Dear fans,
We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Zenyatta’s filly, affectionately nicknamed Z Princess. She was a member of our family and had just begun to make her mark on the world. This is a heartbreaking loss for those who knew and loved her.
The following is a statement from Lane’s End Farm:
It is with a heavy heart that I must report the death of the 2014 War Front / Zenyatta weanling filly. She was humanely euthanized last night at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital after a paddock accident on the farm.
As caretakers of these Thoroughbreds, we collectively mourn the loss of this beautiful filly.
On behalf of the Farish family and the entire staff at Lane’s End Farm, our condolences go out to Jerry and Ann, Team Zenyatta and all the great fans who support Zenyatta.
Mike Cline
General Manager of Lane’s End Farm
At this time, we ask that all messages of love and condolence be sent to the Zenyatta office. Team Z would like to lessen the load on Lane’s End Farm and their dedicated staff.
300 E. 54th St. #27A
New York, NY 10022
Our planned 2014 Zenyatta.com Celebration will continue as scheduled this weekend. This event is about celebrating the love that we share for Zenyatta, the strength of this community, and working together to improve our sport. We invite you to join us in raising money for Thoroughbred Rehab Center, Inc. Details will follow.
Thank you for all of your love and support during this difficult time,
-Team Z
laura goodman
My deepest thoughts and prayers for the loss of Z princess.
She will always be a shining star and in our hearts.
I will not forget her. RIP Princess!
Deb E.
I am completely devastated. Ever since I read this terrible news last night, all I have asked is “WHY?” I have asked God why He allowed this to happen to Princess at only 6 months old. I kept waking up all night and the first thought that entered my head each time was why did this awful tragedy happen. What purpose or lesson can be learned from it? It would help (me at least) if more details were forthcoming from Zenyatta’s team, but that’s just the way I am. Maybe more information would provide some closure, but I realize the deep grief everyone at Lane’s End and especially the Mosses are feeling at the loss of this precious filly, and they all need time to process their sadness before making any further statements. My deepest condolences to Ann and Jerry Moss and the team at Lane’s End.
To Zenyatta: Words cannot express how sorry I am that you have lost your beautiful daughter. She had so much promise and looked so much like you with the same sweet personality, incredible beauty, and “bunny ears”. With your sensitive nature, I’m sure you know what has happened, and that you are grieving in your way. Me and all your millions of fans around the world are sending you love, support, and prayers. I love you, Zennie. You and your family are in my prayers.
Ingrid Arnone
I love your post, I agree with you, we have to wait and see.
We need closure!
Brenda Knight
This loss broke our heart. “Z” Princess was like one of our own. Prayers are with the family. Love from your Northern Canadian Family.
So sorry for this horrible loss. Horses are just an accident looking for a place to happen. I believe it was Saint Liam, who stood at Lanes End briefly. On the way to his paddock, being led of course, he reared up and fell, breaking a leg and was euthanized. Three Ring reared up in the saddling ring, fell, fractured her skull. There is no one to blame here, as I am certain Lanes End does everything they can to keep the horses and babies safe. Chief’s Crown broke his leg in his Three Chimney’s paddock and was euthanized. People think the horses are safe when they aren’t at the track, but that’s not true. Being such flighty creatures I don’t really think a horse is safe anywhere. It’s just doubly sad when we lose a baby.
well put, I agee
Nancy Laurie
I am beyond grief over the loss of beautiful ZPrincess. My deepest condolences to her family, caretakers and fans.
Kathy Freese
My condolences on the tragic loss of such a lovely filly. Snipers please stow it; none of us was there in the first place, and this is no forum for it in the second place.
Bluegrass Girl
” I just wanted to make a quick statement on the passing of Z Princess.
It’s not easy for me to talk about when things like this happen in our sport. I didn’t know her, but I know the great people at Lane’s End that cared for her, Team Zenyatta and Mr. and Mrs. Moss. My condolences and heart goes out to all.”
Thursday Oct. 30, 2014
Cathi Sadocha
Mike, you don’t have to know her to love her. After all you and Zenny have a bond so her foals are important to you.
You are a great athlete for sure but your heart is Pure Gold.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Amen, Cathi!
Well said. Pure Gold, that’s Mike Smith.
Terry Huffhines
So sad to hear about your your little girl Z Princess. Wish I could reverse time for you in order to keep her baby safe. Zenyatta is my hands down favorite horse of all time
maureen ph[llips
Well crafted. Thanks.
maureen ph[llips
I completely agree, Mike, she is Queen Zenyatta’s baby so you know her, no introductions required. It is well.
