Happy Thursday!
November 7th is particularly special to us, as it’s the anniversary of Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeders’ Cup Classic win. In honor of this day we’re re-releasing Jamie Corum’s Zenyatta: Breeders’ Cup Gold in the Zenyatta Shop.

We were at Mayberry Farm in Ocala yesterday visiting Cozmic One. Coz looks great, and Ann, Jerry, and John were thrilled to observe his morning routine.
Today we’re at Lane’s End with Zenyatta, and we told her all about the incredibly successful 2013 Zenyatta.com Celebration. The winners and results will be released once all prizes are claimed, but we want to thank each and every fan who participated. Thanks to you, this weekend was even more fun than we had hoped! The Celebration Sticker and Invitation To Meet Zenyatta were so popular that we decided to draw five winners—Zenyatta can’t wait to meet you!
We’ll update the blog next week with many more photos from this trip!
Update: The five winners of our Invitation To Meet Zenyatta drawing were chosen and notified on Tuesday, November 5.

In the meantime, don’t forget to watch Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeders’ Cup run today. We love you, Z!
Jan D. / Texas
Did they ever post who won the bids for the halter and the visits? I have been watching but thought maybe I missed it.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
I know I’m late with my wishes but I’d like to send my best to all the wonderful Veterans, men, women, horses and dogs, who so valiantly served and are now serving our country. God Bless you all and and your brave families too.
Zenny hope you are feeling good and enjoying your childless days, because soon enough it will start all over again and you’ll be chasing a new baby around the paddock, ha, ha. Hope Little Red is having a blast playing with the other boys, as all too soon he’ll will start learning the “basics” too. And handsome CoZ, hope you are learning your lessons well as we are all anxious to learn of your accomplishments at school.
Kisses to all and special hugs to our veterans. Auntie Sue
40 years ago today, Secretariat retired to stud at Claiborne Farm. Awwwww.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
What a beautiful picture of you Z!! Remember when!? No one will ever forget your beauty, powerful strides, your heart and your Queens Dance!!! I remember it as though it was just yesterday. You are embedded in my heart & soul!!
lovenkisses on your soft nose and to your two sons
Auntie Sally B
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Hi all, I got back from up Nort and then over to my BFF to stay a couple nights and have more fun. It never seems to fail when I go away a new post comes on. While I was away I called in for messages thinking perhaps I would miss Lanes Ends call for that visit to Zenyatta! Well, now I know there were five very very lucky people who have the opportunity to visit Z. It was just not me!! But, I am tickled for those that were picked as they probably have wanted to see her for their personal reasons too.
At least I have tomorrow, looking to go early morning and feed those four sweet older horses at the Sanctuary. Eeww, it is only going to be a high for tomorrow at 30 degrees, so I better get my long johns on, put a heat pack in each glove, where a couple layers and enjoy my time there with them….because I have grown to love them. It is just harder getting use to the Wisconsin winter!!!
I wish I had time to tell you about my last working day; I will eventually.
hugs to all, SallyB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B:
God Bless you for all you do for these horses. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, Red Prince and Baby Z:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Love you all so much. Hugs, JB
Delrene from Carlsbad, California
Congratulations to all five deserving recipients of the visit with our Queen. ( Wish one was me) but not in the stars. I’m so grateful I saw her in person a number of times. She is spectacular. I love watching this race. When I feel a bit overwhelmed by life and its crazy ups and downs, I watch this and also play Liza G. Fly’s Zenyatta song. The world rights itself again and I’m charged up.
Thank you Lane’s End, the Moss’s and of course our superstar Zenyatta and bless her boys..
Thanks to all veterans who are honored on this special day of remembrance. Thank you for all your sacrifices. Bless you and your families.
Thanks to my wonderful hubby and Zenny’s John on this Veteran’s Day. And I’ll say a prayer for all who serve and have served so we can enjoy our precious freedoms. May we never forget their sacrifices.
maureen phi-llips
Hi Shirleeinindy,
Thank you so much for the information on Tabasco Cat and his off spring. In spite of what happened with Jeff, I still loved Tabasco Cat and am sure he felt badly about the whole thing. I think also that Jeff’s father knew that and that’s why he kept Tabasco Cat and trained him to his 2 victories. In God we trust always. It is well. Have a good night’s rest. Tomorrow is another Blessed day. LOL.
