Dear fans,
We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Zenyatta’s filly, affectionately nicknamed Z Princess. She was a member of our family and had just begun to make her mark on the world. This is a heartbreaking loss for those who knew and loved her.
The following is a statement from Lane’s End Farm:
It is with a heavy heart that I must report the death of the 2014 War Front / Zenyatta weanling filly. She was humanely euthanized last night at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital after a paddock accident on the farm.
As caretakers of these Thoroughbreds, we collectively mourn the loss of this beautiful filly.
On behalf of the Farish family and the entire staff at Lane’s End Farm, our condolences go out to Jerry and Ann, Team Zenyatta and all the great fans who support Zenyatta.
Mike Cline
General Manager of Lane’s End Farm
At this time, we ask that all messages of love and condolence be sent to the Zenyatta office. Team Z would like to lessen the load on Lane’s End Farm and their dedicated staff.
300 E. 54th St. #27A
New York, NY 10022
Our planned 2014 Zenyatta.com Celebration will continue as scheduled this weekend. This event is about celebrating the love that we share for Zenyatta, the strength of this community, and working together to improve our sport. We invite you to join us in raising money for Thoroughbred Rehab Center, Inc. Details will follow.
Thank you for all of your love and support during this difficult time,
-Team Z
Donna Lee, Canada
So very sorry for your tragic loss, time will heal, memories are wonderful, hold tight to them, With Love and caring
After a close friend losing 2 beloved Horses to tragic ends this year only tears can express the broken heart we all feel for your loss as well. Savor your tears and do not old them back, they mean so much more than words can ever say.
Lise from Maine
Bonjour Zenyatta!
No one wants to accuse anyone of hurting Z Princess. It is obvious that the staff
love her as well as all of your fans along with your babies.
Zenyatta, I believe it is the “lack of explanation’ that raises people’s curiosity level. The mind can imagine all kinds of things. Silence sometimes can raise suspicions.
When people are in shock, all rationalizations go “out the window” until the shock wears off.
Mr. Moss was interviewed yesterday on NBC Sports regarding one of his horses that was racing in the Breeder’s Cup but the reporter didn’t ask him about Z Princess which is too bad. I was really hoping he would.
So sorry that Z Princess passed away, and I hope that some remembrance of her will happen.
A beautiful burial place and stone?
Lots of love to you, Zenyatta, your two sons, and of course, to Z Princess.
Thank you!
Lise from Maine
Last winter, the love of my life mare’s perfect filly had a freak accident and beyond expectations, has so far recovered although only time will tell about her racing career. When I shared the story about Princess Z, a vet asked me what happened, having dealt with the odds for my own little girl. So knowing the injury would help many horse lovers and breeders understand what isn’t healable and what is. Like Lisa, understanding the injury would be so helpful.
So, so very sorry about what must be a devastating loss to everyone involved. Please know that there are thousands of fans who are holding all of you in our hearts and prayers. Z Princess was a special filly, and words cannot begin to describe how saddened I was to hear this tragic news. If there is a heaven, she’s there. And there with her are all the great horses we have lost. They will look after her and teach her to run on heaven’s racetrack. And like her mother did for us here on earth, Z Princess will astonish and astound heaven’s angels.
we rescued a philly several years ago. She was delightful unfortunately she coliced
And by the time we called vet they couldn’t save her. My daughter and I were devasted on the evening of her passing we both experienced some really strange occuraces. We both felt this was her leaving us know that she knew how much we loved her and was traveling on to another plane
Solon Lechonitis
Just read this sad News.RIP.Z Princess.
Solon Lechonitis
Sad News.RIP.
I agree with Lise. Imaginations run wild when all people read is “paddock accident”. So many things can happen to a horse, things that are no one’s fault and cannot be controlled, such as slipping and falling, running into a tree, hitting a fence, stepping in a rabbit hole, getting kicked — the list is endless. There is no way for even the best farm in the world to guard against such things.
This loss will stay with me for a very long time. I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult it is for people at the farm and the owners and other connections of Zenyatta. My thoughts are with them.
This is so sad.
I am so sad to hear the news of Z Princess, paddock accidents happen with no warning.