Adrienne Ady
Poor sweet Z Princess, RIP! I’ll always remember visiting your mom while she was carrying you, and rubbing her belly as she enjoyed. You’ll be missed by so many! *hugs* to all the Lanes End workers and to Jerry and Ann Moss.
Anne from Paramount
We are so very, very sorry for this terrible loss. Just so devastating. Many people have been posting Where They Were when they heard the news, just like with other terrible events of our time. I was simply waiting for a friend for lunch when Rod called with a text he had received. My whole body turned upside down and I had to ask him to repeat–I thought maybe our connection was bad, that I had not heard him right. I had been reading but of course could not concentrate anymore. Later in the day I was able to access the blog and…well, we know the rest. I am grateful for everyone’s thoughts, videos and prose. It does help. Our condolences to ALL involved in Z Princess’ very, too short, life.
Would someone please post a contact for Our MIMS?
Anne & Rod
There are tabs for “how to help” and “donate.”
You can also go to the Shop tab and “buy” a donation toward various things (e.g., a vet bill).
Sophia Gates
I’m absolutely devastated. Condolences to all of Zenyatta’s connections.
Nicki Boyd-Clouston
The condolences that have appeared here are so heartwarming & sincere & heart-breaking. Horses can’t be wrapped in cotton wool & must be able to run, jump & play. Paddock accidents do happen & ZPrincess had a happy carefree life while she lived. It was a prefect life at a farm that was first-class. A long life for her was not to be. We will all grieve and move on in due time while never forgetting her perfection. RIP
So very sad. My deepest condolences to Ann and Jerry Moss and the folks at Lanes End Farm that obviously loved this wonderful filly as we did.
linda volk
I was shocked and saddened when I logged on this morning and read the news about z princess. I know the relationship the whole ‘team Z’ had with their horses and I send condolences to all. May God give comfort; buffer the hurt; and cradle HIS new charge with the love we all felt for her.
Delrene from Carlsbad, Ca
In response to OUR MIMS. I have been there to visit and Jeanne Marabito (Maribito) can’t remember how to spell her name , gives a peaceful loving home to many retired ladies of a certain age. These wonderful broodmares are an inspiration to all of us. There are so many deserving organizations that would appreciate any amount in honor and memory of Princess Z, but I heartily endorse Our Mims. She is a saint and gave me such a wonderful experience back in Oct. of 2012. I also believe the Moss’s had one of their ladies with Our Mims too, however she has passed from no other complications than old age. There is a website and I believe a Facebook page. She has recently rescued a horse named JoJo and it is just miraculous to see this poor, starving horse blossom under her love and care.
It helps me smile to remember how these gorgeous older gals followed us around for these cookies “Stud Muffins” They like so many of us ladies, love our sweets. You will be doing so much good to help her out.
Bless you who asked about Our Mims.
Hannah Buchanan
This is so sad… I remember I was so happy and excited when I heard the news about Silver Charm coming back home, and then my heart sank after learning about Z Princess. My heart breaks for Ann & Jerry Moss, Team Z as well as everyone at Lane’s End Farm.
<3 <3 <3 You have my deepest condolences. RIP, Princess.. <3
-Hannah from Texas
Admin., The Official "Zenyatta" Facebook Group
Sandi Schlemmer
The heartbreak of this business still stuns me after all these years. Such a beautiful filly, so alive and vibrant. Such a loss. My heart goes out to all connected….
HeidiK, Vallejo,Ca
Yesterday when I logged onto FB the first thing I saw was the devastating news. I didn’t want to believe. My heart wouldn’t let my mind wrap around this. The more articles that came out, it finally hit me like a kick in the gut. I fell to my knees and bawled like a baby.
My heart is so broken like so many others and I’m still in dis-belief and know that in time, I will finally accept it.
I send love and hugs to Ann and Jerry, Team Z, Lanes End and everyone that loved and cared for Z Princess.
Breeders Cup will be very difficult to watch but, I will knowing that in time, my heart will heal and watching, will start the process for me.
RIP Z Princess, you will never be forgotten!
Lisag in Texas
I am still not accepting this. It’s impossible at this point. I keep asking God “Why, our Princess, Why, Lord?” I wake up all night long seeing the words “The Passing of ZPrincess”. I cannot accept this, soon, I hope, but not now. I love you, Lisag
Deb E.
Me too. :-(
JoAnn Drew
I mourn with all the loss of this spectacular filly.
