Happy Thursday!
November 7th is particularly special to us, as it’s the anniversary of Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeders’ Cup Classic win. In honor of this day we’re re-releasing Jamie Corum’s Zenyatta: Breeders’ Cup Gold in the Zenyatta Shop.

We were at Mayberry Farm in Ocala yesterday visiting Cozmic One. Coz looks great, and Ann, Jerry, and John were thrilled to observe his morning routine.
Today we’re at Lane’s End with Zenyatta, and we told her all about the incredibly successful 2013 Zenyatta.com Celebration. The winners and results will be released once all prizes are claimed, but we want to thank each and every fan who participated. Thanks to you, this weekend was even more fun than we had hoped! The Celebration Sticker and Invitation To Meet Zenyatta were so popular that we decided to draw five winners—Zenyatta can’t wait to meet you!
We’ll update the blog next week with many more photos from this trip!
Update: The five winners of our Invitation To Meet Zenyatta drawing were chosen and notified on Tuesday, November 5.

In the meantime, don’t forget to watch Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeders’ Cup run today. We love you, Z!
Dear Max No,have’nt heard anything about Nick the horse,hopefully he’s on the road to recovery, maybe we’ll get an update soon. As for the other Nick ,he’ll be out by the Cenotaph tomorrow morning, have just been watching the service of remembrance from the Albert Hall, Dave was in the Royal Box! hugs Sheena
Sheena. Last word in late October was that Nick had had a setback. They had consulted again with the Kentucky doctor who worked on the Barbaro case. Sure hope that the silence since means something positive for Nick. He is an important son of Montjeu, and a class horse in his own right. Power up Nick.
Nothing surprises about Dave. Boris will probably be out there too.
Max & Sheena: I check the news pretty much daily to see if there’s anything on Nick and nothing so far. I even tweeted Coolmore suggesting that Nick’s vets (who are the best, I know) contact the Zayats because Paynter had this too and pulled through. I’m always so scared when laminitis rears its ugly head.
Marshall (NC broad)
Healing thoughts and prayers continue for dear St. Nicholas Abbey. I sincerely hope that “no news is good news”. All the Best, and Power Up Nick!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, Red Prince and Baby Z:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
for as long as we live, and as many horse races as we have seen , including those horses we have been involved with over the years, nothing will comapare to this race as we saw her reach the mile pole and then cross the finish line …not even secretariets triple crown win could comapre and we were there for that one too…cant wait to see big boy coz run someday…
judy berube from Rhode Island
Get well prayers for St. Nick. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Catching up on your wonderful posts. Enjoy them all. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I don’t know if this story from S.I. has been posted before, about how the whole Lucas family was affected by the accident in Dec. 1993, in which Jeff Lucas got run over by Tabasco Cat, which nearly killed him, and changed all the family’s lives. The article is in depth, and very good, with pictures and videos included.
Maryp NY
Vicki, I did see this and it was very well done. I knew that Jeff wasn’t with his dad anymore due to a disability but didn’t know the story.
Jeff has found his way of life and Wayne has continued on with his life’s work. Very interesting indeed.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki B:
Have read this article before. It’s a miracle that Jeff Lucas survived and has been able to cope with the devastating changes to his life that resulted from the accident. God Bless him and his Dad. Love and Hugs, JB
HeidiK, Vallejo,Ca
Never heard or read the story before. Thank you for sharing it. It’s a long read but, worth every minute.
Deana from Texas
HRTV has a show on this. You can go to their website and see it. It is a fascinating story.
What a great article. Thank you for posting it. I had heard about the accident when it happened years ago, but I did not know all the details.
maureen phi-llips
Thank you Vicki B, what a story, and in answer to whether it has a happy ending, I can honestly say I think it has. Like his doctor said, happiness is not determined in terms of dollars and cents, I think Jeff is happy, he said so himself and I could feel the sincerity in the words. I am so proud of him and so proud of his kids. It is well.
What ever happened to Tabasco kid?, after the wins, did he go on to be a Sire?.
Its a life story of the twists and turns that one has to negotiate, in God we trust.
Take care, LOL.
Janet Newman
Tabasco Cat stood at Overbrook for a few years, then was sold to Japan, where he died from a heart attack at the age of thirteen after covering a mare.
maureen phi-llips
Thank you Janet for the update on Tabasco Cat, feel really sad. May his soul rest in Peace. Any news on any of his off Springs?, It would be nice to know how they are doing. Again, thanks and have a wonderful veterans day.