Maureen, I too was still a Tabasco Cat fan. In fact, one of my prized possessions is a TC hat. Wish we could find out something about Black Onyx.
Snow on the ground here in Indy and very cold. Hope it is better where you are.
To you and all my wonderful Z friends, Blessings today.
Marshall (NC broad)
To all our Veterans, past and present:
Mega Thanks and endless grateful admiration. Your courage and devotion leave us all in total awe. Ours is a huge debt of gratitude to all the men, women, canines and equines of the armed services from our beginnings up until present day.
I sincerely hope we never let you down. Bless you all
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Goodnite Z & zsters
Today, God’s message for you is one of simplicity. Ever read the Old Testament books of law, such as Leviticus? Does it ever amaze you the detailed rituals required to worship God? Take a moment today to thank God, if for nothing else, that you can approach him as freely as you approach your best friend. Thank Him for the gift of open communication, provided through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.
@sally blank – good luck dealing w/the cold. bless u for taking care of the horses
@auntie judy – enjoyed the video
@judy berube – i’m sleeping better but still having problems w/ severe weakness
& paralysis. i desperately need a miracle so plz cont to pray for me.
i’ve been horribly deppressed but i find comfort here ♥♥
god bless u queen z & my z family
i love u all ♥♥
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
I’m so sorry your still having weakness and paralysis. Will continue to pray for you. Love and Hugs, JB
Janet Newman
Maureen phi-llips
Here is a link to a bloodhorse article on a daughter of Tabasco Cat
The second is a list of his progeny.
I go into the sales and at various times will see daughters of his in the pedigrees.
Janet Newman
Sorry had to repost the second link for progeny
Janet, I was mistaken about Black Onyx, but Jackson Bend is a grandson of Tabasco Cat.
Janet Newman
Okay I am on a roll, this is another article on Habibti, she is the dam of Eldaafer out of my fav A.P. Indy. Lists other offspring.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
To our wonderful and brave Veterans,
As I watched the various tributes in your honor today, I was brought to tears on several occasions, especially when hearing Taps played. In my small Colorado town Taps is heard every evening just at dusk. It was the idea of a wonderful local lady who is always working hard on behalf of veterans. It comes softly across the evening breeze, reminding us all of the sacrifice made by those men and women who serve this great nation, past and present. We remember too those families within our community and around the country whose loved one is not with them. To those who gave the final measure of devotion, we offer our devotion and to all of our veterans we offer our love and our support. Thank you. Dawn
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Dawn:
Thank you; always brings tears to my eyes too. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks Dawn – beautifully done. It’s so hard to see the faces of the families – especially the children. I never knew that there were words for TAPS.
Missed seeing you at the BC.
Terry Crow
TAPS was written by a civil war general as a distinguishing bugle call for his troops and morphed into what it is now.
Ann NC
Thank you, TC GP.
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks for this link, Dawn.
Hope you and your mother are well. I like the sound of your small town!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
An insightful interview with Don Robinson on Erick Kronfeld and his horses. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks for that, Judy!
Thank you, Judy. Insightful, indeed!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks Judy – always interesting to see and hear the people we’ve come to know because they are part of Zenny’s past. Does anyone know who the 2 year old is that he referenced? (had been with John).
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks for this interview with Don Robinson. Very interesting.
Hope your back is all better now!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Don’t know if this article on Wise Dan by Steve Haskin has been posted before, but here it is. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Judy. Wise Dan was my “sure pick” for his race this year, after seeing him last year.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki B, Ann and TC GP:
Even when you know, you never know as TC would say. But in Dan’s case, he’s the closest thing to a “lock” I’ve ever seen. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Judy-You don’t have to be walking around lucky if you bet on Dan.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Judy B.,
You are 100% right about Dan! Thanks for the Steve Haskin article.
Love and Hugs
Ann NC
Thanks, Judy B. Dan, like Z is a very inspirational horse. Finding their racing niche requires patience and love.
Both developed late, but then it was and is non stop star power of epic proportions. Thrilling charismatic racers. And both come from good families with wonderful mothers in Lisa Danielle and Vertigineaux, great brothers and sisters respectively with Successful Dan, Casino Dan, and Lisa, and Balance and Ebby. Could be others down the road as well.
