Dear fans,
We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Zenyatta’s filly, affectionately nicknamed Z Princess. She was a member of our family and had just begun to make her mark on the world. This is a heartbreaking loss for those who knew and loved her.
The following is a statement from Lane’s End Farm:
It is with a heavy heart that I must report the death of the 2014 War Front / Zenyatta weanling filly. She was humanely euthanized last night at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital after a paddock accident on the farm.
As caretakers of these Thoroughbreds, we collectively mourn the loss of this beautiful filly.
On behalf of the Farish family and the entire staff at Lane’s End Farm, our condolences go out to Jerry and Ann, Team Zenyatta and all the great fans who support Zenyatta.
Mike Cline
General Manager of Lane’s End Farm
At this time, we ask that all messages of love and condolence be sent to the Zenyatta office. Team Z would like to lessen the load on Lane’s End Farm and their dedicated staff.
300 E. 54th St. #27A
New York, NY 10022
Our planned 2014 Zenyatta.com Celebration will continue as scheduled this weekend. This event is about celebrating the love that we share for Zenyatta, the strength of this community, and working together to improve our sport. We invite you to join us in raising money for Thoroughbred Rehab Center, Inc. Details will follow.
Thank you for all of your love and support during this difficult time,
-Team Z
I am heartbroken. So sorry for everyone connected to her.
I am heart is broken. Rest in Peace Z Princess.
Jimmie D
So very sorry for your loss. It’s very hard to have to help a horse out out their pain. When it means you will have to endure the loss of them. May your pain be shorten by the coming of new babies.
Susan Campagnone
So very sad to hear this simply awful news. My heart is broken. My condolences out to Jerry and Ann Moss and the entire Land’s End team.
carol in arkansas
OMG….there are no words
There are no words to express my sympathy for all connected with Zenyatta. Deepest condolences to all.
Oh my gosh that is horrible! Prayers to all those who were personally involved with and loved her. So sad… :(
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Words are inadequate to express how heartbreaking this news is. The blood drained from my head and I honestly just don’t know what to say, Tears of such sadness. Love and prayers for all, especially to Ann and Jerry…. So very, very, sorry. :-(
marilyn braudrick
dear, dear beautiful baby–what happened?–love and prayers to all team Zenyatta-the whole world sends you all our
love and all of our prayers-love the whole Braudrick family
I don’t even know what to say.
Bluegrass Girl
I did not believe the first tweet I read.
What a tragedy!
RIP Princess – heartbroken
brenda k
There are no words to express the grief we all feel at the loss of a promising baby, or the sorrow we feel for her proud and beautiful mother.
Deana from Texas
Of course the website has crashed, and so have I upon hearing this devastaing news. My heartfelt condolences go out to the Moss’, Lane’s End, and all the connections who loved and cared for her. She was beautiful, independent, and such a great representation as a daughter of Z. I cannot imagine the pain that everyone must be feeling right now, may we all go out and do something nice for someone who needs it but doesn’t expect it (animal or human) to honor her. A selfless act of kindness. She deserves our support, respect, and kindness, as well as I am sure the Moss’ would support the effort of the Act of Love and Kindness to others. I am so very sad, for all of Team Z. ZPrincess had so much promise, she will forever be loved and missed. If you want, post it like the ALS challenge and forward it to someone else to pass it on in her honor. Is anyone else out there in the Z Nation with me?
Cathy McGrath
My deepest condolences to the Moss family and Team Z, She will be very much missed. I cannot express the sadness I feel in my heart. RIP little one.
Judy Wucherer
STUNNED and Saddened beyond belief…How brave is the soul that loves a horse, the most beautiful and the most fragile animal on the planet. I am heart broken and cannot even begin to imagine how those close to her must feel…so young, such promise, taken far too soon. If there be a “reason” I find it unacceptable. .A part of all our hearts go with her…Godspeed – beloved girl.
Stunned. Devastated. Heartbroken. If I feel this way, how must the Mosses, Team Zenyatta and the staff at Lane’s End feel? My deepest sympathies to the Mosses and everyone connected with Team Z who were lucky enough to have their lives touched by Z Princess, if only for an all too brief moment. I’m so very, very sorry.
Kris O - Lombard, IL
My feelings exactly…thank you for expressing them so beautifully.
I will always remember how Z Princess moved so regally, like her mother.
Patricia Diers
She was my favorite of Zenyatta’s babies so I am taking this hard…. I cannot imagine what the Moss’s are experiencing. She is so loved- I am getting comments of sadness from so many people in the UK, Ireland and US Facebook fans…. When you are love so much, there truly is no death.
My heart stopped beating when I saw the words…cannot believe this sad, sad, sad news. Am so sorry for the Mosses, for Z, for the Team, for Lane’s End and for all of us fans who love and breathe every good word about our beloved Zenyatta. Run free Z Princess. You will be running with the greats now, for sure. Show them what you got.
Barbara Flynt
Heart broken and stunned…. I cannot express my emotions at this moment. Things like this are not supposed to happen. My deepest condolences to Team Zenyatta and Lane’s End Farm. I cannot imagine how devastated they are. Princess Z was beautiful, precocious, smart and seemed like she was going to be quite something just like her Mama! Taken too soon. We will never know her greatness but she touched everyone who loves Zenyatta. May she run free & fast in the great pasture at the Bridge with all the race horses who have gone before her. RIP, beautiful Princess! You will be fondly remembered.