My thoughts are with everyone involved.
sonya graske
And, I mourn right with you. Saddened mourning people are so thinking of you with this tragic fate. She was a beautiful CZ♡ : ‘ (
R I P baby Z ….. As a life long owner & breeder it’s best that you become accepting of the fact that horses just get hurt and can do it with a blink of an eye . My advice is appreciate each & everyone of them .. Enjoy them and know they can be gone in an instance !! Horses are not just a commodity they are gifts !!’ My heart breaks for Z Primcess s caretakers & family God Bless !!
So very sorry to hear of this. It must be devastating to all involved. My deepest condolences.
Carole Klumb #42
So very at the loss of the beautiful “Princess Z”, condolences to Jerry and Ann and any one connected with this filly,
Karen R.
Why is that you do not mention the cause of her so called accident?? This sounds very very strange. You make it sound like foul play. Would you please tell it like it is!!!
Because at the end of the day it’s none of our business!
A paddock accident is just what it says on the tin. This beautiful animals are often their own worst enemies and there is simply no wrapping them in bubble wrap. Be it in the paddock, the stall, on the end of a lead shank or under saddle.
The only people who need to know the tragic details are the Mosses. The rest of us need to accept this tragic ACCIDENT occurred, offer our condolences to her connections and stop acting entitled to information that is none of our business.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Hear, hear!
Lexica Studio
I am so sorry for the loss of this wonderful filly. Recently, a friend of mine who is a breeder had a devastating year with the loss of three foals. I did not ask why or how, just cried and said I am sorry. Only horse people understand the devastation of the loss of a horse. And accidents happen…to old horses and young horses. Something again that horse people understand. If only we could wrap them in bubble wrap and Kevlar and put them in padded stalls…but what kind of a life would that be? I wish the Z family peace and privacy as they sort through their loss. My heart goes out to you.
candi carter
ohh heaven this is so sad am shock what a beautiful filly, very sad.
Lynn in Seattle
Such sad news. I’m so thankful for all the beautiful photos and news that you share about Zenyatta, her life, her offspring and human family. I am sure that Princess Z was loved and cared for as well as any horse could possibly be. I’ll give my Thoroughbred an extra big hug –everyday with a beloved horse is a gift. My sincere condolences to everyone there.
It is so tragic to lose a loved one like Princess Z. She was such a beautiful baby and looked so much like her mother. I have a thoroughbred with amazing blood lines to Secretariat and Red Ransom. We treat her as a family member. My heart goes out to the Mosses. You can see in the pictures that Ann has such a connection with her horses. I can’t imagine the grief you two are feeling. I have the same connection with my thoroughbred. And, as Lynn in Seattle said….Our horses are a gift from God. Enjoy them every moment of the day. We had a young 21 year old male pass away a few years ago. It was a total accident-he fell two stories from a balcony to the foyer and died within 24 hours. He loved his horse immensely. An hour after the young man passed-his horse was young and never sick a day in its life-died. We know the horse is in heaven with his owner! True Story
Jeanne Johnson
We have all been in mourning since we heard the news – would certainly appreciate any details to be able to better get our arms around this. Our sincere condolences to the Moss’ and Land End’s too but some understanding of the situation would be greatly appreciated.. Thank you.
melissa m
So sorry to hear this news!
I’ve watched fans on the website and on Facebook ask for, even demand, answers and details about what happened to Z Princess. As someone who works in journalism, I can speak from experience — be careful what you wish for, as it might bring more information than you really want to know. Does it really matter to learn how she got injured, how a likely routine day turned into a nightmare? Why they made the obviously wrenching decision to put her down? This was a supremely valuable and much-loved filly, one that all connected with her would have spared nothing to save given even a small chance of survival. I have worked with breeding animals in the past, so I have at least some understanding of the devastation those at Land’s End must have felt to turn this girl out to paddock, as I’m sure they’ve done many times before, and have this happen. I hope this doesn’t seem frivolous, but when I heard the news I was reminded of one of my favorite movies, “The Princess Bride,” when the boy tells his grandfather, “You read the story wrong … you’re messing up the story, now get it right.” That was my reaction, that this couldn’t be right. It wasn’t supposed to end this way for Z Princess, the girl who seemed designed from the start to stand out, with the curly mane and bold white bird on her forehead. Her fans here openly dreamed of her becoming the first female Triple Crown winner. To lose at least a potential broodmare, on a year Zenyatta is taking off from breeding, does seem incredibly unfair, but we should not lose sight that accidents happen, nor should we look to assign blame. My heart goes out to Land’s End farms and Zenyatta’s team who have been so generous in sharing all three of her progeny’s progress. As grandpa in “The Princess Bride” points out, “Well, who says life is fair? Where is that written? Life isn’t always fair.” While true, it’s difficult to accept, yet we should not pressure those closest to Zenyatta to divulge painful details of what they had to deal with that day of losing the filly. RIP, Z Princess.
