Dear fans,
We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Zenyatta’s filly, affectionately nicknamed Z Princess. She was a member of our family and had just begun to make her mark on the world. This is a heartbreaking loss for those who knew and loved her.
The following is a statement from Lane’s End Farm:
It is with a heavy heart that I must report the death of the 2014 War Front / Zenyatta weanling filly. She was humanely euthanized last night at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital after a paddock accident on the farm.
As caretakers of these Thoroughbreds, we collectively mourn the loss of this beautiful filly.
On behalf of the Farish family and the entire staff at Lane’s End Farm, our condolences go out to Jerry and Ann, Team Zenyatta and all the great fans who support Zenyatta.
Mike Cline
General Manager of Lane’s End Farm
At this time, we ask that all messages of love and condolence be sent to the Zenyatta office. Team Z would like to lessen the load on Lane’s End Farm and their dedicated staff.
300 E. 54th St. #27A
New York, NY 10022
Our planned 2014 Zenyatta.com Celebration will continue as scheduled this weekend. This event is about celebrating the love that we share for Zenyatta, the strength of this community, and working together to improve our sport. We invite you to join us in raising money for Thoroughbred Rehab Center, Inc. Details will follow.
Thank you for all of your love and support during this difficult time,
-Team Z
Barbara Wood
@Judy Berube–your good news about Dubai could not have come at a better time! So thankful for that blessing, and thank you for reporting to us. Will continue to pray. Big hugs.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Barb:
Thank you. Love and Hugs, JB
From the moment I received the Google alert yesterday afternoon I am having trouble wrapping my head around this horrific tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with the fine loving owners and everyone connected with the care of Zenyatta and her babies..
Hugs Jackie
Please wake me from this horrible nightmare
Me too. The last time I felt this weight was when I had my car accident and then 3 weeks later losing Barbaro. It’s just this crushing pain. There are simply no words or expressions that convey how hard this is.
The “only” good part is everyone else feels the same crushing weight.
I’m glad Biggest Loser has an off road challenge coming up. I may be the caboose but at least I can be a happy caboose! And in every race someone is the caboose. My goal is too finish. To walk the 3+ miles safely and be able to navigate a bit easier than this last time.
This is how I’m choosing to honor Princess. I’ll be walking and dedicating my race to her memory. I encourage others to find a good outlet (preferably not alcohol or drugs)that empowers you or your community. We all feel the same pain and loss.
One other quick thing. I believe Kari was there when Princess crossed. She helped Princess meet other horses and not be scared. And for now she is Princess’s human if Princess needs anything.
Broken hearted and sad…
Diana Davidson
My heart is heavy but my thoughts and prayers are with you all!
Linda Lane Dunn
“For all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these …It might have been” Whittier. There are many heavy hearts in Horsedom tonight over the loss of Zenyatta’s beautiful filly. She was warmly welcomed, eagerly anticipated, and we had the greatest of hopes for the possibility of seeing our beloved Zenyatta in action again in her filly’s career. We mortals should know better. We have kept track of her since her birth and loved the resemblance we saw to her dam. She showed so much promise that it makes her loss just that much harder. My prayers are with the Mosses who have so graciously loved and shared Zenyatta with her legion of fans, to the Shirriffs, all those who cared for her at Hollywood Park, and for those at Lane’s End who truly got to know and care for the beautiful princess. I know how badly I feel. Their anguish must be unimaginable. The Mosses have shown such exceptional love and genuine affection for Zenyatta, being there for the birth of her foals and that is another facet that has made Zenyatta and all of her offspring so very special. Her story is still being written and what a story it is, and now, not without it’s tragedy. I’m truly sorry and sad.
Sharon M in Ohio
I am heartbroken like so very many, with the tragic news of Z Princess ! I think of her breathtaking beauty and the joy we all felt at Z’s first girl…a filly at last ! So like her mother she touched our lives with her grace beauty and love. . And sure we all had her future in our minds….she was a bright and shinny star to us. But, now…there is a new star birthed in Heaven….Z Princess ! Her beautiful wings have reached up and she is looking over all who love her ! God bless Zenny and all who love her and hold her in their heart !
There are no words, none, that can ease the heartache the Mosses and all of Team Z are feeling.
All that can be said is that we, too, the fans of the Queen and “our” lost Princess share your grief, albeit without the same intimacy because most of us knew her only through words and pictures.
I am so very, very sorry for the loss of this beautiful girl and for “what might have been.”
Cristal Ryder
My heart breaks for the loss of this filly. And knowing she had a paddock accident makes it worse. I hope she didn’t suffer. This message came right on the heels of another post where rescued horse sanctuaries are in need of financial help. My heart and head explode with all this sad news and desperation.