So sad to hear of this news….she was a beautiful filly. My most sincere condolences to the farm and to Ann and Jerry Moss
Barbara Wood
Reading these condolences pouring in from all over the world is both cathartic and solemn, inducing more tears. I was almost stunned that it was not on the evening news telecast. It is that momentous.
As far as paying it forward in honor of Zenny goes, I purposed in my heart long ago to take the love I have for her and each of us here and put it to use. I have decided to do what I can to spare as many of Zenny’s equine relatives (TBs, Draft horses, Mustangs, donkeys and burros) from as much pain and suffering as I am able. Breed is not important to me. Abuse, abandonment, and neglect are everywhere. They are all worthy of our help. Many can’t donate but can adopt, foster, volunteer, write letters, make phone calls, and speak up for horses, who are at the mercy of humans who may not care for them as our Zenny has been cared for. That’s the most fitting tribute to her I can think of. Hugs to all.
@Rhonda–beautiful poem, as are the others too.
Laurie D.
My heartfelt condolences to the Mosses and the wonderful people at Lanes End who have taken such good care of Zenyatta and all of her precious babies. My heart breaks for all of you. ZPrincess was lucky to have such a beautiful, peaceful life, even if it was too short. Many horses are not as lucky. May she rest in peace.
Beth from Indiana
Surprised and saddened to hear the news of Z Princess passing. Thoughts and prayers to the Mosses and the Lanes End team.
Delrene from Carlsbad, Ca
Yes, I heartily concur with Barbara. And all the poems and videos are a great comfort. No doubt this beautiful filly was loved beyond measure.
I forgot to mention those of you who can write poetry that is so beautiful and poignant have helped soften this blow to the heart. I will be attending the Breeder’s Cup this year (again) and I must say with such a different feeling. I keep thinking when I see Zenyatta’s statue I will burst into tears.
A big all encompassing hug to Zenyatta fans around the world.
Anne from Paramount
If I may, just a couple of more things: Barbara Woods, I agree with you, I listened to some radio newscasts as I was driving, expecting to hear something in passing , even a sentence referencing this, but did not. Also, several have mentioned the juxtaposition of reading about Silver Charm almost at the same time. That, too, happened with me. I am SO happy that he is returning to the USA AND to Old Friends, but more about that another time. It’s just that along with the terrible news there was good news…. kind of like, well, life, I guess.
Still cannot comprehend….
Thanks Delrene, for the information. I’ll look up Our MIMS.
Barbara Wood
Hi Anne–just as an aside, the last time I talked to OF, I learned that they have been working very hard for years to establish a relationship with Japan, as far as bringing our horses home. Evidently, it is paying wonderful dividends. Congratulations and thanks to OF. We love, esteem, and admire your work.
sharon kvistad
So sorry to hear of this loss. My thoughts and prayers to everyone at Lanes End farm. We are all saddened and shocked by this terrible news. Such a loss of a beautiful and loved filly. Many hearts are saddened today
Anne from Paramount
also, thanks to Lauraj–did not catch your response until now, re Our MIMS.
I only just read this and can´t wrap my head around it. Why the Princess? It’s really not fair. Condolences. I feel the need to post this on my blog. Just to honor the Princess.
RIP Princess Z. You looked just like Mom
monica estes
to our dear zenyatta….. I am so sorry about the loss of your lovely baby girl – my heart is broken for you – I know bad things happen in this sport, but I always prayed that you would be spared any sadness – you have been such a sweet light to all of us who love the animals in racing – your story from the beginning has always been one of joy and happiness – until the loss of your daughter – I am so sorry that happened to your sweet little girl – I left some flowers at your statue at santa anita today for you in remembrance of your dear baby – she will be in our hearts forever – nestled close to the place you always hold in our heart dear zenyatta – I read someone else say that they were sure your old friend, Tasty Temptation, is taking good care of your daughter now for you… just as you were a good friend to Tasty, she will love and care for your girl now too – I just wanted you to know zenyatta that I am so sorry – my prayers and heart go out to your owners because I cannot imagine their grief – as they love you so much, their love for your babies is immense also – I can only tell you all that my heart broke for all of you… and for that sweet little girl who never got the chance to enjoy a long full life – may she be running free and safe in heavenly pastures now… knowing that in her short life, she was so greatly loved – my sincere sympathy to dear zenyatta and to mr and mrs moss…. you are in my thoughts and prayers always – love, monica
maureen ph[llips
Thanks for the flowers, very thoughtful of you.Remain Blessed.