Just wanted to mention how much this message spoke to me. The few times I’ve let my mind wander to I wonders I’ve drawn back. It can only be painful to know too much. Is there any answer that could be given that would be comforting? It doesn’t seem likely. And now I am going to think of the wonderful Peter Falk being grandfatherly and try to take a measure of solace in that.
Perhaps she casted herself. No matter, God needed Princess in heaven. It’s very sad that she’s gone, but those who loved her are to be commended and consoled for doing the RIGHT thing and letting her go and not suffering ♥♥♥
Bonnie Bedford
“Fly Home Little One!”
Sorry, folks, but the Lane’s End people owe everyone an explanation as to what happened.
And I’m amazed that various news outlets did nothing more than regurgitate the press release that was put out.
They don’t.
The only people owed an explanation are the people who received one. Jerry and Ann Moss.
Terry – why do you feel the Moss’s owe anyone an explanation? It wouldn’t change anything.
I agree with Z13Rulz. I’m baffled by the continued insistence that some further explanation is “owed” on what happened. Those close to Zenyatta have been generous in sharing news about her and her offspring since she became a broodmare. That has been their choice, not some obligation, even with her vast fan base. Please give that team some room to grieve and stop pushing for the painful details. As to news outlets only “regurgitating” the press release, again, as someone who works in journalism, we push when there’s a reason to push. This doesn’t carry some whiff of misdeed, just a tragic accident. Really, are you suggesting otherwise? And if so, why?
Ann K
It may be that no one is saying what happened because no one knows what happened.
But certainly the Mosses are not to blame and probably were nowhere near Lane’s End when it happened.
I hope they will consider moving Zenyatta to a new location. We have only followed a small number of horses on this website, but already there have been two deaths in two years. Tasty Temptation, and now ZPrincess. It’s time to move.
No farm that handles horses, let alone the number of horses the Kentucky nurseries manage, has a record free of fatalities.
From large operations like Lane’s End to smaller, private operations like Stonestreet, to some of the Mom and Pop farms that people on this forum watch on Marestare. All of them have suffered tragic losses, whether it be during foaling or afterwards. It’s the lows of managing horses.
These are living, breathing, independent creatures, not machines that can be predicted and safely stashed away in a garage at the end of the day. ACCIDENTS happen. That Zenyatta has safely carried, delivered and raised 3 foals without incident is something to be celebrated.
Grief is natural in a situation like this but the constant blame game is unworthy of the spirit of love and generosity this site is meant to represent.
Sharon Tupper
When I went on Facebook and seen that Z Princess has passed away from a paddock accident, I was shocked. It is heart-breaking that the War Front filly is gone and like Z13rulz said, the only people who deserve an explanation of what happened is the Mosses. I know Ann is devastated over the filly’s passing as she spent a lot of time with her from the time she was born to before the accident.
I am solely saddened by this tragedy and I know that Jerry and Ann Moss won’t be moving Zenyatta to another farm because Lane’s End has done a great job of taking care of her every day.
Deborah Biediger
This is so sad. I wish there were more details about what occurred. I would imagine Z misses her filly. I do hope this was unavoidable and not due to any human error. Z is a national treasure and her filly so beautiful and full of promise.
Zenyatta and her filly were separated when Z Princess was weaned, so they had been apart for about 3 weeks. Zenny doesn’t know that anything occurred. Also, there is no reason to think that there was any human error involved. Paddock accidents happen, unfortunately. We don’t hear about them unless a famous animal is involved, as was the case here.
I am so sad & upset that I cannot.find words…only prayers for little Princess , zenyatta,s team and all of us that were lucky enough to have her in our life. Princess gave each of us.a bit of joy and. Sunshine. RIP litle one…thank you for spending time with us.!
Loretta Deaton
I did not know until today of the death of Z Princess as I was looking up some information about yesterday’s BC. What a shock and tragedy! She was absolutely gorgeous and I do think looked just like Momma Zenyatta. It is often said that all things, good and bad happen for a reason, we just do not know the reason yet! The reason will become clear with time. God bless the owners and the caretakers of this angel of a filly!