We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Zenyatta’s filly, affectionately nicknamed Z Princess. She was a member of our family and had just begun to make her mark on the world. This is a heartbreaking loss for those who knew and loved her.
The following is a statement from Lane’s End Farm:
It is with a heavy heart that I must report the death of the 2014 War Front / Zenyatta weanling filly. She was humanely euthanized last night at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital after a paddock accident on the farm.
As caretakers of these Thoroughbreds, we collectively mourn the loss of this beautiful filly.
On behalf of the Farish family and the entire staff at Lane’s End Farm, our condolences go out to Jerry and Ann, Team Zenyatta and all the great fans who support Zenyatta.
Mike Cline
General Manager of Lane’s End Farm
At this time, we ask that all messages of love and condolence be sent to the Zenyatta office. Team Z would like to lessen the load on Lane’s End Farm and their dedicated staff.
300 E. 54th St. #27A
New York, NY 10022
Our planned 2014 Zenyatta.com Celebration will continue as scheduled this weekend. This event is about celebrating the love that we share for Zenyatta, the strength of this community, and working together to improve our sport. We invite you to join us in raising money for Thoroughbred Rehab Center, Inc. Details will follow.
Thank you for all of your love and support during this difficult time,
-Team Z
I only learned the news a short time ago and, like so many who come here daily to chat and rejoice in the beauty that Zenyatta has brought into our lives, I am in tears. As someone said on Blood-Horse, “She was my Princess.” And, for me, that is also true. Thanks to the love and generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Moss, Team Z and the good folks at Lane’s End, I was welcomed into The Princess’ life as though I was there right from the start.
I really don’t know what else to say. My heart weeps and there are no words.
I do, however, want to send my love and deepest condolences to you, Mr. and Mrs. Moss, to each member of Team Z and to those who loved and cared for The Princess at Lane’s End. If I could give each of you a hug I would. Please know that you are not alone in your grief. And that she will never, ever be forgotten.
This is such deeply shocking news.I am heartbroken for Ann & Jerry,Zenyatta and all those folks at Lane’s End who took such great care of our Queen and her babies.The PrinZess is gone.Forever in my heart.RIP.Love and hugs SheenaXX
A tiny flower,lent not given,
To bud on earth but bloom in Heaven.
Sleep tight Sweetheart.
My love and prayers for Mr and Mrs Moss and all the Lane’s End team. Sheena’s poem has said it all for me.
Sheila Miller
I began to cry as soon as i read this, i’ve been following her since her birth. I cannot imagine the heartbreak among her caretakers, God bless you all and help everyone through this awful time. RIP Little Princess.
Still in shock after reading the blog this afternoon. My heartfelt sympathy to the Mosses, who have been so generous in sharing Zenyatta and her family with her fans, and everyone at Lane’s End, who have taking care of Z Princess since the day she was foaled, and all of Team Z. Can’t seem to stop crying, it’s a loss that can’t be put into words.
I am so sorry. There are no words. My condolences to all. I am so sad. My heart goes out to all of you.
jill from jersey
Please accept my deepest sympathies. Words can’t express the loss you are all feeling. Young or old, these horses touch our souls, we love them, care for them, would do anything for them. So go down to the barn and give your horse an extra hug tonight and know that a little princess will be watching over them and guiding their footsteps, whether it be on the racetrack, or a show ring, or a trial ride. Rest in peace Princess Z and say hello to my mare Beaujolais, who I will always miss.
Debbie Butcher
Have always loved Zenyatta & have been so excited to follow her while she was racing & then having her babies. Will surely miss Princess Z.
I am so sorry for for your loss Jerry and Ann. It’s absolutely horrible and heart breaking. My heart just sank hearing the news :'( She was so beautiful like her mother. I’m sure Zenyatta is heart broken and I wish I could give her a hug. I’m deeply DEEPLY sorry.
Condolences to everyone. I’m still in shock. I know this stuff happens, but the odds of it happening to one of Zenyatta’s foals… I’m sad that we’ll never get to know her better. Since the fans get so attached to the foals, I would really appreciate it if we could eventually be given the details on what happened. I wonder if the Mosses will go back to War Front sometime soon.
