Dear fans,
We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Zenyatta’s filly, affectionately nicknamed Z Princess. She was a member of our family and had just begun to make her mark on the world. This is a heartbreaking loss for those who knew and loved her.
The following is a statement from Lane’s End Farm:
It is with a heavy heart that I must report the death of the 2014 War Front / Zenyatta weanling filly. She was humanely euthanized last night at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital after a paddock accident on the farm.
As caretakers of these Thoroughbreds, we collectively mourn the loss of this beautiful filly.
On behalf of the Farish family and the entire staff at Lane’s End Farm, our condolences go out to Jerry and Ann, Team Zenyatta and all the great fans who support Zenyatta.
Mike Cline
General Manager of Lane’s End Farm
At this time, we ask that all messages of love and condolence be sent to the Zenyatta office. Team Z would like to lessen the load on Lane’s End Farm and their dedicated staff.
300 E. 54th St. #27A
New York, NY 10022
Our planned 2014 Zenyatta.com Celebration will continue as scheduled this weekend. This event is about celebrating the love that we share for Zenyatta, the strength of this community, and working together to improve our sport. We invite you to join us in raising money for Thoroughbred Rehab Center, Inc. Details will follow.
Thank you for all of your love and support during this difficult time,
-Team Z
Maggi in Columbia, CA
My heart goes out to all the people that loved and cared for this beautiful filly. We cannot fully comprehend your grief but know that so many have you in their thoughts and prayers. We loved Z Princess for her grace, style and beauty and you loved her for her heart and soul.
Susan O
I’m in shock and just can’t believe it. I bid on the trip to see her and the Tappit colt Ziconic. She was in foal with War Front filly. I got to meet War Front on that trip too. I’m just silent in disbelief and just keep thinking about Zenyatta’s feelings if she knows. My heart goes out to Jerry and Ann Moss. Dottie and John, Steve, Mario, Mike, everyone Lanes End fans.
Sue Bunce
I shed quite a few tears yesterday when receiving this news. So hard to believe such a tragedy. She was the spitting image of her mother that lovely white blaze and had the same regal air. Such a pity we will never get to see how great she could’ve been. life isn’t fair and I wish all those connected with her my condolences. She never had a chance to live her life. I hope that Coz and Ziconic will have some of her spirit within them when they race.
margaret d.
So sorry to hear about your loss–I also lost my Faarose to an accident…a terrible shock!!
Z Princess will be happy to know how many donations were given in her name to rescue groups to help other horses. She did not leave in vain.
Michelle Hale
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Condolences for your loss.
Thanks to all the Zsters for the information about Our Mims. They were my choice since as someone said, they do not get the publicity that Old Friends does.
Robin LOVES Zenyatta
I am also going to send condolences to the address in NY, but I just wanted to echo earlier folks when they said that they just wanted to give a hug to Ann (and Jerry, John, Dottie, Alys, the Mayberrys, and everyone who cares for the Z family). I bet they really need all the love and touch they can get.
Ann and Jerry Moss have been beyond generous in letting us love the Queen and all of her children as we have. If I were the owner of such a promising filly, with the Queen’s zest for life running through her veins, I don’t think I could get out of bed at this point. If it is hard for us to go about our day, imagine how they are feeling.
No words can express, but we hope that Team Zenyatta is feeling the love from thousands and thousands of fans.
Dawn Killen-Courtney
While many have said more and better, I must say for myself how sorry I am about this devastating loss. This girl was a magnificent thing from the very start, and was, even to an untrained eye like mine looking like she was going to be a fabulous race mare. I have always said life turns on a dime, and this is another tragic instance of that. I am glad the Zenyatta celebration is going on as planned, as life after all must, but to the Mosses, Team Z, everyone who cared for and loved Princess Z, I share your sorrow.
Sue in Indiana
Tears continue to fall. Hugs and healing thoughts to Ann and Jerry, Lanes End, and all involved in Z princess’s care. Especially Ann who bonds so closely with these babies. I guess I am shocked by the negative comments regarding the quality of care given by Lands End. Horses can be injured just looking at stuff I have found out. No matter how careful you think you are they can find some way to injure themselves. At least mine do and you can’t keep them in a stall all their lives. RIP precious Princess.
Heartsick. I still just can’t believe we lost our princess.
Ellen Brayshaw
My deepest condolences go to Ann and Jerry, John and Dottie and the entire Z Team and the entire staff at Lands End. This is a devastating event to say the very least. Your Princess Z was standout among yearling fillies. She was her mother’s soul. I am so very grief strickened and knowing that these kinds if accidents can happen to any horse at any time as we all know. However, all if our hearts are breaking. Please know that all this love and all our tears will caress her as she journeys fourth to God. Bless you our sweet princess, we all will carry your memory in our hearts forever…Ellen
maureen ph[llips
Such a nice write up, brought tears to my eyes. Still in shock and disbelief. This is like an unending nightmare that am praying to wake up from. In God we trust, it is well.