Terry Crow
Two once in a lifetime horses. All of us alive during this period have been blessed.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Bloodhorse article on a War Front weanling colt purchased by Coolmore at the November 5th sale. He has connections to Z and her family. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks, Judy B. He looks like an eager beaver. We will keep an eye on him!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
He’s a beauty and a Grand Ole Chestnut too. Love and Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta and Friends,
On this Veterans Day I wanted to share a short story with you. Both of my brothers were in the Vietnam War. Lynn was stationed in Thailand, with his young bride, Donna. They were there two years. But, Duane was stationed in Vietnam very near the DMZ. Lynn is eight years older than me and Duane was six. I was always close to both my brothers, but especially Duane. He was my best friend. Some of you may remember the story I wrote about him getting me a horse just before he left for Vietnam. I was a horse crazy girl and always had wanted one of my very own. Duane came into my bedroom one Saturday morning and told me to come outside with him, he had a surprise for me. I followed out to our backyard and there was the most beautiful little bay filly you ever laid eyes on. Well it was love at first sight, but I asked him, “who did she belong too.” When he said, “me”, I couldn’t believe it. He wanted to give me my dream before he left. My parents were shocked and amazed as we did not have any property other than our yard. She stayed there for a couple of days until a friend of my father’s offered some pasture and a small barn he had. We soon worked it out with the local power company to utilize a piece of land they owned right across the road from our house. My dad spent hours fencing it and making it ready for my girl, Cinder. I spent all of my time with her and when I was really missing Duane or frightened for him I would hug her neck tight and cry into her shoulder. Horses have the best shoulder to cry on, it always made me feel better. I remember the night he came home. He wanted to surprise us, so he called my grandfather to pick him up at the airport. They came directly to the house. I happened to be the only one home, mom and dad had gone to a dinner. I can still remember him walking through that front door, rushing into his arms for a hug and the musty smell of his uniform. We all jumped back in grandpas car and went down to the dinner. When Duane walked into the room, my parents backs where to him. He went and stood just between the two of them. Everyone in the room had their eyes on him and my parents. Mother was wondering what they were looking at, when she felt the touch of his hand on her shoulder. The tears flowed for everyone. I will never forget those years while the boys were gone and how relieved we were to have them both home safe and sound.
Hugs, Dawn
Janet Newman
What a beautiful story you have shared.
I did not have a cousin and very happy
he made it back home.
Terry Crow
Dawn-A wonderful story. Thanks for sharing. I wish that every soldier who returned from that war had a family such as yours to return to. I am afraid that many of our citizens did not treat these men as they should have.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Dawn C.,
Thank you for sharing this lovely account with us. Am so glad that they came home safe and sound. How comforting for you to have had a sweet equine shoulder to cry on and to lean on during those times. What a thoughtful brother.
We have missed reading your beautifully written posts. Really enjoyed this one.
Lots of Hugs
Keeping in my thoughts and prayers the thousands of men,women, children and animals who are suffering in the Philippines as the result of Typhoon Haiyan. Hugs Sheena
Marshall (NC broad)
Amen, Sheena. Me, too
The reason we are so afraid of not having government funding is because we have no confidence in being able to take care of ourselves. When the first help came, it was met with gratitude. When the second help arrived, it changed something inside us. We began to say, “If we can get someone else to do it, why should we?”
All our lives we have looked for someone to take care of us, someone to lean on, to use as a packhorse, a caretaker, an unpaid servant. The thought of being responsible scares the daylights out of us. But once we commit ourselves to being responsible, what an amazing change it makes in our spirits. Strength comes along with independence and happiness. We are worthy.
We never did the white man harm, we don’t intend to.
-Tall Bull, Cheyenne
Oh, the above is the November 12 Cherokee Devotional, by the way. Sorry!
Happy 11/12/13 everyone.
Allie in Texas
Just sayin’, Zenyatta. That Morning Line is a good lookin’ stallion. 2014? 10K
Dear Kathy This post was made for the UK, we seem to expect our government to get involved in our lives, far too much dependence on the welfare state these days.Does’nt Ray look cosy in his new coat and in the snow bless him,. he lost one of his fur cousins yesterday and was asking for prayers, was such a sweet post .No fear of snow with you!hugs to you and your furbabies Sheena
Dear Sheena,
An awful lot of us in the US want the gov’t. to take care of us, too. I always say in the Bible it tells us if we don’t work, we don’t eat. Just sayin’…
Yes, Ray is adorable in his coat. Also love the pic of him with the angel wings. So precious!
