Happy Thursday!
November 7th is particularly special to us, as it’s the anniversary of Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeders’ Cup Classic win. In honor of this day we’re re-releasing Jamie Corum’s Zenyatta: Breeders’ Cup Gold in the Zenyatta Shop.

We were at Mayberry Farm in Ocala yesterday visiting Cozmic One. Coz looks great, and Ann, Jerry, and John were thrilled to observe his morning routine.
Today we’re at Lane’s End with Zenyatta, and we told her all about the incredibly successful 2013 Zenyatta.com Celebration. The winners and results will be released once all prizes are claimed, but we want to thank each and every fan who participated. Thanks to you, this weekend was even more fun than we had hoped! The Celebration Sticker and Invitation To Meet Zenyatta were so popular that we decided to draw five winners—Zenyatta can’t wait to meet you!
We’ll update the blog next week with many more photos from this trip!
Update: The five winners of our Invitation To Meet Zenyatta drawing were chosen and notified on Tuesday, November 5.

In the meantime, don’t forget to watch Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeders’ Cup run today. We love you, Z!
November 14 Cherokee Devotional
When a name or a word we want to recall does not come, it is so easy to throw up our hands and say we can’t remember anything. Saying those words will help us forget because we keep reminding ourselves all the time. The traditional Cherokees had no problem with memory. It was their duty to remember what had happened so they could carry it on down the line to those who did not know. Sometimes these persons were called the storytellers, because they kept records in their brains that were no longer written anywhere else.
Though today there may be electronic equipment to record all these facts, what if we are required to relate what we have collected but we have no electricity? Send for the one who has practiced remembering. This person may color the picture with certain tints and shades, but the facts are there. Time was given to seeing, sensing, tasting, and hearing. A wealth of wisdom can be tapped if we know where to look-and how to hear.
Take only memories, leave nothing but footprints.
-Chief Seattle, Suquamish
Dear Kathy Brilliant post.Makes you think how on earth our ancestors coped and lived without electricity,yet some how they managed and unlike us, used all their senses.Ray and his brudda were so cute under the table holding paws,I wish I was his Mama giving him a goodnight kiss!!Jack O is always photo bombing!Hugs to you Holly ,Sugar and Nikko Have a lovely day! Sheena
Dear Sheena,
Yes, I enjoyed Ray so much. He is a dear. Love his bruddas, too! Check out Boo and Buddy helping out with Operation Chihuahua.
Enjoy your day!
Hugs from me, puppy kisses from The Pack
Terry Crow
Kathy-Would love it if sometime you could post a picture of the pack.
I’ll have to see about that. They’re real cuties. Holly is the Boss dog, Pomeranian. A beautiful golden color and white mix. Sugar is snowy white, a Maltese and Poodle mix. She’s a character. Mischievous nature from the Maltese and the intelligence from the Poodle. You have to watch her constantly! Then Nikko is a jet black Pomeranian. He’s so sweet and allows the “girls” to boss him around. Never stands up for himself. The girls will be in trouble if he ever does. He’s small but very muscular.
Terry Crow
Wonderful description from an obviously devoted parent. Hope to see a picture some day, but I’ve already got an image of them in my mind.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy and TC:
Would love to see a photo of your Sweeties too. Love and Hugs, JB
Shari Voltz
Hi zenyatta I’m having a bad day I need a horse hug
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mrs. Voltz and Dalton:
Dalton, hope you feel better soon. Sending you both hugs, JB
Dalton Hugs it is then Hugs all over you. Hug Hug Hug
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Sometimes being “late to the party” has a few perks – like discovering things that others may have seen years ago. I got the link to this video in an update from Youtube and decided to share for those (like me) who have never seen it and those who just want to reminisce a bit. Lisa G. Fly singing her Zenyatta song with lots of video. Enjoy!
Terry Crow
Thanks, Sandy. The first time I heard this was at Zenyatta’s second retirement party. It is as poignant now as it was then.
Shari Voltz
Dear Zenyatta Dalton is having a bad day. I wish he could come visit you and see Z13. I know he would feel better : ) Love, Shari
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mrs. Voltz:
Hugs to you and Dalton, JB
We will NEVER forget her Breeder’s Cup win. The most exciting race EVER!! we miss her soooo much. Ann, you are so fortunate to be able to “snuggle” with THE QUEEN.
carol in arkansas
a special hug is on the way……hoping your day gets lots better soon
Dalton here’s a hug from Texas. Listen to Liza Z and you will feel better. I always do.