Tracy Kelly
Having recently lost my beloved Bull Terrier Bertha to a sudden illness, I know how painful this loss must be for the entire Zenyatta family. It’s so hard to understand why such a tragedy happened to wonderful people and animals. As a longtime Zenyatta fan, I’m thankful she did not see her filly injured. I’m sure that when Z Princess crossed the rainbow bridge, Grandpa Street Cry was there to greet her. May she enjoy an eternity of green pastures and peace in heaven.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Tracey:
Sorry for the loss of your beloved Bertha. Love and Hugs, JB
maureen ph[llips
Ditto that.
Melody Katrobos
Z Princess – such a loss of great potential. I can only imagine what the Mosses and the Lanes End’s staff are feeling. Z Princess’s death was a low blow and I simply don’t understand why such bad thing happen. But there are many more chapters to Zenyatta’s and her foals’ lives. And much good to follow!
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Zenyatta, I wish I could fill better but the lost of your baby girl is so terrible that the pain still here inside of my heart….
I lost my mother last year. I am trying very hard to put my life together, is impossible; my mom’s memories are always with me, and now the dead of
Our beautiful little princess makes it worst…..I cannot stop crying.
I love you Zenny, horse racing without you is not the same….
Hugs Ingrid.
I will never forget her curly mane and those beautiful, soft eyes with extraordinary long lashes. Z Princess was a beauty and will have a special place in my heart.
william wallner
Tears in heaven.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Baby Z Princess, Love you so very much and find it really hard to post. As I saw the Sun coming up this morning on my way to work. I know you are OK. I knew it before then but this just had a special meaning to me. I know your with God now. Several things that I have to remember when something like this happens is to remember from the bible that when God returns he will be riding a White Horse. And from the bible God says that in heaven the Lion will lie down with the Lamb. It’s all love. No more pain or heartacke there. Z Princess I believe I will see you there. II have cried so much over things like this that I wonder if my eyes will always show the pain. It’s all about love and missing the one’s we love.
Baby Z Princess I knew you were special when I saw you the first time. I bet God did too.
Love You thru all of eternity
I wonder who that White Horse will be.
Ann & Jerry and all of Team Z. Love you all so much, So So sorry Baby Z Princess has left us so soon. She’ll be helping look after all of us now I bet.
Elizabeth in NM
You expression of love for Princess Z is beautiful. Shemust be running across fields of clouds. I, too am looking forward to Heaven. God’s many blessings to you. with love, Elizabeth
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Elizabeth
Thank You, and I wanted to tell you that you have another of my favorite horses actually running in New Mexico at Albuquerque. She’s Gabbiano. Met her when she was only 2 and fell in love with her. Sure wish I lived closer To NM so I could go and see her. She’s beautiful and the daughter of War Pass. I do get to see her races now with the new horse racing Ap. Have continually been keeping track of her.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
Again beyond words so glad to hear the good news about Dubai. Will keep praying for him. Keep Powering Up Dubai.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
My Dear Peggy:
Thank you. Love and Hugs, JB
Donna Alsabrook
After many tears shed and hundreds of “whys”…I like to think that our little Z Princess will be a guardian angel now, riding on the shoulder of her brothers, keeping them safe. Love and prayers to the Mr. and Mrs. Moss and everyone who cared for our Princess. I know how I feel, I cannot imagine your sorrow.
What heartbreaking news. My great sympathies go out to her family, her caregivers, and everyone involved with this beautiful filly. Her accident is a true tragedy, but it does demonstrate to those of us still blaming ourselves for accidents that have happened to horses we love, that no matter how skilled the caregivers, no matter how grand and safe the facilities, no matter how attentive the care given, accidents will happen and we are powerless to prevent them. We all know Z Princess was given the finest care possible, and her injury can only be attributable to fate and the fact that horses can find endless ways to hurt themselves. I send hugs to all those in mourning tonight.
Elizabeth in NM
It’s hard to say ‘goodnight’ to everyone tonight. Such sadness over Princess Z. It is a comfort to come to Zenny’s Fan Family and keep checking in on everyone’s thoughts. What a wonderful, loving group of people you all are. I appreciate you all so much. Keeping you all in prayers. Good night, sweet Zenyatta
with love, Elizabeth
PS Judy, so glad Dubai is better
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Elizabeth:
Thank you. Our happiness would be so much more complete if Z Princess was still with us. Love and Hugs, JB
I am heartbroken !!!!’
I thought you would all want to know that on Pedigree Query, Z Princess is named as Zenny’s 2014 foal. I checked The Jockey Club & the name is “reserved” there (which might mean it’s awaiting Jockey Club approval). In any case, it seems as though our Princess has been officially named. I’m in tears — I so wanted her to be named.
Here’s the Pedigree Query link: http://www.pedigreequery.com/z+princess2
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Abigail. I am glad she does have a “forever” name, as real as she was.
Especially Horses / So Cal
Abigail, more official than that ! It was reserved with the Jockey Club! If it was the Moss’ who reserved the name, this pain just keeps coming.
Especially Horses / So Cal
Someone had mentioned “would it not be too funny if they actually named her Z Princess?”. My response was “it would be like hiding something in Plain Sight, there is was all the time on her foal tag and we didn’t even know it was her official name.”