Darling pic of Boo and Buddy yesterday. They’re holding paws, Sheena!
Hugs from me, puppy kisses from The Pack. Kathy
Shari Voltz
Dear Zenyatta I brought your picture to school today (the one I purchased with Z13) I wanted the children to see it and told them how the money for the picture goes to horse rescue. The children started asking me question about you and who the father is. I tried to explain to them about breeding. The hardest thing for them to understand is why each new foal has a different daddy. They are so cute with the questions.
I gave my one little boy a picture of you and he is caring it around. He has fallen in love with you. He asked me if you could come to East Liverpool and see all of us. Wow that would be something. I told him you were to big to come into the school. Maybe if you were Little Silver Charm’s size : ) Just know that I will always tell the children about you and all your foals. We Love You, Coz and Z13. Thank you for sharing your life with us. Love always, Mrs. Voltz and Homeroom 215 XXXOOO
PS Thank you Dawn for being so Special
sue and tony
Shari…you are the BEST teacher. What interesting discussions you have with your students. They are learning life lessons that go far beyond the classroom.
Dear Max I hope Supersteve knows that Kauto and Laura have moved to Windy Hollows in Lambourn.Kauto looks very happy in his new pad!!cant wait to see Moose on Sunday hopefully!!! Hugs Sheena
Sheena. Here’s Kauto looking manly in a well groomed kind of way, definitely a look eschewed by Hovis. Great Whirlawayesque tail on Kauto
Is this new place far away from his owner? One of the reasons for going to Laura was to be near Clive Smith
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Wow! Looks like a really snazzy place wherever it is :-)
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
morning Zsters & Z
Jesus Calling
No matter what your circumstances may be, you can find Joy in My presence. On some days Joy is generously strewn along your life-path… other days are overcast and gloomy… yet Joy is still attainable. Search for it as for hidden treasure
Begin by remembering that I have created this day; it is not a chance occurrence. Recall that I am present with you… then, start talking with Me. Awareness of My marvelous Companionship can infuse Joy into the grayest day.
Psalm 21:6; Proverbs 2:4
Daily devotional excerpt from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.
god bless
hugs/prayers, vamp
sue and tony
We read from this book daily. How wonderful to see those words here, too.
Shari Voltz
Dear Dawn
I got you message I know that Zenyatta hasn’t for got about me I just wanted to make shore!!!
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. Calif. ♥
Thoroughbreds Are Great At Everything
Video of ♥ G TEN ♥ now known as “Manny”
He got a Third Place ribbon his first time out!!
Thanks for the video, Judy. He looks amazing!
Leslie R.
Thanks for the link! He looks fantastic! I’m so happy for him. It is great that he got a third place ribbon his first time out. I hope he has a long and successful career in dressage.
Hugs to all,
Very nicely done. He’s a natural.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Auntie Judy:
Thanks for this update on G Ten. He’s gorgeous. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks, JAG!
Manny is gorgeous and looks quite at home doing this. Great first time out!
Congrats, G-Ten!!
Ann NC
Thanks, JAG!!
Beautiful. He looks so happy and proud!
Dear Max Kauto looks magnificent does’nt he. It’s not far from his old place,belongs to Chris King eventing, She’d been with Philip Walker for 4yrs and wanted a change. She’s just returned from Dubai(a girlie holiday). Clive is still near to Kauto and Master Minded.Hugs Sheena Steve is off his meds and the only worry now is the travelling.
Sheena. It’s all good then for Kauto. Glad to hear this. I don’t envy Steve if he comes back to England via the Channel. I still get flashbacks of my episode. Maybe they’ll use the Chunnel?
Reports from Ireland are that the Fly is stronger than ever after a great summer relaxing and chewing away on lush Irish grass in his paddock. No news of biting Mullins, but the Fly is incorrigible when he fixes on a target. Fly and Ruby race on Sunday at Punchestown. Between the Fly and Moosie, it will be a great jumps weekend. Moosie is going 2 miles, or not.
Ann NC
The Fly…LOL!!!!
Run, Moosie,show em what ya got!
Dear Judy Goodnight God bless you,Lola Mae Charlie, Hudson and all the Sweeties.The panda boys look as if they are going to keep their Mum very busy soon!.Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Can’t wait to see photos and maybe a video of Lun Lun with the two of them. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT and all the Sweeties