I think Tabasco Cat is the grandsire of a horse who was on the Derby trail but was injured. Black Onyx. Cannot find out anything else about him. Think TC is grandsire or Jackson Bend.
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks for this link, Vicki.
What a powerful story and one that I was not aware of — how many lives can be affected in the blink of an eye. Glad that Jeff Lukas is doing well and most importantly, that he is happy in Atoka. He, along with his father, is responsible for the success of Tabasco Cat.
All the the Best to him and his family.
Many thanks
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Marshall, Janet, Maureen, Celeste, Heidi, Judy, MaryP, and Vamp, you are all welcome. I had heard of D. Wayne Lucas, of course, but since I’m fairly new to racing-fandom, I did not know of his son Jeff & the family’s ordeal, or that Jeff was “instrumental in the development of some of the most important horses on the team, including 1986 Horse of the Year Lady’s Secret and ’88 Kentucky Derby winner Winning Colors.” The pictures alone make it so clear that the brain damage was extensive, and he’s not the same person he was before. But we all work with what we’re given or dealt, and he has certainly done that. It’s just so striking how it can all change in the blink of an eye.
It makes me think also about John Shear getting run over at Santa Anita, and how fortunate he was in his 90’s, to not be hurt worse.
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I remember when this happened and what a tragic story it was. I’ve often wondered how Wayne could continue to develop Tabasco Cat after this happened. Just seeing him every day would be a painful reminder.
Michele Moore from Beaumont, TX.
This comment goes out to Ashton, Barbara and all my Z fans, I am back and feeling better, I hope I don’t have cancer again but it is in God’s hands. I could not sleep last night and I have been going to the library a lot, I finished Gilda Radner’s book which scared me, then I finally read a book that meant the world to me and I think it will to all of you, it is called “Horseplay” by Judy Reene Singer and I could not put it down from the moment I picked it up. I finally have hope in my life, and I realized that you have to go for your dreams, or what you always wanted, so Girls, and Guys go for it, and Barbara I am here, Love you for caring, Michele.
November 10 Cherokee Devotional
If you are at a point where nothing comforts you, take heart-there are answers. But those answers are not in a pill or in what others say and do. The answer lies within you-or more precisely, in what you say and do. Begin now by removing everything negative from what you say and do-no matter how much you want to say or do it. Quiet yourself and avoid talking. Avoid telling others what you are doing, because many will not want you to be freed from your misery-they want you to be miserable just as they are.
As you remove the negative from your life and as you quiet yourself, you will create a place within you where peace can dwell. Peace must have an invitation to enter your heart, otherwise it cannot come in. Your efforts to move toward quietness and away from negative are that invitation. Trust that now you will receive the peace you long for.
I do not want war at all, but want to make friends, and am doing the best I can for that purpose.
_Satanta, Kiowa
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Thank you. Love and Hugs, JB
maureen phi-llips
Dear Kathy, very powerful piece, thanks, so true. when our minds are cluttered with negativity, we have no room for peace, joy and happiness. Again, thanks and have a restful veterans day. It is well.
Dear Kathy How appropriate for us in the UK on Remembrance Sunday.
High paw to Ray for his 100,000 likes!!!Wish I could go to the Dirty Doodle today in Reading MA. to say hewwow!Love and hugs to you Holly, Sugar and Nikko.Hope you all have a great sunday.Sheena
Dear Sheena,
Oh, I’m so happy Ray has 100,000 likes!!! I would be at Dirty Doodle today if I were in MA but alas, I’m in CA clear on the other side of the country. Have you checked out the video of Ray running in circles? SO CUTE! Have a good day, Hugs from me, puppy kisses from The Pack.
On a perfect autumn morning ,the great and the good came to the Cenotaph in London to honour the Glorious Dead.We ordinary mortals stood in silence for 2 minutes, recalling the millions of men and women(not forgetting the millions of horses, dear Hovis)who, through no fault of their own, paid the ultimate sacrifice in the cause of freedom.As I look around the World today, and view modern warfare,I only see that mankind has not learned by their mistakes. LEST WE FORGET.Hugs Sheena
Amen, Sheena.
Sheena. All too true my dear friend. However the hope for peace always springs eternal, and peace will overcome. Blessed are the peace makers like Z, who chooses to be kind.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Beautifully said. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Amen from me too, Sheena. Very beautiful. Hugs, Sandy
Darlene Daniels
Beautifully said Sheena. Thank You.