Patty Mongan
I don’t have the words to express how sad I am to hear this. I was so absolutely stunned when I got home to bring up facebook and see the headline that this beautiful filly was gone. My heartfelt condolences to the WHOLE Zenyatta team! I don’t know how that can even stand the heartbreak they must be feeling. As big as they are, horses are such fragile creatures and can be lost so quickly and easily. God Bless and God Speed. Hugs to Zenny. I hope she doesn’t understand and feel the loss.
RIP Z Princess
Condolences to the Mosses and the wonderful team at Lane’s End who cared for her.
All the precautions in the world can be taken but accidents still happen. It is the painful nature of loving these beautiful, powerful and ultimately so fragile creatures.
She never had any doubt of how deeply she was loved; gone too soon but a life well lived.
KJ Bailey
Beautiful Z Princess…We all know the world of horses isn’t always the easiest road to follow, but how glad I am that Team Z, and especially Mr. and Mrs. Moss have shared so much of Zenyatta’s life with us, and grateful to have gotten to watch Queen Z become a mom three times and to see her babies grow. I hope knowing there are so many of us who love all of Z’s life are sending condolences and love to them helps even a little bit. RIP Z Princess. We’ll watch your brothers and remember you always.
Ann NC
Dear Ann and Jerry Moss, Team Z, Lane’s End and all caregivers:
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
RIP sweet baby girl. We loved you so very much.
Love and hugs.
Deana from Texas
Amendment, other post was caught up in the crash. Please SHARE this with all racing fans you know. Of course the website has crashed, and so have I upon hearing this devastating news. My heartfelt condolences go out to the Moss’, Lane’s End, and all the connections who loved and cared for her. She was beautiful, independent, and such a great representation as a daughter of Z. I cannot imagine the pain that everyone must be feeling right now, may we all go out and do something nice for someone who needs it but doesn’t expect it (animal or human) to honor her. A selfless act of kindness. She deserves our support, respect, and kindness, as well as I am sure the Moss’ would support the effort of the “ZPrincess Kindness Challenge” (ZPKC). My goal in her memory is to post all acts of kindness that we do here so I can post them on Z’s website. Acts of kindness are not about spending $$, it is the simple things that those who are alone or have no moral support never receive. EX:. A hug, run an errand for someone who can’t, get donations for rescue animals, a kind word, praise for good deeds, help a person with with understanding a computer or phone, simple things, post that. Post your acts here, see comments below. I am hoping with the media spotlight on Z at this time with the BCC that we can give back and support her Team with positive acts of kindness. I would like everyone in the racing world to see what a “TEAM” we are I hope that we can ban together to honor Team Z and all that they have given us. I am so very sad, for all of Team Z. ZPrincess had so much promise, she will forever be loved and missed. My hopes are the racing world will see our “TEAM” honor her and it will spread like the “ALS” challenge! No picture, video, or $$ needed, just what you have committed to doing or have done. Is anyone with me, would love to have your participation.
Lots of good points, Deana. My brain isn’t capable at this moment to come up with any thing to honor our dear Z Princess, but I did give the horses treats tonight.
What a lovely idea! What a legacy that would be for this beautiful, innocent creature of God!
Very sorry for your loss. I have felt your pain.
The Kennedys in San Diego
Simply heartbreaking to lose this beautiful filly who so resembled her mother. Relieved that she was weaned recently and that Zenyatta did not experience the tragic loss of her filly.
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. CA ♥
My thought, too! Zenyatta didn’t have to experience this loss! I’m a sobbing mess and cannot absorb the reality of Princess’ death.
anne bonner
There simply are no words. Such sad, sad news. I am shocked and heartbroken for the Mosses, the team at Lane’s End, and everyone who loves Zenyatta and her gorgeous offspring.
Z Princess was so lovely, so lively, and we watched her with great love and hope for her future.
It is so easy to forget how fragile these wonderful creatures are, and how lucky Zenny has been. Yes, she has been cared for by the best, but she has been blessed with luck, too.
We’ve shared lots of joy on this site. Now we share the sorrow. RIP, beautiful filly.
Christine Holland
This was my greatest fear. I am so very sad to hear this news and pray that the Moss’s and Lane’s End are coping. God Bless.
I am so heartbroken at this news. So especially hard when she’s at the beginning of her life.
Ingrid Arnone
OH! My God, why, why her, you knew we love her!
My Deepest Condolences to Team Z.
Dear Z Princess RIP! I will always love you!
Thomas Gumbrecht
So sorry for your loss. RIP Princess Z, may the green grass by the bridge be soft on your hooves as you wait for us there. Good girl.
I am heart sick with this announcement. I cannot imagine the heartbreak being experienced by all of the connections of Zilly. Replacing this terrible loss with acts of kindness is an honorable and loving tribute to our Queen who has given inspiration and hope to so many of us. My prayers surround the Mosses, Zenyatta, John and Dottie, the Farish Family, and the Lane’s End Family. Blessings and comfort around all.
Dear sweet, darling princess, may you run free and happy in glorious green pastures, forever and ever.h+