RIP Turallure. You will be missed.
This is a very sad turn of events. I recall the day that he won the 2011 Ricoh Woodbine Mile in fine style. He is a stablemate of the Dans. RIP Turallure, a handsome and talented gray.
carol in arkansas
RIP Big Guy….one of my favorites…love those grays
I’ll bet Lopresti is heartbroken. He loved that horse.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Rest in Peace beautiful Turallure. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Oh no, Vicki. What happened to Turallure?
This is very sad. RIP Turallure
So sorry to hear about Turallure. He was a beautiful animal. I don’t it happens but there just seems to be so many breakdowns. If Muchie retires this year, I just might give up on the races for awhile.
Meant I know it happens.
Dear Max Very sad to hear about Turallure. I remember him only from the Goldikova race in the 2011 BC.My sympathy to his connections.Hugs Sheena
Sheena. This is upsetting, and seems to happen every week with one fine horse or another. Very hard for everyone who loves horses. I absolutely dread this kind of news.
Was talking to a friend today. His wife is going to Florida for two weeks at Christmas. He’s staying home with his horses. One is a 30 year old Arabian. He doesn’t want to upset this horse’s routine. Christmas also gives him extra time with the horse. Only we who love horses understand this.
Ingrid Arnone
Please Dear Max, can you tell us what happened to him, how he died, I have not heard anything…. RIP you were a great racehorse we will miss you dear Turallure!
Hugs Ingrid.
Here are some details about Turallure’s passing, from a freak accident at Keeneland. It must be very sad at Lopresti’s barn after this.
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks for this link, Max. Those legs can be so fragile. This is very tragic.
Condolences to Mr. Lopresti and all connections. RIP Grey beauty.
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Max,
Thank you, for the info.
Hugs Ingrid.
Ann NC
Max, so sweet about your friend staying home to care for the Arab. After all, all of the animals talk on Xmas Eve and who would want to miss that!
Dear Max Such a kind friend to stay with his horses.Only horse lovers like us would understand that need to be with them.In many ways ,am dreading the jumps season, there’s bound to be fatalities.hugs Sheena
Sheena. Yes, that thought occurred to me too. Worried for the Fly and Moosie this weekend. Read that Fly’s younger brother was just sold at Tattersals to the Grosvenors. He won’t have to worry about the cost of oats. Hope that he does well. Not sure if he’ll race on the flat or jumps. The Fly is a thoroughbred as you know, a descendent of Northern Dancer, going for that group 1 world record.
Dear Judy Goodnight God bless you, LM PC HT and all the Sweeties.Hope Charlie is a good boy today!!!Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT and all the Sweeties
@ Dalton
I hope you are having a great day today. A few notes are on page 4 and PAGE 7 for you.
Zensters can we cheer up Dalton today? I think we can please take a second to introduce yourself and if you can share the state or country you are from that would be nice.
We need to ……………..
Hovis has some important things to say as he dreams big, which is the only way to go. Don’t miss this diary entry. He looks very nice too in his blanket. New color for him.
Best to Sheena in Wales and all Hovis fans everywhere. Thinking of the Fly and Moosie this weekend. Come home safely, if you run, Moosie.
Dear Max,
Hovis looks marvelous in red! And “our Blog” is mentioned! How cool is that?!!
Happy weekend to you and all Hovis fans.
Hello Sheena! Hugs, Kathy
Max, good to read Hovis this morning. It has been a rather bad week and he really lifted my spirits. Thanks!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Hovis looks SO handsome in his red rug in the beautiful late afternoon light! Of course we have to believe his version of what happened to the barrow!! VERY cool that we got a mention this week – so glad that Hovis knows that he is an international star. Does everyone know that Hovis is a brand of bread in the UK (hence the “heir to a baking fortune” comment)?
Thanks as always to Sheena via Max for this Friday treat!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Sandy, for cluing us in, to the “inside” joke! Half of what Hovis says, I have no idea what he’s talking about — but he may not either.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I need to send you my “Hovis to English” dictionary :-)
The thing about Hovis is that he is English, or rather Irish by birth. You have to be current on what is going on in the UK to understand all of his allusions. Sheena and the other UK Z fans probably get it far better than us. If you have questions, Sheena has said that she would try to explain, and has done that from time to time.