Dear Max If only we were all like Z , so full of love and kindness. I too, live in hope,for there is much kindness in this world and I found it right here on this blog. We must spread the word.Hugs Sheena
Allie in Texas
Goldencents has been busy on Twitter with Beholder. So funny. Wonder if Zenyatta has a favorite horse that she tweets…
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Very funny – thanks Allie. He had mentioned Beholder on his FB page, but I didn’t realize that it was this serious. Hope he can keep his mind on business when he gets to NY!
Thanks Allie. What fun. Hope they keep it up for some time.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Could someone please tell me what “out” means when looking at sale results (such as Keeneland)? Does it mean the horse was withdrawn? (out of the sale?) or the horse is out being examined or tested, or the horse is out in the pasture, or what????
Terry Crow
Sandy-Out means out of the sale.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks Terry. Interesting.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP and Sandy:
Terry, could be due to medical reasons maybe? Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Either that or the consigner changed its mind.
Dear Judy Goodnight God bless you,Lola Mae,Charlie,Hudson and all the Sweeties Sleep well.Love and hugs SheenaX
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
you too sheena <3 hugs/prayers xxx
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT and all the Sweeties
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
happy sun zsters ♥
When You’re Worn
During my nearly forty years on this planet, I’ve traveled through several seasons of life where only one word can be used to describe my state of being: worn.
The last time I felt that way passed by just a few months ago. Nothing catastrophic was bombarding my world. I wasn’t sick or clinically depressed. I was simply exhausted by an army of everyday burdens that seemed to have banded together with the mission of taking me down.
Have you been there? I’m guessing you have been.
When a culture brimming with deadlines, conflicting priorities, information overload, and technical connectivity is thrown smack-dab into a broken, hurt-filled world, populations of worn people become as much a fact of life as sunshine and rain.
Here are five scriptures that I read and reread when my spirit needs refreshing.
Romans 5:1-5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Hebrews 11:1-3 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
Psalm 25:5 Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.
Psalm 119: 25-27 Cause me to understand the way of your precepts,that I may meditate on your wonderful deeds. My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. Keep me from deceitful ways; be gracious to me and teach me your law.
-Devotional excerpt by Angela from (in)courage.
@vicki b – enjoyed the artical. i can truly relate to wahat jeff lukas went thru.
its stilltough to deal with…..
@kathy – perfect devo for me today ♥
god bless & hugs/prayers ♥
Allie in Texas
Was thrilled to hear that Ebby is back at Hollywood with Shirreffs. Stay strong, Eblouissante and know how much you are loved. Prayed very hard for a good outcome, but this is UNBELIEVABLE. STAY STRONG.
Bluegrass Girl
Eblouissante Back at Hollywood With Shirreffs
By Blood-Horse Staff Updated: Sunday, November 10, 2013 7:05 PM
Eblouissante, half sister to 2010 Horse of the Year Zenyatta, has returned to Betfair Hollywood Park after being purchased for $2.1 million Nov. 5 at the Keeneland November breeding stock sale.
The daughter of Bernardini and Vertigineux was part of a dispersal following the death of owner/breeder Eric Kronfield in May at age 71. The 4-year-old was acquired
by Ian Banwell’s St. George Farms Stable and will remain with trainer John Shirreffs.
Read more on BloodHorse.com: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/81970/eblouissante-back-at-hollywood-with-shirreffs#ixzz2kIu4P8VK
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this update on E. Just wonderful to know she’s back with JS and Mario. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Am looking forward to more photos and videos from Florida! Just think in about 7 months, we could see Coz in his debut as a two year old!
Does anyone know if John has ever commented as to why he didn’t protest the track vet and the gate crew not scratching Ebby in the Shuvee? She was bleeding, had two broken teeth, it was totally unfair that she was not scratched and that this race is on her record. At the very least, the vet and whoever was in charge of the gate crew should have been reprimanded. Puts other horses at risk of being mistreated in those situations. I know it’s easier to let what’s done be done, sometimes, and maybe that is how John decided to just let it go, but I still get steamed every time I read anything about her and the comment is she finished last in the Shuvee. She was last out of the gate, was bumped, never got closer than 5th, then dropped back in 6th place. Just curious how these things get decided, if anyone knows.