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
Thank you for letting us know. I’m crying all over again. Love and Hugs, JB
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Sorry, but Pedigree Query is not an official source of information. It’s user maintained, and anybody can edit. It was probably a grieving fan that did that. The name was Z Princess was reserved but never given. Equineline, which does reflect official Jockey Club information, still lists her as “unnamed.”
Of course, she didn’t know that, and neither does Zenyata.
Thank you for letting us know about her name. What else could it have been but Z Princess?
I am so sorry for the loss of Z Princess! As a huge fan of Zenyatta and her whole family – horse and human – my heart goes out to everyone who loves the Queen and her Princess, and especially for those closest to them. <3
Jennifer Bandura
Just devastated over the news that the little Princess is gone…..
Seems like yesterday we were all picking her due date. 2014 Foal Watch was such an exciting time as we all waited for those first pictures. Her beauty took our breath away as it seemed we were looking at a mirror image of Z. Such a special time. Z Princess will be in our hearts forever…..
After reading about the loss of this foal, I am still trying to find out what happened. Does anyone know? It would put some closure to this sad story. The one uplifting thought is that perhaps Zenyatta and War Front will be mated again to produce another genetic sibling to this poor filly. And hopefully that one will live a long and happy life and contribute to the legend that is Zenyatta.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
No details have been given, and it’s not really any of our business. People who do know, such as Lane’s End and Rood & Riddle personnel, are not at liberty to say.
Someone on Chronicle of the Horse Message Boards who indicates they know something implies it had to do with fencing. Not that there is anything wrong with the fencing at Lanes End, but accidents happen.
I agree with LauraJ. These are private matters for Jerry and Ann Moss only. Personally I think that we know enough already. I do not want to hear details of what led to her untimely passing. Let us remember this young filly as she was – happy, running about with her pals and lovely in every way.
Irene caty
I am very heartbroken over Princess Z. I fell so sorry for Zenyatta losing her Beautiful Princess daughter that showed so much potential. I feel so sad for the moss’s and the pain they must have at this time. I can’t in my mind just say so sorry, there was a accident, what actually happened? This Filly, a one of a kind wonder from the Queen of racing just has a accident in her paddock and has to be put to sleep? There is no explanation as to what exactly happened and we are to accept that as a answer, NO. This whole thing is so unbelievable and so heart wrenching that I expect to hear more than the fact that there was a accident in the Paddock. The Beautiful Princess Of Zenyatta is gone and we have to have answers as to why and what did happen. God Bless Beautiful Princess Z and know that we love her very much and she will always remain in our minds because she was so much like her MOM Zenyatta. XO XO, Love you.
LauraJ (Cincinnati)
Oh, for Pete’s sake. We all may have become emotionally attached to her, but Z Princess WAS NOT OUR HORSE. Not yours, not mine. She belonged to the Mosses and no one else. They paid her bills. So yes, you DO have to accept whatever details they choose to give, or not. They owe no one any explanations or “closure.”
And what purpose would having details serve anyway? Satisfying our collective morbid curiosity? Paddock accidents happen. Lane’s End is a first class operation, and there is no reason to think any negligence was involved. This was sheer bad luck.
Arlene Nelson
My condolences to you, Ann & Jerry Moss and all Team Z. Z Princess will not be forgotten. She was a beauty and will always be beautiful.
Love and prayers. Arlene
Catherine Dalisera
Have peace knowing she is with her Grandfather, the amazing Street Cry in Heaven.
OMG, just can’t believe this. Can’t even type through my tears. This filly was her mother’s daughter … truly. I’m so sorry for Team Z’s loss … the racing world’s loss. Nothing more to say.
stephanie adamson
So incredibly sad and sorry for all who loved her and cared for. Like a bad dream.
Katarina Deal
A parent should never have to lose a child…be human or animal. Prayers for the beautiful Queen and her family. I can’t imagine as a mother myself losing my child. Strength through this difficult time.
Betty in Tampa
I am just so saddened by this news, my heart aches for all of people who cared for and loved Z Princess. I am so thankful that this beautiful filly had been weaned and Zenyatta was not there to suffer this devastating loss. My condolences to Lane’s End and the entire Zenyatta family. Thank you, Ann and Jerry Moss for allowing all of us to feel a part of Z Princess’s life, from the moment of her birth to this heartbreaking end of her precious time with us. Please know that we all feel your sadness while knowing that your grief is so much more than we could possibly imagine. Thank you for continuing to share Zenyatta and her foals with us — Z Princess will always be a part of Zenyatta’s legacy and life story.
maureen ph[llips
Thank you for your write up, so well written and echoes my thoughts that the Queen was not there to see the horrific accident. I continue to pray for the Mosses especially Ann, this was her baby, I am inconsolable so I can imagine how she feels. God’s Grace and Peace is wished all to get help us get over this tragedy. It is well.
Pat from NM
I’ve been offline for about a week and came back to this horrible horrible news. My heart is truly broken. I know we all feel this tragedy, but right now I feel so devastated and alone. Too too sad.