Thank you Max
Wouldn’t be cool if Hovis got a photo of Zenyatta to hang in his barn.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I think we could arrange that, don’t you? If nothing else, we could post one on his Facebook page :-)
Good idea Sandy go for it!
You can say it’s from his special friend Z.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thank you for Hovis’ latest Diary. Too funny. I especially enjoyed his description of lunging. He does look so handsome in his blanket.
I share your thoughts for the Fly and Moosie. Safe and sound for all. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Max Diolch yn calon Dydd gwener hapus ei eich! Was great to hear about Zenyatta in his Friday diary even if she might think he’s heir to a bread fortune! yes I bought my hovis yesterday(keep it in the family) Think Foxy should have appreciated the gift of a swede more graciously!!As the big man said it’s the thought that counts. Carry on poo picking (a film there me thinks)!!thinking of the Fly and Mooosie this weekend and all other horses and jockeys everywhere.Stay safe hugs Sheena
November 15 Cherokee Devotional
Sit quietly. Close your mouth and open your eyes. Be aware of everything going on around you. Hear the sounds, what are the colors? After a few seconds, everything becomes clearer. You are paying attention, which is important. It keeps a person out of the rumble of things, and the danger of saying the wrong things or talking too much is jerked out of the way like a wrinkled towel that snaps when you shake it so that it folds smoothly.
We must pay attention. If our mental and physical posture is in a slump, so are we. The Spirit cannot talk to us if we are not aware. But if we pay attention, if we really hear, some of the loveliest words, some of the most beautiful music seems to come out of nowhere to set us on a new path.
We thank the great Spirit that all these wrongs now cease.
-Satank, Kiowa
Dear Kathy Great to see us given a mention in Hovis diary today.Zenyatta has made it.LOL!!Loved the description of your dogs yesterday,have the poms got a “Boo haircut”or are they “au natural”I certainly wouldn’t keep Ray and bruddas waiting for their treats!have a great Friday.Hugs to you and the doggies. Sheena
Dear Sheena,
Yes, today’s Hovis Diary was one of the best ever! I never cease to be thrilled at the mention of Zenyatta.
Holly has a lion cut, Nikko is au natural and Sugar has a Teddy Bear cut. I will post a picture of them one day.
Happy weekend!
Hugs, Kathy
Janet Newman
New owner not wasting time in deciding on picking the first mating for Mizdirection.
Al is a great horse and the pride of Wales.
Sheena. Count me out on this “royal” idea. This won’t go over well in the UK?
Is Princess Ann serious or is she trying to shame the public? It’s almost as if she is saying if people don’t care for their horses then it’s as bad as selling them for horsemeat. She said she wanted a debate . . . wow will she get one.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
I can’t believe Princess Ann would believe that it is OK to slaughter horses for human consumption. I know that it is widely accepted in some parts of Europe, but I hope this never happens in our Country or the UK. Hugs, JB
Dear Max I know ,this has caused great controversy over here,coming from an experienced horsewoman. She seems to think if horses were used for food they would be better cared for.You can imagine what I think!!! Great news about Al the stud and Moose is all ready for sunday. Hugs Sheena
Sheena. Yes, we have the same views on this. I cannot not believe that anyone who loves horses would want them to be served for dinner. I’m appalled!
I saw Moosie’s comments. Here’s hoping. The Fly is ready too. He’s going for that title. Forgot to mention that Montjeu is The Fly’s father. Hope that he watches over The Fly and Ruby.
Dear Hovis looks sooo handsome in red. I love reading his diary and his Mum must be a very special lady just as our Dottie is special.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
happy friZsters♥
Meet Me in the Meadow
Be patient, we don’t need to know everything right now. In this life we won’t be able to resolve every question, solve every problem or understand every situation.
We don’t need to fret over God’s timetable. We will inherit all the promises of God through faith and patience.
Now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. I Corinthians 13:9, 12
Daily devotional excerpt from Meet Me in the Meadow by Roy Lessin.
@terry crow – you crack me up. thx for the laighs :)
@kathy -thx fordescribing ur pack. how cute the sound ♥
@dalton/shari voltz – ♥ BIG HUGS & BIG HUGS
my name is sue but ppl call me by my nickname vampressqueen.
i live in nj
welcome to the “Z family” ♥
may turrallure rip over the rainbow bridge
good luck to moosie this weekend – i mean high hoof ;) ;)
God bless
hugs/prayers, vamp
Dear Vamp Hope you got my email earlier this week. my address is sheena.davies@mypostoffice.co.uk Hugs Sheena
Dear Max I’m just as appalled as you .Princess Anne is very much her father’s daughter, rather blunt and uncaring.Horses are beautiful creatures and should be treated as such, not as someone’s dinner.