Ann Mitchell Adam
This tribute is wonderful and beautifully stated. I too had a physical reaction when I heard the news and sadness overcame me as I remembered that I felt her special greatness would come as a dam. Yes, she had the very special attributes of Zenyatta plus more.
Oh God NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I just read my email with this awful news.So sorry Ann & Jerry, all of TeamZ, Zsters. I’m in shock.
maureen ph[llips
That was exactly my reaction. Still in shock but it will get better for in God we trust. It is well.
maureen ph[llips
Here is wishing all Z Nation family God’s Peace and a wonderful weekend, Z Princess would want us to be happy, she was always so happy and had so much fun . It is well.
Words cannot express how sorry I am for your loss. I still can’t believe it. May she rest in peace. She will be missed.
The collective hearts of all Z fans go out to you all. Thoughts and prayers from Saratoga Springs. The chill in this morning’s air just got a little colder.
Ann NC
Ahhh, this beautiful. Thank you, BL.
Great fans!
James C Cogsdil
So Sad!!!!!!
Deana Tx
The Power of Z. Fans of our Racing Queen are bringing pink flowers in respect for ZPrincess and her sudden passing. She is our angel that provided so much love and respect in her short time with us. May she protect and guide the racing community in this BC and all races to come. Our healing thoughts and prayers are extended to the Moss’, Team Z, and Lane’s End. I encourage anyone who loved and admired her and Mama Z to bring pink flowers to the BC in honor of all the love and kindness Team Z has given us. Please share this with everyone you know.
Pat Miller
How does one die in a stall. With great care and so much potential. Seems hard to believe. Someone is responsible for this tradegy!!!
She didn’t die in a stall… she was hurt in a pasture accident, like horses are every single day with no one to blame.
Ingrid Arnone
Okay, I agree, but I want to know….How….
Ingrid Arnone
I agree with you, something is not right…..
I need to know what kind of accident she suffer.
Please, tell us HOW?
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
No, you don’t need to know, except to satisfy your morbid curiosity. This was tragic accident–don’t make it about you.
Read the article, Pat. She hurt herself in a PADDOCK accident. Most likely broke her leg or the like. She did not hurt herself in a stall (though such a thing is possible for a horse). You could wrap a horse in layers of bubblewrap and they might still find a way to hurt themselves. There is NOBODY behind this tragedy, nobody responsible! I don’t know why you would assume someone would kill this treasured baby and we don’t need such a conspiracy theory here. Accidents happen.
Ann Mitchell Adam
The best remark ever. Thank you so much for stating it. Details are NOT necessary no matter what reason one calls for them; conspiracy, “closure,” etc. There is entirely too much of all this sharing of “feelings” which doesn’t encourage maturity or development of character.
I think it would help to know what happened. It might knock some of us out of this ” I think this is a nightmare” phase. Basically, we need closure.
As a horse lover and Zenyatta fan this really broke my heart to hear. I’m deeply saddened by this. I’m so sorry for your loss.
So sorry to hear the news of Z Princess. She had so much promise. My heart goes out to her owners. Being a horse person myself, I cannot imagine the heartache you are going through right now. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Barb in Michiga
This is my first time writing, but I have been with you all from day one and am as devastated as all of you.
Just a suggestion. Maybe the Moss’ had her cremated and could entomb her ashes in the base of her mother’s statue. Then they will always be together and those going to the track could pay their respects to both.
So deeply sorry to hear this news. Hard to imagine that this could have happened at such a well respected farm. Z Princess was a beautiful baby girl. She seemed to have so much personality. Know her Momma must be devastated without her baby girl. My sympathy to all who love them.
LauraJ (Cincinnati)
Paddock accidents can happen anywhere.
Z Princess was weaned several weeks ago, so she and Zenyatta had already been separated. Zenyatta doesn’t know anything happened.
Rest in peace beautiful baby Princess Z. I am sorry for your loss.
Jennifer Blue
This is heartbreaking. What was the nature of the *accident?*
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Hasn’t been disclosed, and is not any of our business.
Terri Holliday
OMG… I am so sorry…… this is heartbreaking…… my heart goes out to Zenyatta and the Mosses…….. ……..
Terri Holliday
The story is irrelevant…..blessings and prayers to Zenyatta and the Moss’s……. I am heartbroken……. this is devastating……. prayers and candles………..
Been there. Had that sorrow. The sadness is strong===so hard. Yes–she might have been Zenyatta yet again. Looked so much like her.
Truely saddened to hear of the filly death. Condolences to the whole Team.
Shock…disbelief…heart broken. Sending hugs…