Agnes Carlson
I cannot describe my emotions right now. I haven’t felt this heartbroken in a long time. Please know my heart and soul is with the Moss’, team Z and all other connections at these hard times. Sweden is thinking about you tonight. xx
Patricia Hershey
Ironically, I just spent a couple of hours watching videos of the phenomenon that is Zenyatta, only to check facebook and read this devastating news. I love her boys, but this little girl stole my heart with the first picture of she and her mom nose to nose. So much like her momma. As a thoroughbred breeder, I know the highs and lows of this business, the excitement of the new arrivals, and the heartbreak when you lose one. My tears are flowing and my heart hurts for Jerry and Ann and for all of Team Z and Lanes End. My sincerest condolences. Thank you again for sharing with us, especially at this tough time. RIP, little one.
Cynthia H.
♥ We had Z Princess for only six months, yet the joy which she engendered will last a lifetime. She had everything but the gift of time. To Team Z and all of those devoted people which surrounded her, my most tender sympathy. To Ann Moss, I hug you in my heart. My tears you already have in abundance. My prayers you will have the same. Zenyatta has always been there to give us strength, beauty, hope and love when we felt we were too tired and discouraged to go on. Please know that we return that love in full. Unconditionally and forever. ♥
Janet Newman
So beautifully stated.
There is a new little star twinkling in the sky and she is the brightest of all.
RIP sweet Z Princess.
We were so blessed to be part of your short time on this earth through the generosity of Jerry and Ann Moss, Team Z and Lane’s End.
Zenyatta, Tasty is there to care of your little girl and whenever you feel that gentle breeze on your lovely face, it will be Tasty and Z Princess gently running by.
Pamela Manzer
My condolences to Jerry and Ann Moss and the entire Z team. May you find peace and comfort during this difficult time.
Absolutely shocked and heartbroken. Just in tears over this news. I have owned horses most of my life and can sadly relate to this tragedy. Deepest sympathies to the Mosses. May the beautiful Z Princess rest in peace. I can’t believe this…
Janis Comerford
So sorry for the loss of Zenyatta’s filly. Our prayers go out to the Moss family and everyone at Lanes End.
James and Michelle Lau
No words can describe this passing trajedy. Her 1st girl and such a beautiful soul. You could really see her softness and kindness in her eyes. She looked exactly like Z. RIP baby girl…
You will always be missed.
Jeanne Sutton
Heartbreaking. What a terrible loss. So sorry.
Mary J George
Totally devastated over the loss of Z Princess. My tears and heavy heart aren’t letting my hands type everything that’s going on in my mind. But I do want to know what happened and how it happened. Isn’t Z Princess watched all the time? Answers, please…
Kathleen Marsh
I am broken hearted.My condolences to Jerry and Ann Moss. And to Zenyatta.
Donna Haluscsak
So sorry to hear this tragic news. Heartfelt condolences to the Moss’, Team Z and Lanes End. It’s so sad to think of what might have been! RIP Z Princess.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
So sad that this dear baby is gone…..Zenny’s first filly……..I hope she doesn’t know. My heart cries for the Mosses, the team, and all at Lanes End who knew her. I just feel like I’ve been blind-sided. Don’t have any more words. RIP dear Zeaster Lily.
Becky Runau
So very heartbreaking… I know she was a special filly. My condolences go out to all the connections….
RIP lovely Z Princess.
My sincerest condolences :(
Donna Haluscsak
So sorry to hear this tragic news. Heartfelt condolences to the Moss’, Team Z and Lanes End. Very sad to think of what might have been! RIP Z Princess.
Can you tell her legion of fans what actually happened?
Thank you!
Kalar Walters
:'( I cried and cried and cried. I’m so sorry!! Deeply heartfelt condolences to everyone who loved and cared for her! Huge virtual hug for Ann. ♥
This is a terrible loss of such a young filly, full of the promise of things yet to come. It is a time to weep deeply for what might have been, but let us at the same time give thanks for the joy and hope that she gave us. She was lovely, so like her wonderful mother. I will always remember her in that way.
My deepest sympathy to Jerry and Ann Moss and all others who knew her best and cared for her. Run free little girl. Run free.
Betsy C. from Haida Gwaii, BC, Canada
My heart and prayers go out to all connections of Zenyatta and her Princess…my heart is so heavy for you all….Rest in Paradise sweet Z Princess…<3
Carol B.
When we love deeply…..we grieve deeply. She touched so many lives in such a short time on earth.. Run with the “big” boys and Angels sweet girl. To her Mom, owner’s and all that loved her I am so sorry for your heartbreak. They take a piece of our hearts with them. <3 xo
judy from pahrump nevada
Dear Ann and Jerry Moss
They just showed Zenyatta in her 2009 Classic win on TVG and then announced the news of your devastating loss of Z Princess. My heart breaks for you. You are in my prayers. God bless you.