Dear fans,
We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Zenyatta’s filly, affectionately nicknamed Z Princess. She was a member of our family and had just begun to make her mark on the world. This is a heartbreaking loss for those who knew and loved her.
The following is a statement from Lane’s End Farm:
It is with a heavy heart that I must report the death of the 2014 War Front / Zenyatta weanling filly. She was humanely euthanized last night at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital after a paddock accident on the farm.
As caretakers of these Thoroughbreds, we collectively mourn the loss of this beautiful filly.
On behalf of the Farish family and the entire staff at Lane’s End Farm, our condolences go out to Jerry and Ann, Team Zenyatta and all the great fans who support Zenyatta.
Mike Cline
General Manager of Lane’s End Farm
At this time, we ask that all messages of love and condolence be sent to the Zenyatta office. Team Z would like to lessen the load on Lane’s End Farm and their dedicated staff.
300 E. 54th St. #27A
New York, NY 10022
Our planned 2014 Zenyatta.com Celebration will continue as scheduled this weekend. This event is about celebrating the love that we share for Zenyatta, the strength of this community, and working together to improve our sport. We invite you to join us in raising money for Thoroughbred Rehab Center, Inc. Details will follow.
Thank you for all of your love and support during this difficult time,
-Team Z
Amy Hatcher
I am so sorry for your loss. She was such a beautiful filly! I know the heartbreak of losing a foal that you have bred and raised; they ARE family. My thoughts and prayers are with all who loved and cared for our beloved Z Princess! She will forever run with grace!
Donna H
If I’m not mistaken, I believe that Curlin’s first baby died as a result of a paddock accident. These things do happen and it is just a terrible heartbreak. No finger of blame should be pointed, just reaching out in sympathy and love.
marilyn braudrick
Thank you for your comment Rachel. On the Forum, You said that Zenny could not possibly know about her baby’s passing as Princess Z had been weaned 3 weeks before I pray with all my heart that your view of Zenyatta not knowing is the correct one. Problem is there are just so many true stories of horses and dogs suffering in anguish the loss of a loved one who passed away and seemingly the suffering animal could have had no actual way to know about it. It seem that some of them somehow just know and that knowledge comes to them from another, higher level. but, again, i hope your viewpoint is the right one. IT helps me as i am clinging to it as the truth and it comforts me. at this time. Sincerele, Marilyn B.
I have no doubt you are correct- esp w Zennyatta. Her intuition
and ‘knowing Ness’ is what has seperated her from the
Pack…in racing, & in life.
I just want you to know that I have sent Zenyatta
calming energy and also her baby-girl, healing
energy to help her ‘move on’ (because sometimes
souls get ‘stuck’) So hopefully, both mom and daughter
are moving on…take heart in the fact that they
will once again reunite when Zenny moves on.
Dee in the Hudson Valley
Our deepest, truly heartfelt sympathies go to Jerry and Ann Moss and everyone at Team Z.
pat benson
I just found out and am truly shocked and saddened.I love following the horses and she was adorable. my condolences to her family..horse and human.
elyse mach
Such shocking and sad news about beautiful Princess Z. My deepest and heartfelt sympathies go out to Ann and Jerry Moss and to everyone who cared for this special little filly.
I’m shocked a little upset, and annoyed going through responses to this and seeing people ask for and or demand an explanation of the accident.
Lane’s End and the Mosses do not owe any of us an explanation. And we have no more right to demand one, for a horse that’s not ours, than BH, DRF and any of the other news organizations do. If anything, we owe Lane’s End and the Mosses respect, and our respecting their privacy in this. They don’t have to tell us fans anything about Zenyatta and her foals, and yet they share more than I ever expected.
So please respect their privacy, and lets move on.
Sorry, had to get that off my chest, I’ll be going now. c.c
thomas zodda
Crystal I am very sorry about Z Princess’s accident . please do not let silly comments get to you ,these people have never owned horses and have no idea what they are talking about.
my condolence Tom
Donna Olinger
I cried when I read this story…how traggic. My deepest sympathy goes to Zenyatta and all the Staff at Lanes End Farm.
Poor little Princess Z…..she was beautiful !!!
My deepest sympathies to the Mosses, Team Z and Lanes End Farm. Z Princess was a beautiful filly and I am heartbroken at the news of her passing. There was something about her that touched my heart and I regret that we will not be able to watch her grow and mature.
I would certainly hope the other horse owners who have horses at this facility are informed of how she died. If I were an owner of one of Z Princess’s friend in the paddock I would like to know. AND we dont know if she was alive upon arrival at R& R or if it were to document her passing to an ins. company. I am curious as to where the little Princess will be buried. NO reason, My deepest sympathy to Jerry and Ann Moss, who are top notch in their care of their horses and After care once their horses have retired.
” AND we dont know if she was alive upon arrival at R& R or if it were to document her passing to an ins. company”
The statement from Lane’s End clearly states that Z Princess was humanely euthanized at R&R on the night of October 28.
Unless you know for certain that Lane’s End hasn’t notified the owners of her paddock mates with specifics about her accident, please don’t speculate.
Losing such an exceptional and much-loved filly has to be hard enough on those who actually knew her without needless speculation from strangers.
Was your snide remark needed? Why cant people just read someones comment or concern rather than go on like one knows more than the other. too bad they allow comments on stories.
Just saw the terrible news. My condolences to the Mosses and Team Z. I’m just sick about this. So sorry.
bettina eger
They say that time can heal all wounds
and this I know is true,
So time is what it’s going to take
For every one of you.