Surely Coz doesn’t have to contend with a chain around his head and over his nose. There are true horsemen and women in this country who don’t need chains to operate
horses. Hire them! Look for those who practice the Tom Dorrance & Ray Hunt methods.
All involved will be better off.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Susie, this is an intact Thoroughbred colt, old enough to be hormonal, who’s just learning his business. He probably weighs half a ton by now. The shank is for his safety as well as everyone else’s. The Mayberrys know what they’re doing.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Susie:
Laura J is so right. With my limited experience around horses, even I have seen how quickly they can become frightened and react. They’re beautiful huge creatures and when frightened things can go wrong very quickly.
The Mayberry’s will take all the precautions necessary to protect COZ and his handlers. They trained Z; they’re the best. God willing he’ll always be safe and sound. Hugs, JB
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Look at what happened to Jeff Lukas. There are probably insurance concerns that govern how personnel handle horses. This is a horrible example, but, on or about the first day that Zenny arrived at Lane’s End, 4 of their yearlings were being led to a paddock and all four got loose and were killed on the highway. (It was reported in the media). Oftentimes what looks harsh to lay people there are reasons for practices to be in place to secure both horses and people.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
The Mayberry Farm, the owner & those she has working for her are the best and realize the enormous responsiblity to Coz and many others there. It is a serious business for them. I have visited and I have met Jeannie and her right hand people. I have watched grooms and jockeys at work. Coz is in a great place like his mama Z had been, otherwise Ann & Jerry would not place Coz there.
Just thought I would speak my two cents worth.
hugs, Sally B
Dear Sue Beautiful prayers .Loved reading themWe all get worn by the burdens of everyday life sometimes,my mum’s cure-all was a cup of tea!hugs Sheena
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
your welcome sheena :)
i agrre w/ ur mom – tea is calming :)
i’d be honored to keep in touch w/u outside this blog thru email.
my email is vampressdanser@gmail.com
hugs/prayers, vamp
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
sweet dreams queen Z & offspring
Today, God’s message for you is that you are a success. Look at your progress, look at what you’ve overcome, and look at the way your choices have changed in learning through the path you’ve been on. Look at where you are today, and know that you are as successful as anyone.
hugs/prayers, vamp
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
Thank you for the prayers. Hope you are feeling better. Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
ur welcome jb
well i’m sleeping a little better rthan i was but stillam having severe weakness & paralysis problems.
plz cont to pray for a miracle for me.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, Prince 2 and Baby Z:
Sweet Dreams. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
@Barbara Wood-Another great win for Baylor. Looking better and better. Looks like a top bowl game is in the offing. @Debbie G-Good effort by Kentucky with the usual result.
November 11 Cherokee Devotional
Thank a veteran for your freedom.
We can go inside our minds and close the door so tightly that we can’t get out and nothing good can get in. It is not a good life when thought and attention are so riveted on what is wrong that nothing good can be seen.
Do you want a full life? Then let go of negativity and claim the Living Words of life. Do you want a full life? Then let go of ingratitude and give thanks. Do you want a full and victorious life? Then close the door on trouble and say, “I will reach for the all that promises fullness of life.”
Now that I am to speak, the sun, the moon, the earth, the air, the waters, the birds and beasts, even children unborn shall rejoice at my words.
-Chief Cochise, Chiricahua Apache
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
What splendid, positive thoughts. Thank you for sharing them. Love and Hugs, JB
You’re welcome, Judy. Hugs back.
Shari Voltz
Dear Zenyatta it’s Dalton again I hope you haven’t forgot about me
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, Dalton! It is so nice to see you posting a message for our Zenny. I have been friends with Zenyatta for several years now and if there is one thing I know about her it is that she loves hearing from boys and girls just like you. I’m sure she has not forgotten you! She is kind, gentle and loving with all of her friends. I know it will make her very happy to hear from you. How fun that Ms. Voltz shares Zenyatta and all of the other horses with her students. What a wonderful teacher you have. I hope you continue to watch Zenyatta’s races. She worked very hard in her races coming from so far behind. I know you work hard too!! Listen to Ms. Voltz and do your best, just like Zenny!! Zenyatta’s friend, Dawn.
Hi Dolton
I am a friend of Mrs. Volts and the Queen Zenyatta. I hope you have fun learning about Zenny and her boys.
Cozmic One is now in training learning how to become a racing horse like his Mom.
The Red Prince is playing and enjoying his friends.
We call him that because he has not been given a name yet.
There are friends from all over the world to meet here on Zennys blog.