Ruby was over at Cheltenham today and returning to Ireland for the weekend. He was talking about John Henry and Kauto’s record and how the Fly can break that on sunday.Nigel, Moose’s boss was also on, he has a gorgeous place in the Cotswolds,said he might have a word in moose’s ear. Here’s to the record on sunday Fly. I did know Montjeu was his dad,he was a wonderful sire.hugs Sheena
Sheena. Opening up a public debate on eating horses is not the role of a politically neutral monarchy. This is a strange thing to do, like the allegations about Prince Charles and his letters to Ministers. What will Dave do about this? Headache.
Heard that little interview with Nigel about Moosie and The New One. He said that he has still not figured out what Moose will do on any given day. I would like to see a Moose win. Maybe the racing gods will look kindly on the Moose?
As to The Fly, I love him. There was a great photo of him giving an interview to BBC or another tv outlet and trying to bite the microphone. That horse is perfect.
Dear Max Dave’s got a bit of a headache at the Commonwealth conference in Sri Lanka let alone at home. Yes, you are quite right royalty aren’t supposed to have any views political or otherwise., Charles is always writing letters to ministers, something that will have to stop when he becomes King. The Queen always seems to get it just right, she will be a very hard act to follow. hugs Sheena
Sheena. How true about The Queen. She has never given an interview and has never uttered one controversial public comment in 60 years on the throne. She knows her role, and she loves her horses. Her comments about Estimate on her win of the Cartier this week were very charming. Leave the political debates to the politicians.
Maryp NY
What is Zenyatta up to now that the weather has turned chilly? How about that red prince, has he grown much since we last saw him? Would love to see some more pics and vids of the them.
It would be grand if we could see Coz in action sometime too! Miss that boy but he’s busy learning so it’s not good to interrupt his schooling for any foolishness! Oh phooey, please interrupt it a little.
Thanks to you always Team Z.
NAME UPDATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zenyatta’s 2011 half sister by Henrythenavigator has been named Harley Rose.
Tasty Temptation’s 2012 colt by Candy Ride has been named I’myoursugardaddy.
Very good names.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Amanda:
Thanks for this info. Love Z’s half sister’s name and TT’s colt’s name is too cute. Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Z fans,
Where are you all?
Every day I see less and less post. Remember we have to be faithful to our Zenyatta, and her babies, and to her team…. Other wise I think, if they close the web, we will never see her or her babies any more, please do not go away!
We all love each other we all need each other!
Hugs Ingrid.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Ingrid, I apologize that I have not taken part in the conversations lately, I have had so much going on in my life. But, if Lane’s End, Ann & Jerry should read this, I would like them to know that this is a very important part of my life. I am afraid I would be crying hesterically as I did after Z’s last Breeders Cup, after coming home from there, when I thought I would never see or hear of her again. Then I was rescued with Zenyatta’s retirement at Keeneland, which I ran down to, and thank God, Zenyatta’s blog!! I will always want to know about our Queen and her sons or daughters and of Ann and Jerry and our connections, and to here from the Dumplings/Zsters.
I can not tell you how much I love Z in words and how I enjoy all the conversations on this blog.
hugs to all, Sally B
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid, Sally B and Z Fans:
I feel the same way about Z’s Blog. Would be lost without it. Love hearing from you and being a part of Z’s and her babies’ lives. Love and Hugs, JB
Maryp NY
Dear Ingrid,
I think we are all here. It’s a busy time of year and I think some, like myself, check in every day to see what’s happening and just don’t have time to post.
I personally would feel such a loss if I couldn’t keep in touch with Zenyatta and her offspring as well as all the Zsters and of course Team Z. That, and all the wonderful information and the knowledge shared by so many. I am not a “horse person” I just love horses and I have learned much from “Zenyatta’s place” and follow racing much more than in the past.
I hope there is no need for worry so please take heart and know we are here.
Love and hugs,
Dear Judy Goodnight Godbless you, LM PC HT and all the Sweeties. Sleep well. Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT and all the Sweeties