And when enough time has gone by
in weeks or months or years,
Fond memories of the times you’ve shared,
will then replace your tears.
But as for now a brand new star
lights up the Heaven blue,
Brightening up the darkest nights
to help you make it through.
And even though God called her home,
she’s never really gone,
Remaining always in your heart,
her memory will live on.
My deeply condolences to mr and mrs moss, team zenyatta and special to the queen. I am so sad for her and her loss. Zenny..i love you so much
Poor baby girl.Rest in Peace.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Well said Bettina. Thank you,
Sunny B.
Elizabeth in Oregon
When we went to Santa Anita on Thursday last week, there were a couple of bouquets on Zenyatta’s statue. By Sunday, the base was covered with flowers and heartfelt messages to Zenyatta and her team. It was very touching to see how fans still love Zenyatta and are so saddened by the loss of her baby girl.
marilyn braudrick
Dear Ann and Jerry and all of team Z. I havn’t written sooner because, like all of you, i was sorrowing so much. But I would like to say to you that all of us , the fans, out here, do not want to be a burden to you at this time but wish that you would please allow us to be an invisible army of love and strength that you can stretch out your arms and
lean on as you go through this terrible experience of deep mourning that darling little filly. We all send you love and strength, as much as you need it and for as long as you need it.
Sincerely, Marilyn Braudrick
Amie Green
I was at a dog show with a my mom and daughter today when I found out the news of the loss of lil Princess Z. It sent chills up my spine. Im am so sorry for the loss of this dear baby. To Jerry and Ann know that you have sooooo many people behind you and your team. You all are in my prayers.
Hugs and Hearts
Amie Green
Cynthia Hahn
So very sorry to hear. My deepest condolences. Such a loss.
I know she was put down because of a paddock accident but what was the paddock accident?
One thing horse people know and others should understand is that horses are mischievous. They are very curious and can and do get into potentially dangerous situations, even if you think they are completely safe in their surroundings. My old horse used to shove a hoof through the fence every where he could. He has hurt himself quite a few times, but thankfully was able to recover with no long lasting lameness or problems. He was full grown, now imagine a Baby with the curiosity of twice the amount. We can’t wrap them in bubblewrap, as much as many of us would like to. Things happen and unfortunately sometimes it’s situations that are not fixable. They obviously tried. So please, before demanding answers and saying that other owners need to know, understand that they have already shared so much information with you, they don’t have to share details. Nobody wants those thoughts or images and I’m sure they don’t want to relive it.
Sorry, had to get that off my chest.
I’m sorry to hear of your loss. Thank you for sharing this Beautiful Princess with us during the time you had with her. Prayers for emotional healing for all of you and Zanyetta.
Sorry, phone auto corrected her name…
I went out ot bring in a horse for the farrier. all the other horses were happy and healthy. I went out 10 mins. later to get the next horse for the farrier. the sight that met me will never leave my mind. in one of the water troughs, 4 legs hanging over the edge. the neck of a bay horse also hanging over the edge. there were 6 bay horses, which one was it?? the realization that it was my beautiful 5 month old filly brought such a scream of terror from within me, the farrier came running to see what was wrong. she did not drown, or break any bones. she did not have a heart attack or stroke. how she ever got into the water trough will always be as big a mystery as why she died in it. terrible things happen. remember, love them while you have them and leave these poor people alone……terrible pasture accidents can an Do happen.
Leesa Blood
I am so sad to hear what happen , Heaven is lucky to have you , as we will miss what you could have become.
Karen Paul
My condolences to the Moss’ and everyone related to Lane’s End Farm on the passing of Z Princess. I’m in total agreement with everyone who said that we do not need any explanation as to the nature of a “pasture accident”.
Just remember that horses are the most powerful and the most delicate creatures on the planet. A small event can cause their systems to go completely out of whack. Horses can get hurt anywhere..in the stall, in the paddock, walking to the field, and even under saddle.
Unless you have horses of your own or help to take care of horses (I have five of them), don’t judge or criticize. Just hold them in your thoughts and prayers…and LEAVE THEM ALONE!
Okay, it was stupid of me to ask for details of the paddock accident. Got caught up in the moment. Hard to see Z Princess go, though
Stacey Radley
One thing that amazes me about horses are that they are and always will be horses. Even a horse handled correctly and in a safe environment can trip at the wrong spot of the paddock and get hurt. Lanes end has a stellar reputation and the way Z and her offspring glow indicates they are well cared for. Any breeder trainer or owner of horses knows there is an involved risk. Its sad and tragic but if there was any chance the filly could have lived a quality life a different decision would have been made for that cute filly.
carol weinstein
So sorry to hear of this terrible loss for Zenyatta and the Mosses. I share in their pain.
I disagree with Crystal. I think we zsters do deserve an explanation. We have followed this foal from conception, losing sleep checking this site hour after hour till her birth. We are faithful in paying for $20.00 stickers and expensive coffee cups, tees, etc. just to support Zenyatta. It’s like the death of a child. We are curious, not nosey, about what happened. But if nothing else, couldn’t we at least see a grave site? It’s been 2+ months and no word. No they don’t “owe” us anything, it’s matter of respect for us who have followed and supported Z.
So saddened. I recall a few years back a thoroughbred farm in Victoria BC lost six babies, the same year, all paddock/field accidents. The loss of any baby is bad but to think of the loss of those y chromosomes. What a tragedy.