Lets see h how many states and countries you can connect with. I am from Florida and you are in Ohio. That is 2. KEEP COUNTING HAVE FUN
Sue your new friend from the Sunshine state.
Dear Kathy Today at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month we remember all those, who gave their lives so we might live.
Poor ray was sooo tired after all the wadies kissing him! am waiting Boo’s Monday message.Hugs to you Holly,Sugar and Nikko have a great day Sheena
Dear Sheena,
Yes, the ultimate sacrifice. We thank them today and every day.
Ray is so precious. I would have kissed him too had I been there.
Looking forward to Boo and Buddy right along with you.
Enjoy your day. Hugs from me, puppy kisses from The Pack.
Bluegrass Girl
Steve Haskin tweet Monday Nov. 11 2013
If you haven’t watched @ErnieMunick BC video on YouTube, the BC is not complete. Typically brilliant & entertaining as only Ernie can do it
“Mucho” Dinero at Breeders’ Cup 30
Excellent recap of the Breeders’ Cup. Great find, BGG.
Ann NC
Very enjoyable, thanks, BGG.
Bluegrass Girl
Max & Ann
Glad you enjoyed it
Some excellent footage of Mike Smith & Gary Stevens
And, lots of up-close & personal moments you don’t see anywhere else.
Makes me smile every time I watch it–feels like you are really there.
You’re right. Loved those sequences about Mike and Gary. Great shots of all of the horses, especially Dan and the finish in the Classic.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thank you for this video. Great one. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Great look back at some of the highlights and lots of things I sure didn’t get to see myself! Thanks BGG :-)
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Happy Vet’s DAy Zsters :)
You Make A Difference
God is using you for His special purpose.
To Shine His light.
To Share His love.
To Shape His People.
You are making a difference in ways you don’t even realize. And you’re very much appreciated.
God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8
god bless u all especially all our soldiers/vets
hugs/prayers, vamp
@Sheena and Mad Moose fans. Moosie has at last broken tweet silence. He’s competing at Cheltenham next Sunday, or maybe not. Have to see what Moosie does on the day.
Ann NC
Thanks, Max.
See Moosie Run.
See Moosie Jump.
Just do it, Moosie!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max, Sheena and Ann:
Go Moosie Go (toward the finish line). Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. You need to tell him to run as fast as he can to the finish line before the other horses get there. In his last race with a starting gate, he walked out a few steps, stopped, looked around and watched calmly as the other horses raced on. Then it was back to the barn for lunch and a rest. Moose, you are an equine enigma. But very clever.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
What a character Moosie is. He’s a lot like Charlie, I think, not just in looks. Hope he decides to run fast and toward the finish line, not the barn, on Sunday. Whatever he decides to do, I love him. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. The ironic thing about Mad Moose is that he is owned by a group which includes Richard Hannon who is the top UK trainer this year and has been most other years. We will see if the horse psychologist has made any headway with Moosie, although I think that Gary deals mostly with gate issues. No gates for jump horses. Moose has a mind of his own, and does what he wants, and gets away with it.
Dear Max First day I’ve haven’t been on Moosie’s twitter and he’s running or not maybe??? Is a great meet at Cheltenham this weekend 3 whole days!!! hugs Sheena
Sheena. All horses keep their secrets, but none more than the elusive Moosie. As TC might say, even when you know, you never know. Moose power.
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. Calif. ♥
♥ Saratoga WarHorse (HRTV special) ♥
If you don’t have HRTV, or you missed it, this is a MUST WATCH program. It’s only 27 mintues long – I strongly suggest a tissue! I’ve watched it 4 times and it touches me to the core! How appropo this Veterans Day ♥
If this was previously posted I missed it so forgive me for reposting :-)
Auntie Judy
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Auntie Judy:
Thanks for this video link. Great organization.
One of Russ’s nurse’s sons served in Iraq and he was having problems when he got home. I had heard about the Saratoga War Horse Program and I told her about it. Don’t know if he ever contacted them, but they have helped a lot of soldiers and horses as well. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Wonderful documentary. Thank you!
Dear Judy Goodnight God bless you, Lola Mae, Charlie,Hudson and all the Sweeties. So glad you enjoyed Nerissa’s blog,He’s a boy BTW.Remembering your Russ, a proud marine today. We have so much to thank them for. Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Didn’t realize Nerissa is a boy. Beautiful name. Thanks for remembering my Russ. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT and all the Sweeties